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Number of items: 146.

Adams, A. and Williams, S. A. (2005) Customer-Driven Development for Rapid Production of Assessment Learning Objects. In: 4th European Conference on e-Learning, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Ahmida, Z., Charef, A. and Becerra, V. M. (2005) Stabilising solution to a class of nonlinear optimal state tracking problem using radial basis function networks. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 15 (3). 369 - 387.

Al-Khalifah, A.H., Wolff, R., Alexandrov, V.N. and Roberts, D.J. (2005) Case Study: Interacting with Volumetric Medical Datasets in Networked CAVE Environments. In: Visualization and Data Analysis 2005. SPIE Proceedings , 5669 (350). SPIE Press. doi:

Alexandrov, E. S., Alexandrov, V. N., Bhana, I. M. and Johnson, D. (2005) The E-Learning Grid: Integrating E-Pedagogy with Novel Technologies. In: Proc. of the Interactive Computer-aided Learning 05 Conference Addendum, 2005, Villach, Austria.

Alexandrov, N.S., Ramirez, R. and Alexandrov, V.N. (2005) Novel Pedagogical Paradigms Facilitating Mixed Mode and Collaborative Learning. In: Proceedings of the Interactive Computer-aided Learning 05 Conference Addendum, Villach, Austria.

Alexandrov, V. and Karaivanova, A. (2005) Finding the smallest eigenvalue by the inverse Monte Carlo method with refinement. In: Sunderam, V. S., VanAlbada, G. D., Sloot, P. M. A. and Dongarra, J. J. (eds.) Computational Science - Iccs 2005, Pt 3. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3516. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, pp. 766-774. ISBN 0302-9743 3-540-26044-7

Alexandrov, V. N., Atanassov, E., Dimov, I., Branford, S., Thandavan, A. and Wiehrauch, C. (2005) Parallel Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithms for Matrix Computations. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 3516. 752 - 759. doi:

Andrist, R. B. and Haworth, G. M. ORCID: (2005) Deeper model endgame analysis. Theoretical Computer Science, 349 (2). pp. 158-167. ISSN 0304-3975 doi:

Anthes, C., Haffegee, A., Heinzlreiter, P. and Volkert, J. (2005) A Scalable Architecture for Closely Coupled Collaboration. Computing and Informatics, 24 (1). 31 - 51.

Becerra, V. M., Galvao, R. K. H. and Abou-Seada, M. (2005) Neural and wavelet network models for financial distress classification. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 11 (1). pp. 35-55. ISSN 1384-5810 doi:

Becerra, V.M., Cook, S. and Deng, J. (2005) Predictive computer-torque control of a PUMA 560 manipulator robot. In: Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic.

Benjamin, R. and Prakoonwit, S. (2005) 3D scanning by multiple fan beam X-ray sources and sensors. Sensor Review, 25 (1). pp. 51-55. ISSN 0260-2288 doi:

Bhana, I. and Johnson, D. (2005) A peer-to-peer approach to content dissemination and search in collaborative networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3516. pp. 391-398. ISSN 0302-9743

Bhana, I.M. and Johnson, D. (2005) Knowledge Management for Collaborative Learning. In: Proc. of the Interactive Computer-aided Learning 05 Conference, Villach, Austria.

Bishop, J. M. and Nasuto, J. S. (2005) Second-order cybernetics and enactive perception. Kybernetes, 34 (9-10). pp. 1309-1320. ISSN 0368-492X doi:

Bouloubasis, A. K. and McKee, G. T. (2005) Cooperative transport of extended payloads. In: 2005 12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics. Ieee, New York, pp. 882-887. ISBN 0780391772

Bourzutschky, M. S., Tamplin, J. A. and Haworth, G. M. ORCID: (2005) Chess endgames: 6-man data and strategy. Theoretical Computer Science, 349 (2). pp. 140-157. ISSN 0304-3975 doi:

Branford, S., Weihrauch, C. and Alexandrov, V. (2005) A sparse parallel hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm for matrix computations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3516. pp. 743-751. ISSN 0302-9743

Browne, W. and Scott, D. (2005) An abstraction algorithm for genetics-based reinforcement learning. In: GECCO 2005, Washington DC, USA.

