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Number of items: 74.


Goodwyn, A. (2016) Still growing after all these years? The resilience of the “Personal Growth model of English” in England and also internationally. English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 15 (1). pp. 7-21. ISSN 1175-8708 doi:

Warner, L., Crolla, C., Goodwyn, A., Hyder, E. and Richards, B. (2016) Reading aloud in high schools: students and teachers across the curriculum. Educational Review, 68 (2). pp. 222-238. ISSN 1465-3397 doi:

Goodwyn, A. (2013) Machines to think with? E-books, Kindles and English teachers, the much prophesied death of the book revisited. Changing English, 20 (2). pp. 148-159. ISSN 1358-684X doi:

Fuller, C. ORCID:, Goodwyn, A. and Francis-Brophy, E. (2013) Advanced skills teachers: professional identity and status. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 19 (4). pp. 463-474. ISSN 1354-0602 doi:

Goodwyn, A. (2013) Reading is now 'cool': a study of English teachers' perspectives on e-reading devices as a challenge and an opportunity. Educational Review, 66 (3). pp. 263-275. ISSN 1465-3397 doi:

Goodwyn, A. (2012) One size fits all: the increasing standardisation of English teachers' work in England. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 11 (4). pp. 36-53. ISSN 1175-8708

Hawthorne, S., Goodwyn, A., George, M., Reid, L. and Shoffner, M. (2012) Extending the conversation: The state of English education: considering possibilities in troubled times. English Education, 44 (3). ISSN 1943-2216

Goodwyn, A. and Fuller, C. ORCID: (2012) Outstanding teachers, practice and ICT use. Advancing Education, 2012.

Goodwyn, A. (2012) The status of literature: English teaching and the condition of literature teaching in schools. English in Education, 46 (3). pp. 212-227. ISSN 0425-0494 doi:

Goodwyn, A. (2011) English teachers in the digital age – a case study of policy and expert practice from England. English in Australia, 46 (1). pp. 53-61. ISSN 0155-2147

Goodwyn, A. (2010) The status of literature in a national curriculum: a case study of England. English in Australia, 45 (1). pp. 18-27.

Goodwyn, A. (2009) English teachers in the digital age: a case study of policy and expert practice from England. English in Aotearoa, 69. pp. 36-44. ISSN 0113-7867

Goodwyn, A. (2007) The beacon that was Bullock: A response to John Steadman's 'The "problem" of English'. The Use of English, 58 (2). pp. 134-148. ISSN 0042-1243

Goodwyn, A. (2004) What's in a frame: the English framework three years on. English Drama Media, 2. pp. 122-131.

Goodwyn, A. (2004) A framework for English? Or a vehicle for literacy? English teaching in England in the age of the Strategy. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 3 (3). pp. 16-28. ISSN 1175-8708

Goodwyn, A. (2004) The professional identity of English teachers in England. English in Australia, 139. pp. 122-131.

Goodwyn, A. and Powell, M. (2003) Canonical texts, critical literacy and the classroom: the case of 'The Lady of Shallott'. English in Australia, 138. pp. 51-56. ISSN 0155-2147

Goodwyn, A. and Findlay, K. (2003) I.A. Richards and the paradox of Practical Criticism: a response to David W. West. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 10 (1). pp. 101-106. ISSN 1358-684X doi:

Goodwyn, A. and Findlay, K. (2003) Shaping literacy in the secondary school: policy, practice and agency in the age of the national literacy strategy. British Journal of Educational Studies, 51 (1). pp. 20-35. ISSN 0007-1005

Goodwyn, A. (2002) Breaking up is hard to do: English teachers and that LOVE of reading. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 1 (1). pp. 66-78. ISSN 1175-8708

Goodwyn, A. and Findlay, K. (2002) Literature, literacy and the discourses of English teaching: a case study. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 2 (3). pp. 221-238. ISSN 1567-6617 doi:

Goodwyn, A. and Findlay, K. (2001) Media Studies and the establishment. International Journal of Media Education, 1 (1). ISSN 1475-7567

Goodwyn, A. (2001) Second tier professionals: English teachers in England. L1 - Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 1 (2). pp. 149-161. ISSN 1573-1731 doi:

Goodwyn, A. (2001) Who wants to be a super teacher? The perils and pleasures of recognising expertise in English teaching. English in Australia, 129-130. pp. 39-50. ISSN 0046-208X

Goodwyn, A. (2000) Making a point with Point Horror. The Secondary English Magazine, 2 (2). pp. 19-24.

Brookes, W. and Goodwyn, A. (1999) What Literacy Means: An Initial Enquiry. The English and Media Magazine, 39. pp. 43-47.

