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Number of items: 85.


Ayres, K. and Glaister, P. (2012) A technique for delivering individualised formative problems and examples. In: HEA-STEM Annual Conference 2012, 12-13 April 2012, Imperial College London, England.

Ayres, K., Biggs, N. and Glaister, P. (2012) Statistical monitoring of student performance: an early warning system. In: HEA-STEM Annual Conference 2012, 12-13 April 2012, Imperial College London.

Ayres, K. and Glaister, P. (2012) Setting the right hurdle: progression to the final year of an MMath programme. MSOR Connections, 12. pp. 31-33. ISSN 1473-4869

Ayres, K., Glaister, P. and Smith, C. ORCID: (2012) The benefits of an undergraduate teaching and learning placement scheme in mathematics and statistics. MSOR Connections, 12. pp. 2-5. ISSN 1473-4869


Baker, S. (2012) The growth rate and dimension theory of beta-expansions. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 219 (3). pp. 271-285. ISSN 1730-6329 doi:

Biggs, N. (2012) Wave trapping in a two-dimensional sound-soft or sound-hard acoustic waveguide of slowly-varying width. Wave Motion, 49 (1). pp. 24-33. ISSN 0165-2125

Bröcker, J. (2012) Estimating reliability and resolution of probability forecasts through decomposition of the empirical score. Climate Dynamics, 39 (3-4). pp. 655-667. ISSN 0930-7575 doi:

Bröcker, J. (2012) Evaluating raw ensembles with the continuous ranked probability score. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138 (667). pp. 1611-1617. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Bröcker, J. and Szendro, I. G. (2012) Sensitivity and out-of-sample error in continuous time data assimilation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138 (664). pp. 785-801. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Bunce, L. J., Feely, B. and Timoney, R. M. (2012) Operator space structure of JC*-triples and TROs, I. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 270 (3-4). pp. 961-982. ISSN 0025-5874 doi:


Cao, J. and Likhtman, A. E. (2012) Shear banding in molecular dynamics of polymer melts. Physical Review Letters, 108 (2). 028302. ISSN 0031-9007 doi:

Chandler-Wilde, S. ORCID: and Davies, E. B. (2012) Spectrum of a Feinberg-Zee random hopping matrix. Journal of Spectral Theory, 2 (2). pp. 147-179. ISSN 1664-0403 doi:

Chandler-Wilde, S. ORCID:, Graham, I. G., Langdon, S. and Spence, E. A. (2012) Numerical-asymptotic boundary integral methods in high-frequency acoustic scattering. Acta Numerica, 21. pp. 89-305. ISSN 0962-4929 doi:

Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID:, Langdon, S. and Mokgolele, M. (2012) A high frequency boundary element method for scattering by convex polygons with impedance boundary conditions. Communications in Computational Physics, 11 (2). pp. 573-593. ISSN 1991-7120 doi:

Chernov, A. (2012) Optimal convergence estimates for the trace of the polynomial L2-projection operator on a simplex. Mathematics of Computation, 81 (278). pp. 765-787. ISSN 1088-6842 doi:

Chernov, A. (2012) Sparse polynomial approximation in positive order Sobolev spaces with bounded mixed derivatives and applications to elliptic problems with random loading. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62 (4). pp. 360-377. ISSN 0168-9274 doi:

Chernov, A. and Schwab, C. (2012) Exponential convergence of Gauss--Jacobi quadratures for singular integrals over simplices in arbitrary dimension. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (SINUM), 50 (3). pp. 1433-1455. ISSN 0036-1429 doi:

Conrad, F. and Kuna, T. (2012) A note on an integration by parts formula for the generators of uniform translations on configuration space. Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 15 (4). 1250028. ISSN 0219-0257 doi:


Da Silva, J. L. and Kuna, T. (2012) Decay to equilibrium for jump processes with heavy tails. International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 17. pp. 130-139. ISSN 2010-1945 doi:

Daw, C. ORCID: (2012) On torsion of class groups of CM tori. Mathematika, 58 (2). pp. 305-318. ISSN 2041-7942 doi:

Daw, C. ORCID: (2012) A simplified proof of the Andre-Oort conjecture for products of modular curves. Archiv der Mathematik, 98 (5). pp. 433-440. ISSN 1420-8938 doi:


Everitt, R. G. (2012) Bayesian parameter estimation for latent Markov random fields and social networks. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 21 (4). pp. 940-960. ISSN 1061-8600 doi:


Faranda, D., Lucarini, V. ORCID:, Turchetti, G. and Vaienti, S. (2012) Generalized extreme value distribution parameters as dynamical indicators of stability. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 22 (11). 1250276. ISSN 1793-6551 doi:

Fearnhead, P. and Prangle, D. (2012) Constructing summary statistics for approximate Bayesian computation: semi-automatic approximate Bayesian computation. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 74 (3). pp. 419-474. ISSN 1467-9868 doi:

Fokas, A. S. and Pelloni, B. (2012) The Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for the elliptic sine Gordon. Nonlinearity, 25 (4). 1011. ISSN 1361-6544 doi:


Gaulter, S. N. and Biggs, N. R. T. (2012) Acoustic trapped modes in a three-dimensional waveguide of slowly varying cross section. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 469 (2149). 20120384. ISSN 1471-2946 doi:

Giraldo, A., Barrett, O. P. T., Tindall, M. J., Fuller, S. J., Amirak, E., Bhattacharya, B. S., Sugden, P. H. and Clerk, A. ORCID: (2012) Feedback regulation by Atf3 in the endothelin-1-responsive transcriptome of cardiomyocytes: Egr1 is a principal Atf3 target. Biochemical Journal, 444 (2). pp. 343-355. ISSN 0264-6021 doi:

Glaister, P. (2012) Intersection of tangents to ellipses and hyperbolae: an alternative to Facebook-sponsored trig ads. Scottish Mathematical Council Journal (42). pp. 86-88.

Glaister, P. (2012) Further examples on sliding down curves. Mathematical Gazette, 96. pp. 519-523. ISSN 0025-5572

Glaister, P. and Glaister, E. (2012) Pascal and Fermat dice with probability. Mathematics in School, 41. pp. 28-29. ISSN 0305-7259

Glaister, P., Glaister, E. and Ayres, K. (2012) Engagement ‘with’ or ‘by’ students: two sides of the same coin. MSOR Connections, 12 (2). pp. 22-27. ISSN 1473-4869

Gray, S. L. ORCID: and Harrison, R. G. ORCID: (2012) Diagnosing eclipse-induced wind changes. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 468 (2143). pp. 1839-1850. ISSN 1364-5021 doi:

Grindrod, P. and Higham, D. J. (2012) Models for evolving networks: with applications in telecommunication and online activities. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 23 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1471-6798 doi:

Grindrod, P. and Higham, D. J. (2012) A matrix iteration for dynamic network summaries. SIAM Review, 55 (1). pp. 118-128. ISSN 1095-7200 doi:

Grindrod, P., Higham, D. J. and Parsons, M. C. (2012) Bistability through triadic closure. Internet Mathematics, 8 (4). pp. 402-423. doi:

Grummt, R. and Kolb, M. (2012) Essential selfadjointness of singular magnetic Schrödinger operators on Riemannian manifolds. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 388 (1). pp. 480-489. ISSN 0022-247X doi:


Hilberdink, T. (2012) Generalised prime systems with periodic integer counting function. Acta Arithmetica, 152 (3). pp. 217-241. ISSN 1730-6264 doi:


Katzourakis, N. I. (2012) A Holder continuous nowhere improvable function with derivative singular distribution. SeMA Journal (Sociecad Espaniola de Matematica Applicada), 59 (1). pp. 37-51. ISSN 2254-3902 doi:

Katzourakis, N. I. (2012) L-Infinity variational problems of maps and the Aronsson PDE system. Journal of Differential Equations, 253 (7). pp. 2123-2139. ISSN 0022-0396 doi:

Kolb, M. and Steinsaltz, D. (2012) Quasilimiting behavior for one-dimensional diffusions with killing. Annals of Probability, 40 (1). pp. 162-212. ISSN 0091-1798 doi:

Kuznetsov, A., Pardo, J. C. and Savov, M. (2012) Distributional properties of exponential functionals of Lévy processes. Electronic Journal of Probability, 17. pp. 1-35. ISSN 1083-6489 doi:


Lakkis, O. and Pryer, T. (2012) Gradient recovery in adaptive finite-element methods for parabolic problems. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 32 (1). pp. 246-278. ISSN 1464-3642 doi:

Li, L. and Roche-Newton, O. (2012) Convexity and a sum-product type estimate. Acta Arithmetica, 156 (3). pp. 247-255. ISSN 1730-6264 doi:

Likhtman, A. E. (2012) Viscoelasticity and molecular rheology. In: Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference. Elsevier B.V., pp. 133-179. doi: (Vol 1: Basic Concepts and Polymer Properties)

Lucarini, V. ORCID: (2012) Stochastic perturbations to dynamical systems: a response theory approach. Journal of Statistical Physics, 146 (4). pp. 774-786. ISSN 1572-9613 doi:,

