Number of items: 88.
Almond, P. ORCID:
Corporate manslaughter and regulatory reform.
Crime Prevention and Security Management .
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
ISBN 9780230274525
Almond, P. ORCID: and Arthur, R.
Imposing criminal liability onto employers for work-related death : the UK experience.
International labor brief, 11 (10).
pp. 44-59.
Auchmuty, R. ORCID:
Marriage and civil partnership: law's role, feminism's response.
In: Davies, M. and Munro, V. (eds.)
The Ashgate Research Companion to Feminist Legal Theory.
Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 285-302.
ISBN 9781409418597
Banks, S.
Magic and the power and the condemned: English public execution and popular superstition from 1750 - 1864.
In: Farghaly, N. and Madlo, G. (eds.)
When Evil Met Magic: A Versatile Journey.
Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, pp. 55-78.
ISBN 9781848881822
Bano, S.
Muslim dispute resolution in Britain: towards a new framework of family law governance?
In: Maclean, M. and Eekelaar, J. (eds.)
Managing Family Justice in Diverse Societies.
Oñati International Series in Law and Society (1).
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 61-86.
ISBN 9781849464000
Bilchitz, D. ORCID:
Avoidance remains avoidance: is it desirable in socio-economic rights cases?
Constitutional Court Review, 5 (1).
pp. 297-308.
ISSN 2073-6215
Bilchitz, D. ORCID:
A Chasm Between ‘Is’ and ‘Ought’? A Critique of the Normative Foundations of the SRSG’s Framework and Guiding Principles.
In: Deva, S. and Bilchitz, D. ORCID: (eds.)
Human Rights Obligations of Business: Beyond the Corporate Responsibility to Respect?
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 107-137, xxvi, 424 pages.
ISBN 9781107036871
Bilchitz, D. ORCID:
Constitutionalism, the Global South, and Economic Justice.
In: Bonilla Maldonado, D. (ed.)
Constitutionalism of the Global South: The Activist Tribunals of India, South Africa, and Colombia.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 41-94, x, 410 pages.
ISBN 9781107036215
Bilchitz, D. ORCID:
Creating the space ‘in between’: towards a conception of equal exchanges between the legal academia of the Global South and North.
Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal, 16 (2).
pp. 59-88.
ISSN 1548-2596
Bilchitz, D. ORCID:
Human Rights Beyond the State: Exploring the Challenges.
In: Vilhena, O., Baxi, U. and Viljoen, F. (eds.)
Transformative constitutionalism: Comparing the apex courts of Brazil, India and South Africa.
Pretoria University Law Press (PULP), Johannesburg, pp. 580-603, x, 667 pages.
ISBN 9781920538231
Bilchitz, D. ORCID:
Human rights accountability in domestic courts: does Kiobel increase the global governance gap?
Journal of South African Law, 2013 (4).
pp. 794-805.
ISSN 0257-7747
Bilchitz, D. ORCID: and Deva, S.
The Human Rights Obligations of Business: A Critical Framework for the Future.
In: Deva, S. and Bilchitz, D. ORCID: (eds.)
Human Rights Obligations of Business: Beyond the Corporate Responsibility to Respect?
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-26, xxvi, 424 pages.
ISBN 9781107036871
Bisset, A. ORCID:
The relationship between truth commissions and armed forces.
In: Odello, M. and Seatzu, F. (eds.)
Armed Forces and International Jurisdictions.
Intersentia, Cambridge, pp. 189-204.
ISBN 9789400001831
Borghi, M. and Karapapa, S.
Copyright and mass digitization.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp200.
ISBN 9780199664559
Borghi, M., Ferretti, F. and Karapapa, S.
Online data processing consent under EU law: a theoretical framework and empirical evidence from the UK.
International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 21 (2).
pp. 109-153.
ISSN 1464-3693
Breau, S.
Civilian casualties and drone attacks: issues in international humanitarian law.
In: Barnidge, R. P. (ed.)
The Liberal Way of War.