Goodwyn, A. and Findlay, K. (1999) The Cox Models Revisited: English Teacher’s Views of their Subject and the National Curriculum. English in Education, 33 (2). pp. 19-31.

Goodwyn, A. (1998) New Audience, new text. The Secondary English Magazine, 1 (2). pp. 26-28.

Goodwyn, A., Adams, A. and Clarke, S. (1997) The Great God of the Future: Views of Current and Future English Teachers on the place of IT in English. English in Education, 31 (2). pp. 54-62.

Goodwyn, A. (1997) Almost Together. The English and Media Magazine, 24. pp. 26-27.

Goodwyn, A., Adams, A. and Clarke, S. (1997) ‘The Future of Literacy’. The Journal of Information Technology in Teacher Education, 6 (3). pp. 227-239.

Goodwyn, A. (1997) Signs of Growth but not of Status: Management and Media Education. The English and Media Magazine, 37. pp. 36-39.

Goodwyn, A. (1992) Information Technology in English in Initial Teacher Training, Project Report. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 1 (1). pp. 171-173.

Goodwyn, A. (1992) Theoretical Models of English Teaching. English in Education, 26 (3). pp. 4-10.

Goodwyn, A. (1991) The Employment of Drama. The Drama Magazine.

Book or Report Section

Goodwyn, A. (2015) Is it still King Lear? English teachers and the e-reader phenomenon. In: Lin, T.-B., Chen, D. T. V. and Chai, C. S. (eds.) New media and learning in the 21st century: a Socio-Cultural Perspective. Springer, London, pp. 145-160. ISBN 9789812873255 doi:

Goodwyn, A. (2014) English and literacy in education – national policies. In: Leung, C. and Street, B. V. (eds.) The Routledge companion to English studies. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 16-32. ISBN 9780415676182

Goodwyn, A. (2013) Machines to think with? E-books, Kindles and English teachers, the much prophesied death of the book revisited. In: Goodwyn, A., Reid, L. and Durrant, C. (eds.) International perspectives on teaching English in a globalised world. National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE). Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 65-78. ISBN 9780415504461

Goodwyn, A. (2011) Literary reading: the challenge of getting young people to experience poetry. In: Lockwood, M. (ed.) Bringing Poetry Alive: a Guide to Classroom Practice. Sage, London, pp. 129-142. ISBN 9780857020734

Goodwyn, A. C. (2010) Becoming an English teacher: identity, self-knowledge and expertise. In: Davidson, J., Daly, C. and Moss, J. (eds.) Debates in English teaching. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 18-36. ISBN 9780415569163

Goodwyn, A. (2005) Professionalism and accountability. In: Goodwyn, A. and Branson, J. (eds.) A Handbook for The Teaching of English. London Kogan Page/Routledge.

Goodwyn, A. (2004) Literacy versus English?: a professional identity crisis. In: Goodwyn, A. and Stables, A. (eds.) Learning to read critically in language and literacy education. Learning to read critically. Sage, London, pp. 192-205. ISBN 9780761944744

Goodwyn, A. (2004) Professionalism and accountability. In: Goodwyn, A. and Branson, J. (eds.) Teaching English: a handbook for Primary and Secondary school teachers. Kogan Page/Routledge, London, pp. 163-175. ISBN 9780415335270

Goodwyn, A. (2004) The role of media education. In: Goodwyn, A. and Branson, J. (eds.) Teaching English: a handbook for Primary and Secondary school teachers. Kogan Page/Routledge, London, pp. 103-118. ISBN 9780415335270

Goodwyn, A. (2004) The subject of English: putting English in perspective. In: Goodwyn, A. and Branson, J. (eds.) Teaching English: a handbook for Primary and Secondary school teachers. Kogan Page / Routledge, London, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9780415335270

Goodwyn, A. (2003) Literacy or English: The struggle for the professional identity of English teachers in England. In: Homer, D., Doecke, B. and Nixon, H. (eds.) English Teachers at Work: Narratives, Counter-narratives and Arguments. Australian Association for the Teaching of English /Interface. Kent Town, South Australia: Wakefield Press.

Goodwyn, A. (2002) Introduction: reviewing transition and literacy. In: Goodwyn, A. (ed.) Improving Literacy at KS2 and KS3,. London:Paul Chapman Publishing,, pp. 1-21.

Goodwyn, A. and Findlay, K. (2002) Literacy in transition. In: Goodwyn, A. (ed.) Improving Literacy at KS2 and KS3. London:Paul Chapman Publishing, pp. 21-44.

