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Number of items: 73.


Ahmed, T. and French, D. (2012) Situating climate change in (international) law: a triptych of competing narratives. In: Farrall, S., Ahmed, T. and French, D. (eds.) Criminological and Legal Consequences of Climate Change. Oñati international series in law and society - No. 1. Hart, Oxford, pp. 241-263. ISBN 9781849461863

Almond, P. ORCID: and Colover, S. (2012) Communication and social regulation. the criminalization of work-related death. British Journal of Criminology, 52 (5). pp. 997-1016. ISSN 0007-0955 doi:

Auchmuty, R. ORCID: (2012) Land law and equity and trust. In: Hunter, C. (ed.) Integrating soci-legal studies into the law curriculum. Palgrave Macmillan socio-legal studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 69-103. ISBN 9780230304482

Auchmuty, R. ORCID: (2012) Law and the power of feminism: how marriage lost its power to oppress women. Feminist Legal Studies, 20 (2). pp. 71-87. ISSN 0966-3622 doi:


Bak, B. ORCID: (2012) New provisions and a review of publishing agreements under the Turkish Code of Obligations Numbered 6098. The Journal of the Union of the Turkish Bar Association, 25 (101). pp. 13-30. ISSN 1304-2408

Barker, N. (2012) Not the marrying kind: feminist critiques of same-sex marriage. Palgrave. ISBN 9781137266897

Barnidge, R. (2012) A qualified defense of American drone attacks in northwest Pakistan under international humanitarian law. Boston University International Law Journal, 30 (2). pp. 410-447.

Barnidge, R. (2012) Resistance movements. In: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 952-954. ISBN 9780199291687

Bilchitz, D. ORCID: (2012) Corporations and Fundamental Rights: what is the Nature of their Obligations, if any? In: Luetge, C. (ed.) Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 1053-1076, xxv, 1581 pages. ISBN 9789400714939 doi:

Bilchitz, D. ORCID: (2012) When is animal suffering necessary? Southern African Public Law, 27 (1). pp. 3-27. ISSN 2219-6412

Bilchitz, D. ORCID: (2012) Why courts should not sanction unfair discrimination in the private sphere. South African Journal on Human Rights, 28 (2). pp. 296-315. ISSN 0258-7203

Bilchitz, D. ORCID: and Williams, A. (2012) Religion and the public sphere: towards a model that positively recognises diversity. South African Journal on Human Rights, 28 (2). pp. 146-175. ISSN 0258-7203

Bisset, A. ORCID: (2012) Confidential Truth Commission information before the ICC: extending Rule 73(4) protections. New England Journal of International and Comparative Law, 18. ISSN 1936-2803

Bisset, A. ORCID: (2012) Truth Commissions and criminal courts. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp205. ISBN 9781107008038

Breau, S. and Aronsson, M. (2012) Drone attacks, international law, and the recording of civilian casualties of armed conflict. Suffolk Transnational Law Review, 35 (2). pp. 255-287.

Breau, S. C. and Joyce, R. (2012) Identifying and recording every casualty of armed conflict. International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies, 5 (3). pp. 357-386. ISSN 1751-2867 doi:

Bright, S. and Hopkins, N. (2012) Evaluating legal models of affordable home ownership in England. In: Diamond, M. and Turnipseed, T. L. (eds.) Community, Home and Identity. Law, Property & Society. Ashgate Publishing Group, Aldershot, pp. 77-112. ISBN 9781409438540

Bugra, A. and Merkin, R. (2012) 'Fraud' and fraudulent claims. British Insurance Law Association Journal, 125. pp. 3-22.