Ashgate, pp. 115-138.
ISBN 9781409467397
Breau, S.
Peacekeeping operations.
In: Zyberi, G. (ed.)
An Institutional Approach to the Responsibility to Protect.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 58-79.
ISBN 9781107036444
Breau, S.
Low-yield tactical nuclear weapons and the rule of distinction.
Flinders Law Journal, 15 (2).
pp. 219-256.
ISSN 1838-2975
Breau, S. and Joyce, R.
The responsibility to record civilian casualties.
Global Responsibility to Protect, 5 (1).
pp. 28-55.
ISSN 1875-9858
Bright, S., Hopkins, N. and Macklam, N.
Owning part but losing all: using Human Rights to protect home ownership.
In: Hopkins, N. (ed.)
Modern Studies in Property Law. Volume 7.
Modern Studies in Property Law.
Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, Oregon, pp. 15-38.
ISBN 9781849463218
Callus, T. ORCID:
Proches et fin de vie médicalisée en droit anglais: un rôle limité des proches qui vise à renforcer l’autonomie du patient.
In: Feuillet-Liger, B. (ed.)
Les proches et la fin de vie médicalisée.
Droit, bioéthique et société (5).
Bruylant, Brussels, pp. 127-140.
ISBN 9782802735649
Callus, T. ORCID:
Réflexionx sur la vulnerabilité, la liberté et la responsibilité en droit Anglais.
In: Aouij-Mrad, A. and Feuillet-Liger, B. (eds.)
Corps de la Femme et Biomédecine: approche internationale.
Collection Droit, Bioéthique et Société.
Bruylant, Brussels, pp. 147-162.
ISBN 9782802738022
Callus, T. ORCID:
The female body in English law: reflections on vulnerability, responsibility and freedom.
In: Callus, T. ORCID:, Feuillet-Liger, B. and Orfali, K. (eds.)
The Female Body: A journey through Law, Culture and Medicine.
Collection Droit, Bioéthique et Société.
Bruylant, Brussels, pp. 147-162.
ISBN 9782802745037
Callus, T. ORCID:, Feuillet-Liger, B. and Orfali, K., eds.
The female body: a journey through law, culture and medicine.
Collection Droit, Bioéthique et Société.
Bruylant, Brussels.
ISBN 9782802745037
Coe, P. ORCID:
Compatibility of whole life orders with the European Convention on Human Rights.
Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (6).
pp. 476-481.
ISSN 1740-5580
Coe, P. ORCID:
Justifying reverse burdens of proof: a tale of diminished responsibility and a tangled knot of authorities.
Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (5).
pp. 360-365.
ISSN 1740-5580
Coe, P. ORCID:
The value of corporate reputation and the Defamation Act 2013: a brave new world or road to ruin?
Communications Law, 18 (4).
pp. 113-121.
ISSN 1746-7616
De Witte, B. and Thies, A.
Why choose Europe? The place of the European Union in the architecture of international legal cooperation.
In: Von Vooren, B., Blockmans, S. and Wouters, J. (eds.)
The EU's role in global governance: the legal dimension.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 23-38.
ISBN 9780199659654
Freedman, R. ORCID:
The UN Human Rights Council: a critique and early assessment.
Routledge, London, pp332.
ISBN 9780415640329
Gelinas, F. and Sirota, L.
Constitutional conventions and senate reform.
Revue québécoise de droit constitutionnel, 5.
p. 107.
Gilman, J., Merkin, R., Blanchard, C. and Templeman, M.
Arnould law of marine insurance and average, 18th edition.
Sweet & Maxwell.
ISBN 9780414024281
Glader, M. and Kokkoris, I.
Excessive pricing.
In: Gonzalez Diaz , E. and Piergiovanni, M. (eds.)
Abuse of Dominance Under Article 102 TFEU.
EU Competition Law, V.
Claeys & Casteels Publishing.
ISBN 9789077644133
Glinavos, I.
Redefining the market-state relationship: responses to financial crisis and the future of regulation.