Lucarini, V. ORCID: and Colangeli, M. (2012) Beyond the linear fluctuation-dissipation theorem: the role of causality. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2012 (05). P05013. ISSN 1742-5468

Lucarini, V. ORCID:, Faranda, D. and Willeit, M. (2012) Bistable systems with stochastic noise: virtues and limits of effective one-dimensional Langevin equations. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 19 (1). pp. 9-22. ISSN 1607-7946 doi:

Lucarini, V. ORCID:, Faranda, D., Turchetti, G. and Vaienti, S. (2012) Extreme value distribution for singular measures. Chaos, 22 (2). 023135. ISSN 1089-7682 doi:

Lucarini, V. ORCID:, Kuna, T., Wouters, J. ORCID: and Faranda, D. (2012) Relevance of sampling schemes in light of Ruelle's linear response theory. Nonlinearity, 25 (5). p. 1311. ISSN 1361-6544 doi:

Lukyanov, A. V., Shushchikh, M. M., Baines, M. J. and Thoephanus, T. G. (2012) Superfast nonlinear diffusion: capillary transport in particulate porous media. Physical Review Letters, 109 (21). pp. 214501-214504. ISSN 0031-9007 doi:

Lukyanov, A.V., Sushchikh, M.M., Baines, M.J. and Theofanous, T.G. (2012) Superfast non-linear diffusion: capillary transport in particulate porous media. Physical Review Letters, 109 (21). 214501. ISSN 0031-9007 doi:


Machete, R. L. and Moroz, I. M. (2012) Initial distribution spread: A density forecasting approach. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 241 (8). pp. 805-815. ISSN 0167-2789 doi:

Marx, B. A. and Potthast, R. W. E. ORCID: (2012) On instabilities in data assimilation algorithms. GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics, 3 (2). pp. 253-278. ISSN 1869-2680 doi:

Matsen, M. W. (2012) Effect of architecture on the phase behavior of AB-type block copolymer melts. Macromolecules, 45 (4). pp. 2161-2165. ISSN 0024-9297 doi:

Matsen, M. W. (2012) Effect of salt on the compression of polyelectrolyte brushes in a theta solvent. European Physical Journal E, 13 (2). p. 13. ISSN 1292-8941 doi:

Murray, P. J., Edwards, C. M., Tindall, M. J. and Maini, P. K. (2012) Classifying general nonlinear force laws in cell-based models via the continuum limit. Physical Review E, 85 (2). 021921. ISSN 1550-2376 doi:


Nicholson, E., Collen, B., Blanchard, J.L., Costelloe, B.T., Sullivan, K.M.E., Underwood, F.M., Burn, R.W., Fritz, S., Jones, J.P.G., McRae, L., Possingham, H.P. and Milner-Gulland, E.J. (2012) Making robust policy decision using global biodiversity indicators. PLoS ONE, 7 (7). e41128. ISSN 1932-6203 doi:


Pardo, J. C., Patie, P. and Savov, M. (2012) A Wiener-Hopf type factorization for the exponential functional of Levy processes. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 86 (3). pp. 930-956. ISSN 1469-7750 doi:

Parsons, M. C. and Grindrod, P. (2012) Competing edge networks. Physics Letters A, 376 (32). pp. 2167-2173. ISSN 0375-9601 doi:

Parsons, N., Friede, T., Todd, S. ORCID:, Marquez, E. V., Chataway, J., Nicholas, R. and Stallard, N. (2012) An R package for implementing simulations for seamless phase II/III clinical trials using early outcomes for treatment selection. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 56 (5). pp. 1150-1160. ISSN 0167-9473 doi:

Patie, P. and Savov, M. (2012) Extended factorizations of exponential functionals of Lévy processes. Electronic Journal of Probability, 17. pp. 1-22. ISSN 1083-6489 doi:

Pelloni, B. and Fokas, A. S. (2012) Generalised Dirichelt-to-Neumann map in time dependent domains. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 129 (1). pp. 51-90. ISSN 0022-2526 doi:


Reich, S. (2012) A Gaussian-mixture ensemble transform filter. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138 (662). pp. 222-233. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Richetin, J., Perugini, M., Connor, M., Adjali, I., Hurling , R., Sengupta, A. and Greetham, D. (2012) To reduce and not to reduce resource consumption? That is two questions. Journal for Environmental Psychology, 33 (2). pp. 112-122. ISSN 0272-4944 doi:


Shanbhag, S., Park, S. J. and Wang, Z. (2012) Superensembles of linear viscoelastic models of polymer melts. Journal of Rheology, 56 (2). pp. 279-303. ISSN 0148-6055 doi:

Siegert, S., Bröcker, J. and Kantz, H. (2012) Rank histograms of stratified Monte-Carlo ensembles. Monthly Weather Review, 140 (12). pp. 1558-1571. ISSN 0027-0644 doi:

Smith, D. A. (2012) Well-posed two-point initial-boundary value problems with arbitrary boundary conditions. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 152 (3). pp. 473-496. ISSN 1469-8064 doi:

Stappers, R. J. J. and Barkmeijer, J. (2012) Gaussian quadrature 4D-VAR. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 139 (675). pp. 1465-1472. ISSN 1477-870x doi:

Stappers, R. J. J. and Barkmeijer, J. (2012) Optimal linearization trajectories for tangent linear models. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138 (662). pp. 170-184. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Stasiak, P., McGraw, J. D., Dalnoki-Veress, K. and Matsen, M. W. (2012) Step edges in thin films of lamellar-forming diblock copolymer. Macromolecules, 45 (23). pp. 9531-9538. ISSN 0024-9297 doi:

Steinsaltz, D., Mohan, G. and Kolb, M. (2012) Markov models of aging: theory and practice. Experimental Gerontology, 47 (10). pp. 792-802. ISSN 0531-5565 doi:


Taskinen, J. and Virtanen, J. A. (2012) Weighted BMO and Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space A1. Journal of Operator Theory, 68 (1). pp. 131-140.

Thornhill, G. D., Mason, D. C. ORCID:, Dance, S. L. ORCID:, Lawless, A. S. ORCID:, Nichols, N. K. ORCID: and Forbes, H. R. (2012) Integration of a 3D Variational data assimilation scheme with a coastal area morphodynamic model of Morecambe Bay. Coastal Engineering, 69. pp. 82-96. ISSN 0378-3839 doi:

Tindall, M., Gaffney, E. A., Maini, P. K. and Armitage, J. P. (2012) Theoretical insights into bacterial chemotaxis. Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Systems biology and medicine, 4 (3). pp. 247-259. ISSN 1939-005X doi:

Tindall, M. J. (2012) Mathematics as a tool in the Life Sciences. In: HEA STEM Annual Conference - Biological Sciences Strand, 12-13 April, Imperial College, London.

Tindall, M. J., Dyson, L., Smallbone, K. and Maini, P. K. (2012) Modelling acidosis and the cell cycle in multicellular tumour spheroids. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 298. pp. 107-115. ISSN 0022-5193 doi:

Todd, S. ORCID:, Baksh, M. F. ORCID: and Whitehead, J. (2012) Sequential methods for pharmacogenetic studies. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 56 (5). pp. 1221-1231. ISSN 0167-9473 doi:

Todd, S. ORCID:, Valdes-Marquez, E. and West, J. (2012) A practical comparison of blinded methods for sample size reviews in survival data clinical trials. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 11 (2). pp. 141-148. ISSN 1539-1612 doi:


Underwood, F. M. (2012) A framework for adapting survey design through time for wildlife population assessment. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 19 (3). pp. 413-436. ISSN 1573-3009 doi:


Varvaruca, E. and Weiss, G. S. (2012) The Stokes conjecture for waves with vorticity. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (C) Analyse Non Linéaire, 29 (6). pp. 861-885. ISSN 0294-1449 doi:

Varvaruca, E. and Zarnescu, A. (2012) Equivalence of weak formulations of the steady water waves equations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 370 (1964). pp. 1703-1719. ISSN 1364-503X doi:

Vetra-Carvalho, S., Dixon, M., Migliorini, S., Nichols, N. K. ORCID: and Ballard, S. P. (2012) Breakdown of hydrostatic balance at convective scales in the forecast errors in the Met Office Unified Model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138 (668). pp. 1709-1720. ISSN 1477-870X doi:


Wang, Z., Likhtman, A. and Larson, R. G. (2012) Segmental dynamics in entangled linear polymer melts. Macromolecules, 45 (8). pp. 3557-3570. ISSN 0024-9297 doi:

Wouters, J. ORCID: and Lucarini, V. ORCID: (2012) Disentangling multi-level systems: averaging, correlations and memory. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2012 (3). P03003. ISSN 1742-5468 doi:


Young, B. C., Golubchik, T., Batty, E. M., Fung, R., Larner-Svensson, H., Votintseva, A. A., Miller, R. R., Godwin, H., Knox, K., Everitt, R. G., Iqbal, Z., Rimmer, A. J., Cule, M., Ip, C. L. C., Didelot, X., Harding, R. M., Donnelly, P., Peto, T. E., Crook, D. W., Bowden, R. and Wilson, D. J. (2012) Evolutionary dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus during progression from carriage to disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109 (12). pp. 4550-4555. ISSN 0027-8424 doi:

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