Callus, T. ORCID: (2012) A new parenthood paradigm for twenty-first century family law in England and Wales? Legal Studies, 32 (3). pp. 347-368. ISSN 0261-3875 doi:

Callus, T. ORCID: (2012) The relative autonomy of the 'mature minor' in English law. In: Feuillet-Liger, B., Ida, R. and Callus, T. ORCID: (eds.) Adolescents, autonomy and medical treatment: divergence and convergence across the globe. Droit, bioéthique et société (4). Bruylant, Brussels, pp. 237-250. ISBN 9782802736141


Flacks, S. (2012) Deviant disabilities: the exclusion of drug and alcohol addiction from the Equality Act 2010. Social & Legal Studies, 21 (3). pp. 395-412. ISSN 1461-7390 doi:

Flacks, S. (2012) Youth justice reform: redressing age discrimination against children? Youth Justice, 12 (1). pp. 19-35. ISSN 1747-6283 doi:

Freedman, R. ORCID: (2012) The United Nations Human Rights Council: More of the same? Wisconsin Journal of International Law, 31 (2). pp. 209-251.


Glinavos, I. (2012) 'You are on my property' economic, legal and moral objections to regulation from a banker's perspective. In: Perry-Kessaris, A. (ed.) Socio-Legal Approaches to International Economic Law. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415510165

Green, J. A. ORCID: (2012) India's status as a nuclear weapons power under customary international law. National Law School of India Review, 24 (1). pp. 125-146.

Green, J. A. ORCID: (2012) Laws of war. In: Martel, G. (ed.) Encyclopedia of War. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, pp. 1204-1212. ISBN 9781405190374 doi:

Green, J. A. ORCID: (2012) 'Self-Preservation’. In: Wolfrum, R. (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopaedia of Public International Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 128-131. ISBN 9780199291687


Hilson, C. ORCID: (2012) UK climate change litigation: between hard and soft framing. In: Farrall, S., Ahmed, T. and French, D. (eds.) Criminological and legal consequences of climate change. Oñati International Series in Law and Society (1). Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 47-61. ISBN 9781849461863


Karapapa, S. (2012) Private copying. Routledge research in intellectual property. Routledge, London, pp218. ISBN 9780415674720


Lakin, S. ORCID: (2012) Why UK public lawyers need to be legal and political theorists. Durham Law Review.


MacMillan, C. (2012) Earl of Aylesford v Morris (1873). In: Mitchell, C. and Mitchell, P. (eds.) Landmark Cases in Equity. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 329-355. ISBN 9781849461542

Merkin, R. (2012) Arbitrating insurance and reinsurance disputes. Asian Dispute Review, 14.

Merkin, R. (2012) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance in Hong Kong, 2nd Edition. Sweet and Maxwell, Hong Kong, pp1220. ISBN 9789626614464

Merkin, R. (2012) Colinvaux's Law of Insurance. 1st Supplement to the 9th Edition. Sweet and Maxwell. ISBN 9780414024441

Merkin, R. (2012) Unfair terms in insurance contracts: a solution in search of a problem. Insurance Law Journal, 23 (3). pp. 272-298.

Merkin, R. and Mendelowitz, M. (2012) Reinsurance: finding the balance between reinsurers' and reinsureds' interests. In: Burling, J. and Lazarus, K. (eds.) Research Handbook on International Insurance Law and Regulation. Research Handbooks in Financial Law. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781849807883

Merkin, R. (2012) The Christchurch earthquakes: insurance and reinsurance issues. Canterbury Law Review, 18. pp. 119-154. ISSN 0112-0581

Merkin, R. (2012) Tort, insurance and ideology: further thoughts. Modern Law Review, 75 (3). pp. 301-323. ISSN 0026-7961 doi:


Newdick, C. (2012) Re-balancing the rationing debate: tackling the tensions between individual and community rights. In: den Exter, A. and Buijsen, M. (eds.) Rationing Health Care: Hard Choices and Unavoidable Trade-offs. Maklu, Antwerp, pp. 153-170. ISBN 9789046605257