Cadenas , O., Megson, G. and Jones, D. (2005) FPGA organization for the fast path-based neural branch predictor. In: Brebner, G., Chakraborty, S. and Wong, W. F. (eds.) FPT 05: 2005 IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Technology, Proceedings. IEEE, New York, pp. 251-257. ISBN 0780394070

Cadenas , O., Megson, G. and Jones, D. (2005) Implementation of a block based neural branch predictor. In: Proceedings 8th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, Porto, Portugal.

Cadenas , O., Megson, G. and Jones, D. (2005) A new organization for a perceptron-based branch predictor and its FPGA implementation. In: Smailagic, A. and Ranganathan, N. (eds.) IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, Proceedings - NEW FRONTIERS IN VLSI DESIGN. IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, pp. 305-306. ISBN 076952365X

Calleja, S., Bruin, R.P., Tucker, M.G., Dove, M.T., Tyer, R.P., Blanshard, L.J., Kleese van Dam, K., Allan, R.J., Chapman, C., Emmerich, W., Wilson, J.G., Brodholt, J., Thandavan, A. and Alexandrov, V.N. (2005) Collaborative grid infrastructure for molecular simulations: The eMinerals minigrid as a prototype integrated computer and data grid. Molecular Simulation, 35 (5). pp. 303-313. doi:

Cao, C., Liu, K., Alexandrov, V., Peters, S. and Gan, R. (2005) Using Organisation Semiotics in Modelling Procurement Systems. In: Proceedings of The 11th Asia Pacific Management Conference, Taiwan.

Cerqui, D. and Warwick, K. (2005) Can (and why should) converging technologies bridge the gap? In: Proc. 6th International Conference of Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry, Enschede, The Netherlands.

Chan, M. T. and Liu, K. C. (2005) Applying semiotic analysis to the design and modeling of distributed multimedia systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3168. pp. 437-447. ISSN 0302-9743 doi:

Cheng, X., He, X., Ma, X., Zhou, D., Duan, P. and Zhong, S. (2005) An Agent Based Education Resource Purvey System. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3801. pp. 381-386. doi:

Cheng, X., Ma, X., Wang, L. and Zhong, S. (2005) A Mobile Agent Based Spam Filter System. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3801. pp. 423-428. doi:

Cook, S., Harrison, R. and Wernick, P. (2005) A simulation model of self-organising evolvability in software systems. In: IEEE International Workshop on Software Evolvability, Proceedings. Ieee Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, pp. 17-22. ISBN 0769524605

Cuadrado, J.J., Sicilia, M.A., Garcia, E. and Rodriguez, D. (2005) First International Workshop on the evolution of the guide to the software engineering body of knowledge. In: COMPSAC 05, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Dimov, I., Geernaert, G. and Zlatev, Z. (2005) Fighting the Great Challenges in Large-scale Environmental Modelling. In: Proc. NATO ARW'04, Advances in Air Pollution Modelling for Environmental Security, Borovetz, Bulgaria.

Dimov, I., Gurov, T. and Penzov, A. (2005) A Monte Carlo Approach for the Cook -Torrance Model. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 3401. 257 - 265. doi:

Dimov, I., Ostromsky, T. and Zlatev, Z. (2005) Challenges in Using Splitting Techniques for Large-Scale Environmental Modeling. In: Proc. NATO ARW'04, Advances in Air Pollution Modeling for Environmental Security, Borovetz, Bulgaria.

Dove, M.T., Artacho, E., White, T.O., Bruin, R.P., Tucker, M.G., Murray-Rust, P., Allan, R.J., Kleese van Dam, K., Smith, W., Tyer, R.P., Todorov, I.T., Emmerich, W., Chapman, C., Parker, S.C., Marmier, A., Alexandrov, V. N., Lewis, G.J., Hasan, S.M., Thandavan, A., Wright, K., Catlow, C.R.A., Blanchard, M., De Leeuw, N.H., Du, Z., Price, G.D., Brodholt, J. and Alfredsson, M. (2005) The eMinerals project: developing the concept of the virtual organisation to support collaborative work on molecular-scale environmental simulations. In: Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2005, Nottingham.

