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Items where Division is "Languages and Cultures" and Year is 2015

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Number of items: 37.


Aslan, E. ORCID: (2015) When the native is also a non-native: “retrodicting” the complexity of language teacher cognition. Canadian Modern Language Review, 71 (3). pp. 244-269. ISSN 1710-1131 doi:

Jaworska, S. ORCID: (2015) Review of recent research (1998-2012) in German for Academic Purposes (GAP) in comparison with English for Academic Purposes (EAP): cross-influences, synergies and implications for further research. Language Teaching, 48 (2). pp. 163-197. ISSN 1475-3049 doi:

Jaworska, S. ORCID:, Krummes, C. and Ensslin, A. (2015) Formulaic sequences in native and non-native argumentative writing in German. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 20 (4). pp. 500-525. ISSN 1569-9811 doi:

Lazo González, D. M. ORCID: (2015) Women’s political equality: theoretical approaches to affirmative action. Revista temas sociologicos (15). pp. 73-100. ISSN 0719-644X doi:

Leglu, C. (2015) The Devil’s Daughters and a question of translation between Occitan and Anglo-Norman French: ‘De las .vii. filhas del diable’ (British Library Add. MS 17920). Revue d'Etudes d'Oc: La France Latine, 160. pp. 93-123. ISSN 0222-0326

Martin, A. E. (2015) Introduction: Ingenious minds: British women as facilitators of scientific knowledge exchange, 1810-1900. Journal of Literature and Science, 8 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1754-646X doi:

Martin, A. E. (2015) Performing scientific knowledge transfer: Anne Plumptre and the translation of Martin Heinrich Lichtenstein's Reisen im südlichen Afrika (1811). Journal of Literature and Science, 8 (1). pp. 9-26. ISSN 1754-646X doi:

Mckeane, J. ORCID: (2015) The tragedy of Roland Barthes. Barthes Studies, 1. pp. 61-77. ISSN 2058-3680

Medioli, F. (2015) Rivalries and networking in Venice: Suor Arcangela Tarabotti, the French ambassador Gremonville and their circle of friends, 1645-1655. Archivio Veneto, CXLVI (10). pp. 113-138. ISSN 0392-0291

Rolland, N. and Mandis, E. (2015) ‘Variety theatre and theatre of variations: performance, female body and music in Emile Zola’s Nana (1880), Kate Chopin’s The Awakening (1894) and Arthur Schnitzler’s Fräulein Else (1924)’. European Drama and Performance Studies, 5 (2). pp. 55-72. ISSN 2266-9035

Romo Simon, F. (2015) Español, Spanglish y Portunhol: una aproximación interpretativa (Spanish, Spanglish and Portunhol: an interprative approach ). Asian Journal of Latin American Studies, 28 (1). pp. 45-73. ISSN 1229-0998

Romo Simon, F. (2015) La imagen metalingüística de ser y. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 28 (1). pp. 234-257. ISSN 0213-2028 doi:

Romo Simon, F. (2015) La instrucción gramatical y la lengua materna en la era post-método. MarcoELE, 2015 (21). ISSN 1885-2211

Schroeter, M. ORCID: and Storjohann, P. (2015) Patterns of discourse semantics: A corpus-assisted study of financial crisis in British newspaper discourse in 2009. Pragmatics and Society, 6 (1). pp. 43-66. ISSN 1878-9714 doi:

Schröter, M. ORCID: (2015) 80,000,000 hooligans. Discourses of resistance to racism and xenophobia in German punk lyrics 1991-1994. Critical Discourse Studies, 12 (4). pp. 398-425. ISSN 1740-5904 doi:

Schröter, M. ORCID: (2015) Sagen oder nicht sagen? Der Tabu-Vorwurf als strategische Ressource im öffentlichen Diskurs. Germanistische Mitteilungen, 41 (1). pp. 39-57. ISSN 0771-3703

Simo-Comas, M. ORCID: (2015) Conciencia democrática e industria editorial en los primeros años de la Transición española: la Biblioteca de divulgación política. Amnis, 14. 2634. ISSN 1764-7193 doi:

Wölfel, U. (2015) 'All in one stroke': Grimms' fairy tales and the TV-production of a new Germany. Oxford German Studies, 44 (3). pp. 271-288. ISSN 0078-7191 doi:

Wölfel, U. (2015) At the Front: common traitors in West German war films of the 1950s. Modern Language Review, 110 (3). pp. 739-758. ISSN 0026-7937 doi:

Book or Report Section

(2015) Women’s political equality: theoretical approaches to affirmative action. In: UNSPECIFIED Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, pp. 73-100. doi:

Bryden, M. (2015) 'Bitter in the Mouth and Painful in the Head': Dennis Potter's Beckett. In: Nixon, M. ORCID: and Pilling, J. (eds.) On In Their Company: Essays on Beckett, with Tributes and Sketches; presented to Jim Knowlson. Beckett International Foundation, Reading, pp. 47-66.

