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Number of items: 37.

(2015) Women’s political equality: theoretical approaches to affirmative action. In: UNSPECIFIED Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, pp. 73-100. doi:

Aslan, E. ORCID: (2015) When the native is also a non-native: “retrodicting” the complexity of language teacher cognition. Canadian Modern Language Review, 71 (3). pp. 244-269. ISSN 1710-1131 doi:

Bond, E., Bonsaver, G. and Faloppa, F. ORCID:, eds. (2015) Destination Italy: Representing migration in contemporary media and narrative. Italian Modernities. Peter Lang, Oxford, UK.

Bryden, M. (2015) 'Bitter in the Mouth and Painful in the Head': Dennis Potter's Beckett. In: Nixon, M. ORCID: and Pilling, J. (eds.) On In Their Company: Essays on Beckett, with Tributes and Sketches; presented to Jim Knowlson. Beckett International Foundation, Reading, pp. 47-66.

Faloppa, F. ORCID: (2015) Media and migration: some linguistic reflections. In: Bond, E., Bonsaver, G. and Faloppa, F. ORCID: (eds.) Destination Italy: representing migration in contemporary media and narrative. Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 105-124. ISBN 9783034309615

Faloppa, F. ORCID: (2015) Sul termine paesaggio. In: Kuhtz, S. and Marano, F. (eds.) Questo non e' un paesaggio: Conversazioni, immagini, letture. Walking on the line. Altrimedia Edizioni, Matera, pp. 103-112. ISBN 9788869600159

Gehrhardt, M. ORCID: (2015) The men with broken faces: 'Gueules Cassées' of the First World War. Cultural History and Literary Imagination, 25. Peter Lang Ltd, Oxford, Bern, Frankfurt am Main, pp304. ISBN 9783034318693

Jaworska, S. ORCID: (2015) Review of recent research (1998-2012) in German for Academic Purposes (GAP) in comparison with English for Academic Purposes (EAP): cross-influences, synergies and implications for further research. Language Teaching, 48 (2). pp. 163-197. ISSN 1475-3049 doi:

Jaworska, S. ORCID:, Krummes, C. and Ensslin, A. (2015) Formulaic sequences in native and non-native argumentative writing in German. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 20 (4). pp. 500-525. ISSN 1569-9811 doi:

Jones, D. H. and Gehrhardt, M. ORCID:, eds. (2015) Paddy Hartley: of faces and facades. Black Dog Publishing, London. ISBN 9781910433317

Lazo González, D. M. ORCID: (2015) Women’s political equality: theoretical approaches to affirmative action. Revista temas sociologicos (15). pp. 73-100. ISSN 0719-644X doi:

Le Saux, F. (2015) La Grande Bretagne, patrie des sciences? La representation des technologies scientifiques dans Geoffroy de Monmouth et Layamon. In: Tetrel, H. and Veysseyre, G. (eds.) L'Historia regum Britannie et les «Bruts» en Europe. Rencontres 106, Serie Civilisation medievale, 12. Classiques Garnier, Paris, pp. 157-178. ISBN 9782812433184

Leglu, C. (2015) The Devil’s Daughters and a question of translation between Occitan and Anglo-Norman French: ‘De las .vii. filhas del diable’ (British Library Add. MS 17920). Revue d'Etudes d'Oc: La France Latine, 160. pp. 93-123. ISSN 0222-0326

Leoussi, A. ORCID: (2015) The shock of the new: the reception of the Parthenon sculptures in nineteenth-century Europe. In: Jenkins, I. (ed.) Defining Beauty: The Body in Ancient Greek Art. The Trustees of the British Museum, London, pp. 50-63. ISBN 9780714122878

Leoussi, A. S. ORCID: (2015) Judaisms: cultural repertoires and historical contingencies in the making of collective identities. In: Socio-Anthropologie des Judaismes Contemporains. Bibliotheque d'Etudes juives, 1 (54). Honoré Champion, Paris, pp. 49-64. ISBN 9782745328014

Leuschner , T. and Schroeter, M. ORCID: (2015) Von der Schlagwortforschung zur soziokognitiv orientierten Konstruktionsgrammatik: das Beispiel Drang nach Osten. In: Ziem, A. and Lasch, A. (eds.) Konstruktionsgrammatik IV. Stauffenburg Linguistik. Stauffenburg, Tuebingen, pp. 155-177. ISBN 9783860571217

Martin, A. E., ed. (2015) Ingenious minds: British women as facilitators of scientific knowledge exchange, 1810-1900. Journal of Literature and Science, 8 (1). University of Westminster, pp120. ISBN 1754-646X

Martin, A. E. (2015) Introduction: Ingenious minds: British women as facilitators of scientific knowledge exchange, 1810-1900. Journal of Literature and Science, 8 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1754-646X doi:

Martin, A. E. (2015) Performing scientific knowledge transfer: Anne Plumptre and the translation of Martin Heinrich Lichtenstein's Reisen im südlichen Afrika (1811). Journal of Literature and Science, 8 (1). pp. 9-26. ISSN 1754-646X doi:

Mckeane, J. ORCID: (2015) The tragedy of Roland Barthes. Barthes Studies, 1. pp. 61-77. ISSN 2058-3680

Medioli, F. (2015) Una biografia per immagini. In: Medioli, F. and Mancini, R. (eds.) Il costruttore di immagini: Enrico Medioli sceneggiatore. Aska, Florence, pp. 27-42. ISBN 97888775422448

Medioli, F. and Mancini, R., eds. (2015) Il costruttore di immagini. Aska, Florence, pp144. ISBN 9788875422448

Medioli, F. (2015) Rivalries and networking in Venice: Suor Arcangela Tarabotti, the French ambassador Gremonville and their circle of friends, 1645-1655. Archivio Veneto, CXLVI (10). pp. 113-138. ISSN 0392-0291

Rolland, N. and Mandis, E. (2015) ‘Variety theatre and theatre of variations: performance, female body and music in Emile Zola’s Nana (1880), Kate Chopin’s The Awakening (1894) and Arthur Schnitzler’s Fräulein Else (1924)’. European Drama and Performance Studies, 5 (2). pp. 55-72. ISSN 2266-9035

Romo Simon, F. (2015) Español, Spanglish y Portunhol: una aproximación interpretativa (Spanish, Spanglish and Portunhol: an interprative approach ). Asian Journal of Latin American Studies, 28 (1). pp. 45-73. ISSN 1229-0998

Romo Simon, F. (2015) La imagen metalingüística de ser y. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 28 (1). pp. 234-257. ISSN 0213-2028 doi:

Romo Simon, F. (2015) La instrucción gramatical y la lengua materna en la era post-método. MarcoELE, 2015 (21). ISSN 1885-2211

Sampson, L. (2015) Amateurs meet professionals: theatrical activities in late sixteenth-century Italian Academies. In: Earle, T. F. and Fouto, C. (eds.) The Reinvention of Theatre in Sixteenth-Century Europe: Traditions, Texts and Performance. Legenda, Oxford, pp. 187-218. ISBN 9781907975769

Schroeter, M. ORCID: (2015) Besondere Wörter III: Schlagwörter in der öffentlich-politischen Auseinandersetzung. In: Haß, U. and Storjohann, P. (eds.) Handbuch Wort und Wortschatz. Handbücher Sprachwissen, 3. De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 394-412. ISBN 9783110296013

Schroeter, M. ORCID: and Storjohann, P. (2015) Patterns of discourse semantics: A corpus-assisted study of financial crisis in British newspaper discourse in 2009. Pragmatics and Society, 6 (1). pp. 43-66. ISSN 1878-9714 doi:

Schröter, M. ORCID: (2015) 80,000,000 hooligans. Discourses of resistance to racism and xenophobia in German punk lyrics 1991-1994. Critical Discourse Studies, 12 (4). pp. 398-425. ISSN 1740-5904 doi:

Schröter, M. ORCID: (2015) Sagen oder nicht sagen? Der Tabu-Vorwurf als strategische Ressource im öffentlichen Diskurs. Germanistische Mitteilungen, 41 (1). pp. 39-57. ISSN 0771-3703

Simo-Comas, M. ORCID: (2015) Conciencia democrática e industria editorial en los primeros años de la Transición española: la Biblioteca de divulgación política. Amnis, 14. 2634. ISSN 1764-7193 doi:

Simo-Comas, M. ORCID:, (2015) Semblanza de Rosa Regàs Pagès. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, Alicante.

Tucker, G. H. (2015) Joachim Du Bellay’s precursors and contemporaries in Italy: Pietro Alcionio, Ortensio Landi, and Diogo Pires. In: Gineste, M.-F., Novokhatko, A., Polizzi, G. and Kofler, W. (eds.) Die neulateinische Dichtung in Frankreich zur Zeit der Pléiade / La Poésie néo-latine en France au temps de la Pléiade. Narr, pp. 293-317. ISBN 9783823367024 (NeoLatina 19)

Wölfel, U. (2015) 'All in one stroke': Grimms' fairy tales and the TV-production of a new Germany. Oxford German Studies, 44 (3). pp. 271-288. ISSN 0078-7191 doi:

Wölfel, U. (2015) At the Front: common traitors in West German war films of the 1950s. Modern Language Review, 110 (3). pp. 739-758. ISSN 0026-7937 doi:

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