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Number of items: 115.


Adams, A. A., Lubega, J., Walmsley, S. M. and Williams, S. A. (2004) The effectiveness of assessment learning objects produced using pair programming. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 2 (2). pp. 247-256. ISSN 1479-4403

Alexandrov, V. and Zlatev, Z. (2004) Using Parallel Monte Carlo Methods in Large Scale Air Pollution Modeling. Lecture Notes In Computer Science (3039). pp. 491-498.

Alexandrov, V., Owczarz, W., Thomsen, P. G. and Zlatev, Z. (2004) Parallel runs of a large air pollution model on a grid of Sun computers. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 65. pp. 557-577.

Alexandrov, V., Thandavan, A. and Kacsuk, P. (2004) Using P-GRADE for Monte Carlo Computations in a Distributed Environment. Lecture Notes In Computer Science (No. 3039). pp. 475-482.

Becerra, V. M. (2004) Solving optimal control problems with state constraints using nonlinear programming and simulation tools. IEEE Transactions on Education, 47 (3). pp. 377-384. ISSN 0018-9359 doi:

Bouloubasis, A. and McKee, G.T. (2004) Systems Design for Working Rovers. SPIE Technical Newsletter on Robotics and Machine Perception, 13 (2). p. 4.

Cadenas , O. and Megson, G. (2004) A clocking technique for FPGA pipelined designs. Journal of Systems Architecture, 50 (11). pp. 687-696. ISSN 1383-7621 doi:

Cheng, X. (2004) Index Condition of Resolution. International Journal of Automation and Computing. ISSN 1476-8186

Cheng, X. (2004) Topology Control of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks for Energy Efficiency. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 53 (12). pp. 1629-1635.

Evans, M. P. and Walker, A. (2004) Using the web graph to influence application behaviour. Internet Research, 14 (5). pp. 372-378. ISSN 1066-2243 doi:

Evans, M. P., Newman, R., Millea, T. A., Putnam, T. and Walker, A. (2004) The effects of web logs and the semantic web on autonomous web agents. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3280. pp. 676-687. ISSN 0302-9743 doi:

Galvao, R. K. H., Becerra, V., Calado, J. M. F. and Silva, P. M. (2004) Linear-wavelet networks. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 14 (2). pp. 221-232. ISSN 1641-876X

Galvao, R. K. H., Becerra, V. M. , Calado, J. and Silva, P. (2004) Nonlinear system identification using linear-wavelet models. Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 14 (2). pp. 221-232.

Galvao, R. K. H., Becerra, V. M. and Abou-Seada, M. (2004) Ratio selection for classification models. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 8 (2). pp. 151-170. ISSN 1384-5810

Gong, Y. and Cowan, C.F.N. (2004) Optimum decision delay of the finite-length DFE. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 11 (11). pp. 858-861. ISSN 1070-9908 doi:

Gong, Y. and Cowan, C.F.N. (2004) Structure adaptation of linear MMSE adaptive filters. IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing, 151 (4). pp. 271-277. ISSN 1350-245X doi:

Huang, L. and Zheng, F.-C. (2004) Space-time blind multiuser detection for multirate DS/CDMA signals. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 53 (6). pp. 1746-1755. ISSN 0018-9545 doi:

Koolpiruck, D., Prakoonwit, S. and Balachandran, W. (2004) Numerical modeling of inhaled charged aerosol deposition in human airways. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 40 (5). pp. 1239-1248. ISSN 0093-9994 doi:

McElligott, R. T., McKee, G. T. and Green, A. (2004) A Mars Station Online Robot Arena. SPIE Technical Newsletter on Robotics and Machine Perception, 13 (2). pp. 6-7.

