Number of items: 60.
Bradley, R. and Smith, A.
Questions of context: a Greek cup from the River Thames.
In: Gosden, C., Hamerow, H., De Jersey, P. and Lock, G. (eds.)
Communities and Connections. Essays in Honour of Barry Cunliffe.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 30-42.
ISBN 9780199230341
Carter, D. M.
Could a Greek oath guarantee a claim right? Oaths, contracts and the structure of obligation in Greek society.
In: Sommerstein, A. H. and Fletcher, J. (eds.)
Horkos: the oath in Greek society.
Exeter University Press, Exeter, pp. 60-72.
ISBN 9781904675679
Carter, D. M.
The politics of Greek Tragedy.
Exeter University Press, Exeter, pp136.
ISBN 9781904675501
Collins, B. J., Bachvarova, M. and Rutherford, I. C.
ORCID:, eds.
Anatolian interfaces.
Oxbow Books, Oxford.
ISBN 9781842179635
Cutler, A. and Papaconstantinou, A.
ORCID:, eds.
The material and the ideal: essays in medieval art and archaeology in honour of Jean-Michel Spieser.
The Medieval Mediterranean.
Brill, Leiden, pp298.
ISBN 9789004162860
Dickey, E.
Ancient Greek scholarship: A Guide to finding, reading, and understanding scholia, commentaries, lexica, and grammatical treatises, from their beginnings to the Byzantine Period.
Oxford University Press, New York USA, pp368.
ISBN 9780195312928
Goff, B.
Improvising on the Athenian stage: women's ritual practices in drama.
In: Parca, M. and Tzanetou, A. (eds.)
Finding Persephone: women's rituals in the ancient Mediterranean.
Studies in ancient folklore and popular culture.
Indiana University Press, Indianapolis, pp. 79-91.
ISBN 9780253219381
Goff, B.
Antigone's boat: the colonial and the postcolonial in Tegonni: an African Antigone, by Femi Osofisan.
In: Hardwick, L. and Gillespie, C. (eds.)
Classics in postcolonial worlds.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 40-53.
ISBN 9780199296101
Goff, B.
ORCID: and Simpson, M.
Crossroads in the Black Aegean: Oedipus, Antigone and dramas of the African Diaspora.
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780199217182
Goff, B. E.
Classical subjects and modern subjectivities: introduction.
Helios, 34 (2).
pp. 121-123.
ISSN 1935-0228
Gradel, I.
Agrippina, Flaminica of Divus Claudius.
In: Moltesen, M. (ed.)
Agrippina Minor: Life and Afterlife.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, pp. 67-73.
ISBN 9788774522966
Gradel, I.
Agrippina: Life and legend.
In: Moltesen, M. (ed.)
Agrippina Minor: Life and Afterlife.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, pp. 13-27.
ISBN 9788774522966
Harloe, K.
Allusion and ekphrasis in Winckelmann's Paris description of the Apollo Belvedere.
The Cambridge Classical Journal, 53.
pp. 229-252.
ISSN 1750-2705
Houghton, L.
A letter from Petrarch.
In: Fitzgerald, W. and Gowers, E. (eds.)
Ennius perennis: The Annals and Beyond.
Cambridge Philological Society, Cambridge, pp. 145-158.
ISBN 9780906014301
Houghton, L. B. T.
Tibullus' elegiac underworld.
Classical Quarterly, 57 (1).
pp. 153-165.
ISSN 0009-8388
Houghton, L. B. T.
The drowned and the saved: shipwrecks and the 'cursus' of Latin love elegy.
The Cambridge Classical Journal, 53.
pp. 161-179.
ISSN 1750-2705
King, H.
Ancient medicine.
In: Malti-Douglas, F. (ed.)
Encyclopedia of sex and gender.
Macmillan Reference USA, Detroit, pp. 982-985.
ISBN 9780028661155
King, H.
Midwifery, obstetrics and the rise of gynaecology: Users of a sixteenth-century compendium.
Ashgate, pp240.
ISBN 9780754653967
King, H. and Green, M.
Structures and subjectivities in 16th-century gynaecology, or how the father of medicine reclaimed his paternity.
In: Hartman, J. E. and Seeff, A. (eds.)
Structures and subjectivities: Attending to early modern women.
University of Delaware Press, Newark, DE, pp. 100-101.
ISBN 9780874139419
King, H. and McClive, C.
When is a foetus not a foetus? Diagnosing false conceptions in early modern France.
In: Dasen, V. (ed.)
L' Embryon humain à travers l' histoire: Images, savoirs et rites.
Infolio, Gollion, pp. 223-238.
ISBN 9782884740272
Kruschwitz, P., Ehlers, W.-W. and Felgentreu, F.
Terentius Poeta.
Zetemata, 127.
C. H. Beck, Munich, pp235.
ISBN 9783406559488
Kruschwitz, P.
Die Bedeutung der Caupona des Euxinus für die epigraphische Poesie Pompejis (und darüber hinaus).
