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Number of items: 120.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2020) Sustainable land use pathway ranking and selection. Sustainability, 12 (19). ISSN 2071-1050 doi:

Soname, S. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2018) Willingness to pay for palaria prophylaxis in Ethiopia. In: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security: Aspects of Euro-Mediterranean Business Cooperation. Springer International Publishing Springer AG, pp. 95-108. ISBN 9783319771212

Laepple, D., Holloway, G. ORCID:, Lacombe, D. J. and O'Donaghue, C. (2017) Sustainable technology adoption: who and what matters in a farmer's decision? European Review of Agricultural Economics, 44 (5). pp. 810-835. ISSN 0165-1587 doi:

Lalani, B., Dorward, P. ORCID: and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2017) Farm-level economic analysis - is Conservation Agriculture helping the poor? Ecological Economics, 141. pp. 144-153. ISSN 0921-8009 doi:

SanAhmed, A. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2017) Calories conflict and correlates: redistributive food policy in post-conflict Iraq. Food Policy, 68. pp. 89-99. ISSN 0306-9192 doi:

Lalani, B., Dorward, P. ORCID:, Holloway, G. ORCID: and Wauters, E. (2016) Smallholder farmers' motivations for using Conservation Agriculture and the roles of yield, labour and soil fertility in decision making. Agricultural Systems, 146. pp. 80-90. ISSN 0308-521X doi:

Edirisinghe, J. C. and Holloway, G. J. ORCID: (2015) Crossbred cow adoption and its correlates: countable adoption specification search in Sri Lanka's small holder dairy sector. Agricultural Economics, 46 (S1). pp. 13-28. ISSN 0169-5150 doi:

Lacombe, D. J., Holloway, G. J. ORCID: and Shaughnessy, T. M. (2014) Bayesian estimation of the spatial Durbin error model with an application to voter turnout in the 2004 presidential election. International Regional Science Review, 37 (3). pp. 298-327. ISSN 1552-6925 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2014) Evaluation of cumulative externality: environmental economics, oligopoly and the private provision of public goods. Environmental Economics, 2014 (2). pp. 90-98. ISSN 1998-605X

Holloway, G. ORCID:, Lacombe, D. and Shaughnessy, T. (2014) How large is congressional dependence in agriculture. Bayesian inference about ‘scale’ and ‘scope’ in measuring a spatial externality. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 65 (2). pp. 463-484. ISSN 0021-857X doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2013) Natural disaster accounting bias and its equivalence across genetic resource stocks. Environmental Economics, 4 (3). pp. 8-19. ISSN 1998-605X

Ceddia, G., Bardsley, N., Nocella, G. ORCID:, Goodwin, R., Stasi, A. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2013) A complex system perspective on the emergence and spread of infectious diseases: integrating economic and ecological aspects. Ecological Economics, 90. pp. 124-131. ISSN 0921-8009 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2013) On the environmental valuation of catastrophe: revisiting mining disasters in the United Kingdom, 1851-1962. Environmental Economics, 4 (4). pp. 19-32. ISSN 1998-605X

Holloway, G. ORCID: and Bayaner, A. (2013) Structure, conduct and the stochastic volatility of food markets: theory and empirics. Environmental Economics, 4 (2). pp. 6-11. ISSN 1998-605X

Hattam, C. E., Lacombe, D. J. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2012) Organic certification, export market access and the impacts of policy: Bayesian estimation of avocado smallholder “times-to-organic certification” in Michoacán Mexico. Agricultural Economics, 43 (4). pp. 441-457. ISSN 0169-5150 doi:

Ramali, A. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2012) Emerging agricultural hydrology problems in post-conflict Libya. Environmental Economics, 2012 (2). pp. 93-101. ISSN 1998-605X

Fenichel, E. P., Castillo Chavez, C., Ceddia, M. G., Chowell, G., Gonzalez Parra, P. A., Hickling, G. J., Holloway, G. ORCID:, Horan, R., Morin, B., Perrings, C., Springborn, M., Velazquez, L. and Villalobos, C. (2011) Adaptive human behavior in epidemiological models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 (15). pp. 6306-6311. ISSN 0027-8424 doi:

Daugbjerg, C., Tranter, R. ORCID:, Hattam, C. and Holloway, G. J. ORCID: (2011) Modelling the impacts of policy on entry into organic farming: evidence from Danish-UK comparisons, 1989-2007. Land Use Policy, 28 (2). pp. 413-422. ISSN 0264-8377 doi:

