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Allan, R. P. ORCID: and Slingo, A. (2002) Can current climate model forcings explain the spatial and temporal signatures of decadal OLR variations? Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (7). 1141. ISSN 0094-8276 doi:

Allan, R. P. ORCID:, Slingo, A. and Ringer, M. A. (2002) Influence of dynamics on the changes in tropical cloud radiative forcing during the 1998 El Niño. Journal of Climate, 15 (14). pp. 1979-1986. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:<1979:IODOTC>2.0.CO;2

Allan, R.P. ORCID:, Ramaswamy, V. and Slingo, A. (2002) Diagnostic analysis of atmospheric moisture and clear-sky radiative feedback in the Hadley Centre and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) climate models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (D17). 4329. ISSN 0148-0227 doi:

Allan, R.P. ORCID:, Slingo, A. and Ramaswamy, V. (2002) Analysis of moisture variability in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 15-year reanalysis over the tropical oceans. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (D15). 4230. ISSN 0148-0227 doi:

Ambaum, M. H. P. ORCID: and Hoskins, B. J. (2002) The NAO troposphere–stratosphere connection. Journal of Climate, 15 (14). pp. 1969-1978. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:<1969:TNTSC>2.0.CO;2

Ambaum, M. H. P. ORCID:, Hoskins, B. J. and Stephenson, D. B. (2002) Corrigendum: Arctic oscillation or North Atlantic oscillation? Journal of Climate, 15 (5). p. 553. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:<0553:C>2.0.CO;2

Anderson, J. A. D. W. (2002) Robot free will. In: ECAI 2002: 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 21-26 Jun 2002, Lyon, France, pp. 559-563.

Anderson, J. A. D. W. (2002) Exact numerical computation of the rational general linear transformations. In: SPIE Vision Geometry XI, 7 July 2002, Seattle, USA, pp. 22-28. doi:

Anderson, J. A. D. W. (2002) Perspex machine. In: SPIE Vision Geometry XI, 7 July 2002, Seattle, USA, pp. 10-21. doi:

Anderson, J. A. D. W. and Sweby, P. K. ORCID: (2002) Exact computation in numerical linear algebra: the Discrete Fourier Transform. In: Toro, E. F. (ed.) Godunov methods: theory and applications. Springer, New York, pp. 61-67. ISBN 9780306466014

Arens, T., Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID: and Haseloh, K. O. (2002) Solvability and spectral properties of integral equations on the real line: I. Weighted spaces of continuous functions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 272 (1). pp. 276-302. ISSN 0022-247X doi:

Ayres, K. (2002) Paternal exclusion in the presence of substructure. Forensic Science International, 129 (2). pp. 142-144. ISSN 0379-0738 doi:

Ayres, K., Chaseling, J. and Balding, D. J. (2002) Implications for DNA identification arising from an analysis of Australian forensic databases. Forensic Science International, 129 (2). pp. 90-98. ISSN 0379-0738 doi:


Baines, M. J. (2002) Moving meshes, conservation laws and least squares equidistribution. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Fluids, 40 (1-2). pp. 3-19. ISSN 1097-0363 doi:

Baines, M. J., Leary, S. J. and Hubbard, M. E. (2002) Multidimensional least squares fluctuation distribution schemes with adaptive mesh movement for steady hyperbolic equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 23 (5). pp. 1485-1502. ISSN 1095-7197 doi:

Banks, H. T., Wood, R. A. and Gregory, J. M. ORCID: (2002) Changes to Indian Ocean subantarctic mode water in a coupled climate model as CO2 forcing increases. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32 (10). pp. 2816-2827. ISSN 0022-3670 doi:<2816:CTIOSM>2.0.CO;2

Barlow, J. F. and Belcher, S. E. (2002) A wind tunnel model for quantifying fluxes in the urban boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 104 (1). pp. 131-150. ISSN 0006-8314 doi:

Barone, A., Chirco, P., Di Fatta, G. and Lo Re, G. (2002) A management architecture for active networks. In: Proceedings of Fourth Annual International Workshop on Active Middleware Services. IEEE, pp. 41-48. ISBN 0769517218 doi:

Boness, K. and Harrison, R. (2002) A data collection case study supporting requirements oriented prediction and management in software developments. In: 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference : proceedings : 26-29 August, 2002, Oxford, England/. IEEE Computer Society Press,, Los Alamitos, Calif., pp. 744-746. ISBN 0-7695-1727-7 doi:

Brooks, J.K., Saitô, K. and Wright, J.D.M. (2002) A bounded sequence of normal functionals has a subsequence which is nearly weakly convergent. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 276. pp. 160-167.