Murgia, A., Kyberd, P. J., Chappell, P. H. and Light, C. M. (2004) Marker placement to describe the wrist movements during activities of daily living in cyclical tasks. Clinical Biomechanics, 19 (3). pp. 248-254. ISSN 0268-0033 doi:

Shirsavar, S. A. (2004) Teaching Practical Design of Switch-Mode Power Supplies. IEEE Transactions on Education, 47 (4). pp. 467-473.

Snook, C. F. and Harrison, R. (2004) Experimental comparison of the comprehensibility of a Z specification and its implementation in Java. Information and Software Technology, 46 (14). pp. 955-971. ISSN 0950-5849 doi:

Walker, G. C., Berry, E., Smye, S. W. and Brettle, D. S. (2004) Materials for phantoms for terahertz pulsed imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49 (21). N363-N369. ISSN 1361-6560 doi:

Walker, G. C., Berry, E., Smye, S. W., Zinov'ev, N. N., Fitzgerald, A. J., Miles, R. E., Chamberlain, M. and Smith, M. A. (2004) Modelling the propagation of terahertz radiation through a tissue simulating phantom. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49 (10). pp. 1853-1864. ISSN 1361-656) doi:

Warwick, K. (2004) Cyborg morals, cyborg values, cyborg ethics. Ethics and Information Technology, 5 (3). pp. 131-137.

Warwick, K. (2004) Review of "Natural Born Cyborgs" by A. Clark. Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, 4 (3). pp. 325-327.

Warwick, K. (2004) What Types of Cyborg Implants are Available Now?

Warwick, K. (2004) Mind Blending. People Management, 10 (7). pp. 32-33.

Warwick, K., Gasson, M. N., Hutt, B., Goodhew, I., Kyberd, P., Schulzrinne, H. and Wu, X. (2004) Thought communication and control: a first step using radiotelegraphy. IEE Proceedings-Communications, 151 (3). pp. 185-189. ISSN 1350-2425 doi:

Warwick, K., Hutt, B.D. and Goodhew, I. (2004) Emergent Behaviour in Autonomous Robots. Information Transfer in Biological Systems (Design in Nature Series, eds Bryant, J., Atherton, M. and Collins, M.), 2.

Yang, X. F. and Megson, G. M. (2004) Fault tolerance of Mobius cubes under two forbidden fault set models. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 81 (8). pp. 909-916. ISSN 0020-7160 doi:

Yang, X. F., Chen, B., Megson, G. M. and Evans, D. J. (2004) Global attractivity in a recursive sequence. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 158 (3). pp. 667-682. ISSN 0096-3003 doi:

Yang, X. F., Evans, D. J. and Megson, G. M. (2004) On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices (II). International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 81 (10). pp. 1175-1185. ISSN 0020-7160 doi:

Yang, X. F., Evans, D. J., Chen, B., Megson, G. M. and Lai, H. J. (2004) On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 81 (5). pp. 515-525. ISSN 0020-7160 doi:

Yang, X. F., Evans, D. J., Lai, H. J. and Megson, G. M. (2004) Generalized honeycomb torus is Hamiltonian. Information Processing Letters, 92 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN 0020-0190 doi:

Yang, X. F., Lai, H. J., Evans, D. J. and Megson, G. M. (2004) Global asymptotic stability in a rational recursive sequence. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 158 (3). pp. 703-716. ISSN 0096-3003 doi:

Yang, X. F., Megson, G. M. and Evans, D. J. (2004) Locally twisted cubes are 4-pancyclic. Applied Mathematics Letters, 17 (8). pp. 919-925. ISSN 0893-9659 doi:

Yang, X. and Megson, G.M. (2004) On the double-vertex-cycle-connectivity of crossed cubes. Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 19 (1). pp. 11-18.

Zheng, F.-C. and Burr, A.G. (2004) Signal detection for non-orthogonal space-time block coding over time-selective fading channels. IEEE Communications Letters, 8 (8). pp. 491-493. ISSN 1089-7798 doi:

Book or Report Section

Alexandrov, V., Alexandrov, N. S., Bhana, I. and Johnson, D. (2004) The E-Learning Grid: Peer-to-peer Approach. In: Computer Aided Design Meets Computer Aided Learning. Kluwer Academic, pp. 133-142.

