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Number of items: 36. ArticleAl-Azawei, A., Parslow, P. and Lundqvist, K. (2016) Barriers and opportunities of e-learning implementation in Iraq: a case of public universities. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 17 (5). pp. 126-146. ISSN 1492-3831 doi: Al-Azawei, A., Al-Bermani, A. K. and Lundqvist, K. (2016) Evaluating the effect of Arabic engineering students’ learning styles in blended programming courses. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 15. pp. 109-130. ISSN 1539-3585 doi: Liyanagunawardena, T. R., Lundqvist, K. O. and Williams, S. A. (2015) Massive Open Online Courses and economic sustainability. European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 18 (2). pp. 95-111. ISSN 1027-5207 doi:
Cadenas, J. O., Sherratt, S. Al-Azawei, A., Parslow, P. and Lundqvist, K. (2015) A psychometric analysis of reliability and validity of the index of learning styles (ILS). International Journal of Psychological Studies, 7 (3). pp. 46-57. ISSN 1918-722X doi: Liyanagunawardena, T. R., Lundqvist, K. O. and Williams, S. A. (2015) Who are with us: MOOC learners on a FutureLearn course. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46 (3). pp. 557-569. ISSN 1467-8535 doi: (Special issue on MOOCs)
White, E., Basford, L., Birch, S., Black, A., Culham, A. Williams, S. A., Lundqvist, K. and Parslow, P. (2013) RedGloo: Experiences of developing and using an emerging technology in higher education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (4). pp. 668-672. ISSN 1467-8535 doi:
Crook, A., Mauchline, A. Lundqvist, K. O., Baker, K. and Williams, S. (2011) Ontology supported competency system. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 7 (3/4). pp. 197-219. ISSN 1741-1017 doi: Williams, S. A., Fleming, S. C., Lundqvist, K. O. and Parslow, P. N. (2010) Understanding your digital identity. Learning Exchange, 1 (1). ISSN 2043-6602 Brown, M.L., Lundqvist, K.O., Williams, S. and Baker, K. (2007) ontoReadiness: A meta-ontology for readiness certification and career portability. UPGRADE: ICT Certifications for Informatics Professionals, 8 (3). 56- 61. ISSN 1684-5285 Book or Report SectionOtto, F., Badrul, N. A., Williams, S. and Lundqvist, K. Ø. (2016) Students’ perception of privacy risks in using social networking sites for learning: a study of Uganda Christian University. In: Vincenti, G., Bucciero, A. and Vaz de Carvalho, C. (eds.) E-Learning, E-Education, and Online Training. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (160). Springer, pp. 182-190. doi: Otto, F., Williams, S. and Lundqvist, K. (2016) Using social networking tools for teaching and learning: a perspective of University lecturers and students. In: Vincenti, G., Bucciero, A. and Vaz de Carvalho, C. (eds.) E-Learning, E-Education, and Online Training. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (160). Springer, pp. 191-199. ISBN 9783319288826 doi: Paviotti, G., Lundqvist, K. and Williams, S. (2012) Data mining in education. In: Paviotti, G., Rossi, P. G. and Zarka, D. (eds.) Intelligent tutoring system: an overview. Pensa Multimedia, Lecce, Italy, pp. 85-100. ISBN 9788867600489 Williams, S., Fleming, S., Lundqvist, K. and Parslow, P. (2012) This is me: digital identity and reputation on the Internet. In: Warburton, S. and Hatzipanagos, S. (eds.) Digital identities and social media. IGI Global, United Kingdom, pp. 104-117. doi: Report
