Items where Division is "Science" and Year is 2008
Number of items: 112. ArticleAbdullah, R., Hussain, A., Warwick, K. and Zayed, A. (2008) Autonomous intelligent cruise control using a novel multiple-controller framework incorporating fuzzy-logic-based switching and tuning. Neurocomputing, 71 (13-15). pp. 2727-2741. ISSN 0925-2312 doi: Al Eshaiker, S. Y. (2008) The use of computer-based learning tools for teaching and clinical purposes: Interactive computing strategy for Iraq. IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine, 3 (3). pp. 108-111. ISSN 1558-7908 Atanassov, E. and Dimov, I.T. (2008) What Monte Carlo models can do and cannot do efficiently? Applied Mathematical Modelling, 32 (8). pp. 1477-1500. ISSN 0307-904X doi: Baker, M. and Boakes, R. (2008) Slogger: a profiling and analysis system based on semantic web technologies. Scientific Programming, 16 (2-3). pp. 183-204. ISSN 1058-9244 doi: Baker, M.A., Carpenter, D.B. and Shafi, A. (2008) A buffering layer to support derived types and proprietary networks for Java HPC. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 8 (4). pp. 353-358. ISSN 1895-1767 Bartsch, M. and Harrison, R. (2008) An exploratory study of the effect of aspect-oriented programming on maintainability. Software Quality Journal, 16 (1). pp. 23-44. ISSN 0963-9314 doi: Bentley, R. and Boyle, G. (2008) Global oil production: forecasts and methodologies. Environment and Planning B-Planning & Design, 35 (4). pp. 609-626. ISSN 0265-8135 doi: Boness, K., Finkelstein, A. and Harrison, R. (2008) A lightweight technique for assessing risks in requirements analysis. IET Software, 2 (1). pp. 46-57. ISSN 1751-8806 doi: Branford, S., Sahin, C., Thandavan, A., Weihrauch, C., Alexandrov, V. N. and Dimov, I. T. (2008) Monte Carlo methods for matrix computations on the grid. Future Generation Computer Systems-the International Journal of Grid Computing Theory Methods and Applications, 24 (6). pp. 605-612. ISSN 0167-739X doi: Dimov, I., Dongarra, J., Madsen, K., Wasniewski, J. and Zlatev, Z. (2008) Special section: applications of distributed and grid computing. Future Generation Computer Systems-the International Journal of Grid Computing Theory Methods and Applications, 24 (6). pp. 582-584. ISSN 0167-739X doi: Dimov, I., Farago, I., Havasi, A. and Zlatev, Z. (2008) Different splitting techniques with application to air pollution models. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 32 (2). pp. 174-199. ISSN 0957-4352 Dimov, I., Geernaert, G. and Zlatev, Z. (2008) Impact of future climate changes on high pollution levels. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 32 (2). pp. 200-230. ISSN 0957-4352 Dimov, I., Philippe, B., Karaivanova, A. and Weihrauch, C. (2008) Robustness and applicability of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for eigenvalue problems. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 32 (8). pp. 1511-1529. ISSN 0307-904X doi: Ding, Z., Gong, Y., Ratnarajah, T. and Cowan, C.F.N. (2008) On the performance of opportunistic cooperative wireless networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 56 (8). 1236 -1240. ISSN 0090-6778 doi: Jamieson, R., Haffegee, A. and Alexandrov, V. (2008) Immersive co-operative psychological virtual environments (ICPVE). Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 5103. pp. 438-445. ISSN 0302-9743 978-3-540-69388-8 Liyanagunawardena, T. R. (2008) Measuring student perception and actual usage of online learning management system. Communications of the IBIMA, 4. pp. 165-168. ISSN 1943-7765 Meng, Q.Y. and Bentley, R.W. (2008) Global oil peaking: responding to the case for 'abundant supplies of oil'. Energy, 33 (8). pp. 1179-1184. ISSN 0360-5442 doi:
Warwick, C., Fisher, C., Terras, M., Baker, M., Clarke, A. Warwick, K. (2008) Brain is next in wiring up to the Internet. Oxford Times. p. 22. Warwick, K. and Battistella, C. (2008) Four weddings and a funeral: ethical issues surrounding the future of brain computer interfacing. Rivista di filosofia fondata da Vittorio Sainati, 51 (3). pp. 176-195. Warwick, K. (2008) Prosthetics: a user guide for posthumans. The American Journal of Psychology, 121 (1). pp. 161-166. ISSN 1939-8298 Warwick, K. (2008) Upgrading humans via implants - why not? 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century (7). ISSN 1755-1560 Warwick, K. and Ruiz, V. (2008) On linking human and machine brains. Neurocomputing, 71 (13-15). pp. 2619-2624. ISSN 0925-2312 doi: Wyatt, J., Browne, W. N., Gasson, M. N. and Warwick, K. (2008) Consumer robotic products: studying the factors that influence market adoption. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 15 (1). pp. 71-79. ISSN 1070-9932 doi: Yang, X.F., Megson, G.M., Tang, Y.Y. and Xing, Y.K. (2008) Largest connected component of a star graph with faulty vertices. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 85 (12). pp. 1771-1778. ISSN 0020-7160 doi: Zheng, F. C., Burr, A. G. and Olafsson, S. (2008) Near-optimum detection for distributed space-time block coding under imperfect synchronization. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 56 (11). pp. 1795-1799. ISSN 0090-6778 doi: Book or Report SectionAbu-Salim, K.F. and Gong, Y. (2008) Variable step LMS algorithm using the accumulated instantaneous error concept. In: Ao, S.I., Gelman, L., Hukins, D.W.L., Hunter, A. and Korsunsky, A.M. (eds.) World congress on engineering 2008. Lecture notes in engineering and computer science, 1-2. International Association of Engineers, Hong Kong, pp. 474-478. ISBN 9789889867195 Anrig, B., Browne, W. and Gasson, M. N. (2008) The role of algorithms in profiling. In: Hildebrandt, M. and Gutwirth, S. (eds.) Profiling the European citizen: cross-disciplinary perspectives. Springer, London, pp. 65-87. ISBN 9781402069130 Baker, M.A. (2008) Grid computing fundamentals. In: Bidgoli, H. (ed.) Encyclopaedia: the handbook of technology management. Wiley and Sons, Hoboken. ISBN 9780470249505 Becerra, V. M. (2008) Optimal control. In: Scolarpedia. Scolarpedia. Browne, W., Scott, D. and Ioannides, C. (2008) Abstraction for genetics-based reinforcement learning. In: Weber, C., Elshaw, M. and Mayer, N.M. (eds.) Reinforcement learning: theory and applications. I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, pp. 187-198. ISBN 9783902613141 Cerqui, D. and Warwick, K. (2008) Re-designing humankind: the rise of cyborgs, a desirable goal? In: Vermaas, P.E., Kroes, P.A., Light, A. and Moore, S. (eds.) Philosophy and design: from engineering to architecture. Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN 9781402065903 Cerqui, D. and Warwick, K. (2008) The rise of cyborgs: matter does not matter! In: Papilloud, C. (ed.) Cultural technologies within a technological culture: on the hybrid construction of social life. LIT Verlag, Zurich, pp. 153-167. ISBN 9783825811471 Dunk, A., Jamieson, R. and Alexandrov, V. (2008) Dynamic virtual environments using really simple syndication. In: Bubak, M., Dongarra, J., VanAlbada, G.D. and Sloot, P.M.A. (eds.) Computational science: international conference in computational science 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5103. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 429-437. ISBN 9783540693888 Guy, C.G. (2008) Research challenges for wireless sensor networks. In: Sieck, J. and Herzog, M.A. (eds.) Wireless communication and information: new technologies and applications. Verlag Werner Hulsbusch, Boizenburg, pp. 211-222. ISBN 9783940317278 Qi, J. and Aissa, S. (2008) Performance analysis of MIMO MRC in 3D mobile-to-mobile double-correlated channels. In: IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 - 2008 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. IEEE, pp. 1-5. doi: Smith, G. and Baker, M. (2008) A flexible monitoring and notification system for distributed resources. In: Tudruj, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing. IEEE Computer Soc, pp. 31-38. ISBN 9780769534725 Tang, L. and Guy, C. (2008) Energy saving in intelligent buildings - via energy harvesting in wireless sensor networks. In: Tavares, J. and Jorge, R. N. (eds.) Euromedia '2008. Eurosis, Ghent, pp. 92-94. ISBN 9789077381380 Warwick, K. (2008) Neural implants. In: Pang, A.S.K. (ed.) Berkshire encyclopedia of the twenty-first century. Berkshire Publishing Group, Great Barrington, Massachusetts. ISBN 9780977015962 Warwick, K. and Cerqui, D. (2008) Prospects for thought communication: brain to machine and brain to brain. In: Duquenoy, P., George, C. and Kimppa, K. (eds.) Ethical, legal, and social issues in medical informatics. Medical Information Science Reference. IGI Global, Hershey, pp. 273-290. ISBN 9781599047805 doi: Warwick, K. and Gasson, M. N. (2008) Implantable computing. In: Cai, Y. and Siekmann, J. (eds.) Digital human modeling: trends in human algorithms. Lecture notes in computer science, 4650. Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9783540894292 doi: Warwick, K. (2008) Reply [to 'Profiling and the identity of the European citizen']. In: Hildebrandt, M. and Gutwirth, S. (eds.) Profiling the European citizen. Springer Science and Business Media, New York, pp. 338-343. ISBN 9781402069130 doi: Conference or Workshop ItemAhmad, R., Zheng, F. and Drieberg, M. (2008) Impact of transmission errors in enhanced relay-enabled distributed coordination function. In: ACoRN multihop wireless networking workshop , Melbourne, Australia. Ahmad, R., Zheng, F., Drieberg, M. and Olafsson, S. (2008) Performance evaluation of enhanced relay-enabled distributed coordination function. In: 14th European Wireless Conference (EW 2008) , Prague, Czech Republic. doi: Ahmad, R., Zheng, F., Drieberg, M. and Olafsson, S. (2008) An enhanced relay-enabled medium access control protocol for wireless ad hoc networks. In: Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring 2008), Singapore. doi: Al Eshaiker, S. (2008) The feasibility of using distance collaborative learning tool for postgraduate medical students: a radiology study in Iraq as the case study. In: eLearning Excellence In The Middle East Forum, Dubai, UAE. Alexandrov, N. S., Alexandrov, V. and Ramirez-Velarde, R. (2008) Designing integrated learning process for Web 3.0 environments for education. In: Interactive Computer-aided Learning Conference (ICL 2008). Alexandrov, N. S., Alexandrov, V. and Ramirez-Velarde, R. (2008) Developing interactive 3D worlds for education. In: ICL. Baker, M., Grove, M., Fulford, M., O'Riordan, E., Warwick, C., Terras, M., Fisher, C. and Rains, M. (2008) VERA: virtual environment for research in archaeology. In: 4th International Conference on e-Social Science (NCeSS), Manchester, UK. Baumer, M., Seidler, P., Torkar, R., Tomaszewski, P., Damm, L.O. and Feldt, R. (2008) Predicting fault inflow in iterative software development processes: an industrial evaluation. In: 19th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Seattle, USA. Baxter, P. E. and Browne, W. (2008) Memory-based Embodied Cognition: a computational architecture. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Baxter, P. and Browne, W. (2008) Towards a developmental memory-based and embodied cognitive architecture. In: Epigenetic Robotics. Browne, W. (2008) Emotional cognitive steps towards consciousness. In: Nokia Workshop on Machine Consciousness 2008 , Helsinki, Finland. Burgess, J. G. (2008) Detection of Parkinson’s disease tremor-onset with a frequency analysing artificial neural network. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Cremonesi, P., Turrin, R. and Alexandrov, V. (2008) Modeling the effects of node heterogeneity on the performance of a real grid application. In: International Symposium on Performance Evaluation Computer and Telecommunication Systems 2008, Edinburgh, UK. Davis-Moradkhan, M. and Browne, W.N. (2008) A hybridised evolutionary algorithm for multi-criterion minimum spanning tree problems. In: 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2008) , Barcelona, Spain. doi: Ding, Z., Ratnarajah, T., Gong, Y. and Cowan, C.F.N. (2008) On the design of opportunistic cooperative transmission strategies with partial CSI information. In: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2008 (VTC Spring 2008), Singapore. doi: Dodiya, J. and Alexandrov, V. (2008) Navigation assistance for wayfinding in the virtual environments: taxonomy and a survey. In: 18th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2008), Yokohama, Japan. Dodiya, J. and Alexandrov, V. (2008) Use of auditory cues for wayfinding assistance in virtual environment: music aids route decision. In: 2008 ACM symposium on virtual reality software and technology , Bordeaux, France. doi: Downes, J. (2008) Real-Time software control of neural stimulation in a closed loop Animat system. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-28 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Drieberg, M., Zheng, F. and Ahmad, R. (2008) Performance evaluation of asynchronous channel assignment scheme for dense WLANs. In: 2nd ACORN Workshop on Cooperative Communications, Melbourne, Australia. Drieberg, M., Zheng, F.-C., Ahmad, R. and Olafsson, S. (2008) An asynchronous distributed dynamic channel assignment scheme for dense WLANs. In: Proc. of IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China. Drieberg, M., Zheng, F.C., Ahmad, R. and Olafsson, S. (2008) An asynchronous channel assignment scheme: performance evaluation. In: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring 2008), Singapore. doi: Duangsuwan, J. (2008) Multi-agent collaboration for decision support in shared zones of intelligent buildings. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Ellis, A. - L. (2008) Fusion of motion segmentation algorithms. In: SSE Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Evans, M.P. (2008) Applying the three forces of long tail economics to the individual blog. In: Seventh International Network Conference (INC 2008), 2008, Plymouth, UK . Eversham, J. D. (2008) Opportunities for improvements in flocking models. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Gasson, M. N. (2008) ICT implants: the invasive future of identity? In: 3rd IFIP/FIDIS, Karlstad, Sweden, 4-10 August 2007, Karlstad, Sweden, pp. 287-295. (Fischer-Hubner, S., Duquenoy, P., Zuccato, A. and Martucci, L. (eds.) Future of identity in the information society. Springer, New York, pp. 287-295. ISBN 9780387790251 ) Gasson, M. N., Warwick, K., Burgess, J.G. and Aziz, T.Z. (2008) Intelligent brain interfaces: a novel treatment for neurological disorders. In: 2008 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine Systems, 9-12 March, Athens, Greece, pp. 474-478. (DHMS08) Harris, J. (2008) Supporting multi-organisational collaborative groups in the public sector. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished)
Haworth, G. M. Ling, B., Tang, Y., Liu, K. and Neale, K. (2008) Adaptive project planning and management based on best practices - COBRA system. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, Reading, UK. (Unpublished) Liyanagunawardena, T. R. and Samarasinghe, K. (2008) Acceptable use policy and employee computer usage: case of Sri Lankan software development industry. In: 5th International Conference in Business Management (ICBM), 27 March 2008, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, Sri Lanka. Liyanagunawardena, T. R. and Samarasinghe, K. (2008) Computer misuse, policy and software organizations: case of Sri Lanka. In: 9th International Business Information Management Conference (IBIMA), 4-6 January 2008, Marrakesh, Morocco, pp. 786-790. Lundqvist, K. Ø., Baker, K. and Williams, S. (2008) An ontological approach to competency management. In: Proceedings of iLearn 2007, 29-31 January 2007 , Paris, pp. 1-4. Moosa, A. and Alsaffar, E.M. (2008) Proposing a hybrid-intelligent framework to secure e-government web applications. In: 2nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance , Cairo, Egypt. doi: Murgia, A., Wolff, R., Sharkey, P.M. and Clark, B. (2008) Low-cost optical tracking for immersive collaboration in the CAVE using the Wii remote. In: 7th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies with ArtAbilitation 2008, Maia & Porto, Portugal. Murgia, A., Wolff, R., Steptoe, W., Sharkey, P., Roberts, D., Guimaraes, E., Steed, A. and Rae, J. (2008) A tool for replay and analysis of gaze-enhanced multiparty sessions captured in immersive collaborative environments. In: 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications (DS-RT 2008), Vancouver, Canada. doi: Mushi, C. J. (2008) A design of benchmarking method for assessing performance of e-Government systems. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Nadan, T. (2008) Immersive Projection for biochemical pattern matching. In: SSE Systems Engineerig Conference, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Nimis, J., Anandasivam, A., Borissov, N., Smith, G., Neumann, D., Wirstrom, N., Rosenberg, E. and Villa, M. (2008) SORMA - business cases for an open grid market: concept and implementation. In: 5th International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Ongkosutjahjo, M. and Becerra, V.M. (2008) The unscented Utkin observer. In: 27th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control , Innsbruk, Austria. Ongkosutjahjo, M. and Becerra, V.M. (2008) Integrating the Utkin observer with the unscented Kalman filter. In: 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea. doi: Orito, Y., Murata, K., Fukuta, Y., McRobb, S. and Adams, A.A. (2008) Online privacy and culture: evidence from Japan. In: Ethicomp 2008, Mantua, Italy, pp. 614-622. Penzov, A.A., Dimov, I.T. and Koylazov, V.N. (2008) A new solution of the rendering equation with stratified Monte Carlo approach. In: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Psalidi, Greece. Penzov, A.A., Dimov, I.T. and Stoilova, S.S. (2008) Quasi Monte Carlo approach with uniform separation for solving of the rendering equation, ICNAAM 2007. In: International Conference on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Corfu, Greece. Penzov, A.A., Szirmay-Kalos, L., Dimov, I. and Szecsi, L. (2008) Monte Carlo algorithms for photo-realistic image creation by uniform separation of the integration domain. In: International Conference Automatics and Informatics, Bulgaria. Pratumshat, V. (2008) The indoor localization system using vision for multiple mobile robots. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Rizzo, A.A., Reger, G., Perlman, K., Rothbaum, B., Difede, J., McLay, R., Graap, K., Gahm, G., Johnson, S., Deal, R., Pair, J., Parsons, T.D., Roy, M., Shilling, R. and Sharkey, P.M. (2008) Virtual reality Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) exposure therapy results with active duty Iraq war combatants. In: 7th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies with ArtAbilitation 2008, Maia & Porto, Portugal. Sahin, C. , Weihrauch, C., Dimov, I.T. and Alexandrov, V.N. (2008) A collaborative working environment for a large scale environmental model. In: 6th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing (LSSC 2007), Sozopol, Bulgaria. Shah, H. and Warwick, K. (2008) Turing Test: Mindless Game? In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Shah, H., Warwick, K. and Carpenter, R. (2008) Can a machine tell a joke? In: European conference on Computing And Philosophy (E-CAP 2008), Montpellier, France . Silva, P.M. , Becerra, V.M. , Calado, J.M.F. and Khoo, I. (2008) Dimension and coverage of multiple-models structures using clustering techniques. In: 27th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control , Innsbruck, Austria. Smith, G., Baker, M. and Diaz Montes, J. (2008) A web 2.0 user interface for wide-area resource monitoring. In: 15th ACM Mardi Gras conference, Louisiana, USA. doi: Steptoe, W., Wolff, R., Murgia, A., Guimaraes, E., Rae, J., Steed, S., Sharkey, P.M. and Roberts, D.J. (2008) Eye-tracking for avatar eye-gaze and interactional analysis in immersive collaborative virtual environments. In: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, San Diego, California, USA. Szirmay-Kalos, L., Liktor, G., Penzov, A.A., Dimov, I., Skala, K. and Szecsi, L. (2008) Examining random number generators used in stochastic iteration algorithms. In: International Conference Automatics and Informatics, Bulgaria. Tang, L. Z. (2008) RF Energy Harvesting in WSNs. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Thiemert, S., Thiemert, D. and Steinebach, M. (2008) Sicherung der Echtheit von Videodaten mit digitalen Wasserzeichen. In: D-A-CH Security 2008, Berlin, Germany. Tse, H. Y. B. (2008) Dental training system using haptic technology. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Tucker, C. A. (2008) A geometric algorithm for an artificial life form based on anachronistic methods. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Walmsley, S. and Bottom, J. (2008) How can a blind engineer access the curriculum? In: 7th European Conference on e-Learning, Agia Napa, Cyprus. Warwick, K. (2008) Outthinking and enhancing biological brains. In: International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2008), Funchal, Portugal. Warwick, K., Gasson, M. N., Burgess, J. and Pan, S. (2008) Identification of Parkinson’s disease tremor onset using artificial neural networks. In: UKACC International Conference on Control (CONTROL 2008), 2-4 September, Manchester, UK. Weise, A., Wan, M., Schroeder, W. and Hasan, A. (2008) Managing groups of files in a rule oriented data management system (iRODS). In: 8th International Conference Computational Science (ICCS 2008), Krakow, Poland. doi: Wolff, R., Roberts, D.J., Murgia, A., Murray, N., Rae, J., Steptoe, W., Steed, A. and Sharkey, P.M. (2008) Communicating eye gaze across a distance without rooting participants to the spot. In: 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications (DS-RT 2008), Vancouver, Canada. doi: Xydas, D. (2008) Architecture for Living Neuronal Network Control of a mobile robot. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) Zhu, M. (2008) Semantic-level Visual Content Descriptor combining visual and textual cues as collaterals. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. (Unpublished) BookKrasnogor, N., Nicosia, V., Pavone, M. and Pelta, D.A. , eds. (2008) Nature inspired cooperative strategies for optimization (NICSO 2007). Studies in computational intelligence, 129. Springer Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 9783540789864 Sharkey, P., Lopes-dos-Santos, P., Weiss, P. L. (T.) and Brooks, T., eds. (2008) Proceedings of the 7th international conference on disability, virtual reality and associated technologies, with ArtAbilitation (ICDVRAT 2008). ICDVRAT. The University of Reading, Reading, UK, pp420. ISBN 0704915006 Zhang, C. L., Kapteina, H., Zhu, Q. M. and Warwick, K., eds. (2008) Modelling and characterisation of dynamic processes of physiotherapy. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (Special Issue), 5 (3). Inderscience Publishers, pp80. ThesisLiyanagunawardena, T. R. (2008) Effect of acceptable use policy on employee computer use : case of Sri Lankan software development organizations. Other thesis, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. PatentThe University of Reading, and Oswaldo Cadenas (2008) Processing system accepting exceptional numbers. PCT/GB2007/004956. doi: PCT/GB2007/004956 |