Items where Division is "Languages and Cultures" and Year is 2008
Number of items: 44. BBryden, M. (2008) Graley Herren, Samuel Beckett’s plays on film and television. In: Constantinidis, S. (ed.) Text and presentation. McFarland, Jefferson, NC, pp. 211-213. ISBN 9780786443666 Bryden, M. (2008) "The Snowball Act": Beckett's literary pathfinding. Rose des vents/Suiseisha, 22. pp. 68-80. Bryden, M. (2008) Beckett, Böll, and clowns. Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui, 19. pp. 157-171. ISSN 0927-3131 Bryden, M. (2008) The mid-century Godot: Beckett and Saroyan. In: Ben-Zvi, L. and Moorjani, A. (eds.) Beckett at 100: revolving it all. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 259-270. ISBN 9780195325485 DDodd, L. A. and Knapp, A. (2008) How many Frenchmen did you kill? British bombing policy towards France (1940-1945). French History, 22 (4). pp. 469-492. ISSN 1477-4542 doi: Duggan, C. (2008) From Namier to narrative: reflections on fifty years of British historiography. In: Cools, H., Espados Burgos, M., Gras, M., Matheus, M. and Miglio, M. (eds.) La storiografia tra passato e futuro. Il X Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Storiche (Roma 1955) cinquant'anni dopo. Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma 21-24 settembre 2005. Union Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia Storia e Storia dell'Arte in Roma, Roma, pp. 213-225. Duggan, C. (2008) Giuseppe Mazzini in Britain and Italy: divergent legacies, 1837-1915. In: Bayly, C.A. and Biagini, E.F. (eds.) Giuseppe Mazzini and the globalization of democratic nationalism, 1830-1920. Proceedings of the British Academy. Oxford University Press, Oxford , pp. 187-207. ISBN 9780197264317 FFabry-Tehranchi, I. (2008) Composition cyclique et programme d’illustrations. L’épisode de Grisandole dans le manuscrit enluminé de la Suite Vulgate du Merlin, B. L. Add. 10292. In: Cycle et collection. Itinéraires et contacts de Cultures, 41. L'Harmattan, pp. 213-233. Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2008) Introduction. In: Fabry-Tehranchi, I. and Le Cornec, C. (eds.) Les activités quotidiennes au Moyen Âge, Questes, 15. Université Paris IV, pp. 7-18.
Felix, J. Footitt, H. (2008) France: a people's history: 1944-46. In: Riera, M. and Schaffer, G. (eds.) The lasting war: society and identity in Britain, France and Germany after 1945. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 120-132. ISBN 9780230506718 Footitt, H. (2008) Language and culture in mass evacuations: the Basque children of 1937. In: Parsons, M. (ed.) Children: the invisible victims of war: an interdisciplinary study. DSM , Peterborough, pp. 151-166. ISBN 9780954722944
Félix, J. M. GGoretti, L. (2008) I “neri bianchi": mezzadri di Greve in Chianti tra lotte sindicali e fuga dalle campagne (1945-1960). Odradek, Rome, pp233. ISBN 9788886973939 KKnapp, A. and Sawicki, F. (2008) Political parties and the party system. In: Cole, A., le Galès, P. and Levy, J. (eds.) Developments in French Politics 4. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 42-59. ISBN 9780230537002 Knapp, A. (2008) La présidence au-dessus des partis: chronique d’une illusion. In: Dargent, R. (ed.) Vie et mort de la Ve République: 1958-2008. Libres (5). François-Xavier de Guibert, Paris, pp. 48-60. ISBN 9782755402858 Knapp, A. (2008) Le président au-dessus des partis: chronique d'une illusion. In: Vie et mort de la Ve république. François-Xavier de Guibert, Paris, pp. 47-60. ISBN 9782755402858 L
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D. Le Saux, F. (2008) "Gloser La Lettre": identity and power in the poetry of Marie de France. In: Kennedy, R. and Meecham-Jones, S. (eds.) Writers of the reign of Henry II: twelve essays. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 205-219. ISBN 9781403966445 Le Saux, F. (2008) Guillaume l'illegitime? La batardise de Guillaume de Conquerant dans le Roman de Rou de Wace. In: Legros, H. (ed.) Guillaume le Conquérant face aux défis. Paradigme, Orleans, pp. 149-163. ISBN 9782868782731 Le Saux, F. (2008) "La geste des trois fils Guillaume?" Henry I in Wace's Roman de Rou. Reading Medieval Studies, XXXIV. pp. 191-207. ISSN 0950-3129 Leglu, C. (2008) Languages in conflict in Toulouse: las leys d'amors. Modern Language Review, 103 (2). pp. 383-396. ISSN 0026-7937 Leglu, C. (2008) Maternal consolatio in Antoine de La Sale's reconfort de Madame de Fresne. In: Leglu, C. and Milner, S. (eds.) The erotics of consolation: desire and distance in the late middle ages. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 185-203. ISBN 9781403976192
Leglu, C.
