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Jump to: A visual exposure strategy to facilitate the introduction of fruit and vegetables into the diets of toddlers | About distraction: Cognitive control processes in the service of distraction resistance | Attention to threat, attentional control and early signs of anxiety in preschool children. | Auditory distraction during semantic processing: A process-oriented view | Botany and Birth Control: elements of social science | Care, inequality and wellbeing in Transnational Families in Europe | Cognitive Biases and Behavioural Segmentation in Food Demand | Cognitive processes in casual and counterfactual thinking | Combining eyetracking and electroencephalography to examine the role of state and trait anxiety in children's attention to threat | Credit Finance in the Middle Ages: Loans to the English Crown c.1272-1340 | Designing Healthy Homes | Development Viability Appraisal: Theory, Application and Evaluation | FARMCAT | Fiscal Origins of the French Revolution: Financial Crises, Public Opinion and Institutional Change in Early Modern Europe | Harnessing Enthusiasm: Ecosocialities and Citizens as Early-Warning Systems | Innovation systems, agricultural growth and rural livelihoods in East Africa | Investigating Orthographic Processes and their Relation to Reading in Children with rapid Automatized Naming Deficits | MAPP-MAL: Multidisciplinary approach to a prototype for prevention of malnutrition in older people: products, places, people and procedures | NANA: Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing | Optimal Audit Policy for a Tax Evasion Network | PHANTOM: Personalised learning with haptics when teaching with online media, project name is now “hapTEL� | Professional Development Consortium in Modern Languages | Professorship - Treatments for childhood anxiety disorders: Improving patient access and clinical effectiveness | Real-time processing of syntactic information in children with English as a Second Language & children with Specific Language Impairment
Number of items: 48.

A visual exposure strategy to facilitate the introduction of fruit and vegetables into the diets of toddlers

Houston-Price, C. ORCID:, Owen, L., Kennedy, O. ORCID: and Hill, C. (2019) Parents’ experiences of introducing toddlers to fruits and vegetables through repeated exposure, with and without prior visual familiarization to foods: evidence from daily diaries. Food Quality and Preference, 71. pp. 291-300. ISSN 0950-3293 doi:

Owen, L. H., Kennedy, O. B. ORCID:, Hill, C. and Houston-Price, C. ORCID: (2018) Peas, please! Food familiarization though picture books helps parents introduce vegetables into preschoolers' diets. Appetite, 128. pp. 32-43. ISSN 0195-6663 doi:

Owen, L., Houston-Price, C. ORCID: and Kennedy, O. ORCID: (2012) Picture books about food increase toddlers’ liking and consumption of disliked vegetables. In: The 36th annual meeting of the British Feeding and Drinking Group.

About distraction: Cognitive control processes in the service of distraction resistance

Hanczakowski, M., Beaman, C. P. ORCID: and Jones, D. M. (2018) Learning through clamor: the allocation and perception of study time in noise. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147 (7). pp. 1005-1022. ISSN 1939-2222 doi:

Beaman, C. P. ORCID: and Jones, D. (2016) The item versus the object in memory: on the implausibility of overwriting as a mechanism for forgetting in short-term memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. 341. ISSN 1664-1078 doi:

Attention to threat, attentional control and early signs of anxiety in preschool children.

Stuijfzand, S., Stuijfzand, B., Reynolds, S. and Dodd, H. ORCID: (2020) Anxiety-related attention bias in four- to eight-year-olds: an eye-tracking study. Behavioral Sciences, 10 (12). 194. ISSN 2076-328X doi:

Dodd, H. F. ORCID:, Rayson, H., Ryan, Z., Bishop, C., Parsons, S. and Stuijfzand, B. (2020) Trajectories of anxiety when children start school: the role of behavioural inhibition and attention bias to angry and happy faces. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129 (7). pp. 701-712. ISSN 1939-1846 doi:

Osmanagaoglu, N., Creswell, C., Snuggs, S. ORCID:, Stuijfzand, S. and Dodd, H. ORCID: (2021) Evaluating the psychometric properties of the intolerance of uncertainty scale for children in a preadolescent sample. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 77. 102343. ISSN 0887-6185 doi:

Osmanagaoglu, N., Creswell, C. and Dodd, H. F. ORCID: (2018) Intolerance of uncertainty, anxiety and worry in children and adolescents: a meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 225. pp. 80-90. ISSN 0165-0327 doi:

Auditory distraction during semantic processing: A process-oriented view

Marsh, J., Hanczakowski, M., Beaman, P. ORCID:, Meng, Z. and Jones, D. (2024) Thinking about meaning: level-of-processing modulates semantic auditory distraction. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. ISSN 2044-592X (In Press)

Marsh, J. E., Hughes, R. W., Sorqvist, P., Beaman, C. P. ORCID: and Jones, D. M. (2015) Erroneous and veridical recall are not two sides of the same coin: evidence from semantic distraction in free recall. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 41 (6). pp. 1728-1740. ISSN 0278-7393 doi:

Beaman, C. P. ORCID:, Hanczakowski, M., Hodgetts, H., Marsh, J. and Jones, D. (2013) Memory as discrimination: what distraction reveals. Memory & Cognition, 41 (8). pp. 1238-1251. ISSN 1532-5946 doi:

Beaman, P. ORCID: and Holt, N. J. (2013) L'environnement auditif au travail. In: Rioux, L., Le Roy, J., Rubens, L. and Le Conte, J. (eds.) Le confort au travail. Que nous apprend la psychologie environnementale ? Ressources humaines, comportement au travail et pratiques innovantes. Presses de l'Universite Laval, Quebec. ISBN 9782763715155

Marsh, J. E., Sorqvist, P., Beaman, P. ORCID: and Jones, D. M. (2013) Auditory distraction eliminates retrieval induced forgetting: implications for the processing of unattended sound. Experimental Psychology, 60 (5). pp. 368-375. ISSN 2190-5142 doi:

Botany and Birth Control: elements of social science

Stack, D. (2018) ‘Beyond the facts’: how a US sociologist made John Stuart Mill into a Neo-Malthusian. Historical Research, 91 (154). pp. 772-790. ISSN 1468-2281 doi:

Care, inequality and wellbeing in Transnational Families in Europe

Suter, B., Evans, R. ORCID:, Mas Giralt, R. and Mozetič, K. (2025) Special issue young people’s caring practices in transnational families in Sweden and the UK: care ethics and wellbeing. Population, Space and Place, 31 (2). e70002. ISSN 1544-8452 doi:

Evans, R. ORCID: (2025) Transnational families. In: Oso, L., Ribas-Mateos, N. and Moralli, M. (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Global Migration. New Mobilities and Artivism. Edward Elgar, pp. 552-555. ISBN 9781035300372

Evans, R. ORCID:, Mas Giralt, R., Baby-Collin, V., Capstick, T. ORCID:, Dahdah, A., Limbu, A., Lloyd-Evans, S., Martínez-Buján, R., Moré, P., Mozetič, K., Oso, L., Palash, P., Golías Pérez, M., Jerve Ramsøy, I., Simpson, J., Souto, A., Suárez-Grimalt, L., Suter, B., Turcatti, D. and Walker, G. ORCID:, (2024) Care, inequalities and wellbeing among transnational families in Europe. Report of the CareWell comparative, intergenerational study in Spain, France, Sweden and UK. Report. University of Reading and University of Leeds, UK. doi:

Turcatti, D., Evans, R. ORCID:, Mas Giralt, R., Capstick, T. ORCID:, Linley, J., Malik, A., McQuitty, A. and Penaloza T.-Rice, S., (2024) Migrant and refugee organisations in the UK as spaces of care. Policy Brief, Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing in Transnational Families in Europe. University of Reading, University of Leeds, Reading and Leeds. doi:

Limbu, A., Evans, R. ORCID: and Mas Giralt, R., (2024) Impact of COVID-19 on migrant families in the UK. Policy Brief, Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing in Transnational Families in Europe. University of Leeds, University of Reading, Leeds and Reading. doi:

Martínez-Buján, R., Evans, R. ORCID:, ed. (2023) The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the immigrant population in Spain (El impacto de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en la población inmigrante en España). Policy Brief, Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing in Transnational Families in Europe. Report. Universidade Da Coruña and University of Reading, Reading and A Coruña. doi:

Cognitive Biases and Behavioural Segmentation in Food Demand

Kehlbacher, A., Srinivasan, C. ORCID:, McCloy, R. ORCID: and Tiffin, R. (2020) Modelling preference heterogeneity using a Bayesian finite mixture of Almost Ideal Demand Systems. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 47 (3). pp. 933-970. ISSN 0165-1587 doi:

Cognitive processes in casual and counterfactual thinking

Frosch, C. A., McCloy, R. ORCID:, Beaman, C. P. ORCID: and Goddard, K. (2015) Time to decide? Simplicity and congruity in comparative judgment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 4 (1). pp. 42-54. ISSN 0278-7393 doi:

Combining eyetracking and electroencephalography to examine the role of state and trait anxiety in children's attention to threat

Dodd, H. F. ORCID:, Rayson, H., Ryan, Z., Bishop, C., Parsons, S. and Stuijfzand, B. (2020) Trajectories of anxiety when children start school: the role of behavioural inhibition and attention bias to angry and happy faces. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129 (7). pp. 701-712. ISSN 1939-1846 doi:

Credit Finance in the Middle Ages: Loans to the English Crown c.1272-1340

Bell, A. ORCID:, Brooks, C. ORCID: and Moore, T. (2015) Le credit au Moyen Age: les prets a la couronne D'Angleterre entre 1272 et 1345. In: Resources publiques et contstruction étatique en Europe XIII-XVIII siecle, 2-3 July 2012, Colloque organise par l'IGPDE avec l'Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne et ses laboratoires (IDHE, LAMOP, EA 127, SAMM) et le laboratoire d'excellence ReFi (heSam), pp. 117-130. (Colloque des 2 et 3 juillet 2012 sous la direction de Katia Beguin)

Designing Healthy Homes

Ewart, I. J. ORCID: (2014) Designing healthy homes. In: International Conference of Construction in a Changing World, 4-7 May 2014, Sri Lanka, pp. 587-598.

Development Viability Appraisal: Theory, Application and Evaluation

McAllister, P., Street, E. ORCID: and Wyatt, P. ORCID: (2016) Governing calculative practices: An investigation of development viability modelling in the English planning system. Urban Studies, 53 (11). pp. 2363-2379. ISSN 1360-063X doi:


McCracken, M. E., Woodcock, B. A., Lobley, M., Pywell, R. F., Saratsi, E. ORCID:, Swetnam, R. D., Mortimer, S. R. ORCID:, Harris, S. J., Winter, M., Hinsley, S. and Bullock, J. M. (2015) Social and ecological drivers of success in agri-environment schemes: the roles of farmers and environmental context. Journal of Applied Ecology, 52 (3). pp. 696-705. ISSN 0021-8901 doi:

Fiscal Origins of the French Revolution: Financial Crises, Public Opinion and Institutional Change in Early Modern Europe

Felix, J. ORCID: and Gonzales Enciso, A. (2022) Guerra y hacienda. In: Dubet, A. and Sanchez Santiro, E. (eds.) Erarios Regios. El gobierno de las Reales Haciendas de la Monarquia espanola y la Monarquia Francese en el siglo XVIII. Une vision comparada. Historia Economica, Mexico, pp. 17-55. ISBN 9786078793679

Felix, J. ORCID: (2018) Why did Chambres de Justice disappear in 18th-century France? Fiscal profit and institutional change, 1688-1788. In: Felix, J. ORCID: and Dubet, A. (eds.) The War Within: Private Interests and the Fiscal State in Early-Modern Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 195-227. ISBN 9783319980492 doi:

Felix, J. ORCID: and Dubet, A. (2018) Introduction. Corruption and the rise of the fiscal state. In: Felix, J. ORCID: and Dubet, A. (eds.) The War Within: Private Interests and the Fiscal State in Early-Modern Europe. Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783319980492 doi:

Felix, J. ORCID: (2016) Introduction: paths to fiscal transparency in Europe. In: Felix, J. ORCID: (ed.) Before transparency: control and communication in Early-Modern Europe. Histoire & Mesure (30, 2). Editions EHESS, Paris, pp. 3-22. ISBN 9782713224744

Felix, J. ORCID:, ed. (2015) Before transparency: control and communication in Early-Modern Europe. Histoire & Mesure, 30 (2). Editions EHESS, Paris, pp256. ISBN 9782713224744

Félix, J. ORCID: (2015) La monarquia francesa y los financieros en el Antiguo Régimen. El ejemplo de los traitants durante la Guerra de los Nueve Años, 1689-1697 = The French Monarchy and the financiers during the Old Regime. The case of the traitants during the Nine Years War, 1689-1697. Tiempos Modernos: Revista Electrónica de Historia Moderna, 8 (30). ISSN 1699-7778

Harnessing Enthusiasm: Ecosocialities and Citizens as Early-Warning Systems

Geoghegan, H. ORCID: (2014) A new pattern for historical geography: working with enthusiast communities and public history. Journal of Historical Geography, 46. pp. 105-107. ISSN 0305-7488 doi:

Innovation systems, agricultural growth and rural livelihoods in East Africa

Cardey, S. ORCID:, Garforth, C., Clarkson, G. ORCID: and Dorward, P. ORCID: (2014) Supporting farmer innovation for agricultural growth: an innovation systems perspective. In: Region as Frame: Politics, Presence and Practice, International Association for Media and Communication Research, 15-19 July, 2014, Hyderbad, India. (Unpublished)

Investigating Orthographic Processes and their Relation to Reading in Children with rapid Automatized Naming Deficits

Powell, D. ORCID:, Stainthorp, R. and Stuart, M. (2014) Deficits in orthographic knowledge in children poor at rapid automatized naming (RAN) tasks? Scientific Studies of Reading, 18 (3). pp. 192-207. ISSN 1088-8438 doi:

MAPP-MAL: Multidisciplinary approach to a prototype for prevention of malnutrition in older people: products, places, people and procedures

Tsikritzi, R., Wang, J., Collins, V. J., Allen, V. J., Mavrommatis, Y., Moynihan, P. J., Gosney, M. A., Kennedy, O. B. ORCID: and Methven, L. (2015) The effect of nutrient fortification of sauces on product stability, sensory properties and subsequent liking by older adults. Journal of Food Science, 80 (5). S1100-S1110. ISSN 0022-1147 doi:

NANA: Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing

Brown, L. J. E., Adlam, T., Hwang, F. ORCID:, Khadra, H., Maclean, L. M., Rudd, B., Smith, T., Timon, C., Williams, E. A. and Astell, A. J. ORCID: (2018) Computerized self-administered measures of mood and appetite for older adults: the Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing toolkit. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 37 (2). pp. 157-176. ISSN 0733-4648 doi:

Timon, C. M., Cooper, S. E., Barker, M. E., Astell, A. ORCID:, Adlam, T., Hwang, F. ORCID: and Williams, E. A. (2018) A comparison of food portion size estimation by older adults, young adults and nutritionists. The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 22 (2). pp. 230-236. ISSN 1279-7707 doi:

MacLean, L. M., Brown, L. J.E., Khadra, H. and Astell, A. J. ORCID: (2017) Observing prioritization effects on cognition and gait: the effect of increased cognitive load on cognitively healthy older adults' dual-task performance. Gait and Posture, 53. pp. 139-144. ISSN 0966-6362 doi:

Optimal Audit Policy for a Tax Evasion Network

Hashimzade, N., Myles, G. D., Page, F. and Rablen, M. D. (2014) Social networks and occupational choice: the endogenous formation of attitudes and beliefs about tax compliance. Journal of Economic Psychology, 40. pp. 134-146. ISSN 0167-4870 doi:

PHANTOM: Personalised learning with haptics when teaching with online media, project name is now “hapTEL�

Tse, B., Barrow, A., Quinn, B. and Harwin, W. S. ORCID: (2015) A smoothed particle hydrodynamics algorithm for haptic rendering of dental filling materials. In: IEEE World Haptics Conference, 22-26 Jun 2015, Chicago, pp. 321-326. doi:

Professional Development Consortium in Modern Languages

Macaro, E., Graham, S. ORCID: and Woore, R. (2015) Improving foreign language teaching: towards a research-based curriculum and pedagogy. Routledge, Abingdon, pp216. ISBN 9781138779495

Professorship - Treatments for childhood anxiety disorders: Improving patient access and clinical effectiveness

Osmanagaoglu, N., Creswell, C., Snuggs, S. ORCID:, Stuijfzand, S. and Dodd, H. ORCID: (2021) Evaluating the psychometric properties of the intolerance of uncertainty scale for children in a preadolescent sample. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 77. 102343. ISSN 0887-6185 doi:

Osmanagaoglu, N., Creswell, C. and Dodd, H. F. ORCID: (2018) Intolerance of uncertainty, anxiety and worry in children and adolescents: a meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 225. pp. 80-90. ISSN 0165-0327 doi:

Real-time processing of syntactic information in children with English as a Second Language & children with Specific Language Impairment

Ozge, D., Marinis, T. and Zeyrek, D. (2015) Incremental processing in head-final child language: online comprehension of relative clauses in Turkish-speaking children and adults. Language and Cognitive Processes, 30 (9). pp. 1230-1243. ISSN 0169-0965 doi:

Ozge, D., Marinis, T. and Zeyrek, D. (2012) Parallel function hypothesis revisited in the processing of Turkish relative clauses in adults. In: Ivanics, M. and Nagy, É. K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Turkish Linguistics (ICTL, 2010). University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, pp. 401-411.

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