Bartels, M. and Linfoot, S. (2004) An analysis of real time implementation of Fourier transform-based frequency recognition algorithms. In: 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Proceedings. Ieee, New York, pp. 128-132. ISBN 0780385268

Bhana, I., Johnson, D. and Alexandrov, N. S. (2004) Supporting ad hoc collaborations in peer-to-peer networks. In: Bader, D. A. and Khokhar, A. A. (eds.) Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems. International Society Computer S & Their Applications (ISCA), pp. 491-496. ISBN 1880843528

Cadenas , O., Brandt, M. A., Megson, G. and Goswami, N. (2004) Investigation into low power of a 2D Inverse Discrete CosineTransform (IDCT) in FPGAs. In: 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Proceedings. IEEE, New York, pp. 465-469. ISBN 0780385268

Cadenas, O. and Megson, G. M. (2004) Fractal quantization. In: 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Proceedings. IEEE, New York, pp. 461-464. ISBN 0780385268

Deng, J. M. and Becerra, V. M. (2004) Application of constrained predictive control on a 3D crane system. In: 2004 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, Vols 1 and 2. Ieee, New York, pp. 583-587. ISBN 0780386450

Gong, Y. and Cowan, C.F.N. (2004) A novel variable tap-length algorithm for linear adaptive filters. In: Proceedings of 2004 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing. IEEE Press, pp. 825-828. ISBN 0780384849

Guo, Y.J. and Zheng, F.-C. (2004) Multiple antennas. In: Guo, Y.J. (ed.) Advanced Technologies for Radio Access Networks. Artech House, Boston, pp. 101-131. ISBN 9781580537278

Haworth, G. M. ORCID: and Andrist, R. B. (2004) Model endgame analysis. In: van den Herik, H. J., Iida, H. and Heinz, E. A. (eds.) Advances in Computer Games: Many Games, Many Challenges. Advances in Computer Games, 135 (10). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell MA, pp. 65-79. ISBN 9781402077098

Lewis, G. J., Hasan, S. M. and Alexandrov, V. N. (2004) Building collaborative environments for advanced computing. In: Bader, D. A. and Khokhar, A. A. (eds.) Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems. International Society Computer S & Their Applications (Isca), Raleigh, pp. 497-502. ISBN 1880843528

Li, Y., Cheng, X., Li, Z., Ouyang, D., Cheng, M., Yu, X. and Zhong, S. (2004) Semantic organization to enhance active learning based on distributed multimedia educational resources. In: 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Proceedings. IEEE, New York, pp. 436-441. ISBN 0780385268

Martinez, G. and Becerra, V. M. (2004) Preliminary results from a real time control system using optical information. In: 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Vols 1-7. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Conference Proceedings. IEEE, pp. 5923-5928. ISBN 0780385667

Shackelford, M. and Corne, D. W. (2004) A technique for evaluation of interactive evolutionary systems. In: Parmee, I. C. (ed.) Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture Vi. Springer-Verlag London Ltd, Godalming, pp. 197-208. ISBN 1852338296

Tamplin, J. A. and Haworth, G. M. ORCID: (2004) Chess endgames: data and strategy. In: van den Herik, H. J., Iida, H. and Heinz, E. A. (eds.) Advances in Computer Games: Many Games, Many Challenges. Advances in Computer Games (10). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell MA, pp. 81-96. ISBN 9781402077098

Warwick, K. (2004) Intelligent Robots or Cyborgs. In: Rothenberg, D. and Pryor, W. (eds.) Chapter in Writing the Future: Progress and Evolution. MIT Press.