Dove, M.T., Calleja, S., Bruin, R.P., Wakelin, J., Tucker, M.G., Lewis, G.J., Hasan, S.M., Alexandrov, V.N., Keegan, M., Tyer, R.P., Todorov, I.T., Wilson, P.B., Alfredsson, M., Price, G.D., Chapman, C., Emmerich, W., Wells, S.A., Marmier, A., Parker, S.C. and Du, Z. (2005) The eMinerals Collaboratory: Tools and Experience. Molecular Simulation, 31 (5). 329 - 337. doi:

Dove, M.T., White, T.O., Bruin, R.P., Tucker, M.G., Calleja, S., Artacho, E., Murray-Rust, P., Tyer, R.P., Todorov, I.T., Allan, R.J., Kleese van Dam, K., Chapman, C., Smith, W., Emmerich, W., Parker, S.C., Lewis, G.J., Hasan, S.M., Thandavan, A., Alexandrov, V. N., Blanchard, M., Wright, K., Catlow, C.R.A., de Leeuw, N.H., Alfredsson, M., Price, G.D. and Brodholt, J. (2005) escience usability: the eMinerals experience. In: Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2005, Nottingham.

Evans, M. P. and Furnell, S.M. (2005) A model for managing and migrating web resources, best technology practices in higher education. Information Today . 177 - 192.

Evans, M. P., Griffiths, D. and Putnam, T. (2005) Applying the semantic web to the domain of software development. In: Proc. of the Fifth International Network Conference (INC 2005), Samos, Greece.

Evans, M. P., Newman, R., Putnam, T. and Griffiths, D. (2005) Search adaptations and the challenges of the web. IEEE Internet Computing, 09 (3). 19 - 26. ISSN 1089-7801 doi:

French, T. and Liu, K. (2005) Trust for E-Commerce: Probing Trust Semiosis Using Morris' Action as Meaning Paradigm. In: Proceedings of ALOIS 2005, Limerick, Ireland.

Gao, L. P. and Linfoot, S. L. (2005) A novel soft decision QAM demodulator for DVB-T for multipath system. In: Bradbeer, R. S. and Shum, Y. H. (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Consumer Electronics 2005. IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics. Ieee, New York, pp. 348-352. ISBN 0780389204

Garre, M., Cuadrado, J.J., Sicilia, M.A., Garcia, E., Rodriguez, D. and Charro, M. (2005) Segmented Parametic Software Estimation Models: Using the EM algorithm with the ISBSG 8 database. In: 27th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI 2005), Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Gasson, M. N. (2005) Extending human interaction via invasive neural implants. PhD thesis, University of Reading.

Gasson, M. N., Wang, S.Y., Aziz, T.Z., Stein, J.F. and Warwick, K. (2005) Towards a Demand Driven Deep-Brain Stimulator for the Treatment of Movement Disorders. In: 3rd IEE International Seminar on Medical Applications of Signal Processing (MASP 2005), 3-4 November, London, UK, pp. 83-86.

Gasson, M. N., Hutt, B. D., Goodhew, I., Kyberd, P. and Warwick, K. (2005) Invasive neural prosthesis for neural signal detection and nerve stimulation. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 19 (5). pp. 365-375. ISSN 0890-6327 doi:

Gee, F. C., Browne, W. N. and Kawamura, K. (2005) Uncanny Valley revisited. In: 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. Ieee, New York, pp. 151-157. ISBN 0780392744

Gong, Y. and Cowan, C. F. N. (2005) An improved variable tap-length algorithm for structure adaptation. In: 13th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2005), 4-7 Sep 2005, Antalya, Turkey. (Paper no. cr1031)