Routledge Research in Finance and Banking Law.
Routledge, London, pp184.
ISBN 9780415691284
Hamilton, F. ORCID:
Why the margin of appreciation is not the answer to the gay marriage debate.
European Human Rights Law Review.
pp. 47-55.
ISSN 1361-1526
Hill-Cawthorne, L. ORCID:
The Copenhagen principles on the handling of detainees: implications for the procedural regulation of internment.
Journal of Conflict & Security Law, 18 (3).
pp. 481-497.
ISSN 1467-7962
Hilson, C. ORCID:
Common but differentiated responsibilities in EU climate change law: a case of double standards?
In: Evans, M. and Koutrakos, P. (eds.)
The international responsibility of the European Union: European and international perspectives.
Hart, Oxford, pp. 275-293.
ISBN 9781849463287
Hilson, C. ORCID:
It's all about climate change, stupid! Exploring the relationship between environmental law and climate law.
Journal of Environmental Law, 25 (3).
pp. 359-370.
ISSN 0952-8873
Hilson, C. ORCID:,
The courts and social movements: two literatures and two methodologies.
Center for the Study of Social Movements, University of Notre Dame, USA.
Hilson, C. ORCID:
The margin of appreciation, domestic irregularity and domestic court rulings in ECHR environmental jurisprudence: Global legal pluralism in action.
Global Constitutionalism, 2 (2).
pp. 262-286.
ISSN 2045-3825
Hopkins, N.
City of London Building Society v Flegg (1987): homes as wealth.
In: Gravells, N. (ed.)
Landmark Cases in Land Law.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 205-228.
ISBN 9781849462570
Hopkins, N., ed.
Modern studies in property law.
Modern studies in property law, 7.
Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, Oregon, pp502.
ISBN 9781849463218
Isiksel, T. and Thies, A., eds.
Special issue on 'Changing Subjects: Rights, remedies and responsibilities of individuals under global legal pluralism'.
Global Constitutionalism (Special Issue), 2 (2).
Cambridge University Press, pp194.
Isiksel, T. and Thies, A.
Changing subjects: rights, remedies and responsibilities of individuals under global legal pluralism.
Global Constitutionalism, 2 (2).
pp. 151-159.
ISSN 2045-3825
James, G. ORCID:
Forgotten children: work-family reconciliation in the EU.
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 34 (3).
pp. 363-379.
ISSN 1469-9621
Karapapa, S.
A copyright exception for private copying in the United Kingdom.
European Intellectual Property Review, 35 (3).
pp. 129-137.
ISSN 0142-0461
Kokkoris, I.
Merger control: substantive issues.
In: Lianos, I. and Geradin, D. (eds.)
Handbook On European Competition Law: Substantive Aspects.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
ISBN 9781848445536
Kury, H. and Sato, M.
Bewährungshilfe - die Rolle der Freiwilligen: ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Japan.
In: Klaus, B. and Hans-Jürgen, K. (eds.)
Kriminologie - Kriminalpolitik - Strafrecht: Festschrift für Hans-Jürgen Kerner zum 70. Geburtstag.
Mohr Siebeck, pp. 637-650.
ISBN 9783161522161
Markham, C. J. and Schmitt, M. N. ORCID:
Precision air warfare and the law of armed conflict.
International Law Studies, 89 (1).
pp. 669-695.
ISSN 2375-2831
Merkin, R., ed.
Halsbury's laws of England, copyright.
Merkin, R. and Dziobon, S.
Tort law and compulsory insurance.
In: Arvind, T. T. and Steele, J. (eds.)
Tort Law and the Legislature.
Hart Publishing.
ISBN 9781849461405
Merkin, R. and Steele, J.
Insurance and the Law of Obligations.
Oxford University Press, pp464.
ISBN 9780199645749
Newdick, C. and Danbury, C.
Culture, compassion and clinical neglect: probity in the NHS after Mid Staffordshire.
Journal of Medical Ethics, 41 (12).
pp. 956-962.