Warwick, K., Karny, M., Guy, T., Kracik, J. and Goodhew, I. (2004) Framework for Multisensory Convergence, Multiple Participant Decision Making. In: Andrysek, J. , Karny, J. and Kracik, J. (eds.) Advanced Knowledge International, International Series on Advanced Intelligence. UNSPECIFIED, Prague, pp. 63-74.

Warwick, K. and Gasson, M. N. (2004) Practical interface experiments with implant technology. In: Sebe, N., Lew, M. S. and Huang, T. S. (eds.) Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3058. Springer, pp. 7-16. (ECCV 2004 Workshop on HCI)

Zheng, F.-C. and Burr, A.G. (2004) Orthogonal space-time block coding over time-selective fading channels: a PIC detector for the Gi systems. In: IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conferences, 1. IEEE Press, pp. 389-393. ISBN 0780382552 doi:

Zheng, F.-C. and Burr, A.G. (2004) Orthogonal space-time block coding over time-selective fading channels: a PIC detector for the Hi systems. In: Proceedings 2004 IEEE international conference on communications. IEEE Press, pp. 687-691. ISBN 0780385330 doi:

Conference or Workshop Item

Anthe, C., Heinzlreiter, P. , Haffegee, A. and Volkert, J. (2004) Message Traffic in a Distributed Virtual Environment for Close-Coupled Collaboration. In: Proc. of 17 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, San Francisco.

Baker, D. I., McKee, G.T. and Schenker, P. S. (2004) Networked Robotics, a framework for Dynamic Configurable Architectures. In: Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Sendai, Japan.

Baker, M. and Smith, G. (2004) Ubiquitous grid resource monitoring. In: The third UK e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM2004), 31st August - 3rd September 2004, Nottingham.

Bonacin, R., Baranauskas, M. C. and Liu, K. (2004) From Ontology Charts to Class Diagrams: Semantic Analysis aiding systems design. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Porto.

Cadenas , O. (2004) Retiming for quick performance of a pipelined IDEA FPGA design. In: International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, Colima, Mexico.

Cadenas , O. and Megson, G. M. (2004) A FPGA Pipelined Backward Adaptive Scalar Quantizer. In: IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals and Systems 2004, Clearwater, Florida, USA.

Chan, M.T. and Liu, K. (2004) Semantic Analysis and Dynamic Representation for Collaborative Design of Distributed Multimedia Systems. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Xiamen, China.

Cuadrado-Gallego, J., Dolado, J., Rodriguez, D. and Sicilia, M. (2004) The Second Level Input Variables for Software Cost Estimation Models. In: 14th International Workshop on Software Measurement, Berlin, Germany.

Dove, M., Alexandrov, V., Lewis, G. and Hasan, S. M. (2004) Collaborative tools in support of the eMinerals Virtual Organisation. In: Proceedings of All Hands Meeting, Nottingham.

Gong, Y. and Cowan, C. F. N. (2004) Totally adaptive filters. In: Irish Signals and Systems Conference 2004 (ISSC 2004), July 2004, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Gong, Y. and Cowan, C.F.N. (2004) A variable time lag algorithm for the FIR equalizer. In: The 12th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2004), September, 2004, Vienna, Austria.

Goodhew, I. and Warwick, K. (2004) A robot head for multi-sensor fusion. In: Proc. International Symposium on Robotics, Paris.

Guy, C. (2004) Quality of Service Aspects in Wireless Networks. In: The 2nd International Conference on Wireless Communications and Information, October 2004, Berlin.

He, X., Ma, X., Cheng, X. and Zhong, S. (2004) A Mobile Agent Based Intrusion Detection System. In: UNSPECIFIED, Liverpool, UK.

Huang, W. and Guy, C.G. (2004) A Study of Constraint-based Routing with MPLS. In: Proceedings of LCS 04, London, UK.

Hutt, B.D. and Warwick, K. (2004) Museum robots: multi-robot systems for public exhibition. In: Proc. International Symposium on Robotics, 2004, Paris.