Gong, Y., Bhatia, V., Mulgrew, B. and Cowan, C. F. N. (2005) A non-parameteric ML estimator with unknown channel order. In: 13th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2005), 4-7 Sep 2005, Antalya, Turkey. (Paper no. cr1091)

Gong, Y. and Cowan, C. F. N. (2005) Equalisation with adaptive time lag. IEE Proceedings: Communications, 152 (5). pp. 661-667. ISSN 1350-2425 doi:

Gong, Y. and Cowan, C. F. N. (2005) An LMS style variable tap-length algorithm for structure adaptation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 53 (7). pp. 2400-2407. ISSN 1053-587X doi:

Guo, Q., Ruiz, V.F. and Shao, J. (2005) A study of edge enhancement in mammographic images. In: Proc. of the IEEE EMBSS UKRI Postgraduate Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Reading, UK.

Guo, Q., Ruiz, V.F., Shao, J. and Guo, F. (2005) A Novel Approach to Mass Abnormality Detection in Mammographic Images. In: Proc. of the IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering - BIOMED 2005, Innsbruck, Austria.

Guo, Q., Ruiz, V.F. and Shao, J. (2005) Investigation of a Support Vector Machine for the Detection of Architectural Distortion in Mammographic Images. In: Proc. of the Sensors and their Applications XIII, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK.

Guo, Q., Shao, J. and Ruiz, V. (2005) Investigation of support vector machine for the detection of architectural distortion in mammographic images. In: Prosser, S. and Yan, Y. (eds.) Sensors & Their Applications XIII. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 15. Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol, pp. 88-94. ISBN 1742-6588 doi:

Guy, C. (2005) Quality time [QoS in 802.11e]. Communications Engineer, 3 (1). pp. 36-39. ISSN 1479-8352 doi:

Guy, C. (2005) Quality of Service in Mobile Networks. In: 3rd International Conference on Wireless Communications and Information, October 2005, Berlin.

Guy, C. G. (2005) Quality time [802.1 1e]. Communications Engineer, 3 (1). 36 - 39. ISSN 1479-8352

Haffegee, A., Jamieson, R., Anthes, C. and Alexandrov, V. (2005) Tools for Collaborative VR Application Development. In: International Conference in Computational Science, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Hasan, S.M., Lewis, G.J., Alexandrov, V.N., Dove, M.T. and Tucker, M.G. (2005) Multicast Application Sharing Tool for the Access Grid Toolkit. In: Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2005, Nottingham.

Haworth, G. M. ORCID: (2005) 6-man chess solved. ICGA Journal, 28 (3). p. 153. ISSN 1389-6911

Haworth, G. M. ORCID: (2005) Chess endgame news. ICGA Journal, 28 (4). p. 243. ISSN 1389-6911

He, R., Zhong, S., Cheng, X. and Ma, X. (2005) A Personalised Search Engine for Chinese Educational Resources. In: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE SMC UK-RI Conference on Applied Cybernetics (AC2005), London, UK.

He, X. and Cheng, X. (2005) A Mobile Agent Model for Agent-Based Intrusion Detection System. In: Proc. of the 2005 IEEE SMC UK-RI Conference on Applied Cybernetics (AC2005), London, UK.

Henk, W.M., Gazendam, R.J. and Liu, K. (2005) Organisational Semiotics. In: Proceedings of the IASS 2004 Conference, Lyon.

Huang, L. and Zheng, F.-C. (2005) Blind channel estimation for multi-rate multicarrier DS/CDMA communications. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 12 (2). pp. 69-78. ISSN 1572-8129 doi:

Hutt, B. and Warwick, K. (2005) Synapsing variable length crossover: An algorithm for crossing and comparing variable length genomes. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3630. pp. 926-935. ISSN 3540288481

Johnson, D., Bhana, I.M. and Urmetzer, F. (2005) Harnessing Mobile Technology for Classroom Learning. In: Proc. of the Interactive Computer-aided Learning 05 Conference, Villach, Austria.

