Number of items: 89.
Ahmed, T.
A critical appraisal of EU governance for the protection of minority rights.
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 17 (2).
pp. 265-285.
ISSN 1571-8115
Almond, P. J.
ORCID: and Colover, S.
Mediating punitiveness: understanding public attitudes towards work-related fatality cases.
European Journal of Criminology, 7 (5).
pp. 323-338.
ISSN 1741-2609
Barnidge, R. P.
Islam and international humanitarian law: a question of compatibility?
Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, 40.
pp. 257-274.
ISSN 0333-5925
Bilchitz, D.
Citizenship and community: exploring the right to receive basic municipal services.
Constitutional Court Review, 3 (1).
pp. 45-78.
ISSN 2073-6215
Bilchitz, D.
Do corporations have positive human rights obligations?
Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, 57 (125).
pp. 1-35.
ISSN 0040-5817
Bilchitz, D.
Does balancing adequately capture the nature of rights?
Southern African Public Law, 25 (2).
pp. 423-444.
ISSN 2219-6412
Bilchitz, D.
Does transformative constitutionalism require the recognition of animal rights?
Southern African Public Law, 25 (2).
pp. 267-300.
ISSN 2219-6412
Bilchitz, D.
Is the constitutional court wasting away the rights of the poor? Nokotyana v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.
The South African Law Journal, 127 (4).
pp. 591-605.
ISSN 0258-2503
Bilchitz, D.
The Ruggie framework: an adequate rubric for corporate human rights obligations?
SUR International Journal on Human Rights, 7 (12).
pp. 199-229.
ISSN 1806-6445
Bilchitz, D.
ORCID: and Tuovinen, J.
Theory, practice and the legal enterprise.
Southern African Public Law, 25 (2).
pp. 544-566.
ISSN 2219-6412
Bisset, A. J. R.
Truth commissions: a barrier to the provision of judicial assistance?
International Criminal Law Review, 10 (5).
pp. 647-678.
ISSN 1571-8123
Bright, S. and Hopkins, N.
Home, meaning and identity: learning from the English model of shared ownership.
Housing, Theory and Society, 27 (1).
pp. 1-21.
ISSN 1403-6096
Freedman, R.
The United States and the Human Rights Council: an early assessment.
St Thomas Law Review, 23 (1).
pp. 23-70.
Glinavos, I.
Regulation and the role of law in economic crisis.
European Business Law Review, 21 (4).
pp. 539-557.
ISSN 0959-6941
Glinavos, I.
Transition or development? Reassessing priorities for law reform.
Progress in Development Studies, 10 (1).
pp. 59-74.
ISSN 1477-027X
Green , J. A.
ORCID: and Henderson, C.
The jus ad bellum and entities short of statehood in the report on the conflict in Georgia.
International and Comparative Law Quarterly , 59 (1).
pp. 129-139.
ISSN 1471-6895
Hamilton, F.
Mediation: lessons to be learnt from Australia.
Family Law, 40.
pp. 1328-1331.
ISSN 0014-7281
Heinze, E. and Freedman, R.
Public Awareness of Human Rights: Distortions in the Mass Media.
International Journal of Human Rights, 14 (4).
pp. 491-523.
Hopkins, N.
Proprietary estoppel: a functional analysis.
Journal of Equity, 4 (3).
pp. 201-224.
ISSN 1833-2137
Karapapa, S.
Registering scents as community trade marks.
The Trademark Reporter, 100 (6).
pp. 1335-1359.
Kokkoris, I.
Cartels amidst crises [in Greek].
Business and Company Law, 2010 (3).
pp. 307-311.
Kokkoris, I., Olivares-Caminal, R. and Papadakis, K.
The Greek tragedy: Is there a deus Ex machina?
International Corporate Rescue, 7 (4).
Kokkoris, I.
Meeting competition: abuse or defence.
Hellenic Review of European Law (Internatio).
pp. 75-108.
ISSN 0251-6535
Kokkoris, I.
Should crisis cartels exist amidst financial crises?
The Antitrust Bulletin, 55 (4).
ISSN 0003-603X
Kokkoris, I. and Marsden, P.
The role of competition and state aid policy in financial and monetary law.
Journal of International Economic Law, 13 (3).
pp. 875-892.
ISSN 1369-3034
Krebs, B.
Joint criminal enterprise.
Modern Law Review, 73 (4).
pp. 578-604.
ISSN 0026-7961
Lakin, S.
How to make sense of the HRA 1998: the ises and oughts of the British Constitution.
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 30 (2).
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 0143-6503
McNamara, L. J. and McIntosh, S.
Confidential sources and the legal rights of journalists: re-thinking Australian approaches to law reform.