ISSN 1473-4257
Nottage, L., Riefa, C. ORCID: and Tokeley, K.
Comparative Consumer Law Reform and Economic Integration.
In: Malbon, J. and Nottage, L. (eds.)
Consumer Law and Policy in Australia and New Zealand.
Federation Press, pp. 52-94, 480 pages.
ISBN 9781862879089
Program on HPCR at Harvard University, ORCID:
HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp503.
ISBN 9781139525275
Reifner, U., Neuberger, D., Rissi, R., Riefa, C. ORCID:, Knobloch, M., Clerc-Renaud, S. and Finger, C.,
Study on remuneration structures of financial services intermediairies and conflicts of interest.
Institute Fur finanzdienstleistungen e.V. (iff), Hamburg.
ISBN 9789279299179
Riefa, C. ORCID:
An empirical study of unfair terms in online auction contracts in the UK: evidence of the need for better enforcement mechanisms.
University of Western Australia Law Review, 37 (1).
ISSN 0042-0328
Riefa, C. ORCID:, Tiffe, A., Reifner, U., Klinger, H., Muller, P., Sinn, M., Mantovani, I., Devnani, S., Korus, K. and Godschalk, H.,
Study on the impact of directive 2007/64/EC on payment services in the internal market and on the application of regulation (EC) No. 924/2009 on cross-border payments in the community.
European Commission
Roberts, N.
Donationes mortis causa in a dematerialised world.
Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 2.
pp. 113-128.
ISSN 0010-8200
Samuel, K.
Can religious norms influence self-determination struggles, and with what implications for international law?
In: French, D. (ed.)
Statehood and Self-Determination: Reconciling Tradition and Modernity in International Law.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 302-323.
ISBN 9781107029330
Samuel, K. L. H.
The OIC, the UN, and counter-terrorism law-making: conflicting or cooperative legal orders?
Studies in International Law.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp537.
ISBN 9781849462679
Sato, M. and Hough, M.
Report on an empirical assessment of fear of crime and punitive sentiment across Europe.
In: Maffei, S. and Markopoulou, L. (eds.)
FIDUCIA: New European Crimes and Trust-based Policy.
FIDUCIA, pp. 179-218.
Sato, M., Johnson, D., Tagusari, M., Lehrfreund, S. and Jabbar, P.,
The death penalty in Japan: a report on Japan’s legal obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and an assessment of public attitudes to capital punishment.
The Death Penalty Project
Sato, M.
Challenging the Japanese government’s approach to the death penalty.
In: Hood, R. and Deva, S. (eds.)
Confronting Capital Punishment in Asia: Human Rights, Politics and Public Opinion.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780199685776
Schmitt, M. ORCID:
Autonomous weapon systems and international humanitarian law: a reply to the critics.
Harvard National Security Journal, 4.
pp. 1-37.
Schmitt, M. ORCID:
Five myths in the debate about cyber war.
Just Security.
Schmitt, M. ORCID:, ed.
Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare.
Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9781139169288
Schmitt, M. N. ORCID:
Charting the legal geography of non-international armed conflict.
Military Law and the Law of War Review, 52 (1).
pp. 93-102.
ISSN 0556-7394
Schmitt, M. N. ORCID:
Cyberspace and international law: the penumbral mist of uncertainty.
Harvard Law Review Forum, 126.
Schmitt, M. N. ORCID:
Extraterritorial lethal targeting: deconstructing the logic of international law.
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 52 (1).
pp. 77-112.
ISSN 0010-1931
Schmitt, M. N. ORCID:
The Syrian intervention: assessing the possible international law justifications.
International Law Studies, 89 (1).
pp. 744-756.
ISSN 2375-2831
Schmitt, M. N. ORCID:
Wound, capture, or kill: a reply to Ryan Goodman’s ‘the power to kill or capture enemy combatants'.
European Journal of International Law, 24 (3).
pp. 855-861.
ISSN 1464-3596
Schmitt, M. N. ORCID: and Thurnher, J. S.