Nield, S. and Hopkins, N. (2012) Human rights and mortgage repossession: beyond property law using Article 8. Legal Studies: The Journal of the Society of Legal Scholars, 33 (3). pp. 431-454. ISSN 1748-121X doi:


Riefa, C. ORCID: (2012) Recommended changes to the definitions of ‘auction’ and ‘public auction’ in the proposal for a directive on consumer rights. In: Devenney, J. and Kenny, M. (eds.) European Consumer Protection Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 378-396. ISBN 9781107013018

Riefa, C. ORCID: (2012) Rights of consumers shopping on online auction platforms under directive 2011/83/EU. In: Buttigieg, E. (ed.) Rights and remedies for the consumer in the European Union. Gutenberg Press, Malta, xxiv, 137 pages. ISBN 9789995704520

Riefa, C. ORCID: (2012) The end of internet service providers liability as we know it – uncovering the consumer interest in CJEU case C-324/09 (L’Oréal/Ebay). Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, 1 (2). pp. 104-111. ISSN 2364-4710

Roberts, N. (2012) The Bruton tenancy: a matter of relativity. Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 2012 (2). pp. 87-103. ISSN 0010-8200


Samuel, K. (2012) The rule of law framework and its lacunae: normative, interpretative, and/or policy created? In: Salinas de Frias, A. M. , Samuel, K. and White, N. (eds.) Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 14-53. ISBN 9780199608928

Sato, M. (2012) Auf dem Prüfstein: Die Umgangsweise der japanischen Regierung mit der Todesstrafe. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie, 95 (5). pp. 363-377.

Schmitt, M. ORCID: (2012) 'Attack' as a term of art in international law: the cyber operations context. In: Czosseck, C., Ottis, R. and Ziolkowski, K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cyber Conflict. NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, pp. 283-293. ISBN 9789949904082

Schmitt, M. ORCID: (2012) Classification in future conflicts. In: Wilmshurst, E. (ed.) International Law and the Classification of Conflicts. Oxford University Press, pp. 455-477.

Schmitt, M. ORCID: (2012) Classification of cyber conflict. Journal of Conflict & Security Law, 17 (2). pp. 245-260. ISSN 1467-7962 doi:

Schmitt, M. ORCID: (2012) Discriminate warfare: the military necessity - humanity dialectic of international humanitarian law. In: Lovell, D. and Primoratz, I. (eds.) Protecting Civilians During Violent Conflict. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 85-102. ISBN 9781409431251 doi:

Schmitt, M. ORCID: (2012) International law in cyberspace: the Koh speech and Tallinn manual juxtaposed. Harvard International Law Journal, 54. pp. 13-37.

Schmitt, M. ORCID: (2012) Iraq 2013 onwards. In: Wilmshurst, E. (ed.) International Law and the Classification of Conflicts. Oxford University Press, pp. 356-386. ISBN 9780199657759

Schmitt, M. ORCID: (2012) 'The "use of force" in cyberspace' a reply to Dr Ziolkowski. In: Czosseck, C., Ottis, R. and Ziolkowski, K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cyber Conflict. NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, pp. 311-316. ISBN 9789949904082

Schmitt, M. N. ORCID: (2012) Essays on Law and War at the Fault Lines. T. M. C. Asser Press. ISBN 9789067047395 doi:

Schmitt, M. N. ORCID: (2012) Unmanned combat aircraft systems (armed drones) and international humanitarian law: simplifying the oft benighted debate. Boston University International Law Journal, 30. pp. 595-619.

