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Sillmann, J., Shepherd, T. G. ORCID:, van den Hurk, B., Hazeleger, W., Martius, O., Slingo, J. and Zscheischler, J. (2021) Event-based storylines to address climate risk. Earth's Future, 9 (2). ISSN 2328-4277 doi:

Turner, A. G. ORCID: and Slingo, J. M. (2011) Using idealized snow forcing to test teleconnections with the Indian summer monsoon in the Hadley Centre GCM. Climate Dynamics, 36 (9-10). pp. 1717-1735. ISSN 1432-0894 doi:

Yang, G. Y. ORCID:, Hoskins, B. J. and Slingo, J. M. (2011) Equatorial waves in opposite QBO phases. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 68 (4). pp. 839-862. ISSN 1520-0469 doi:

Black, E. ORCID:, Brayshaw, D. ORCID:, Slingo, J. and Hoskins, B. (2011) Future climate of the Middle East. In: Mithen, S. ORCID: and Black, E. ORCID: (eds.) Water, Life and Civilisation: Climate, Environment and Society in the Jordan Valley. International Hydrology Series. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 51-62. ISBN 9780521769570

Brayshaw, D. ORCID:, Black, E. ORCID:, Hoskins, B. and Slingo, J. (2011) Past climates of the Middle East. In: Mithen, S. ORCID: and Black, E. ORCID: (eds.) Water, Life and Civilisation: Climate, Environment and Society in the Jordan Valley. International Hydrology Series. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 25-50. ISBN 9780521769570

Black, E. ORCID:, Hoskins, B., Slingo, J. and Brayshaw, D. ORCID: (2011) The present-day climate of the Middle East. In: Mithen, S. ORCID: and Black, E. ORCID: (eds.) Water, Life and Civilisation: Climate, Environment and Society in the Jordan Valley. International Hydrology Series. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 13-24. ISBN 9780521769570

Turner, A. G. ORCID:, Sperber, K., Slingo, J. M., Meehl, G., Mechoso, C. R., Kimoto, M. and Giannini, A. (2011) Modelling monsoons: understanding and predicting current and future behaviour. In: Chang, C.-P., Ding, Y., Lau, G. N.-C., Johnson, R. H., Wang, B. and Yasunari, T. (eds.) The global monsoon system: research and forecast, 2nd edition. World scientific series on Asia-Pacific weather and climate, 5. World Scientific/WMO, London Singapore New Jersey, pp. 421-454. ISBN 9789814343404

Lei, Y., Hoskins, B. and Slingo, J. (2011) Exploring the interplay between natural decadal variability and anthropogenic climate change in summer rainfall over China. Part I: Observational evidence. Journal of Climate, 24 (17). pp. 4584-4599. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:

Klingaman, N. P. ORCID:, Woolnough, S. J. ORCID:, Weller, H. ORCID: and Slingo, J. M. (2011) The impact of finer-resolution air-sea coupling on the intraseasonal oscillation of the Indian monsoon. Journal of Climate, 24 (10). pp. 2451-2468. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:

Toniazzo, T., Mechoso, C. R., Shaffrey, L. C. ORCID: and Slingo, J. M. (2010) Upper-ocean heat budget and ocean eddy transport in the south-east Pacific in a high-resolution coupled model. Climate Dynamics, 35 (7-8). pp. 1309-1329. ISSN 0930-7575 doi:

Shukla, J., Palmer, T. N., Hagedorn, R., Hoskins, B., Kinter, J., Marotzke, J., Miller, M. and Slingo, J. (2010) Toward a new generation of world climate research and computing facilities. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 91 (10). pp. 1407-1412. ISSN 1520-0477 doi:

Vidale, P. L. ORCID:, Roberts, M., Hodges, K. ORCID:, Strachan, J., Demory, M.-E. and Slingo, J. (2010) Tropical Cyclones in a hieararchy of climate models of increasing resolution. In: Charabi, Y. (ed.) Indian ocean tropical cyclones and climate change. Earth and environmental science, 1. Springer, pp. 9-14. doi:

Turner, A. G. ORCID: and Slingo, J. M. (2009) Subseasonal extremes of precipitation and active-break cycles of the Indian summer monsoon in a climate-change scenario. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 135 (640). pp. 549-567. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Shaffrey, L. C. ORCID:, Stevens, I., Norton, W., Roberts, M. J., Vidale, P. L. ORCID:, Harle, J. D., Jrrar, A., Stevens, D. P., Woodage, M. J., Demory, M.-E., Donners, J., Clark, D. B., Clayton, A., Cole, J. W., Wilson, S. S., Connolley, W. M., Davies, T. M., Iwi, A. M., Johns, T. C., King, J. C., New, A. L., Slingo, J. M., Slingo, A., Steenman-Clark, L. and Martin, G. M. (2009) U.K. HiGEM: The New U.K. High-Resolution Global Environment Model—Model Description and Basic Evaluation. Journal of Climate, 22 (8). pp. 1861-1896. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:

Slingo, J. M., Bates, K., Nikiforakis, N., Piggott, M., Roberts, M., Shaffrey, L., Stevens, I., Vidale, P. L. ORCID: and Weller, H. ORCID: (2009) Developing the next-generation climate system models: challenges and achievements. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 367 (1890). pp. 815-831. ISSN 1364-503X doi:

Osborne, T. M., Slingo, J. M., Lawrence, D. and Wheeler, T. R. (2009) Examining the interaction of growing crops with local climate using a coupled crop-climate model. Journal of Climate, 22 (6). pp. 1393-1411. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:

Yang, G. Y. ORCID:, Slingo, J. M. and Hoskins, B. J. (2009) Convectively coupled equatorial waves in high resolution Hadley centre climate models. Journal of Climate, 22 (8). pp. 1897-1919. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:

Klingaman, N. P. ORCID:, Weller, H. ORCID:, Woolnough, S. J. ORCID:, Inness, P. M. ORCID: and Slingo, J. M. (2009) Coupled simulations of the Indian monsoon intraseasonal oscillation using a fine-resolution mixed-layer ocean model. In: ECMWF Workshop on Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions, 10-12 Nov 2008, Reading, pp. 195-205.

Shukla, J., Hagedorn, R., Miller, M., Palmer, T. N., Hoskins, B., Kinter, J., Marotzke, J. and Slingo, J. (2009) Strategies: Revolution in climate prediction is both necessary and possible: A declaration at the World Modelling Summit for Climate Prediction. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90 (2). pp. 175-178. ISSN 1520-0477 doi:

Turner, A. G. ORCID: and Slingo, J. M. (2009) Uncertainties in future projections of extreme precipitation in the Indian monsoon region. Atmospheric Science Letters, 10 (3). pp. 152-158. ISSN 1530-261X doi:

Lloyd, J., Guilyardi, E. ORCID:, Weller, H. ORCID: and Slingo, J. M. (2009) The role of atmosphere feedbacks during ENSO in the CMIP3 models. Atmospheric Science Letters, 10 (3). pp. 170-176. ISSN 1530-261X doi:

Bernie, D.J., Guilyardi, E. ORCID:, Madec, G., Slingo, J.M., Woolnough, S.J. ORCID: and Cole, J. (2008) Impact of resolving the diurnal cycle in an ocean-atmosphere GCM. Part 2: A diurnally coupled CGCM. Climate Dynamics, 31 (7-8). pp. 909-925. ISSN 0930-7575 doi:

Klingaman, N. P. ORCID:, Inness, P.M. ORCID:, Weller, H. ORCID: and Slingo, J.M. (2008) The Importance of High-Frequency Sea Surface Temperature Variability to the Intraseasonal Oscillation of Indian Monsoon Rainfall. Journal of Climate, 21 (23). pp. 6119-6140. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:

Klingaman, N. P. ORCID:, Weller, H. ORCID:, Slingo, J.M. and Inness, P.M. ORCID: (2008) The intraseasonal variability of the Indian summer monsoon using TMI sea surface temperatures and ECMWF reanalysis. Journal of Climate, 21 (11). pp. 2519-2539. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:

Bernie, D. J., Guilyardi, E. ORCID:, Madec, G., Slingo, J. M. and Woolnough, S. W. ORCID: (2007) Impact of resolving the diurnal cycle in an ocean-atmosphere GCM. Part 1: A diurnally forced OGCM. Climate Dynamics, 29 (6). pp. 575-590. ISSN 0930-7575 doi:

Yang, G.Y. ORCID:, Hoskins, B.J. and Slingo, J. M. (2007) Convectively coupled equatorial waves: Part I: Horizontal and vertical structure. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 64 (10). pp. 3406-3423. ISSN 1520-0469 doi:

Yang, G.Y. ORCID:, Hoskins, B. J. and Slingo, J.M. (2007) Convectively coupled equatorial waves: Part II: propagation characteristics. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 64 (10). pp. 3424-3427. ISSN 1520-0469 doi:

Yang, G.Y. ORCID:, Hoskins, B. J. and Slingo, J.M. (2007) Convectively coupled equatorial waves: Part III: Synthesis structures and their forcing and evolution. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 64 (10). pp. 3438-3451. ISSN 1520-0469 doi:

Turner, A.G. ORCID:, Inness, P.M. ORCID: and Slingo, J.M. (2007) The effect of doubled CO2 and model basic state biases on the monsoon-ENSO system. I: Mean response and interannual variability. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 133 (626). pp. 1143-1157. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Turner, A.G. ORCID:, Inness, P.M. ORCID: and Slingo, J.M. (2007) The effect of doubled CO2 and model basic state biases on the monsoon-ENSO system. II: Changing ENSO regimes. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 133. pp. 1159-1173. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Spencer, H. ORCID:, Sutton, R. ORCID: and Slingo, J.M. (2007) El Nino in a Coupled Climate Model: Sensitivity to changes in mean state induced by heat flux and wind stress corrections. Journal of Climate, 20 (10). pp. 2273-2298. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:

Osborne, T. M., Lawrence, D.M., Challinor, A. J., Slingo, J.M. and Wheeler, T. R. (2007) Development and assessment of a coupled crop-climate model. Global Change Biology, 13 (1). pp. 169-183. ISSN 1354-1013 doi:

Challinor, A. J., Wheeler, T. R., Osborne, T. M. and Slingo, J. M. (2006) Assessing the vulnerability of crop productivity to climate change thresholds using an integrated crop-climate model. In: Schellnhuber, J., Cramer, W., Nakicenovic, N., Wigley, T. M. L. and Yohe, G. (eds.) Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 187-194. ISBN 9780521864718 doi:

Krishnan, R., Ramesh, K. V., Samala, B. K., Meyers, G., Slingo, J. M. and Fennessy, M. J. (2006) Indian Ocean-monsoon coupled interactions and impending monsoon droughts. Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (8). ISSN 0094-8276 doi:

Inness, P. M. ORCID: and Slingo, J. M. (2006) The interaction of the Madden-Julian Oscillation with the Maritime Continent in a GCM. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 132 (618). pp. 1645-1667. ISSN 1477-870X

Ringer, M. A., Martin, G. M., Greeves, C. Z., Hinton, T. J., James, P. M., Pope, V. D., Scaife, A. A., Stratton, R. A., Inness, P. M. ORCID:, Slingo, J. M. and Yang, G. Y. ORCID: (2006) The physical properties of the atmosphere in the new Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model (HadGEM1). Part II: Aspects of variability and regional climate. Journal Of Climate, 19 (7). pp. 1302-1326. ISSN 1520-0442

Saith, N. and Slingo, J. (2006) The role of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the El Nino and Indian drought of 2002. International Journal Of Climatology, 26 (10). pp. 1361-1378. ISSN 0899-8418

Turner, A.G. ORCID:, Inness, P.M. ORCID: and Slingo, J.M. (2005) The role of the basic state in the ENSO-monsoon relationship and implications for predictability. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 131 (607). pp. 781-804. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Wheeler, T. R., Challinor, A. J., Craufurd, P. Q., Slingo, J. M. and Grimes, D. I. F. (2005) Forecasting the harvest - from proverbs to PCs. Biologist, 52 (1). pp. 45-49.

Spencer, H. ORCID:, Sutton, R. T. ORCID:, Slingo, J. M., Roberts, M. and Black, E. ORCID: (2005) Indian Ocean climate and dipole variability in Hadley Centre coupled GCMs. Journal Of Climate, 18 (13). pp. 2286-2307. ISSN 1520-0442

Slingo, J. M., Challinor, A. J., Hoskins, B. J. and Wheeler, T. R. (2005) Introduction: food crops in a changing climate. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B, 360. doi:

Bernie, D. J., Woolnough, S. J. ORCID:, Slingo, J. M. and Guilyardi, E. ORCID: (2005) Modeling diurnal and intraseasonal variability of the ocean mixed layer. Journal Of Climate, 18 (8). pp. 1190-1202. ISSN 1520-0442

Slingo, J. M., Inness, P. M. ORCID: and Sperber, K. R. (2005) Modeling the MJO. In: Waliser, D. E. and Lau, W. K. M. (eds.) Intraseasonal Variability in the Atmosphere-Ocean Climate System. Springer Praxis Books, pp. 361-388.