Rivista di Studi Pompeiani, 17.
pp. 7-13.
ISSN 1120-3579
Kruschwitz, P.
Fluctuat nec mergitur. Zur Interpretation von Horaz' Ode 1.
Hyperboreus. Studia Classica, 14.
pp. 151-174.
ISSN 0949-2615
Kruschwitz, P. and Halla-aho, H.
The Pompeian wall inscriptions and the Latin language: a critical reappraisal.
Arctos. Acta philologica Fennica, 41.
pp. 31-49.
ISSN 0066-6998
Kruschwitz, P. H. P., ed.
Die metrischen inschriften der römischen republik.
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York, pp397.
ISBN 9783110184839
Mairs, R.
Egyptian Artefacts from Central and South Asia.
In: Mairs, R. and Stevenson, A. (eds.)
Current Research in Egyptology VI: Proceedings of the sixth annual symposium which took place at the University of Cambridge, 6-8 January 2005.
Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 74-89.
Mairs, R.
Ethnicity and Funerary Practice in Hellenistic Bactria.
In: Schroeder, H., Bray, P., Gardner, P., Jefferson, V. and Macaulay-Lewis, E. (eds.)
Crossing Frontiers: The opportunities and challenges of interdisciplinary approaches to archaeology.
Oxford University School of Archaeology Monographs 63.
School of Archaeology, Oxford, pp. 111-124.
Mairs, R.
ORCID: and Stevenson, A., eds.
Current Research in Egyptology VI: Proceedings of the sixth annual symposium which took place at the University of Cambridge, 6-8 January 2005.
Oxbow, Oxford.
Marzano, A.
Fish salting versus fish breeding: the case of Roman Italy.
In: Lagóstena Barrios, L., Arévalo González, A. and Bernal Casasola, D. (eds.)
Cetariae 2005. Salsas y salazones de pescado en occidente durante la Antigüedad. Actas del Congreso Internacional (Cadiz, 7-9 de noviembre de 2005).
British Archaeological Reports, International Series (1686).
John and Erica Hedges Ltd, Oxford, pp. 301-313.
ISBN 9781407300733
Marzano, A.
Roman villas in central Italy: a social and economic history.
Columbia studies in the classical tradition, 30.
Brill, Leiden, pp832.
ISBN 9789004160378
Papaconstantinou, A.
Divine or human? Some remarks on the design and layout of late antique basilicas.
In: Cutler, A. and Papaconstantinou, A.
ORCID: (eds.)
The material and the ideal: essays in medieval art and archaeology in honour of Jean-Michel Spieser.
The Medieval Mediterranean (70).
Brill, Leiden, pp. 31-46.
ISBN 9789004162860
Papaconstantinou, A.
In: Métivier, S. (ed.)
Economie et société à Byzance (VIIIe-XIIe siècle). Textes et documents.
Byzantina Sorbonensia .
Publications De La Sorbonne, Paris, pp. 203-212.
ISBN 9782859445713
Papaconstantinou, A.
'They Shall Speak the Arabic Language and Take Pride in it':
reconsidering the fate of Coptic after the Arab Conquest.
Le Muséon, 120 (3-4).
pp. 273-299.
ISSN 1783-158X
Papaconstantinou, A.
The cult of saints: a haven of continuity in a changing world?
In: Bagnall, R. S. (ed.)
Egypt in the Byzantine world, 300–700.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 350-367.
ISBN 9780521871372
Papaconstantinou, A.
ORCID: and Métivier, S.
Institutions et associations charitables.
In: Métivier, S. (ed.)
Economie et société à Byzance (VIIIe-XIIe siècle). Textes et documents.
Byzantina Sorbonensia .
Publications De La Sorbonne, Paris, pp. 167-176.
ISBN 9782859445713
Papaconstantinou, A.
ORCID: and Métivier, S.
Maîtres et écoles.
In: Métivier, S. (ed.)
Economie et société à Byzance (VIIIe-XIIe siècle). Textes et documents.
Byzantina Sorbonensia.
Publications De La Sorbonne, Paris, pp. 213-220.
ISBN 9782859445713
Pollmann, K.
St Augustine the Algerian (2003; 2nd edition, 2007).
Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft.
Edition Ruprecht, Göttingen.
ISBN 9783897442092
Pollmann, K.
Varia rerum novitate (Prud. C. Symm. 2,329): Zwei frühchristliche Kulturentstehungslehren bei Prudentius und Avitus.
In: Panagl, V. (ed.)
Dulce Melos. La poesia tardoantica e medievale, Atti del III Convegno internazionale di studi, Vienna, 15–18 novembre 2004.
Centro Internazionale di Studi sulla Poesia Greca e Latina in Età Tardoantica e Medievale.
Alessandria, pp. 53-71.
ISBN 9788876949791
Pollmann, K. and Drecoll, V., eds.