Australian Journalism Review , 32 (1).
pp. 81-96.
ISSN 0810-2686
Merkin, R.
Tort and insurance: some insurance law perspectives.
Journal of Professional Negligence, 26.
p. 194.
ISSN 1746-6709
Roberts, N. T. M.
Property: keeping warm communally.
New Law Journal, 160 (7423).
pp. 897-898.
Schmitt, M.
Military necessity and humanity in international humanitarian law: preserving the delicate balance.
Virginia Journal of International Law, 50 (4).
pp. 795-839.
ISSN 0042-6571
Schmitt, M.
The interpretive guidance on the notion of direct participation in hostilities: a critical analysis.
Harvard National Security Journal, 1.
pp. 5-44.
ISSN 2153-1358
Schmitt, M. N.
Deconstructing direct participation in hostilities: the constitutive elements.
New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, 42 (3).
pp. 697-739.
Tryfonidou, A.
Further steps on the road to convergence among the market freedoms.
European Law Review, 35 (1).
pp. 36-56.
ISSN 0307-5400
Tryfonidou, A.
The free movement of goods, the overseas countries and territories, and the EU's outermost regions: some problematic aspects.
Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 37 (4).
pp. 317-338.
ISSN 1566-6573
Vessio, M. L.
A short discussion on the effects of the in duplum rule upon commencement of litigation and after judgment: a view both "inside" and “outside” the National Credit Act.
Obiter: Nelson Mandela University Law Journal, 31 (3).
pp. 725-734.
ISSN 2709-555X
Wilde, M.
The new directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe.
Environmental Law Review, 12 (4).
pp. 282-290.
ISSN 1740-5564
Windsor, M.
Exemplary damages and government liability.
New Zealand Law Journal.
Zanghellini, A.
Lesbian and gay parents and reproductive technologies: The 2008 Australian and UK reforms.
Feminist Legal Studies, 18 (3).
pp. 227-251.
ISSN 1572-8455
Zanghellini, A.
Queer kinship practices in non-western contexts: French Polynesia's gender-variant parents and the law of La Republique.
Journal of Law and Society, 37 (4).
pp. 651-677.
ISSN 0263-323X
Zevgolis, N. E. and Kokkoris, I.
Competition enforcement after the Lisbon Treaty: objective of the internal market or means to achieve it?
Hellenic Review of European Law, 2010 (1).
pp. 29-36.
ISSN 0251-6535
Book or Report Section
Ahmed, T. and Vakulenko, A.
Minority rights 60 years after the UDHR: limits on the preservations of identity?
In: Baderin, M. and Ssenyonjo, M. (eds.)
International Human Rights Law: Six Decades after the UDHR and Beyond.
Ashgate Publishing, pp. 154-172.
ISBN 9781409403593
Ahmed, T.
The EU, the ECHR and the effective protection of human rights for individuals.
In: French, D., Saul, M. and White, N. D. (eds.)
International Law and Dispute Settlement: New Problems and Techniques.
Studies in International Law (28).
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 345-366.
ISBN 9781841139128
Almond, P. J.
Corporate crime and the ‘crippled epistemology’ of punitiveness.
In: Kury , H. and Shea, E. (eds.)
Punitivity international developments: vol. 1: punitiveness – a global phenomenon?
Universitatsverlag Brockmeyer, Bochum, pp. 53-72.
ISBN 9783819607776
Auchmuty, R.
Feminists as stakeholders in the law school.
In: Cownie, F. (ed.)
Stakeholders in the Law School.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 35-64.
ISBN 9781841137216
Auchmuty, R.
Judgment: Royal Bank of Scotland Plc v Etridge (No 2).
In: Hunter, R., McGlynn, C. and Rackley, E. (eds.)
Feminist judgments: from theory to practice.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 155-169.
ISBN 9781849460538
Banks, S.
Woodley v Metropolitan District Railway Company (1877).
In: Mitchell, C. and Mitchell, P. (eds.)
Landmark cases in the law of tort.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 127-152.
ISBN 9781849460033
Bano, S.
Asking the law questions: agency and Muslim women.
In: Sayyid, S. and Vakil, A. (eds.)
Thinking through Islamophobia: Global Perspectives.
Hurst Publishing.
ISBN 9781849040044
Bano, S.
Beyond the sacred and secular: Muslim women, the law and the delivery of justice.
In: Banakar, R. (ed.)
Rights in context : law and justice in late modern society.
Ashgate Publishing, pp. 147-162.
ISBN 9781409407393
Bano, S.
Cultural translations and legal conflict: Muslim women and the Shari'a councils in Britain.
In: Hellum, A., Ali , S. S. and Griffiths, A. (eds.)
From transnational relations to transnational laws: northern European laws at the crossroads.