Bruemmer, B., Kirchgaessner, A., Mueller, G., Schroeder, D. ORCID:, Launiainen, J. and Vihma, T. (2002) The BALTIMOS (BALTEX Integrated Model System) fi eld experiments: A comprehensive atmospheric boundary layer data set for model validation over the open and ice- covered Baltic Sea. Boreal Env. Res.. ISSN 1239-6095

Brümmer, B., Schroeder, D. ORCID:, Launiainen, J., Vihma, T., Smedman, A.-S. and Magnusson, M. (2002) Temporal and spatial variability of surface fluxes over the ice edge zone in the northern Baltic Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (C8). ISSN 0148-0227 doi:

Bunce, L.J. and Peralta, A.M. (2002) The Alternative Dunford-Pettis Property in C*-Algebras and von Neumann preduals. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 131 (4). pp. 1251-1255.


Cariolaro, D. and Hilton, A.J.W. (2002) Class 1 graphs associated with regular graphs of high degree. Congressus Numerantium, 159. pp. 133-142.

Carslaw, K. S., Harrison, R. G. ORCID: and Kirkby, J. (2002) Cosmic rays, clouds, and climate. Science, 298 (5599). pp. 1732-1737. ISSN 1095-9203 doi:

Cau, A., Hale, R., Dimitrov, J., Zedan, H., Moszkowski, B., Manjunathaiah, M. and Spivey, M. (2002) A compositional framework for hardware/software co-design. Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 6 (4). pp. 367-399. ISSN 1572-8080 doi:

Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID: and Potthast, R. (2002) The domain derivative in rough-surface scattering and rigorous estimates for first-order perturbation theory. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 458 (2028). pp. 2967-3001. ISSN 1471-2946 doi:

Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID: and Zhang, B. (2002) A generalized collectively compact operator theory with an application to integral equations on unbounded domains. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 14 (1). pp. 11-52. ISSN 1938-2626 doi:

Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID:, Rahman, M. and Ross, C.R. (2002) A fast two-grid and finite section method for a class of integral equations on the real line with application to an acoustic scattering problem in the half-plane. Numerische Mathematik, 93 (1). pp. 1-51. ISSN 0029-599X doi:

Chen, S., Hong, X. ORCID: and Harris, C. J. (2002) Sparse data modelling using combined locally regularized orthogonal least squares and D-optimality design. In: CASIA & CACSUK 2002, 20-21 Sep 2002, Beijing, China.

Coe, R., Stern, R.D. and Allan, E.F. (2002) Data analysis of agroforestry experiments. In: UNSPECIFIED ICRAF: World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi.


Davies, J. A., Yeoman, T. K., Rae, I. J., Milan, S. E., Lester, M., Lockwood, M. ORCID: and McWilliams, A. (2002) Ground-based observations of the auroral zone and polar cap ionospheric responses to dayside transient reconnection. Annales Geophysicae, 20 (6). pp. 781-794. ISSN 0992-7689 doi:

Di Fatta, G., Lo Re, G. and Urso, A. (2002) A fuzzy approach for the network congestion problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2329). pp. 286-295. ISSN 0302-9743 doi:

Duan, G.-R., Nichols, N. ORCID: and Liu, G.-P. (2002) Robust pole assignment in descriptor linear systems via state feedback. European Journal of Control, 8 (2). pp. 136-149. ISSN 0947-3580 doi:


Fang, H. P., Wang, Z., Lin, Z. F. and Liu, M. R. (2002) Lattice Boltzmann method for simulating the viscous flow in large distensible blood vessels. Physical Review E, 65 (5). 051925. ISSN 1539-3755 doi:

Feltham, D. L. ORCID:, Worster,, M. G. and Wettlaufer, J. S. (2002) The influence of ocean flow on newly forming sea ice. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (C2). ISSN 0148-0227 doi:

Fomichev, V. I., Ward, W. E., Beagley, S. R., McLandress, C., McConnell, J. C., McFarlane, N. A. and Shepherd, T. G. ORCID: (2002) Extended Canadian middle atmosphere model: zonal-mean climatology and physical parameterizations. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 107 (D10). 4087. ISSN 0148-0227 doi:


Glaister, P. (2002) 2b or not to be - that other classic. Mathematical Spectrum, 35. 3-5..