Jones, P. ORCID:, Fleming, E., Hadley, D. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2009) Bayes inference about productivity in the presence of structural change. Aspects of Applied Biology, 93. pp. 235-240. ISSN 0265-1491 (special issue 'Integrated agricultural systems: methodologies, modelling and measuring')

Tomberlin, D. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2009) Bayesian hierarchical estimation of technical efficiency in a fishery. Applied Economics Letters, 17 (2). pp. 201-204. ISSN 1466-4291 doi:

Fleming, E., Hadley, D. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2009) Modelling synergies and scope economies between farm enterprises and ecosystem outputs in the agricultural sector in England and Wales. In: 54th Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, 10-12 February 2009, Adelaide, Australia.

Holloway, G. ORCID:, Ehui, S. and Teklu, A. (2008) Bayes estimates of distance-to-market: Transactions costs, cooperatives and milk-market development in the Ethiopian highlands. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 23 (5). pp. 683-696. ISSN 0883-7252 doi:

Daugbjerg, C., Tranter, R. ORCID:, Hattam, C. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2008) Modeling and comparing organic farming policies and growth of the organic sectors in the United Kingdom and Denmark, 1989-2007. In: The European Association of Agricultural Economics meetings, August 28, 2008, Ghent, Belgium.

Holloway, G. ORCID:, Lacombe, D., Le Sage, J., Bell, K., Dalton, T., De Pinto, A., Nelson, G., Bullock, D., Lowenberg DeBoer, J., Baltenweck, I. and Staal, S. (2007) Special feature: spatial issues in agricultural economics. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 58 (3). pp. 484-486. ISSN 0021-857X doi:

Tomberlin, D. and Holloway, G. J. ORCID:, (2007) Bayes estimates of structural change in a coastal fishery. FEEM Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2007) Bayes estimates of time-to-organic certification. In: Annual Confernce, Agricultural Economics Society Conference, Reading, April 6, 2007. (Unpublished)

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2007) Bayesian estiamtion of fishing boat survival. In: Annual Meetings, American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, September 4, 2007.

Holloway, G. J. ORCID: and Tomberlin, D. (2007) Bayesian ranking and selection of fishing boat efficiencies. Journal of Agricultural Economics. pp. 13-23. ISSN 0021-857X

Holloway, G. ORCID: and Tomberlin, D. (2007) Bayesian ranking and slection of fishing boat efficiencies. Marine Resource Economics, 21. pp. 415-432.

Gotor, E., Watts, J., Caracciolo, F. and Holloway, G. ORCID:, (2007) Germplasm availability and value: the impact of in-trust agreements and the role of Bioversity International. UNSPECIFIED

Holloway, G. ORCID: and Lapar, M. L. A. (2007) How big is your neighbourhood? Spatial implications of market participation among Filipino smallholders. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 58 (1). pp. 37-60. ISSN 0021-857X doi:

Holloway, G. J. ORCID: (2007) Progress since the first 'Special Issue'. Journal of Agricultural Economics. pp. 375-76. ISSN 0021-857X

Holloway, G. ORCID:, Lacombe, D. and LeSage, J. P. (2007) Spatial econometric issues for bio-economic and land-use modelling. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 58 (3). pp. 549-588. ISSN 0021-857X doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2006) Bayes infernce in the conditionally censored Tobit regression. In: Agricultural Economics Society conference, Paris, France, March, 2006. (Unpublished)

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2006) Bayesian estimation of fishing boat survival. In: Annual conference of the International Institute for Fisheries Economics and Trade. University of Portsmouth, July, 12, 2006.

Holloway, G. ORCID:, Lacombe, D. and LeSage, J. P. (2006) Spatial econometric issues for bio-economic and land-use modelling. In: 26th Meeting of the International-Association-of-Agricultural-Economists (IAAE), Brisbane, AUSTRALIA, pp. 549-588. doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2006) Spatial econometric issues for bioeconomic modeling and land use. In: 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia, August 12-18, 2006. (Unpublished)

Hattam, C. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2005) Adoption of certified organic production with evidence from Michoacan Mexico smallholder avocado production. In: International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture “Researching Sustainable Systems”, 21-23 September 2005, Adelaide, Australia.. (Unpublished)

Hattam, C. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (2005) Adoption of certified organic production: evidence from Mexico. In: International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture “Researching Sustainable Systems”, 21-23 September 2005, Adelaide, Australia.