Challinor, A. J., Slingo, J. M., Wheeler, T. R. and Doblas-Reyes, F. J. (2005) Probabilistic simulations of crop yield over western India using the DEMETER seasonal hindcast ensembles. Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology And Oceanography, 57 (3). pp. 498-512.

Challinor, A. J., Wheeler, T. R., Slingo, J. M. and Hemming, D. (2005) Quantification of physical and biological uncertainty in the simulation of the yield of a tropical crop using present-day and doubled CO2 climates. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 360 (1463). pp. 2085-2094. ISSN 0962-8436 doi:

Challinor, A. J., Wheeler, T. R., Slingo, J. M., Craufurd, P. Q. and Grimes, D. I. F. (2005) Simulation of crop yields using ERA-40: Limits to skill and nonstationarity in weather-yield relationships. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 44 (4). pp. 516-531. ISSN 0894-8763 doi:

Slingo, J., Spencer, H. ORCID:, Hoskins, B., Berrisford, P. and Black, E. ORCID: (2005) The meteorology of the Western Indian Ocean, and the influence of the east African highlands. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 363 (1826). pp. 25-42. ISSN 1364-503X doi:

Challinor, A. J., Wheeler, T. R., Craufurd, P. Q., Slingo, J. M. and Grimes, D. I. F. (2004) Design and optimisation of a large-area process-based model for annual crops. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 124 (1-2). pp. 99-120. ISSN 0168-1923 doi:

Osborne, T. M., Lawrence, D. M., Slingo, J. M., Challinor, A. J. and Wheeler, T. R. (2004) Influence of vegetation on the local climate and hydrology in the tropics: sensitivity to soil parameters. Climate Dynamics, 23 (1). pp. 45-61. ISSN 0930-7575 doi:

Guilyardi, E. ORCID: and Slingo, J. (2004) Representing El Niño in coupled ocean–atmosphere GCMs: the dominant role of the atmospheric component. Journal of Climate, 17 (24). pp. 4623-4629. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:

Gissila, T., Black, E. ORCID:, Grimes, D. I. F. and Slingo, J. M. (2004) Seasonal forecasting of the Ethiopian summer rains. International Journal Of Climatology, 24 (11). pp. 1345-1358.

Spencer, H. ORCID:, Slingo, J. M. and Davey, M. K. (2004) Seasonal predictability of ENSO teleconnections: the role of the remote ocean response. Climate Dynamics, 22 (5). pp. 511-526.

Lengaigne, M. E., Guilyardi, E. ORCID:, Boulanger, J. P., Menkes, C., Delecluse, P., Inness, P. ORCID:, Cole, J. and Slingo, J. M. (2004) Triggering of El Niño by westerly wind events in a coupled general circulation model. Climate Dynamics. doi:

Lengaigne, M. E., Boulanger, J.-P., Delecluse, P., Menkes, C., Guilyardi, E. ORCID: and Slingo, J. M. (2004) Westerly wind events in the Tropical Pacific and their influence on the coupled ocean-atmosphere system: A review. In: Wang, C., Xie, S. and Carton, J. A. (eds.) Earth Climate: The Ocean-atmosphere interaction. AGU Geophysical Monograph, 147. American Geophysical Union, Washington D. C., pp. 49-70.