Johns, K., Williams, S.A. , K., B. and L., S. (2004) Uses of a Learning Object. In: TEL '03 Proceedings: International Conference on Technology-enhanced Learning.

Joshi, B., Corne, D.W., Boother, J. and Williams, S. (2004) State-of-the-art Techniques for Intelligent Resource Planning. In: Business in a Changing Environment: tti2004 Conference, Edinburgh, UK.

Kern, M., Browne, W.N. and Sharkey, P.M. (2004) Toward Evolutionary Design: First Steps. In: Proc. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, Washington.

Koolpiruck, D., Prakoonwit, S. and Balachandran, W. (2004) Deposition of charged inhaled aerosols with transient airflow in sequential lung airway model. In: Industry Applications Conference, 2004. 39th IAS Annual Meeting. the 2004 IEEE , 3-7 Oct 2004, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK, pp. 941-947. doi:

Li, C. and Becerra, V.M. (2004) Limit equation of fuzzy relation and its application. In: 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, The Hague, The Netherlands.

Li, C., Becerra, V.M. and Deng, J. (2004) Extension of fuzzy c-means algorithm. In: 2004 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Singapore.

Li, Y. and Cheng, X. (2004) Agent-based Grid Platform for Active E-Learning. In: Proceedings of the IEEE SMC UK-RI 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Cybernetic Systems, Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

Li, Y. and Cheng, X. (2004) An Analogy-based Memory Model. In: Proceedings of the IEEE SMC UK 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Cybernetic Systems, Londonderry, Nor.

Li, Y. and Cheng, X. (2004) Formal Analysis for Dynamic Planning of Intelligent Agents. In: Proceedings of the IEEE SMC UK-RI 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Cybernetic Systems, Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

Li, Z., Cheng, X. and Jiang, Y. (2004) Model-based Diagnosis Using Replacement. In: Proceedings of the CACSUK 2004, Liverpool, UK.

Linfoot, S. and Cobb, A. (2004) A Study of the Impact of Introducing Year 5 Students to University and Electronic Engineering. In: Engineering Education Conference, Wolverhampton.

Liu, X. and Cheng, X. (2004) Optimization for Network Management. In: Proceedings of the CACSUK 2004, Liverpool, UK.

Lubega, J. and Williams, S.A. (2004) Patterns of Use when Interacting with a Managed Learning Environment. In: Proceedings: EdMedia 2004 World Conference on Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunication, Lugano, Switzerland.

Ma, X. and Cheng, X. (2004) Verifying Cryptographic Protocols. In: Proceedings of the IEEE SMC UK & RI 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Cybernetic Systems, Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

Martinez, G. and Becerra, V. M. (2004) Optic Flow as the basis for a Real Time Controller. In: 7th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Madrid, Spain.

McKee, G. T., Baker, D. I. and Schenker, P.S. (2004) Network robotics: Dynamic reconfigurable architectures. In: Proceedings SPIE Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXII: Algorithms, Techniques and Active Vision.

McKee, G.T. (2004) Human-Robot Interaction: Leaders, Followers, Teachers and Learners. In: Proceedings of the AAAI'04 Workshop on Supervisory Control of Learning and Adaptive Systems, San Jose, CA.

McKee, G.T., Baker, D.I. and Schenker, P.S. (2004) Robot Scpaces, Module Networks and Distributed Robot Architectures. In: Proceedings of the IROS 2004 Workshop on Networked Robotics:issues, architectures and applications, Sendai, Japan.

Murgia, A. and Kyberd, P. J. (2004) Hand biomechanics in healthy subjects performing activities of daily living: analysis of the movement patterns of wrist, metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints. In: XVth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology, Boston, USA.

Murgia, A., Kyberd, P. J. and Chappel, P. H. (2004) Similarities in the patterns of the movements of shoulder, elbow and wrist joints during cyclical tasks in healthy subjects. In: IMEKO, IEEE, SICE 2nd International Symposium on Measurement Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions. 1st Mediterranean Conference on Measurement, Genoa, Italy.

