Number of items: 34.
Taylor, E. N.
ORCID:, Channa, K., Hanks, J. and Taylor, N. M.
Milk recording data indicates the importance of fertility, including age at first calving, on the progression of first lactation cows to second lactation.
PLoS ONE, 19 (1).
ISSN 1932-6203
Lellman, S. E., Reynolds, C. K.
ORCID:, Jones, A. K. B., Taylor, N. and Cramer, R.
LAP-MALDI MS profiling and identification of potential biomarkers for the detection of bovine tuberculosis.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 71 (37).
pp. 13899-13905.
ISSN 1520-5118
Piras, C., Hale, O. J., Reynolds, C. K.
ORCID:, Jones, A. K., Taylor, N., Morris, M. and Cramer, R.
Speciation and milk adulteration analysis by rapid ambient liquid MALDI mass spectrometry profiling using machine learning.
Scientific Reports, 11 (1).
ISSN 2045-2322
Archer, M., Taylor, N., Hanks, J. and Gadanakis, Y.
An analysis of recovery probability from high somatic cell counts in UK dairy cows.
Veterinary Evidence, 4 (4).
ISSN 2396-9776
Yakobson, B., Taylor, N., Dveres, N., Rotblat, S., Spero, Ż., Lankau, E. W. and Maki, J.
Impact of rabies vaccination history on attainment of an adequate antibody titre among dogs tested for International Travel Certification, Israel - 2010-2014.
Zoonoses and public health, 64 (4).
pp. 281-289.
ISSN 1863-2378
Bisdorff, B., Schauer, B., Taylor, N., Rodriguez-Prieto, V., Comin, A., Brouwer, A., Dorea, F., Drewe, J., Hoinville, L., Lindberg, A., Martinez-Aviles, M., Martinez-Lopez, B., Peyre, M., Pinto Ferreira, J., Rushton, J., Van Schaik, G., Stark, K. D. C., Staubach, C., Vicente-Rubiano, M., Witteveen, G., Pfeiffer, D. and Hasler, B.
Active animal health surveillance in European Union Member States: gaps and opportunities.
Epidemiology and Infection, 145 (4).
pp. 802-817.
ISSN 1469-4409
Kairu-Wanyoik, S. W., Taylor, N. M., Heffernan, C. and Kiara, H.
Micro-economic analysis of the potential impact of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia and its control by vaccination in Narok district of Kenya.
Livestock Science, 197.
pp. 61-72.
ISSN 1871-1413
Hulaj, B., Çabeli, P., Goga, I., Taylor, N., Hess, C. and Hess, M. l.
Survey of the prevalence of Salmonella species on laying hen farms in Kosovo.
Poultry Science, 95 (9).
pp. 2030-2037.
ISSN 1525-3171
Taylor, N. M., Wales, A. D., Ridley, A. M. and Davies, R. H.
Farm level risk factors for fluoroquinolone resistance in E. coli and thermophilic Campylobacter spp. on poultry farms.
Avian Pathology, 45 (5).
pp. 559-568.
ISSN 1465-3338
Yakobson, B., Taylor, N., Dveres, N., Rozenblut, S., Tov, B. E., Markos, M., Gallon, N., Homer, D. and Maki, J.
Cattle rabies vaccination—a longitudinal study of rabies antibody titres in an Israeli dairy herd.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 121 (1-2).
pp. 170-175.
ISSN 0167-5877
Yakobson, B., Goga, I., Freuling, C. M., Fooks, A. R., Gjinovci, V., Hulaj, B., Horton, D., Johnson, N., Muhaxhiri, J., Recica, I., David, D., O’Flaherty, R., Taylor, N., Wilsmore, T. and Müller, T.
Implementation and monitoring of oral rabies vaccination of foxes in Kosovo between 2010 and 2013—An international and intersectorial effort.
International Journal of Medical Microbiology, 304 (7).
pp. 902-910.
ISSN 1438-4221
Kairu-Wanyoike, S. W., Kiara, H., Heffernan, C., Kaitibie, S., Gitae, G. K., McKeever, D. and Taylor, N. M.
Control of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia: knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and practices in Narok district of Kenya.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 115 (3-4).
pp. 143-156.
ISSN 0167-5877
El Masry, I., Rijks, J., Peyre, M., Taylor, N., Lubroth, J. and Jobre, Y.
Modelling influenza A H5N1 vaccination strategy scenarios in the household poultry sector in Egypt.
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 46 (1).
pp. 57-63.
ISSN 1573-7438
Kairu-Wanyoike, S. W., Kaitibie, S., Heffernan, C., Taylor, N. M., Gitau, G. K., Kiara, H. and McKeever, D.
Willingness to pay for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia vaccination in Narok South District of Kenya.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 115 (3-4).
pp. 130-142.
ISSN 0167-5877
Kairu-Wanyoike, S. W., Kaitibie, S., Taylor, N. M., Gitau, G. K., Heffernan, C., Schnier, C., Kiara, H., Taracha, E. and McKeever, D.
Exploring farmer preferences for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia vaccination: a case study of Narok District, Kenya.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 110 (3-4).
pp. 356-369.
ISSN 0167-5877
Lynen, G., Yrjö-Koskinen, A. E., Bakuname, C., Di Giulio, G., Mlinga, N., Khama, I., Hanks, J., Taylor, N. M., James, A. D., McKeever, D., Peters, A. R. and Rushton, J.
