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Number of items: 64.


Ashworth, M., Godfrey, E., Harvey, K. ORCID: and Darbishire, L. (2003) Perceptions of psychological content in the GP consultation - the role of practice, personal and prescribing attributes. Family Practice, 20 (4). pp. 373-375. ISSN 0263-2136 doi:


Barnes, J., Boubert, L., Harris, J., Lee, A. and David, A. S. (2003) Reality monitoring and visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia, 41 (5). pp. 565-574. ISSN 0028-3932 doi:

Bastiaanse, R., Edwards, S., Mass, E. and Rispens, J. (2003) Assessing comprehension and production of verbs and sentences: the verb and sentence test (VAST). Aphasiology, 17 (1). pp. 49-73. ISSN 1464-5041 doi:

Berry, D. C., Michas, I. C. and Bersellini, E. (2003) Communicating information about medication: the benefits of making it personal. Psychology & Health, 18 (1). pp. 127-139. ISSN 0887-0446 doi:

Berry, D. C., Raynor, D. K., Knapp, P. and Bersellini, E. (2003) Patients' understanding of risk associated with medication use: impact of European Commission guidelines and other risk scales. Drug Safety, 26 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0114-5916

Berry, D.C., Raynor, D.K. and Knapp, P.R. (2003) EU guidelines: conveying the risk of side effects. Prescriber, 14. pp. 26-29. ISSN 0959-6682

Berry, D.C., Knapp, P. and Raynor, D.K. (2003) Communicating risk of medication side effects: an empirical evaluation of EU recommended terminology. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 8 (3). pp. 251-263. ISSN 1354-8506 doi:

Brown, J. H., Johnson, M. H., Paterson, S. J., Gilmore, R., Longhi, E. and Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2003) Spatial representation and attention in toddlers with Williams syndrome and Down syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 41 (8). pp. 1037-1046. ISSN 0028-3932 doi:


Cock, J., Fordham, C., Cockburn, J. and Haggard, P. (2003) Who knows best? Awareness of divided attention difficulty in a neurological rehabilitation setting. Brain Injury, 17 (7). pp. 561-574. ISSN 0269-9052 doi:

Cockburn, J., Haggard, P., Cock, J. and Fordham, C. (2003) Changing patterns of cognitive-motor interference (CMI) over time during recovery from stroke. Clinical Rehabilitation, 17 (2). pp. 167-173. ISSN 0269-2155 doi:

Cooper, P.J. and Murray, L. (2003) Postpartum depression. In: Pozetti, J.J. (ed.) The international encyclopedia of marriage and family relationships. 2nd edition. Macmillan Reference USA, New York, pp. 1245-1250. ISBN 9780028656724

Cooper, P.J. , Murray, L. , Wilson, A. and Romaniuk, H. (2003) Controlled trial of the short- and long-term effect of psychological treatment of post-partum depression - 1. Impact on maternal mood! British Journal of Psychiatry, 182 (5). pp. 412-419. ISSN 0007-1250

Cooper, P.J. (2003) The classification of eating disorders: how many categorical distinctions is it worth making? In: Maj, M. , Halmi, K. , Lopez-Ibor, J.J. and Sartorius, N. (eds.) Eating disorders. Evidence and experience in psychiatry, 6. Wiley, Chichester, pp. 37-40. ISBN 9780470848654

Creswell, C. and Chalder, T. (2003) The relationship between illness attributions and attributional style in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. ISSN 0144-6657


Dawes, H., Cockburn, J., Roach, N. K., Wade, D. T., Bateman, A. and Scott, O. (2003) The effect of a perceptual cognitive task on exercise performance: the dual-task condition after brain injury. Clinical Rehabilitation, 17 (5). pp. 535-539. ISSN 0269-2155 doi:

Dixon, M., Kochhar, N., Prasad, K., Shepperd, J. and Warburton, D. M. (2003) The influence of changing nicotine to tar ratios on human puffing behaviour and perceived sensory response. Psychopharmacology, 170 (4). pp. 434-442. ISSN 0033-3158 doi:


Eacott, M.J., Norman, G. and Gaffan, E.A. (2003) The role of perirhinal cortex in visual discrimination learning for visual secondary reinforcement in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 117 (6). pp. 1318-1325. ISSN 0735-7044 doi:

Edwards, S., Varlokosta, S. and Payne, L. (2003) Pronominal reference and agrammatic comprehension. Brain and Language, 87 (1). pp. 21-22. ISSN 0093-934X doi: (Academy of Aphasia Abstract Issue)


Farran, E. K. and Jarrold, O. (2003) Visuospatial cognition in Williams syndrome: reviewing and accounting for the strengths and weaknesses in performance. Developmental Neuropsychology, 23 (1-2). pp. 173-200. ISSN 8756-5641 doi:

Farran, E. K., Jarrold, C. and Gathercole, S. E. (2003) Divided attention, selective attention and drawing: processing preferences in Williams syndrome are dependent on the task administered. Neuropsychologia, 41 (6). pp. 676-687. ISSN 0028-3932 doi:

Freeman, J. E. ORCID: and Ellis, J. A. (2003) The intention-superiority effect for naturally occurring activities: the role of intention accessibility in everyday prospective remembering in young and older adults. International Journal of Psychology, 38 (4). pp. 215-228. ISSN 0020-7594 doi:

Freeman, J. E. ORCID: and Ellis, J. A. (2003) The representation of delayed intentions: a prospective subject-performed task? Journal of Experimental Psychology-Learning Memory and Cognition, 29 (5). pp. 976-992. ISSN 0278-7393 doi:

Freeman, J.E. ORCID: and Ellis, J.A. (2003) Aging and the accessibility of performed and to-be-performed actions. Aging Neuropsychology and Cognition, 10 (4). pp. 298-309. ISSN 1382-5585 doi:


Gaffan, E. A., Bannerman, D. M. and Healey, A. N. (2003) Learning associations between places and visual cues without learning to navigate: neither fornix nor entorhinal cortex is required. Hippocampus, 13 (4). pp. 445-460. ISSN 1050-9631 doi:

Gilbert, H. M. and Warburton, D. M. (2003) Attribution and the effects of expectancy: how beliefs can influence the experiences of smoking cessation. Addictive Behaviors, 28 (7). pp. 1359-1369. ISSN 0306-4603 doi:

Gilbert, H. M. and Warburton, D. M. (2003) Individual variation in psychological and psychomotor symptoms following smoking cessation: the implications for treatment. Psychology & Health, 18 (5). pp. 613-624. ISSN 0887-0446 doi:

Green, D.W. and McCloy, R. ORCID: (2003) Reaching a verdict. Thinking & Reasoning, 9 (4). pp. 307-333. ISSN 1354-6783 doi:


Halligan, S.L., Michael, T., Clark, D.M. and Ehlers, A. (2003) Posttraumatic stress disorder following assault: the role of cognitive processing, trauma memory, and appraisals. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71 (3). pp. 419-431. ISSN 0022-006X doi:

Harris, J. P., Atkinson, E. A., Lee, A. C., Nithi, K. and Fowler, M. S. (2003) Hemispace differences in the visual perception of size in left hemi-Parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia, 41 (7). pp. 795-807. ISSN 0028-3932 doi:

Harvey, K. ORCID: and Burns, T. (2003) Relatives of patients with severe mental disorders: unique traits and experiences of primary, nonprimary, and lone caregivers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 73 (3). pp. 324-333. ISSN 0002-9432 doi:

Helman, S. and Berry, D.C. (2003) Effects of divided attention and speeded responding on implicit and explicit retrieval of artificial grammar knowledge. Memory & Cognition, 31 (5). pp. 703-714. ISSN 0090-502X

Higgs, S., Williams, C. M. ORCID: and Kirkham, T. C. (2003) Cannabinoid influences on palatability: microstructural analysis of sucrose drinking after Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, anandamide, 2-arachidonoyl glycerol and SR141716. Psychopharmacology, 165 (4). pp. 370-377. ISSN 0033-3158 doi:

Hill, J. (2003) Childhood trauma and depression. Current Opinion in Psychiatry.

Hill, J. (2003) The early identification of individuals at risk for antisocial personality disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry.

Hill, J., Fonagy, P., Safier, E. and Sargent, J. (2003) The ecology of attachment in the family. Family Process.

Hill, J., Mackie, E., Kondryn, H., McNally, R. and Eden, O.B. (2003) Adult psychosocial functioning following childhood cancer: the different roles of sons' and daughters' relationships with their fathers and mothers. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Horswill, M.S. and Helman, S. (2003) A behavioral comparison between motorcyclists and a matched group of non-motorcycling car drivers: factors influencing accident risk. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 35 (4). pp. 589-597. ISSN 0001-4575 doi:


Jones, H., Williams, M., Thorat, Y. and Thorat, A. (2003) Attitudes of rural branch managers in Madhya Pradesh, India, toward their role as providers of financial services to the poor. Journal of Microfinance, 5 (2). pp. 140-167. ISSN 1527-4314


Karmiloff-Smith, A., Brown, J.H., Grice, S. and Paterson, S. (2003) Dethroning the myth: cognitive dissociations and innate modularity in Williams syndrome. Developmental Neuropsychology, 23 (1-2). pp. 227-242. ISSN 8756-5641 doi:

Kim, H., Somerville, L., Johnstone, T., Alexander, A. and Whalen, P. (2003) Inverse amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex responses to surprised faces. Neuroreport, 14 (18). pp. 2317-2322. ISSN 1473-558X

Kirkham, T. C. (2003) Endogenous cannabinoids: a new target in the treatment of obesity. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 284 (2). R343-R344. ISSN 0363-6119 doi:

Koutstaal, W. (2003) Older adults encode-but do not always use-perceptual details: intentional versus unintentional effects of detail on memory judgments. Psychological Science, 14 (2). pp. 189-193. ISSN 0956-7976 doi:

Koutstaal, W., Reddy, C., Jackson, E. M., Prince, S., Cendan, D. L. and Schacter, D. L. (2003) False recognition of abstract versus common objects in older and younger adults: testing the semantic categorization account. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Learning Memory and Cognition, 29 (4). pp. 499-510. ISSN 0278-7393 doi:


McGann, D., Ellis, J. and Milne, A. (2003) Conceptual and perceptual processing in prospective remembering. European Journal of Cognitive Psycholog, 15 (1). pp. 19-41. ISSN 0954-1446 doi:

Mitchell, R. L. C., Elliott, R., Barry, M., Cruttenden, A. and Woodruff, P. W. R. (2003) The neural response to emotional prosody, as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuropsychologia, 41 (10). pp. 1410-1421. ISSN 0028-3932 doi:

Murray, L. and Cooper, P. (2003) Intergenerational transmission of affective and cognitive processes associated with depression: infancy and the preschool years. In: Goodyer, I.M. (ed.) Unipolar depression: a lifespan perspective. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198510956

Murray, L. , Cooper, P.J. , Wilson, A. and Romaniuk, H. (2003) Controlled trial of the short- and long-term effect of psychological treatment of post-partum depression 2. Impact on the mother-child relationship and child outcome. British Journal of Psychiatry, 182 (5). pp. 420-427. ISSN 0007-1250

Murray, L., Cooper, P. and Hipwell, A. (2003) Mental health of parents caring for infants. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 6 (Supplement). s71-s77. ISSN 1434-1816 doi:

Murray, L., Woolgar, M., Murray, J. and Cooper, P. (2003) Self-exclusion from health care in women at high risk for postpartum depression. Journal of Public Health Medicine, 25 (2). pp. 131-137. ISSN 0957-4832 doi:


Nathan, R., Rollinson, L., Harvey, K. and Hill, J. (2003) The Liverpool Violence Assessment - an investigator-based measure of serious violence. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health.


Park, R. J., Lee, A., Woolley, H., Murray, L. and Stein, A. (2003) Children's representation of family mealtime in the context of maternal eating disorders. Child: Care, Health and Development, 29 (2). pp. 111-119. ISSN 0305-1862 doi:

Payne, F. , Jessopp, L. , Harvey, K. ORCID:, Plummer, S., Tylee, A. and Thornicroft, G. (2003) Is NHS Direct meeting the needs of mental health callers? Journal of Mental Health, 12 (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 0963-8237 doi:


Quakely, S., Coker, S., Palmer, K. and Reynolds, S. (2003) Can Children Distinguish Between Thoughts and Behaviours? Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 31 (2). pp. 159-168. ISSN 13524658 doi:


Shapiro, D. A., Barkham, M., Stiles, W. B., Hardy, G. E., Rees, A., Reynolds, S. and Startup, M. (2003) Time is of the essence: a selective review of the fall and rise of brief therapy research. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 76 (3). pp. 211-235. ISSN 2044-8341 doi:

Simons, J.S., Koutstaal, W., Prince, S., Wagner, A.D. and Schacter, D.L. (2003) Neural mechanisms of visual object priming: evidence for perceptual and semantic distinctions in fusiform cortex. Neuroimage, 19 (3). pp. 613-626. ISSN 1053-8119 doi:

Spertus, I. L., Yehuda, R., Wong, C.M., Halligan, S. and Seremetis, S.V. (2003) Childhood emotional abuse and neglect as predictors of psychological and physical symptoms in women presenting to a primary care practice. Child Abuse & Neglect , 27 (11). pp. 1247-1258. ISSN 0145-2134 doi:

Stein, H., Allen, J.G. and Hill, J. (2003) Roles and relationships: a psychoeducational approach to reviewing strengths and difficulties in adulthood functioning. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic.

Sutter-Dallay, A. L., Murray, L., Glatigny-Dallay, E. and Verdoux, H. (2003) Newborn behavior and risk of postnatal depression in the mother. Infancy, 4 (4). pp. 589-602. ISSN 1525-0008


Varlokosta, S. and Edwards, S. (2003) A preliminary investigation into binding and co-reference in aphasia. Studies in Greek Linguistics, 23. pp. 555-565. ISSN 1106-9325


Warburton, D.M. (2003) The pleasure process. Food Science and Technology, 17 (4). pp. 36-38.

Waters, H. and Green, M.W. (2003) A demonstration of attentional bias, using a novel dual task paradigm, towards clinically salient material in recovering alcohol abuse patients? Psychological Medicine, 33 (3). pp. 491-498. ISSN 0033-2917 doi:

Wilkie, R. M. and Wann, J. P. (2003) Eye-movements aid the control of locomotion. Journal of Vision, 3 (11). pp. 677-684. ISSN 1534-7362 doi:

Wilkie, R. and Wann, J. (2003) Controlling steering and judging heading: retinal flow, visual direction, and extraretinal information. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Human Perception and Performance, 29 (2). pp. 363-378. ISSN 0096-1523 doi:


Yehuda, R., Halligan, S.L., Yang, R.K., Guo, L.S., Makotkine, I., Singh, B. and Pickholtz, D. (2003) Relationship between 24-hour urinary-free cortisol excretion and salivary cortisol levels sampled from awakening to bedtime in healthy subjects. Life Sciences, 73 (3). pp. 349-358. ISSN 0024-3205 doi:

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