Holloway, G. ORCID:, Barrett, C. B. and Ehui, S. (2005) Bayesian estimation of the double hurdle model in the presence of fixed costs. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, 1 (1). pp. 17-28. ISSN 1556-8520

Holloway, G. ORCID:, Tomberlin, D. and Irz, X. (2005) Hierarchical analysis of production efficiency in a coastal trawl fishery. In: Simulation methods in environmental and natural resource economics. Kluwer.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2005) Tobit estimation with unknown censoring thresholds with applications. In: International conference on Agricultural Economics in Italy, Catania, Sicily, June, 2005. (Unpublished)

Holloway, G. ORCID: and Aydogus, O. (2004) Promotion carryover as a missing data problem. Journal of agricultural and food industrial organization, 2 (1). ISSN 1542-0485 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2004) When do export subsidies have a redistributional role? Reply. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 86 (2). pp. 549-552. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Fleisher, M. L. and Holloway, G. J. ORCID: (2004) The problem with boys: Bridewealth accumulation, sibling gender, and the propensity to participate in cattle raiding among the Kuria of Tanzania. Current Anthropology, 45 (2). pp. 284-288. ISSN 0011-3204 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID:, Nicholson, C., Delgado, C., Staal, S. and Ehui, S. (2004) A revised Tobit procedure for mitigating bias in the presence of non-zero censoring with an application to milk-market participation in the Ethiopian highlands. Agricultural Economics, 31 (1). pp. 97-106. ISSN 0169-5150 doi:

Lapar, M. L., Holloway, G. ORCID: and Ehui, S. (2003) How big is your neighbourhood? Spatial implications of market participation by smallholder livestock producers. In: 25th conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Durban, South Africa.

Lapar, M. L., Holloway, G. ORCID: and Ehui, S. (2003) Policy options promoting market participation among smallholder livestock producers: a case study from the Phillipines. Food Policy, 28 (3). pp. 187-211. ISSN 0306-9192 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2003) An old problem revisited - and solved: Upton and Dalton's linear production response: A note. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54 (3). pp. 487-497. ISSN 0021-857X

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2002) A Bayesian ranking and selection procedure for comparing agricultural projects. In: Annual Meetings of the British Agricultural Economic Society, Aberystwyth, Wales, April 8-11, 2002.

Holloway, G. ORCID:, Shankar, B. and Rahman, S. ORCID: (2002) Bayesian spatial probit estimation: a primer and an application to HYV rice adoption. Agricultural Economics, 27 (3). pp. 383-402. ISSN 1574-0862 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2002) Production efficiency in the Paris-von Liebig model and Non-Linear Models of Agricultural Efficiency: Bayesian, Classical and Entropy Perspectives. In: Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Long Beach, California, USA, July 28-31, 2002.

Holloway, G. ORCID: and Paris, Q. (2002) Production efficiency in the von Liebig model. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 84 (5). pp. 1271-1278. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2002) When do export subsidies have a redistributional role? American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 84 (1). pp. 234-244. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2002) A new approach to market power: Application of the lavine-West mixtures methodology to US farm- and Retail-Price data. In: Bayesian Statistics 7, Seventh Valencia Meetings on Bayesian Statistics, Playa de Las Américas, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, June 1-6, 2002.

Holloway, G. ORCID:, Barrett, C. and Ehui, S. (2001) Crossbred cow adoption and milk market participation in a multivariate count data framework. Eurostat.

Holloway, G. J. ORCID: and Ehui, S. K. (2001) Demand, supply and willingness-to-pay for extension services in an emerging-market setting. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83 (3). pp. 764-768. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. J. ORCID: (2001) Reworking the NAFTA: departures from traditional frameworks. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics / Revue Canadienne d'Agroeconomie, 49 (4). pp. 633-651. ISSN 1744-7976 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2001) Reworking the North American Free Trade Agreement: Departures from traditional frameworks. In: Joint meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Society and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, Chicago, Illinois, August 7, 2001.