Rebuilding the tower of Babel in Girart de Roussillon.
In: Ailes, M., Le Saux, F. and Lawrence, A. Leglu, C. and Milner, S. (2008) The erotics of consolation: desire and distance in the late middle ages. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp252. ISBN 9781403976192 MMancinelli, T. (2008) Quando l'informatica incontra un testo letterario, in Giuseppe Gigliozzi, saggi di informatica umanistica. In: Trevisan, M. (ed.) La Libellula e Impromptu: due poemetti a confronto. Unicopli, Milan. Martin, A. (2008) Rerouting the self : Georg Forster and the art of self-translation. In: Nikalaou, P. and Kyritsi, M.-V. (eds.) Translating selves : experiences between languages and literatures. Continuum, London, pp. 155-168. ISBN 9780826499264 Martin, A. (2008) Moving scenes : the aesthetics of German travel writing on England, 1783-1830. Studies in Comparative Literature, 13. Legenda, Oxford, pp200. ISBN 9781906540081 P
Pappert, S. and Schroeter, M.
Pappert, S., Schroeter, M. Pesatori, S. (2008) Riscrivere parole d'Oro: Amelia Rosselli ed Emily Dickinson. Letteratura e letterature, 2. ISSN 1973-2600 Poole, S. (2008) Le Texte, autrement: opening the (language classroom) door to slam. The French Review, 82 (2). pp. 294-307. ISSN 0016-111X Poole, S. (2008) “Nous, au village, aussi …”; the recent and rapid rise of the polar à racines. Modern & Contemporary France, 16 (1). pp. 23-35. ISSN 1469-9869 doi: S
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M. TTucker, G. H. (2008) 'Cygnes' du 'secret' et 'vers secretaires' chez Joachim Du Bellay. In: Gorris Camos, R. (ed.) “Il segretario è come un angelo”: trattati, raccolte, epistolari, vite, paradigmatiche, ovvero come essere un buon segretario nel Rinascimento. Gruppo di Studio sul Cinquecento Francese (14). Schena Editore, Fasano, pp. 293-323. ISBN 8882298067 Tucker, G. H. (2008) Jeux de refus et d’opposition, jeux de ténèbres et de lumière, dans 'L’Olive' (1549 ; 1550) de Du Bellay. In: Vinestock, E. and Forster, D. (eds.) Writers in Conflict in Sixteenth-Century France: Essays in honour of Malcom Quainton. Durham Modern Languages series. Durham University Press, Durham, pp. 323-243. ISBN 9780907310693 Tucker, G. H. (2008) Poétique et rhétorique de l’exclamation chez Rimbaud latiniste. Parade Sauvage: revue d’études rimbaldiennes. pp. 209-230. (Occasional Special Issue) Tucker, G. H. (2008) Sum Bellaius, et poëta : biographie, autobiographie et poétique de Joachim Du Bellay. In: Desan, P. (ed.) Cahiers parisiens/Parisian Notebooks. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 563--574. WWaters, J. (2008) From continents noirs to collection blanche: from other to same? The case of Ananda Devi. e-france, 2. pp. 55-74. (special issue: ‘L’ici et l’ailleurs’: postcolonial literatures of the Francophone Indian Ocean) Waters, J. (2008) Introduction:‘L’ici et l’ailleurs’: postcolonial literatures of the Francophone Indian Ocean. e-france, 2. pp. 3-8. (special issue: ‘L’ici et l’ailleurs’: postcolonial literatures of the Francophone Indian Ocean) |