Glaister, P. (2002) A Generalized Class of Series Evaluated. Mathematics and Computer Education, 36. pp. 179-186.

Glaister, P. (2002) Linear Regression in Chemistry. Education in Chemistry, 39. p. 39.

Glaister, P. (2002) Maths Woodwork it out. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 20. pp. 139-144.

Glaister, P. (2002) Not a Slice but a Cube of. Mathematics Today, 38. p. 45.

Glaister, P. (2002) Squaring up to Factorials. Mathematical Spectrum, 34. pp. 53-55.

Glaister, P. (2002) Taylor's Theorem and Integral Expansions. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 33. pp. 910-926.

Glaister, P. (2002) To Infinity and Beyond - further mathematical journeys. Mathematical Spectrum, 34. pp. 26-29.

Gregory, J. M. ORCID: and Church, J. A. (2002) Changes in sea-level. Weather, 57 (8). pp. 287-295. ISSN 0043-1656 doi:

Gregory, J. M. ORCID:, Stott, P. A., Cresswell, D. J., Rayner, N. A., Gordon, C. and Sexton, D. M. H. (2002) Recent and future changes in Arctic sea ice simulated by the HadCM3 AOGCM. Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (24). 2175. ISSN 0094-8276 doi:

Gregory, J. M. ORCID:, Stouffer, R. J., Raper, S. C. B., Stott, P. A. and Rayner, N. A. (2002) An observationally based estimate of the climate sensitivity. Journal of Climate, 15 (22). pp. 3117-3121. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:<3117:AOBEOT>2.0.CO;2

Gurevich, A. V., Lukyanov, A. V., Zybin, K. P. and Roussel-Duprè, R. A. (2002) Spherical symmetrical approach to the theory of runaway breakdown. In: Kortshagen, U. and Tsendin, L. D. (eds.) Electron Kinetics and Applications of Glow Discharges. NATO Science Series: B, 367. Springer, Boston, MA, pp. 19-35. ISBN 9780306470769 doi:


Hagemann, S., Machenhauer, B., Christensen, O.B., Déqué, M., Jacob, D., Jones, R. and Vidale, P. L. ORCID:, (2002) Intercomparison of water and energy budgets simulated by regional climate models applied over Europe. Report. Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany. pp42. ISBN 0937-1060

Haine, T. and Williams, P. D. ORCID: (2002) The role of nonhydrostatic dynamics in controlling development of a surface ocean front. Ocean modelling, 4 (2). pp. 121-135. ISSN 1463-5003 doi:

Harris, C. J. and Hong, X. ORCID: (2002) Neurofuzzy state space modelling and control using Kalman filtering state feedback with coloured noise. In: IFAC Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing (ALCOSP 2001), 29-31 Aug 2001, Como, Italy, pp502.

Harris, C., Hong, X. ORCID: and Gan, Q. (2002) Adaptive modelling, estimation and fusion from data: a neurofuzzy approach. Advanced Information Processing. Springer, Berlin, pp339. ISBN 9783540426868

Harrison, G. ORCID: (2002) Twentieth century secular decrease in the atmospheric potential gradient. Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (14). 1660. ISSN 0094-8276 doi:

Harrison, R. G. ORCID: and Aplin, K. L. (2002) Mid-nineteenth century smoke concentrations near London. Atmospheric Environment, 36 (25). pp. 4037-4043. ISSN 1352-2310 doi:

Hawkins, G., Hunneman, R., Sherwood, R. E. and Barrett, B. M. (2002) Interference filters and coatings for mid-infrared astronomy (8-30µm). In: AtadEttedgui, E. and Dodorico, S. (eds.) Specialized Optical Developments in Astronomy. Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (Spie), 4842. Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, Bellingham, pp. 43-55. ISBN 0277786X0819446211

Hegglin, M. I. ORCID:, Krieger, U. K., Koop, T., and Peter, T. (2002) Technical note: Organics-induced fluorescence in Raman studies of sulfuric acid aerosols. Aerosol Science and Technology, 36 (4). pp. 510-512. ISSN 0278-6826 doi:

Hilton, A.J.W. and Hind, H.R. (2002) Non-conformable subgraphs of non-conformable graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 256. pp. 203-224.