Holloway, G. J. ORCID:, Dorfman, J. H. and Ehui, S. K. (2001) Tobit estiamtion with unknown point of censoring with an application to milk market participation in the Ethiopian highlands. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics / Revue Canadienne d'Agroeconomie, 49 (3). pp. 291-311. ISSN 1744-7976 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2001) Tobit regression with unknown censoring point with an application to milk-market participation. In: Joint meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Society and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, Chicago, Illinois, August 6, 2001.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2000) Animal traction efficiecny in a finite mixtures framework. In: Regional meetings of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Laguna Beach, California, April 7, 2001.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2000) Education and innovation in peri-urban settings. In: Workshop on Education Externalities, Risk and Innovation in Rural Ethiopia, Semien Hotel, Addis Ababa, April 13, 2000.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2000) Excise taxes and commodity promotion bayesian retrieval of the optimum. Journal of Agribusiness, 18 (2). pp. 135-154. ISSN 0738-8950

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2000) Innovation and market creation. In: Joint Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Bayesian Statistical Science, Sixth World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Knossos Royal Village Hotel, Hersonissos, Heraklion, Crete, May 28-June 1, 2000.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2000) Measuring research benefits in an imperfect market: second comment. Agricultural Economics, 22 (2). pp. 123-126. ISSN 0169-5150 doi:

Holloway, G. J. ORCID:, Peyton, L. J. and Griffith, G. R. (2000) Was the Australian meat and livestock corporations advertising efficient? Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 44 (1). pp. 55-81. ISSN 1364-985X doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2000) Willinfgness to pay for extension services in an emerging market setting: Evidence from the Ethiopian highlands. In: Winter Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Allied Social Science Associations, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 6, 2001.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (2000) A latent variable approach to cross bred cow adoption with application to peri urban milk market expansion. In: Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Tampa, Florida, July 30 – August 2, 2000.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1999) A Bayesian methodology for promotion efficiency with application to Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation expenditures. In: Joint Annual Meetings of the Australian and New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Societies, Christchurch, New Zealand, January 20-22, 1999.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1999) Emerging markets for dairy products in Africa: Transactions costs, choice of technique and market surplpus of peri-urban dairy systems in the Ethiopian highlands. In: Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economic Association, Nashville, Tennessee, August 6-7, 1999.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1999) Evaluating food safety alternatives. In: Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economic Association, Nashville, Tennessee, August 8-11, 1999.

Holloway, G. J. ORCID: (1999) Evaluating the alternatives. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 81 (5). pp. 1090-1095. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1998) Distributional impacts of policy in semi-subsistence agriculture. In: Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 2-5, 1998.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1998) Excise taxes and commodity promotion: A diagrammatic motivation. Journal of Agribusiness, 16 (2). pp. 187-192. ISSN 0738-8950

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1998) Firm level impacts of generic promotion. In: Inaugural Meeting of Turkish Economists, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, September 9, 1998.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1998) The degree of competition and the stability of food markets. In: Inaugural Meeting of Turkish Economists, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, September 9, 1998.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1997) Conduct and volatility in the determination of food and farm prices. In: Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 2-5, 1998.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1997) Food safety, good quality and Bayesian regulation. In: Annual Meetings of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, The University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, December 15-19, 1997.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1997) Food system quality control with further assurance. In: Annual Meetings of the Australian Agricultural Economics Society, Pan Pacific Hotel, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, January 20-25, 1997.

Holloway, G. J. ORCID: (1997) Food-system quality control and stage of distribution. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 28 (1). p. 108. ISSN 0047-245X

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1997) Is the Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation advertising efficiently? In: Annual Meetings of the Australian Agricultural Economics Society, Pan Pacific Hotel, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, January 20-25, 1997.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1997) Safety regulation and quality regulation and stage of distribution. In: Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, San Antonio, Texas, July 28-31, 1997.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1997) A coherent procedure for inferring conduct. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79 (5). p. 1709. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1997) mandatory commodity promotion the Laffer-curve effect and the optimal allocation of advertising effort. In: Annual Meetings of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, August 15-18, 1997.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1996) Congestion models with consistent conjectures. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 40 (3). pp. 249-277. ISSN 1364-985X doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1996) Discussion: Estimating the presence of market power in a model with a processing and a retailing sector. In: Conference on Industrial Organization and the Food-processing Industry, Institut d'Economie Industrielle, Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, March 28-29, 1996.

Holloway, G. ORCID: and Hertel, T. (1996) Explaining the causal relationship between farm and retail prices. In: Agricultural Markets: Mechanisms, Regulations, Failures. North Holland.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1996) Food syetm quality and control and stage of distribution. In: Annual Meetings of the Food Distribution Research Society, New Orleans, October 28-30, 1996.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1996) Foresight and self-enforcement in allocating common property. In: Annual Meetings of the Australian Agricultural Economics Society, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, February 12-15, 1996.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1996) Inference about the farm problme in a switching non nested regression. In: Bayesian Section of the Joint Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Chicago, Illinois, August 4-8, 1996.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1996) Safety and quality and stage of distribution. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 78 (5). pp. 1254-1260. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Teixeira , E. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (1996) The impacts of the Uruguay Round agreement in MERCOSUL on the Brazilian economy. In: Annual Meetings of the Brazilian Agricultural Economics Association, Aracaju, Brazil, August 3-5, 1996.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1996) The potential efficiency of using marketing margins in applied commodity price analysis, forecasting and risk management. In: NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting and Market Risk Management, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, April 22-23, 1996.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1995) A characterization of the food industries. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77 (5). p. 1367. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1995) A consistent charachterization of the food industries. In: Annual Meetings of the Australian Agricultural Economics Society, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, February 13-16, 1995..