Goodwyn, A. and Findlay, K. (2002) Secondary Schools and the national Literacy Strategy. In: Goodwyn, A. (ed.) Improving Literacy at KS2 and KS3. London:Paul Chapman Publishing, pp. 45-64.

Goodwyn, A. (2001) Cultural Rights in the Convergence. In: Durrant, C. and Beavis, C. (eds.) P[ICT] URES of English: Teachers, learners and technology. Australian Association for the Teaching of English, Kent Town: Wakefield Press, pp. 52-68.

Goodwyn, A. (2000) Texting; reading and writing in the intertext. In: Goodwyn, A. (ed.) English in the Digital Age. Continuum, London, pp. 78-96.

Goodwyn, A. (2000) “A bringer of new things”: an English Teacher in the computer age?,. In: Goodwyn, A. (ed.) English in the Digital Age. London: Continuum, pp. 1-21.

Goodwyn, A. and Findlay, K. (1999) Media Education and Mother Tongue teaching: conflict or convergence. In: Hart, A. (ed.) The Frankfurt Papers, MEC Collected research papers. The Media Education Centre, The University of Southampton, pp. 9-20.

Goodwyn, A. (1998) Adapting to the Textual landscape: Bringing Print and Visual Texts Together in the Classroom. In: Goodwyn, A. (ed.) Literary and Media Texts in Secondary English. London: Cassells, pp. 129-150.

Goodwyn, A. (1998) Broadening the Literacy Horizon. In: Goodwyn, A. (ed.) Literary and Media Texts in Secondary English. London: Cassells, pp. 1-23.

Goodwyn, A. (1998) Literature: The writing on the wall is now on the screen. In: Kooy, M., Janssen, T. and Watson, K. (eds.) Fiction, Literature and Media: Studies in Language and Literature, International Perspectives on Mother Tongue Education. Amsterdam University Press,, pp. 39-50.

Goodwyn, A. (1995) Contextualising ability within the subject of English. In: Goodwyn, A. (ed.) English and Ability. London: David Fulton Publishers, pp. 1-13.

Goodwyn, A. (1995) Defining High Ability in English. In: Goodwyn, A. (ed.) English and Ability. London: David Fulton Publishers, pp. 14-27.


Fuller, C. ORCID:, Goodwyn, A. C., Francis-Brophy, E. and Harding, R. C., (2010) Advanced skills teachers: summary report. Project Report. University of Reading, Institute of Education, Reading. pp14. (Unpublished)

Goodwyn, A. C., Fuller, C. L. ORCID: and Protopsaltis, A., (2009) Harnessing Technology Strategy: Celebrating Outstanding Teachers. Project Report. unpublished pp97. (Unpublished)


Goodwyn, A., Reid, L. and Durrant, C., eds. (2013) International perspectives on teaching English in a globalised world. Routledge, pp. 1-288. ISBN 9780415504461

Goodwyn, A. C. and Fuller, C. L. ORCID:, eds. (2011) The great literacy debate: a critical response to the Literacy Strategy and the Framework for English. Routledge, London, pp182. ISBN 9780415597630

Goodwyn, A. (2010) The expert teacher of English. The expert teacher . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp192. ISBN 9780415316965

Goodwyn, A. and Branson, J. (2005) A Handbook for The Teaching of English. London: Kogan Page/Routledge, pp240.

Goodwyn, A. (2004) English teaching and the moving image. Routledge Falmer, London, pp192. ISBN 9780415306614

Goodwyn, A. and Stables, A. (2004) Learning to Read Critically in Language and Literacy Education. London: Sage, pp240.

Goodwyn, A. (2003) We teach English not Literacy : growth pedagogy under seige in England. English teachers at work: narratives counter-narratives and arguments. AATE/Interface and Wakefield Press, Kent Town. ISBN 9781862546158

Goodwyn, A., ed. (2002) Improving Literacy at KS2 and KS3. London:Paul Chapman Publishing, pp180.

Goodwyn, A., ed. (2000) English in the Digital Age. London: Continuum, pp180.

Goodwyn, A., ed. (1998) Literary and Media Texts in Secondary English. London: Cassells, pp180.

Goodwyn, A. (1997) Developing English Teachers. Buckingham: Open University Press, pp160.

Goodwyn, A., ed. (1995) English and Ability. London: David Fulton Publishers, pp128.

Goodwyn, A. (1992) English Teaching and Media Education. Buckingham: Open University Press, pp160.


Goodwyn, A. (2018) A critical overview of a sample of publications submitted for the award of a PhD by publication. PhD thesis, University of Reading.

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