Jones, R., Wood, S. J. and Kyberd, P. J. (2005) Control of a compliant two-axis robotic arm. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 27 (2). pp. 89-102. ISSN 1477-0369 doi:

Kyberd, P., Chappell, P.H., Murgia, A. and Light, C.M. (2005) Southampton hand assessment procedure - A simple tool for measuring hand function. In: Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy (EFSHT), Goteborg, Sweden.

Larsen, E.M., Alexandrov, N.S. and Alexandrov, V.N. (2005) Building Virtual Organizations for E-Learning. In: Proceedings of the Interactive Computer-aided Learning 05 Conference Addendum, Villach, Austria.

Lewis, G. J., Hasan, S. M. and Alexandrov, V. N. (2005) Collaborative virtual environment for advanced computing. Computing and Informatics, 24 (1). pp. 67-83. ISSN 1335-9150

Lewis, G. J., Hasan, S. M., Alexandrov, V. N., Dove, M. T. and Calleja, M. (2005) Multicast application sharing tool - Facilitating the eMinerals virtual organisation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3516. pp. 359-366. ISSN 0302-9743 3540260447

Lewis, G. J., Sipos, G., Urmetzer, F., Alexandrov, V. N. and Kacsuk, P. (2005) The collaborative P-GRADE grid portal. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3516. pp. 367-374. ISSN 0302-9743 3-540-26044-7 doi:

Li, C. and Becerra, V.M. (2005) Towards robustness via fuzzy c-means algorithm. In: Fuzzy Logic, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence Theory and Applications. IFSA 2005 World Congress, Beijing, China.

Linfoot, S. L. and Gao, L. P. (2005) A relative path attenuation approximation algorithm for DVB-T systems. In: Bradbeer, R. S. and Shum, Y. H. (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Consumer Electronics 2005. IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics. Ieee, New York, pp. 343-347. ISBN 0780389204

Linfoot, S. and Cobb, A. (2005) A study into the impact of introducing Year 5 students to university and electronic engineering. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 42 (1). pp. 96-106. ISSN 0020-7209

Liu, K. and Fu, Y. (2005) Interoperability for Digital Learning Resource Management. In: Proceedings of The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Taiwan.

Ma, X. and Cheng, X. (2005) Formal Verification of Merchant Registration Phase of SET Protocol. In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of Chinese Automation and Computing Society in UK (CACSUK 2005), Sheffield, UK.

Ma, X. and Cheng, X. (2005) Formal Verification of Network Security Protocols. Journal of ACE-UK, 11 (1). pp. 17-20.

Ma, X. and Cheng, X. (2005) Verifying Cryptographic Protocols. The IEEE Journal of Intelligent Cybernetics Systems, 2005 (1). 9 -14.

Ma, X., Cheng, X., Cheng, M. and Huang, S. (2005) Proving Secure Properties of Cryptographic Protocols. In: Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC2005), Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Martinez, G. and Becerra, V. M. (2005) Results of applying sensor fusion to a control system using optic flow. In: Armada, M. (ed.) Climbing and Walking Robots. Springer, New York, pp. 367-375. ISBN 3540229922

Murgia, A., Kyberd, P. and Barnhill, T. (2005) A study of functional impairment due to distal radial fractures using motion analysis techniques. In: Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH), Goteborg, Sweden.

Murgia, A., Kyberd, P., Chappell, P.H. and Light, C.M. (2005) The use of gait analysis techniques in the measure of hand function. In: Journal of Hand Surgery (British and European).

Nichol, R., Smith, G., Miller, C., Freeman, P., Genovese, C., Wasserman, L., Bryan, B., Gray, A., Schneider, J. and Moore, A. (2005) Massive Science with VO and Grids. In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV, Ocotber 2005.