Ashgate, Burlington, pp340.
ISBN 9781409418962
Bano, S.
Muslim marriage and mahr: the experience of British Muslim women.
In: Mehdi, R. and Neilsen, J. S. (eds.)
Embedding Mahr in the European Legal System.
DJOF Publishing.
ISBN 9788757424768
Bano, S.
Tackling 'crimes of honour': evaluating the social and legal responses to combating forced marriages in Britain.
In: Idriss, M. M. and Abbas, T. (eds.)
Honour, Violence, Women and Islam.
Routledge, pp. 201-217.
ISBN 9780415565424
Bano, S. and Patel, P.
R v Zoora (Ghulam) Shah : Judgement.
In: Hunter, R., McGlynn, C. and Rackley , E. (eds.)
Feminist judgments : from theory to practice.
Hart Publishing, pp. 278-291.
ISBN 9781849460538
Barker, N. and Fox, M.
Sheffield City Council v E: judgment.
In: Hunter, R., McGlynn, C. and Rackley, E. (eds.)
Feminist Judgments: From Theory to Practice.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 351-362.
ISBN 9781849460538
Barnidge, R. P.
The Socratic method in the teaching of international law: an American perspective.
Canadian Legal Education Annual Review 2010.
Carswell, pp. 229-237.
ISBN 9780779826322
Bilchitz, D.
Taking Socio-Economics Rights Seriously: The Substantive and Procedural Implications.
In: Van Bueren, G. (ed.)
Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Law's Duty to the Poor.
UNESCO, Paris, pp. 21-50, xxv, 418 pages.
ISBN 9789231041457
Breau, S.
The international law rights to home and homelands.
In: Fox O'Mahoney, L. and Sweeney, J. A. (eds.)
The Idea of Home in Law: Displacement and Dispossession.
Law, Property & Society.
Ashgate, pp. 165-194.
ISBN 9780754679479
Breau, S.
The right to life of detainees in armed conflict.
In: Yorke, J. (ed.)
The Right to Life and the Value of Life: Orientations in Law, Politics and Ethics.
Law, Justice and Power.
Ashgate, pp. 143-168.
ISBN 9780754677611
Cooke, E. J.
Is the numerus really clauses? Servitudes, covenants and the problem of positive obligations.
In: Habdas, M. and Wudarski, A. (eds.)
Ius est ars boni et aequi : Festschrift für Stanislawa Kalus.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 139-151.
ISBN 9783631587799
Etro, F. and Kokkoris, I.
Toward an economic approach to Article 102.
In: Etro, F. and Kokkoris, I. (eds.)
Competition Law and the Enforcement of Article 102.
Oxford University Press, pp248.
ISBN 9780199586189
Ghandhi, S.
The International Court of Justice and the provisional measures order in the Georgia V Russian Federation case.
In: Waters, C. P. M. and Green, J. A.
ORCID: (eds.)
Conflict in the Caucasus: implications for international legal order.
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 80-113.
ISBN 978023024124
Ghandhi, S.
Practice and procedure of dispute settlement in individual
communication cases within the human rights committee
and the committee on the elimination of discrimination
against women: congruence or conflict?
In: French, D., Saul, M. and White, N. D. (eds.)
International law and dispute settlement: new problems and techniques.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 111-142.
ISBN 9781841139128
Green, J. A.
Passportisation, peacekeepers and proportionality: the Russian claim of the protection of nationals abroad in self-defence.
In: Waters, C. P. M. and Green, J. A.
ORCID: (eds.)
Conflict in the Caucasus: implications for international legal order.
Euro-Asian studies.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 54-79.
ISBN 9780230241244
Green, J. A.
ORCID: and Waters, C.
International law: military force and armed conflict.
In: Kassimeris, G. and Buckley, J. D. (eds.)
Ashgate Research Companion to Modern Warfare.
Ashgate , Farnham, Surrey, pp. 289-306.
ISBN 9780754674108
Hilson, C.
EU environmental solidarity and the ecological consumer: towards a republican citizenship.
In: Ross, M. and Borgmann-Prebil, Y. (eds.)
Promoting solidarity in the European Union.
OUP, Oxford, UK, pp. 136-150.
ISBN 9780199583188
Hilson, C. J.
Climate change litigation: an explanatory approach (or bringing grievance back in).
In: Fracchia, F. and Occhiena, M. (eds.)
Climate change: la riposta del diritto.
Editoriale Scientifica, 2010, pp. 421-436.
ISBN 9788863422061
Horton, R.
ORCID: and James, G.
Mundon v Del Monte Foods Ltd: judgement.
In: Hunter, R., McGlynn, C. and Rackley, E. (eds.)
Feminist judgments: from theory to practice.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 407-413.