Hong, X. ORCID: and Harris, C. J. (2002) Nonlinear model structure design and construction using orthogonal least squares and D-optimality design. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 13 (5). pp. 1245-1250. ISSN 1045-9227 doi:

Hong, X. ORCID: and Harris, C. J. (2002) A mixture of experts network structure construction algorithm for modelling and control. Applied Intelligence, 16 (1). pp. 59-69. ISSN 1573-7497 doi:

Horoshenkov, K. V. and Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID: (2002) Efficient calculation of two-dimensional periodic and waveguide acoustic Green’s functions. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111 (4). pp. 1610-1622. ISSN 0001-4966 doi:

Hoskins, B. J. and Hodges, K. I. ORCID: (2002) New perspectives on the Northern Hemisphere winter storm tracks. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 59 (6). pp. 1041-1061. ISSN 1520-0469 doi:<1041:NPOTNH>2.0.CO;2


Iwayama, T., Shepherd, T. G. ORCID: and Watanabe, T. (2002) Self-similarity of decaying two-dimensional turbulence governed by the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima equation. In: Kaneda, Y. and Gotoh, T. (eds.) Statistical Theories and Computational Approaches to Turbulence: Modern Perspectives and Application to Global-Scale Flows. Springer-Verlag, pp. 341-349. ISBN 4431703357

Iwayama, T., Shepherd, T. G. ORCID: and Watanabe, T. (2002) An ‘ideal’ form of decaying two-dimensional turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 456. ISSN 0022-1120 doi:


Johnson, T. C., Baines, M. J. and Sweby, P. K. ORCID: (2002) A box scheme for transcritical flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 55 (8). pp. 895-912. ISSN 1097-0207 doi:


Liu, K., Sun, L. and Bennett, K. (2002) Co-design of business and IT systems: introduction by guest editors. Information Systems Frontiers, 4 (3). pp. 251-256. ISSN 1572-9419 doi:

Lockwood, M. ORCID: (2002) Long-term variations in the open solar flux and possible links to Earth’s climate. In: “From Solar Min to Max: Half a solar cycle with SoHO”, 11th SoHO Symposium, March 2002, Davos, Switzerland, pp. 507-522. (ESA-SP-508: “From Solar Min to Max: Half a solar cycle with SoHO”, Proc. SoHO 11 Symposium, Davos, Switzerland,)

Lockwood, M. ORCID: (2002) Relationship between the near-Earth interplanetary field and the coronal source flux: dependence on timescale. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (A12). 1425. ISSN 0148-0227 doi:

Lockwood, M. ORCID: (2002) An evaluation of the correlation between open solar flux and total solar irradiance. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 382 (2). pp. 678-687. ISSN 0004-6361 doi:


Mackay, D. H., Priest, E. R. and Lockwood, M. ORCID: (2002) The evolution of the Sun's open magnetic flux: I. a single bipole. Solar Physics, 207 (2). pp. 291-308. ISSN 0038-0938 doi:

Mackay, D.H. and Lockwood, M. ORCID: (2002) The evolution of the sun’s open magnetic flux: II. full solar cycle simulations. Solar Physics, 209 (2). pp. 287-309. ISSN 0038-0938 doi:

Manjunathaiah, M. and Megson, G. (2002) Compositional technique for synthesising multi-phase regular arrays. In: Proceedings of ASAP '02, the 13th IEEE Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors. IEEE Computer Society, Washington DC, pp. 7-16. ISBN 0769517129 doi:

Martin, M. J., Bell, M. J. and Nichols, N. K. ORCID: (2002) Estimation of systematic error in an equatorial ocean model using data assimilation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 40 (3-4). pp. 435-444. ISSN 0271-2091 doi:


Owen, T., Duan, G., Nichols, N. ORCID: and Liu, G. (2002) Discussion on 'Robust pole assignment in descriptor linear systems via state feedback' by G.-R. Duan, N.K. Nichols and G.-P. Liu. European Journal of Control, 8 (2). p. 150. ISSN 0947-3580 doi:


Pearson, K.J., Horne, K. and Skidmore, W. (2002) Fireballs in AE Aquarii. ASP Conference Proceedings, 315. pp. 163-164. (The Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 261. Edited by B. T. Gänsicke, K. Beuermann, and K. Reinsch)

Pelloni, B. (2002) D-bar problems and the solution of the sine-Gordon equation in time-dependent convex domains. Communications in Applied Analysis, 6. pp. 179-196. ISSN 1083-2564

Pelloni, B. (2002) Linear and nonlinear waves on a finite interval. In: International Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena, Gallipoli.

Pelloni, B. (2002) Well-posed boundary value problems for integrable evolution equations on a finite interval. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 133 (2). pp. 1598-1606. ISSN 0040-5779 doi:

Plant, R. S. ORCID: and Atkinson, B. W. (2002) Sea-breeze modification of the growth of a marine internal boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 104 (2). pp. 201-228. ISSN 1573-1472 doi:

Plant, R. S. ORCID: and Birse, M. C. (2002) Mesonic fluctuations in a nonlocal Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model. Nuclear Physics A, 703 (3-4). pp. 717-744. ISSN 0375-9474 doi:

Ponte, R. M., Rajamony, J. and Gregory, J. M. ORCID: (2002) Ocean angular momentum signals in a climate model and implications for Earth rotation. Climate Dynamics, 19 (2). pp. 181-190. ISSN 0930-7575 doi:


Raper, S. C. B., Gregory, J. M. ORCID: and Stouffer, R. J. (2002) The role of climate sensitivity and ocean heat uptake on AOGCM transient temperature response. Journal of Climate, 15 (1). pp. 124-130. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:<0124:TROCSA>2.0.CO;2

Reichert, B. K., Bengtsson, L. and Oerlemans, J. (2002) Recent Glacier Retreat Exceeds Internal Variability. Journal of Climate, 15 (21). pp. 3069-3081. ISSN 0894-8755 doi:<3069:RGREIV>2.0.CO;2

Reichert, B. K., Schnur, R. and Bengtsson, L. (2002) Global ocean warming tied to anthropogenic forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (11). 20-1-20-4. ISSN 0094-8276 doi:


Saenko, O. A., Gregory, J. M. ORCID:, Weaver, A. J. and Eby, M. (2002) Distinguishing the influence of heat, freshwater, and momentum fluxes on ocean circulation and climate. Journal of Climate, 15 (24). pp. 3686-3697. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:<3686:DTIOHF>2.0.CO;2

Saujani, S. and Shepherd, T. G. ORCID: (2002) Comments on 'Balance and the slow quasimanifold: some explicit results'. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 59 (19). pp. 2874-2877. ISSN 1520-0469 doi:<2874:COBATS>2.0.CO;2

Semeniuk, K. and Shepherd, T. G. ORCID: (2002) The effect of non-uniform radiative damping on the zonal-mean dynamics of the extratropical middle atmosphere. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 128 (579). pp. 259-284. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Semenov, V. and Bengtsson, L. (2002) Secular trends in daily precipitation characteristics: greenhouse gas simulation with a coupled AOGCM. Climate Dynamics, 19 (2). pp. 123-140. ISSN 0930-7575 doi:

Shaffrey, L. C. ORCID:, Hoskins, B. J. and Lu, R. (2002) The relationship between the North American summer monsoon, the Rocky Mountains and the North Pacific subtropical anticyclone in HadAM3. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 128 (586). pp. 2607-2622. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Shepherd, T. G. ORCID: (2002) Issues in stratosphere-troposphere coupling. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 80 (4B). pp. 769-792. ISSN 2186-9057 doi:

Skidmore, W., Pearson, K.J., O'Brien, K., Horne, K. and Gomer, R. (2002) Fireballs and oscillations in AE Aqr. ASP Conference Proceedings, 315. pp. 169-170. (The Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 261. Edited by B. T. Gänsicke, K. Beuermann, and K. Reinsch)

Slingo, J., Inness, P. ORCID:, Neale, R., Woolnough, S. ORCID: and Yang, G. ORCID: (2002) Scale interactions on diurnal to seasonal timescales and their relevance to model systematic errors. Annals of Geophysics, 46 (1). pp. 139-155. ISSN 2037-416X doi:

Stephens, G.L., Vane, D.G., Boain, R.J., Mace, G.G., Sassen, K., Wang, Z., Illingworth, A. ORCID:, O'Connor, E., Rossow, W.B., Durden, S.L., Miller, S.D., Austin, R.T., Benedetti, A., Mitrescu, C. and the CloudSat Science Team, (2002) The CloudSat mission and the A-train: a new dimension of space-based observations of clouds and precipitation. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83 (12). pp. 1771-1790. ISSN 1520-0477 doi:


Teixeira, M. A. C. ORCID: and Belcher, S. E. (2002) On the distortion of turbulence by a progressive surface wave. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 458. pp. 229-267. ISSN 0022-1120 doi:

Tran, C. V. and Shepherd, T. G. ORCID: (2002) Constraints on the spectral distribution of energy and enstrophy dissipation in forced two-dimensional turbulence. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 165 (3-4). pp. 199-212. ISSN 0167-2789 doi:

Tran, C. V., Shepherd, T. G. ORCID: and Cho, H.-R. (2002) Stability of stationary solutions of the forced Navier-Stokes equations on the two-torus. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems: Series B, 2 (4). pp. 483-494. ISSN 1531-3492 doi:

Trenberth, K. E., Wielicki, B. A., Del Genio, A. D., Wong, T., Chen, J., Carlson, B. E., Allan, R. P. ORCID:, Robertson, F., Jacobowitz, H., Slingo, A., Randall, D. A., Kiehl, J. T., Soden, B. J., Gordon, C. T., Miller, A. J., Yang, S.-K. and Susskind, J. (2002) Changes in tropical clouds and radiation. Science, 296 (5576). 2095a. ISSN 1095-9203 doi:


Vedischeva, N.M., Shakhmatkin, B.A. and Wright, A.C. (2002) Thermodynamic modelling of the distribution of halogens (fluorine and chlorine) between elements in various oxide glasses. Glass Science and Technology, 75. pp. 157-162.

Vellinga, M., Wood, R. A. and Gregory, J. M. ORCID: (2002) Processes governing the recovery of a perturbed thermohaline circulation in HadCM3. Journal of Climate, 15 (7). pp. 764-780. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:<0764:PGTROA>2.0.CO;2

Vincent, E., Todd, S. ORCID: and Whitehead, J. (2002) A sequential procedure for comparing two experimental treatments with a control. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 12 (2). pp. 249-265. ISSN 1054-3406 doi:


Wang, Z., Holm, C. and Muller, H. W. (2002) Molecular dynamics study on the equilibrium magnetization properties and structure of ferrofluids. Physical Review E, 66 (2). 021405. ISSN 1539-3755 doi:

Wielicki, B. A., Wong, T., Allan, R. P. ORCID:, Slingo, A., Kiehl, J. T., Soden, B. J., Gordon, C. T., Miller, A. J., Yang, S.-K., Randall, D. A., Robertson, F., Susskind, J. and Jacobowitz, H. (2002) Evidence for large decadal variability in the tropical mean radiative energy budget. Science, 295 (5556). pp. 841-844. ISSN 0036-8075 doi:

Wirosoetisno, D., Shepherd, T. G. ORCID: and Temam, R. M. (2002) Free gravity waves and balanced dynamics. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 59. pp. 3382-3398. ISSN 1520-0469 doi:<3382:FGWABD>2.0.CO;2

Woodfield, E. E., Davies, J. A., Lester, M., Yeoman, T. K., Eglitis, P. and Lockwood, M. ORCID: (2002) Nightside studies of coherent HF Radar spectral width behaviour. Annales Geophysicae, 20 (9). pp. 1399-1413. ISSN 0992-7689 doi:

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