Augustinrezeption durch die Jahrhunderte. Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 11/1.
De Gruyter, Berlin.
Pollmann, K.
Augustine, Genesis, and Controversy.
Augustinian Studies, 38 (1).
pp. 203-216.
ISSN 0094-5323
Pollmann, K.
Einleitung / Editorial.
Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 11 (1).
pp. 3-5.
ISSN 0949-9571
Pollmann, K.
Poetry and Suffering: Metrical Paraphrases of Eucherius of Lyons´Passio Acaunensium Martyrum.
In: Otten, W. and Pollmann, K. (eds.)
Poetry and Exegesis in Premodern Latin Christianity.
Brill (Leiden; Boston), pp. 293-313.
ISBN 9789004160699
Rajak, T.
Document and rhetoric in Josephus: Revisiting the "Charter" for the Jews.
In: Cohen, S. J. D. and Schwartz, J. J. (eds.)
Studies in the Varieties of Ancient Judaism.
Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, Louis H. F (67).
Brill, Leiden, pp. 177-189.
ISBN 9789004153899
Rajak, T.
Josephus as historian of the Herods.
In: Kokkinos, N. (ed.)
The World of the Herods.
Oriens et Occidens. Studien zu antiken Kulturkontakten und ihrem Nachleben (14).
Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 23-34.
ISBN 9783515088176
Rajak, T.
The king and the translation: Power and culture in Ptolemaic Alexandria.
Henoch, 29 (2).
pp. 241-58.
ISSN 0393-6805
Rutherford, I.
Achilles and the Sallis Wastais ritual. Performing death in Greece and Anatolia.
In: Laneri, N. (ed.)
Performing Death. Social analyses of funerary traditions in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean.
Oriental Institute, Chicago, pp. 223-236.
ISBN 1885923503
Rutherford, I.
Network theory and theoric networks.
Mediterranean Historical Review, 22 (1).
pp. 23-37.
ISSN 1743-940X
Rutherford, I.
The Song of the Zintuhis. Choral and ritual in Anatolia and Greece.
In: Collins, B. J., Bachvarova, M. and Rutherford, I.
ORCID: (eds.)
Anatolian interfaces: Hittites, Greeks and their neighbours: proceedings of an international conference on cross-cultural interaction, September 17-19, 2004.
Oxbow Books, Oxford, pp. 73-84.
ISBN 9781842179635
Rutherford, I.
Theoria and theatre at Samothrace. The Dardanos of Dymas.
In: Wilson, P. (ed.)
The Greek theatre and festivals documentary studies.
Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 279-293.
ISBN 9780199277476
Rutherford, I.
Trouble in Snake Town. Interpreting an oracle from Hierapolis-Pamukkale.
In: Swain, S., Harrison, S. and Elsner, J. (eds.)
Severan culture.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 449-457.
ISBN 9780521859820
Smith, A. C.
Corpus vasorum antiquorum, Great Britiain fascicule 23. Reading Museum Service.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp104.
ISBN 9780197263891
Smith, A. C.
Komos growing up among satyrs and humans.
In: Cohen, A. and Rutter, J. B. (eds.)
Constructions of childhood in Greek and Roman antiquity.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton, pp. 153-171.
ISBN 9780876615416
Turner, S. M.
"Lines of sight: an encounter with a classical Attic grave stele".
Archaeological Review from Cambridge, 22 (1).
pp. 96-106.
Turner, S. M.
Grave issues in classical Athens.
Omnibus , 53.
pp. 30-33.
Vasunia, P.
Alexander and Asia: Droysen and Grote.
In: Ray, H. P. and Potts, D. T. (eds.)
Memory as history: the legacy of Alexander in Asia.
Aryan Books, New Delhi, pp. 89-102.
ISBN 9788173053252
Vasunia, P.
Aristophanes’ wealth and Dalpatram’s Lakshmi.
In: Hall, E. and Wrigley, A. (eds.)
Aristophanes in Performance 412 BCE-2005 CE.
Legenda, Oxford, pp. 117-134.
ISBN 9781904350613
Vasunia, P., ed.
Zarathushtra and the religion of ancient Iran: The Greek and Latin sources in translation.
K. R. Cama Oriental Institute, Mumbai, pp444.
ISBN 9788190594301
Vasunia, P.
The philosopher's Zarathushtra.
In: Tuplin, C. (ed.)
Persian responses: political and cultural interaction with (in) the Achaemenid Empire.
The Classical Press of Wales, Swansea, pp. 239-67.
ISBN 9781905125180
Volioti, K.
Visual ambiguity in the oeuvre of the Gela Painter: a new lekythos from Thessaly.
Rivista di Archeologia.
pp. 91-101.
ISSN 0392-0895
Willemien, O. and Pollmann, K., eds.
Poetry and Exegesis in Premodern Latin Christianity : The Encounter between Classical and Christian Strategies of Interpretation.
Brill, Leiden ; Boston.
ISBN 9789004160699
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