Han, F. M. and Holloway, G. J. ORCID: (1995) The potential inefficiency of using marketing margins in applied commodity price analysis, forecasting and risk management. In: NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting and Market Risk Management, 22-23 Apr 1996, Chicago, USA.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1995) prospects for additional reform in the international rice market. In: Conference on International Agricultural Trade in the Pacific Rim Countries, Korea Rural Economic Institute, August 17, 1995.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1994) Consistent Firm Aggregation, Causal Price relkationships and Posterior Conduct Beliefs. In: Australasian Meetings of The Econometric Society, University of New England, Armidale, Australia, July 13-15, 1994.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1994) Consistent comparative statics for the food industries. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 76 (5). p. 1259. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1994) Consistent food industry comparative statics. In: Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, San Diego, California, August 7-10, 1994.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1994) Marketing secor agricultural products trade linkages. In: Annual Meetings of the Australian Agricultural Economics Society, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, February 7-11, 1994.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1993) Admissible conjectures and consistent conjectures. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75 (5). p. 1309. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1993) Asmissible and Consistent Conjectures. In: Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Orlando, Florida, August 1-4, 1993.

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1993) Consistent Aggregation Across Firms, Causal Relationships Among Prices, and Posterior Beliefs About Conduct. In: International Conference on Agricultural Markets: Mechanisms, Failures, Regulations. Institut d'Economie Industrielle, Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, October 21-23, 1993..

Holloway, G. J. ORCID: and Zwart, A. C. (1993) Food marketing technology and contingency market valuation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75 (3). pp. 624-631. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Paris, Q., Caputo, M. R. and Holloway, G. ORCID: (1993) Keeping the dream of rigorous hypothesis testing alive. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75. pp. 25-40. ISSN 0002-9092 doi: (special issue '75th Anniversary')

Holloway, G. J. ORCID: (1993) Revenue-neutral tax policies under price uncertainty: reply. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75 (3). pp. 754-758. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1992) Comparing Hypotheses about competition in the food industries. In: Selected paper, Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Baltimore, Maryland, August 9-12, 1992.

Holloway, G. ORCID: and Hertel, T. (1992) Comparing hypotheses about competition in the food system. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 74 (5). p. 1278. ISSN 0002-9092

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1991) The Farm-Retail Price Spread in an Imperfectly Competitive Food Industry. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 73 (4). pp. 979-989. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Patrick, R., Fletcher, J., Lovejoy , S., van Beek, W., Holloway, G. ORCID: and Binkley, J. (1991) Estimating regional benefits of reducing targeted pollutants: An application to agricultural effects on water quality and the value of recreational fishing. Journal of Environmental Management, 33 (4). pp. 301-310.

Holloway, G. J. ORCID: (1990) Revenue-neutral tax policy under price uncertainty. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72 (1). pp. 157-159. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. J. ORCID: (1989) Distribution of research gains in multistage production systems: further results. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 71 (2). pp. 338-343. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1989) Market Power and Its Effects on Equilibrium in the Food System. In: Selected paper, Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 30-August 2, 1989..

Holloway, G. ORCID: and Hertel, T. (1989) Market power and its effects on equilibrium in the food system. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 71 (5). p. 1359. ISSN 0002-9092

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1988) Budget constrained tax policy under price uncertainty: implications for supply control. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 70 (5). p. 1193. ISSN 0002-9092 doi:

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1988) Budget-Constrained Tax Policy Under Price Uncertainty: Implications for Supply Control. In: Selected paper, Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Knoxville, Tennessee, July 31-August 3, 1988.. (Unpublished)

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1988) Budget-Constrained Tax Policy Under Price Uncertainty: Implications for Supply Control. In: Selected paper, Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Knoxville, Tennessee, July 31-August 3, 1988..

Holloway, G. ORCID: (1988) Contractual arrangements in food marketing. In: The Industrialization of Agriculture: Vertical Coordination in the U.S. Food System. Ashgate.

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