ISBN 9781849460538
Kokkoris, I.
Are we underenforcing Article 102 TFEU?
In: Etro, F. and Kokkoris, I. (eds.)
Competition Law and the Enforcement of Article 102.
Oxford University Press, pp224.
ISBN 9780199586189
McNamara, L. J.
Proxies for the authorities?: using media information in the investigation and prosecution of terrorism offences.
In: Lynch, A., McGarrity, N. and Williams, G. (eds.)
Counter-Terrorism and beyond: the culture of law and justice after 9/11.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 173-198.
ISBN 9780415571753
Newdick, C. and Danbury, C.
The best interests of babies and young children.
In: Danbury, C., Newdick, C., Waldmann, C. and Lawson, A. (eds.)
Law and ethics in intensive care.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 69-88.
ISBN 9780199562039
Newdick, C., Danbury, C., Lawson, A. and Waldmann, C.
Reverse triage?: managing scarce resoures in intensive care.
Law and ethics in intensive care.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 191-211.
ISBN 9780199562039
Samuel, K.
The normative influence of Islamic shari'ah on current UN discourse on justice and sustainable development.
In: French, D. (ed.)
Global Justice and Sustainable Development.
Legal aspects of sustainable development.
Brill, Leiden, pp. 109-130.
ISBN 9789004182660
Sato, M.
Saibanin wa shikei hanketsu wo tekisetsu ni okonaeruka? Shikei ni taisuru taido to chishiki (裁判員は死刑判決を適切に行えるのか?死刑に対する態度を知識).
Kikan Keiji Bengo (季刊刑事弁護).
Gendai Jinbun Sha(現代人文社), pp. 121-125.
Schmitt, M. N.
Cyber operations in international law: the use of force, collective security, self-defense and armed conflicts.
Proceedings of a Workshop on Deterring Cyberattacks: Informing Strategies and Developing Options for U.S. Policy.
National Academies Press, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 151-178.
ISBN 9780309160353
Schmitt, M. N.
Drone attacks under the jus ad bellum and jus in bello: clearing the 'fog of law'.
Yearbook of International Human Law.
Springer, pp. 311-326.
Smith, C.
ORCID: and Wilde, M.
R v Pease (1832).
In: Mitchell, C. and Mitchell, P. (eds.)
Landmark cases in the law of tort.
Hart, Oxford, pp. 1-31.
ISBN 9781849460033
Smith, C. L.
Establishment and human rights in the English constitution: happy bed-fellows or uneasy allies?
In: Doe, N. and Sandberg, R. (eds.)
Law and religion: new horizons.
Law and religion studies (7).
Peeters, Leuven, pp. 41-56.
ISBN 9789042921597
Smith, P. F.
Regulating professional apartment scheme managers.
In: Habdas, M. and Wudarski, A. (eds.)
Ius Est Ars Boni Et Aequi: Festschrift Fur Stanislawa Kalus.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt, Germany, pp. 519-539.
ISBN 9783631587799
Banks, S.
A polite exchange of bullets: the duel and the English gentleman, 1750-1850.
Boydell Press, UK.
ISBN 9781843835714
Donoghue, J.
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders: A culture of control?
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp192.
ISBN 9780230594449
Etro, F. and Kokkoris, I., eds.
Competition Law and the Enforcement of Article 102.
Oxford University Press , pp248.
ISBN 9780199586189
Ghandhi, S., ed.
International human rights documents. 7th edition.
Blackstone's statutes.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp528.
ISBN 9780199582372
Glinavos, I.
Neoliberalism and the law in post Communist transition: the evolving role of law in Russia's transition to capitalism.
Routledge, pp220.
ISBN 9780415486545
Kokkoris, I., ed.
Competition cases from the European Union: the ultimate guide to leading cases from the EU, Member States and EFTA. 2nd edition.
Sweet and Maxwell.
ISBN 9780414043305
Kokkoris, I. and Olivares-Caminal, R.
Antitrust law amidst financial crises.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp538.
ISBN 9780521194839
Kokkoris, I., ed.
Enforcement of competition policy in the European Union — some controversial issues.
The Antitrust Bulletin, 55 (4).
Federal Legal Publications, Inc, New York.
MacMillan, C.
Mistakes in contract law.
Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, Oregon, pp348.
ISBN 9781849462129
Waters, C. P. M. and Green, J. A.
ORCID:, eds.
Conflict in the Caucasus: implications for international legal order.
Euro-Asian studies.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp208.
ISBN 9780230241244
Yildiz, K. and Breau, S.
The Kurdish conflict: international humanitarian law and post-conflict mechanisms.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp376.
ISBN 9780415562737
This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 20:31:23 2025 UTC.