Nichol, R., Smith, G., Miller, C., Genovese, C., Wasserman, L., Bryan, B., Gray, A., Schneider, J. and Moore, A. (2005) Statistical computations with AstroGrid and the Grid. In: Phystat 2005, 12th - 15th September 2005, Oxford, pp. 167-172. doi:

Ostromsky, T., Dimov, I. and Zlatev, Z. (2005) Parallel implementation and one year experiments with the Danish Eulerian Model. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 3401. 440 - 447. doi:

Pritchard, L., Corne, D., Kell, D., Rowland, J. and Winson, M. (2005) A general model of error-prone PCR. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 234 (4). pp. 497-509. ISSN 0022-5193 doi:

Putnam, T. and Evans, M. P. (2005) Agent-driven competitive markets as a basis for self-composing autonomic systems. In: Proc. of the Fourth Annual ISOneWorld Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

Roberts, D.J., Al-Liabi, M., Wolff, R., Otto, O. and Al-Khalifah, A.H. (2005) Reducing Fragmentation in Telecollaboration by Using IPT Interfaces. In: Immersive Projection Technology (IPT) & EGVE Workshop, Aalborg University, Denmark.

Rodriguez, D. (2005) Empirical Software Engineering Research: Epistemological and Ontological Foundations. In: First workshop on Ontology, Conceptualization and Epistemology for Software and Systems Engineering, ONTOSE 2005, Madrid, Spain.

Rodriguez, D., Sicilia, M.A., Cuadrado, J.J. and Pfahl, D. (2005) e-learning in project management using simulation models: a case study based on the replication of an experiment. IEEE Transactions on Education, 49 (4). pp. 451-463. ISSN 0018-9359 doi:

Ruiz, M., Cuadrado, J.J., Sicilia, M.A. and Rodriguez, D. (2005) Using simulation to determine the sensibility of error sources for software effort estimation models. In: International Workshop on software metrics, IWSM 2005, Montreal, Canada.

Sahin, C., Thandavan, A. and Alexandrov, V. N. (2005) Grid Enablement of the Danish Eulerian Air Pollution Model. In: High Performance Computing and Communications: First International Conference, HPCC 2005, Sorrento, Italy.

Sicilia, M.A., Cuadrado-Gallego, J. and Rodriguez, D. (2005) Ontologies of software artifacts and activities: Resource annotation and application to learning technologies. In: 2005 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, Taipai, Taiwan.

Sipos, G., Lewis, G. J., Kacsuk, N. and Alexandrov, V. N. (2005) Workflow-oriented collaborative grid portals. In: Sloot, P. M. A., Hoekstra, A. G., Priol, T., Reinefeld, A. and Bubak, M. (eds.) Advances in Grid Computing - Egc 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3470. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, pp. 434-443. ISBN 0302-9743 3-540-26918-5

Sipos, G., Lewis, G.J., Kacsuk, P. and Alexandrov, V.N. (2005) Workflow-Orientated Collaborative Grid Portals. In: Proc. of European Grid Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Sipos, G., Nemeth, C., Lewis, G.J., Alexandrov, V. N. and Kacsuk, P. (2005) Executing Workflow Based Grid Applications with the Collaborative P-GRADE Portal. Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2005. UNSPECIFIED.

Smith, G. and Baker, M. (2005) Grid monitoring. In: Li, M. and Baker, M. (eds.) The Grid : core technologies. Wiley, pp. 153-236. ISBN 9780470094174

Song, Y., Gong, Y. and Kuo, S. M. (2005) A robust hybrid feedback active noise cancellation headset. IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 13 (4). pp. 607-617. ISSN 1063-6676 doi:

Spiers, A.J., Warwick, K. and Gasson, M. N. (2005) An Assessment of Invasive Neural Implant Technology. In: 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, pp. 737-744. (Schmorrow, D. D. (ed.) Foundations of Augmented Cognition, HC112005, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol 11. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Publ, Mahwah, ISBN 0805858067 )

Spiers, A.J., Warwick, K. and Gasson, M. N. (2005) Determining the Characteristics of Neural Implant Technology. In: 3rd IEE International Seminar on Medical Applications of Signal Processing , 3-4 November 2005, London, UK, pp. 77-81.