"Out of the loop": autonomous weapon systems and the law of armed conflict.
Harvard National Security Journal, 4 (2).
pp. 231-281.
Sirota, L.
Storm and havoc: the rule of law and religious exemptions.
Revue Juridique Thémis de l'Université de Montréal, 47 (2).
pp. 247-317.
ISSN 0380-8327
Smith, P. F.
Apartment ownership: the English version needs reforming.
Stellenbosch Law Review, 24 (1).
pp. 185-202.
ISSN 1016-4359
Tamanna, N.
Recognition of "difference" in Shari'a: a feminist scrutiny through the lens of substantive equality.
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 35 (3).
pp. 329-345.
ISSN 1469-9621
Tapia, J. and Mantzari, D.
The regulation/competition interaction.
In: Lianos, I. and Geradin, D. (eds.)
Handbook on European Competition Law.
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 588-627.
ISBN 9781848445536
Thies, A.
International trade disputes and EU liability.
Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp224.
ISBN 9781107009660
Thies, A.
EU membership of the WTO: international trade disputes and judicial protection of individuals by EU Courts.
Global Constitutionalism, 2 (2).
pp. 237-261.
ISSN 2045-3825
(Special issue on 'Changing subjects: rights, remedies and responsibilities of individuals under global legal pluralism' edited by Turkuler Isiksel and Anne Thies)
Tryfonidou, A. ORCID:
Free movement of workers and union citizens.
In: Neergaard, U., van de Gronden, J., Szyszczak, E. and Krajewski, M. (eds.)
Social Services of General Interest in the EU.
Legal Issues of Services of General Interest.
T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 161-183.
ISBN 9789067048750
Tryfonidou, A. ORCID:
(Further) Signs of a Turn of the Tide in the CJEU's Citizenship Jurisprudence: Case C-40/11, Iida, Judgment of 8 November 2012.
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 20.
pp. 302-320.
ISSN 1023-263X
Vanhala, L. and Hilson, C. ORCID:
Climate change litigation: symposium introduction.
Law and Policy, 35 (3).
pp. 141-149.
ISSN 0265-8240
Wilde, M.
Nuisance law and damages in lieu of an injunction: challenging the orthodoxy of the Shelfer criteria.
In: Pitel, S. G. A., Neyers, J. W. and Chamberlain, E. (eds.)
Tort law: challenging orthodoxy.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 355-389.
ISBN 9781849464710
Wilde, M.
Nuisance law in industrial Wales - local and national conflicts (part one): copper smelting in a pre-regulatory era.
In: Bishop, P. and Stallworthy, M. (eds.)
Environmental Law and Policy in Wales - Reponding to Local and Global Challenges.
University of Wales Press.
ISBN 9780708325803
Wilde, M.
Nuisance law in industrial Wales - local and national conflicts (part two): oil refining, the common law and regulation.
In: Bishop, P. and Stallworthy, M. (eds.)
Environmental Law and Policy in Wales - Responding to Local and Global Challenges.
University of Wales Press.
ISBN 9780708325803
Windsor, M. ORCID:
Government legal advisers through the ethics looking glass.
In: Feldman, D. (ed.)
Law in Politics, Politics in Law.
Hart Studies in Constitutional Law.
Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 117-140.
ISBN 9781849464734
Zanghellini, A. ORCID:
Sodomy laws and gender variance in Tahiti and Hawai‘i.
Laws, 2 (2).
pp. 51-68.
ISSN 2075-471X
(Special Issue: Legally Constructed Gendered Identities)
Ziegler, R. ORCID:
Protecting recognized Geneva Convention refugees outside their states of asylum.
International Journal of Refugee Law, 25 (2).
pp. 235-264.
ISSN 0953-8186
Ziegler, R. ORCID:
The prevention of infiltration (amendment no. 4) bill: a malevolent response to the Israeli Supreme Court judgment.
European Society of International Law Migration & Refugee Law Interest Group Blog.
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