Schmitt, M. N. ORCID: (2012) The status of opposition fighters in a non-international armed conflict. In: Dinstein, Y. (ed.) Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. Brill, pp. 27-54. ISBN 9789004231832

Schmitt, M. N. ORCID: and Heinegg, W. H. v., eds. (2012) The Conduct of Hostilities in International Humanitarian Law, Volume I. The Library of Essays in International Humanitarian Law. Routledge, pp562. ISBN 9780754629351

Schmitt, M. N. ORCID: and Heinegg, W. H. v., eds. (2012) The Conduct of Hostilities in International Humanitarian Law, Volume II. The Library of Essays in International Humanitarian Law. Routledge, pp600. ISBN 9780754629368

Schmitt, M. N. ORCID: and Heinegg, W. H. v., eds. (2012) Detention and Occupation in International Humanitarian Law. The Library of Essays in International Humanitarian Law. Routledge, pp574. ISBN 9780754629375

Schmitt, M. N. ORCID: and Heinegg, W. H. v., eds. (2012) The Development and Principles of International Humanitarian Law. The Library of Essays in International Humanitarian Law. Routledge, pp586. ISBN 9780754629344

Schmitt, M. N. ORCID: and Heinegg, W. H. v., eds. (2012) The Implementation and Enforcement of International Humanitarian Law. The Library of Essays in International Humanitarian Law. Routledge, pp530. ISBN 9780754629382

Schmitt, M. N. ORCID: and Heinegg, W. H. v., eds. (2012) The Scope and Applicability of International Humanitarian Law. The Library of Essays in International Humanitarian Law. Routledge, pp534. ISBN 9780754629337

Smith, C. ORCID: (2012) Bishop of Natal v Gladstone (1866). In: Mitchell, C. and Mitchell, P. (eds.) Landmark Cases Equity. Hart, pp. 305-328. ISBN 9781849461542

Stychin, C. (2012) The vulnerable subject of negligence law. International Journal of Law in Context, 8 (3). pp. 337-353. ISSN 1744-5531 doi:


Thies, A. (2012) Le devoir de coopération loyale dans le cadre de l’action extérieure. In: Neframi, E. (ed.) Objectifs & compétences dans l’Union européenne. Bruylant, Brussels, pp. 311-336. ISBN 9782802735380

Thies, A. (2012) Shared competence and the EU Member States’ obligation to refrain from unilateral external action: PFOS and beyond. In: Diez-Hochleitner, J., Martinez Capdevila, C., Blazquez Navarro, I. and Frutos Miranda, J. (eds.) Recent trends in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the EU (2008-2011). La Ley, Madrid, pp. 703-728. ISBN 9788490200513

Tryfonidou, A. ORCID: (2012) Redefining the outer boundaries of EU Law: the Zambrano, McCarthy and Dereci trilogy. European Public Law, 18 (3). pp. 493-526. ISSN 1354-3725


Windsor, M. ORCID: (2012) (Pro)motion to dismiss? Constitutional tort litigation and threshold failure in the war on terror. British Journal of American Legal Studies, 1 (1). pp. 241-264. ISSN 2049-4092

Woolman, S. and Bilchitz, D. ORCID:, eds. (2012) Is this Seat Taken? Conversations at the Bar, the Bench and the Academy concerning the South African Bill of Rights. Pretoria University Law Press (PULP), pp446. ISBN 9780920538071


Zanghellini, A. ORCID: (2012) Are gay rights Islamophobic? A critique of some uses of the concept of homonationalism in activism and academia. Social and Legal Studies, 21 (3). pp. 357-374. ISSN 0964-6639 doi:

Zanghellini, A. ORCID: (2012) Gay intimacy, yaoi and the ethics of care. In: Davies, C. and Robinson, K. (eds.) Queer and Subjugated Knowledges: Generating Subversive Imaginaries. Bentham eBooks, pp. 192-211. ISBN 9781608053391

Zanghellini, A. ORCID: (2012) A v B and C [2012] EWCA Civ 285: heteronormativity, poly-parenting, and the homo-nuclear family. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 24 (4). pp. 475-486. ISSN 1358-8184

Ziegler, R. (R.) ORCID: and Otzari, S. (2012) Do soldiers' lives matter? A view from proportionality. Israel Law Review, 45 (1). pp. 53-69. ISSN 2047-9336 doi:

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