Ouyang, D. and Cheng, X. (2004) Hierarchical Model-based Diagnosis. In: Knowledge Economy Meets Science and Technology, Beijing, China.

Pšenicka, B., Garcia-Ugalde, F., Ruiz, V.F. and Bustamante Bello, R. (2004) Methodological procedure in the design of bandpass and stopband wave digital filters. In: 6th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing and its Applications, Moscow, Russia, pp. 197-204.

Rodriguez, D. , Satpathy, M. and Pfahl, D. (2004) Effective Software Project Management Education through Simulation Models: an Externally Replicated Experiment. In: Proc. of the 5th International Conference, PROFES 2004, LNCS.

Satpathy, M., Siebel, N.T. and Rodriguez, D. (2004) Assertions in Object Oriented Software Maintenance: Analysis and a Case Study. In: Conference on Software Maintenance, Chicago.

Schenker, P.S. and McKee, G.T. (2004) Networked Robotics and Space Applications. In: Proceedings of the IROS 2004 Workshop on Networked Robotics: issues, architectures and applications, Sendai, Japan.

Skakni, R. and Guy, C. G. (2004) Performance Analysis of a Limited-Contention MAC Protocol. In: Proceedings of LCS 04, London, UK.

Sun, P., Ma, X., Cheng, X., Yu, X. and Zhong, S. (2004) Knowledge Management for E-Learning System. In: Proceedings of the CACSUK 2004, Liverpool, UK.

Tan, S. and Liu, K. (2004) Requirements Engineering for Organisational Modelling. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Porto, Portugal.

Vanoncini, M. and Andrews, B.J. (2004) Evaluation of user-interfaces for FES systems by means of a dual-task experiment. In: Proceedings of the 9th annual conference of the IFESS and 2nd conference of FESnet.

Walker, A. and Evans, M. P. (2004) A random walk web crawler with orthogonally coupled heuristics. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Network Conference (INC 2004), Plymouth, UK.

Warwick, K. (2004) Linking Human and Machine Brains - Why you should volunteer. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Creative Thinking.

Warwick, K. and Gasson, M. N. (2004) Extending the human nervous system through Internet implants - Experimentation and impact. In: 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, 10-13 Oct 2004, The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 2046-2052. (Vol 2., ISBN 0780385667)

Yu, X. and Cheng, X. (2004) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on Wiener Filter over Wavelet Domain. In: IEEE SMC 2004, Tudelft.

Yu, X. and Cheng, X. (2004) Hierarchical Spatial Reasoning. In: Proceedings of the CACSUK 2004, Liverpool, UK.

Yu, X. and Cheng, X. (2004) Research of Independent Component Analysis. In: IEEE SMC 2004, Tudelft.

Zhang, C. and Guy, C.G. (2004) COPS Usage for Qos management between TE-SIP server and GWLSR over a SIP over MPLS network. In: Proceedings of The 2004 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications, Sendai,.Matsushjima, Miyagi-Pref., Japan.

Zhang, C. and Guy, C.G. (2004) Policy with COPS for Traffic Engineering on a SIP over MPLS network. In: Proceedings of PREP 2004, University of Hertfordshire.

Zhang, D., Zhong, S. and Cheng, X. (2004) Actively Supply Personalized Educational Resources for Elementary Schools. In: Proceedings of the CACSUK 2004, Liverpool, UK.


Liu, K., ed. (2004) Virtual, Distributed and Flexible Organisations - Studies in Organisational Semiotics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 1402021615

Warwick, K. (2004) March of the Machines. University of Illinois Press, pp307. ISBN 0252072235

Warwick, K. (2004) I, Cyborg. University of Illinois Press (Reprint edition), pp320. ISBN 0252072154

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