Standen, P.J., Brown, D., Sharkey, P.M. and Merrick, J. (2005) Special Issue on Disability, Rehabilitation and Virtual Reality. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 4 (4). pp. 259-260.

Tan, S. and Liu, K. (2005) Enterprise Infrastructure Planning - Modelling and Simulation Using the Problem Articulation Method. In: Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Miami, FL, USA.

Thandavan, A., Sahin, C. and Alexandrov, V.N. (2005) Experiences with the Globus toolkit on AIX and deploying the Large Scale Air Pollution Model as a grid service. Proceedings of the Cracow Grid Workshop '04. 412 - 418.

Venkatkumar, V. and Zheng, F.-C. (2005) On the performance of constellation rotated NO-STBC over correlated fading channels. In: Vehicular Technology Conference, 2005, 25-28 Sep 2005, Dallas, TX, pp. 1074-1078. doi:

Wang, Z. and Sharkey, P.M. (2005) Towards accurate and automatic morphing. In: Proc. SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXIII: Algorithm Techniques and Active Vision, Boston, MA, USA.

Wang, Z. and Sharkey, P.M. (2005) Two and three view geometry based on noisy data: an experimental evaluation. In: Proc. SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXIII: Algorithms and Active Vision, Boston, MA, USA.

Warwick, K. (2005) The Bionic Man. Land Rover Onelife (11). 24 -25.

Warwick, K. (2005) Cybernetics - The Way Ahead (Chapter). In: Lacko, B. and Sevcik, V. (eds.) Cybernetics in the 21st Century. Unicorn Press.

Warwick, K. (2005) Evolution: The end game for humans. In: Proc. 1st e-Golems Biennale Workshop, Prague.

Warwick, K. (2005) Human-Machine Convergence. Digit. 86 -90.

Warwick, K. (2005) Hybrid Intelligence: Practical experimentation in combining human and machine brains. In: Proc. International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications, Istanbul, Turkey.

Warwick, K. (2005) The Matrix: Our Future? In: Grau, C. (ed.) Philosophers Explore the Matrix. Oxford University Press.

Warwick, K. (2005) The fusion of man and machine. CNN Technology Vision .

Warwick, K. and Cerqui, D. (2005) Prospects for thought Communications. In: Proc. Ethicomp, Sweden.

Warwick, K. and Cerqui, D. (2005) Redesigning humankind. In: Proc. SPT Conference, Delft, The Netherlands.

Warwick, K. and Gasson, M. N. (2005) Human-machine symbiosis overview. In: Foundations of Augmented Cognition, HCII2005, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, pp. 729-736. (Schmorrow, D. D. (ed.), Vol 11. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Publ, Mahwah, ISBN 0805858067 )

Warwick, K., Gasson, M. N., Hutt, B. and Goodhew, I. (2005) An attempt to extend human sensory capabilities by means of implant technology. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC), 10-12 October, Waikoloa, Hawaii, pp. 1663-1668.

Warwick, K. (2005) E-medicine: connecting in to the network. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 57. S116-S116. ISSN 0022-3573

Warwick, K. (2005) Forward. In: De Garis, H. (ed.) "The Artilect War: Cosmists versus Terrans". ETC Publications.

Wu, Y. S. and Megson, G. (2005) Linear algorithm and hexagonal search based two-pass algorithm for motion estimation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3691. pp. 554-561. ISSN 0302-9743 3-540-28969-0

Wu, Y. S. and Megson, G. (2005) Linear predicted hexagonal search algorithm with moments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3644. pp. 136-145. ISSN 0302-9743 3-540-28226-2

Wu, Y. S. and Megson, G. (2005) Linear predicted two-pass hexagonal algorithm with parallel implementation for motion estimation. In: 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 191-196. ISBN 0780393139

Wu, Y. S. and Megson, G. (2005) Paralelled Two-Pass Hexagonal algorithm for motion estimation. In: Martin, D. C. (ed.) Eighth International Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, Proceedings. Ieee, New York, pp. 451-456. ISBN 0769524869

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