East Coast fever immunisation field trial in crossbred dairy cattle in Hanang and Handeni districts in northern Tanzania.
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 44 (3).
pp. 567-572.
ISSN 1573-7438
Hanks, J. and Taylor, N.
Benchmarking and setting intervention targets for key cell count parameters.
UK Vet Livestock, 17 (1).
pp. 34-38.
Honhold, N., Taylor, N., Mansley, S., Kitching, P., Wingfield, A., Hullinger, P. and Thrusfield, M.
Control of foot-and-mouth disease.
Veterinary Record, 168 (20).
pp. 541-542.
ISSN 0042-4900
Allison, K., Taylor, N. M., Wilsmore, A. J. and Garforth, C.
Equine anthelmintics: survey of the patterns of use, beliefs and attitudes among horse owners in the UK.
Veterinary Record, 168 (18).
pp. 483-488.
ISSN 0042-4900
Rushton, J., Viscarra, R. E., Taylor, N., Hoffman, I. and Schwabenbauer, K.
Poultry sector development, highly pathogenic avian influenza and the smallholder production systems.
CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 5 (030).
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 1749-8848
Taylor, N. M., Clifton-Hadley, F. A., Wales, A. D., Ridley, A. and Davies, R. H.
Farm-level risk factors for fluoroquinolone resistance in E-coli and thermophilic Campylobacter spp. on finisher pig farms.
Epidemiology and Infection, 137 (8).
pp. 1121-1134.
ISSN 0950-2688
Tena-Martinez, M. J., Val-Arreola, D., Hanks, J. D. and Taylor, N. M.
The use of early lactation milk protein content to predict subsequent fertility performance and likelihood of culling, in commercial dairy cows.
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 18 (2).
pp. 209-220.
ISSN 1230-1388
Taylor, N. M., Davies, R. H., Ridley, A., Clouting, C., Wales, A. D. and Clifton-Hadley, F. A.
A survey of fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli and thermophilic Campylobacter spp. on poultry and pig farms in Great Britain.
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 105 (5).
pp. 1421-1431.
ISSN 1364-5072
Rushton, J., Viscarra, R., Otte, J., McLeod, A. and Taylor, N.
Animal health economics: where have we come from and where do we go next?
CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 2 (031).
ISSN 1749-8848
Kitching, R. P., Taylor, N. M. and Thrusfield, M. V.
Vaccination strategies for foot-and-mouth disease.
Nature, 445 (7128).
ISSN 0028-0836
Kitching, R. P., Thrusfield, M. and Taylor, N. M.
Use and abuse of mathematical models: an illustration from the 2001 foot and mouth disease epidemic in the United Kingdom.
Revue Scientifique Et Technique-Office International Des Epizooties, 25 (1).
pp. 293-311.
ISSN 0253-1933
Muraguri, G. R., McLeod, A. and Taylor, N.
Estimation of milk production from smallholder dairy cattle in the coastal lowlands of Kenya.
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 36 (7).
pp. 673-684.
ISSN 0049-4747
Honhold, N., Taylor, N.M., Wingfield, A., Einshoj, P., Middlemiss, C., Eppink, L., Wroth, R. and Mansley, L.M.
Evaluation of the application of veterinary judgement in the pre-emptive cull of contiguous premises during the foot and mouth disease epidemic in Cumbria in 2001.
Veterinary Record, 155.
pp. 349-355.
Honhold, N., Taylor, N.M., Mansley, L.M. and Paterson, A.D.
Relationship of speed of slaughter on infected premises and intensity of culling of other premises to the rate of spread of the foot-and-mouth epidemic in Great Britain, 2001.
Veterinary Record, 155.
pp. 287-294.
Taylor, N.M., Honhold, N., Paterson, A.D. and Mansley, L.M.
Risk of foot and mouth disease associated with proximity in space and time to infected premises and the implications for control policy during the 2001 epidemic in Cumbria.
Veterinary Record, 154.
pp. 617-626.
Leon, E. A., Madec, F., Taylor, N. M. and Kobisch, M.
Seroepidemiology of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in pigs from farrow-to-finish farms.
Veterinary Microbiology, 78 (4).
pp. 331-341.
ISSN 0378-1135
Book or Report Section
McLeod, A., Taylor, N., Lan, L.T.K., Thuy, N.T., Dung, D.H. and Minh, P.Q.
The potential impact of Vietnam’s entry to the WTO on the livelihoods of smallholder pig producers and small pig traders.
In: Owen, E., Smith, T., Steele, M.A., Anderson, S., Duncan, A.J., Herrero, M., Reynolds, C.K., Richards, J.I. and Ku-Vera, J.C. (eds.)
Responding to the livestock revolution – the role of globalisation and implications for poverty alleviation.
Nottingham University Press, Nottingham.
ISBN 9781904761518
Taylor, N. and Hinrichs, J.
Designing and implementing livestock value chain studies: a practical aid for Highly Pathogenic and Emerging Disease (HPED) control.
FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines (10).
FAO, Rome, pp43.
ISBN 9789251071397
Taylor, N. and Rushton, J.
A value chain approach to animal diseases risk management: technical foundations and practical framework for field application.
FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines, 4.
FAO, Rome, pp121.
ISBN 978925106868
This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 06:12:46 2025 UTC.