Faloppa, F. ORCID: (2015) Media and migration: some linguistic reflections. In: Bond, E., Bonsaver, G. and Faloppa, F. ORCID: (eds.) Destination Italy: representing migration in contemporary media and narrative. Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 105-124. ISBN 9783034309615

Faloppa, F. ORCID: (2015) Sul termine paesaggio. In: Kuhtz, S. and Marano, F. (eds.) Questo non e' un paesaggio: Conversazioni, immagini, letture. Walking on the line. Altrimedia Edizioni, Matera, pp. 103-112. ISBN 9788869600159

Le Saux, F. (2015) La Grande Bretagne, patrie des sciences? La representation des technologies scientifiques dans Geoffroy de Monmouth et Layamon. In: Tetrel, H. and Veysseyre, G. (eds.) L'Historia regum Britannie et les «Bruts» en Europe. Rencontres 106, Serie Civilisation medievale, 12. Classiques Garnier, Paris, pp. 157-178. ISBN 9782812433184

Leoussi, A. ORCID: (2015) The shock of the new: the reception of the Parthenon sculptures in nineteenth-century Europe. In: Jenkins, I. (ed.) Defining Beauty: The Body in Ancient Greek Art. The Trustees of the British Museum, London, pp. 50-63. ISBN 9780714122878

Leoussi, A. S. ORCID: (2015) Judaisms: cultural repertoires and historical contingencies in the making of collective identities. In: Socio-Anthropologie des Judaismes Contemporains. Bibliotheque d'Etudes juives, 1 (54). Honoré Champion, Paris, pp. 49-64. ISBN 9782745328014

Leuschner , T. and Schroeter, M. ORCID: (2015) Von der Schlagwortforschung zur soziokognitiv orientierten Konstruktionsgrammatik: das Beispiel Drang nach Osten. In: Ziem, A. and Lasch, A. (eds.) Konstruktionsgrammatik IV. Stauffenburg Linguistik. Stauffenburg, Tuebingen, pp. 155-177. ISBN 9783860571217

Medioli, F. (2015) Una biografia per immagini. In: Medioli, F. and Mancini, R. (eds.) Il costruttore di immagini: Enrico Medioli sceneggiatore. Aska, Florence, pp. 27-42. ISBN 97888775422448

Sampson, L. (2015) Amateurs meet professionals: theatrical activities in late sixteenth-century Italian Academies. In: Earle, T. F. and Fouto, C. (eds.) The Reinvention of Theatre in Sixteenth-Century Europe: Traditions, Texts and Performance. Legenda, Oxford, pp. 187-218. ISBN 9781907975769

Schroeter, M. ORCID: (2015) Besondere Wörter III: Schlagwörter in der öffentlich-politischen Auseinandersetzung. In: Haß, U. and Storjohann, P. (eds.) Handbuch Wort und Wortschatz. Handbücher Sprachwissen, 3. De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 394-412. ISBN 9783110296013

Tucker, G. H. (2015) Joachim Du Bellay’s precursors and contemporaries in Italy: Pietro Alcionio, Ortensio Landi, and Diogo Pires. In: Gineste, M.-F., Novokhatko, A., Polizzi, G. and Kofler, W. (eds.) Die neulateinische Dichtung in Frankreich zur Zeit der Pléiade / La Poésie néo-latine en France au temps de la Pléiade. Narr, pp. 293-317. ISBN 9783823367024 (NeoLatina 19)


Bond, E., Bonsaver, G. and Faloppa, F. ORCID:, eds. (2015) Destination Italy: Representing migration in contemporary media and narrative. Italian Modernities. Peter Lang, Oxford, UK.

Gehrhardt, M. ORCID: (2015) The men with broken faces: 'Gueules Cassées' of the First World War. Cultural History and Literary Imagination, 25. Peter Lang Ltd, Oxford, Bern, Frankfurt am Main, pp304. ISBN 9783034318693

Jones, D. H. and Gehrhardt, M. ORCID:, eds. (2015) Paddy Hartley: of faces and facades. Black Dog Publishing, London. ISBN 9781910433317

Martin, A. E., ed. (2015) Ingenious minds: British women as facilitators of scientific knowledge exchange, 1810-1900. Journal of Literature and Science, 8 (1). University of Westminster, pp120. ISBN 1754-646X

Medioli, F. and Mancini, R., eds. (2015) Il costruttore di immagini. Aska, Florence, pp144. ISBN 9788875422448

Web Resource

Simo-Comas, M. ORCID:, (2015) Semblanza de Rosa Regàs Pagès. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, Alicante.

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