Crook, A., Park, J. Jarrar, M., Vervenne, L., Maynard, D. and Lundqvist, K., (2007) HR-semantics roadmap: the semantic challenges and opportunities in the Human Resources domain. OOA Publication. OOA-HR/200. Technical Report. The Ontology Outreach Advisory, Brussels, Belgium. pp80. Conference or Workshop ItemLiyanagunawardena, T. R., Lundqvist, K. O. and Williams, S. A. (2015) Massive Open Online Courses and sustainability. In: OER15: Mainstreaming Open Education, April 14-15 2015, Cardiff. Al-Azawei, A. and Lundqvist, K. (2014) The impacts of learning styles, learning patterns and demographic factors on learners’ performance in a blended learning environment. In: International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2014), 10-12 Nov. 2014, London, pp. 105-111. doi: Liyanagunawardena, T. R., Lundqvist, K., Parslow, P. and Williams, S. (2014) MOOCs and retention: does it really matter? In: Can MOOCs save Europe's unemployed youth? EC TEL, 16th September, Graz. Liyanagunawardena, T. R., Lundqvist, K. O., Micallef, L. and Williams, S. A. (2014) Teaching programming to beginners in a massive open online course. In: OER14: building communities of open practice, 28-29 April 2014, Newcastle. Harvey, A. P., McCrindle, R. J., Lundqvist, K. O. and Parslow, P. N. (2010) Automatic speech recognition for assistive technology devices. In: ICDVRAT 2010: The Eighth International Conference on Disability Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, 31 Aug-2 Sept 2010, Valparaiso, Chile. Williams, S. A., Parslow, P. and Lundqvist, K. O. (2009) Position paper on the future of social networking. In: W3C Symposium, 15-16 January 2009, Barcelona, Spain. Lundqvist, K. O. and Lundqvist, K. O. (2009) Facebook faith - social networking in a faith based community. In: 180 Degree Symposium, Andrews University Seminary, 2009, Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA. Parslow, P., Lundqvist, K. Ø., Williams, S., Ashton, R. and Evans, M. (2008) Facebook & BlackBoard: comparative view of learning environments. In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading. Evans, M.P., Williams, S.A., Parslow, P., Ashton, R.P., Lundqvist, K.O. and Porter-Daniels, E. (2008) The MeAggregator: personal aggregation and the life-long tail of the web. In: Seventh International Network Conference (INC 2008), Plymouth, UK, 8-10 . Williams, S., Lundqvist, K.O., Ashton, R., Evans, M. P., Parslow, P. and Porter-Daniels, E. (2008) Developing community via the RedGloo learning landscape. In: Internet Research 9.0: Rethinking Community, Rethinking Place, Copenhagen, Denmark. Lundqvist, K.O., Ashton, R. , Evans, M. P., Parslow, P., Porter-Daniels, E. and Williams, S. (2008) MeAggregator™. In: Internet Research 9.0: Rethinking Community, Rethinking Place, Copenhagen, Denmark. Parslow, P., Williams, S., Evans, M. P., Lundqvist, K.O., Ashford, R. and Porter-Daniels, E. (2008) eLearning communities and spaces. In: Internet Research 9.0: Rethinking Community, Rethinking Place, Copenhagen, Denmark. Lundqvist, K. Ø., Baker, K. and Williams, S. (2008) An ontological approach to competency management. In: Proceedings of iLearn 2007, 29-31 January 2007 , Paris, pp. 1-4. Parslow, P., Williams, S., Evans, M., Øster Lundqvist, K., Porter-Daniels, E. and Ashton, R. (2007) Facebook & Blackboard: comparison of learner perspectives. In: The Eighth Annual Durham Blackboard Users’ Conference, 13-14th December 2007, Durham University. Williams, S., Lundqvist, K.O. and Baker, K. (2007) Building communities via a learning landscape. In: iLearning Forum 2007, Paris, France. Lundqvist, K., Williams, S. and Baker, K. (2006) Evaluation of quality of e-learning environments. In: The 5th European Conference on e-Learning, Winchester, United Kingdom, 216 - 222. Rodriguez, D., Lundqvist, K., Williams, S. and Baker, K. (2006) Personal metadata for cataloguing microcontent - linking to large ontologies, Micromedia & e-Learning 2.0: gaining the big picture. In: Proceedings of Microlearning Conference 2006, 288 - 294. ThesisLundqvist, K. O. (2010) Ontology supported comparison in vague domains. PhD thesis, University of Reading. |