Woolnough, S. J. ORCID:, Slingo, J. M. and Hoskins, B. J. (2004) The diurnal cycle of convection and atmospheric tides in an aquaplanet. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 61. pp. 2559-2573. ISSN 1520-0469 doi:

Slingo, J.M., Guilyardi, E. ORCID:, Hodges, K.I. ORCID:, Hoskins, B.J., Inness, P.M. ORCID:, Lawrence, D.M., Neale, R., Osborne, T.M., Spencer, H. ORCID: and Yang, G.Y. ORCID:, (2003) How good is the Hadley Centre climate model? Research at CGAM on identifying and understanding model systematic errors: 1999-2002 - CGAM/NCAS Report. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED

Yang, G.Y. ORCID:, Hoskins, B.J. and Slingo, J.M. (2003) Convectively coupled equatorial waves: A new methodology for identifying wave structures in observational data. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 60 (14). 1637-1654.. ISSN 1520-0469 doi:<1637:CCEWAN>2.0.CO;2

Spencer, H. ORCID: and Slingo, J. M. (2003) The simulation of peak and delayed ENSO teleconnections. Journal of Climate, 16 (11). pp. 1757-1774. ISSN 0894-8755 doi:<1757:TSOPAD>2.0.CO;2

Inness, P.M. ORCID: and Slingo, J.M. (2003) Simulation of the Madden-Julian oscillation in a coupled general circulation model. Part I: Comparison with observations and an atmosphere-only GCM. Journal Of Climate, 16. pp. 345-364. ISSN 1520-0442

Inness, P.M. ORCID:, Slingo, J.M., Guilyardi, E. ORCID: and Cole, J. (2003) Simulation of the Madden-Julian oscillation in a coupled general circulation model. Part II: The role of the basic state. Journal Of Climate, 16. pp. 365-382. ISSN 1520-0442

Challinor, A. J., Slingo, J. M., Wheeler, T. R., Craufurd, P. Q. and Grimes, D. I. F. (2003) Toward a combined seasonal weather and crop productivity forecasting system: Determination of the working spatial scale. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 42 (2). pp. 175-192. ISSN 0894-8763

Neale, R. and Slingo, J.M. (2003) The maritime continent and its role in the global climate: A GCM study. Journal Of Climate, 16. pp. 834-848. ISSN 1520-0442

Black, E. ORCID:, Slingo, J.M. and Sperber, K.R. (2003) An observational study of the relationship between excessively strong short rains in coastal East Africa and Indian Ocean SST. Monthly Weather Review, 131. pp. 74-94.

Slingo, J., Inness, P. ORCID:, Neale, R., Woolnough, S. ORCID: and Yang, G. ORCID: (2002) Scale interactions on diurnal to seasonal timescales and their relevance to model systematic errors. Annals of Geophysics, 46 (1). pp. 139-155. ISSN 2037-416X doi:

Yang, G. Y. ORCID: and Slingo, J. (2001) The diurnal cycle in the tropics. Monthly Weather Review, 129 (4). pp. 784-801. ISSN 0027-0644 doi:<0784:TDCITT>2.0.CO;2

Inness, P. M. ORCID:, Slingo, J. M., Woolnough, S. J. ORCID:, Neale, R. B. and Pope, V. D. (2001) Organisation of tropical convection in a GCM with varying vertical resolution: Implications for the simulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Climate Dynamics, 17 (10). pp. 777-793. ISSN 1432-0894 doi:

Woolnough, S. J. ORCID:, Slingo, J. M. and Hoskins, B. J. (2001) The organisation of tropical convection by intraseasonal sea surface temperature anomalies. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 127 (573). pp. 887-908. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Woolnough, S. J. ORCID:, Slingo, J. M. and Hoskins, B. J. (2000) The relationship between convection and sea surface temperature on intraseasonal timescales. Journal of Climate, 13 (12). pp. 2086-2104. ISSN 1520-0442 doi:<2086:TRBCAS>2.0.CO;2

Annamalai, H., Slingo, J. M., Sperber, K. R. and Hodges, K. ORCID: (1999) The mean evolution and variability of the Asian summer monsoon: Comparison of ECMWF and NCEP-NCAR reanalyses. Monthly Weather Review, 127 (6). pp. 1157-1186. ISSN 1520-0493 doi:<1157:TMEAVO>2.0.CO;2

Matthews, A. J., Hoskins, B. J., Slingo, J. M. and Blackburn, M. (1996) Development of convection along the SPCZ within a Madden-Julian oscillation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 122 (531). pp. 669-688. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

Slingo, J. M., Blackburn, M., Betts, A., Brugge, R., Hodges, K. I. ORCID:, Hoskins, B. J., Miller, M., Steenman-Clark, L. and Thuburn, J. (1994) Mean climate and transience in the tropics of the UGAMP GCM - sensitivity to convective parametrization. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 120 (518). pp. 881-922. ISSN 1477-870X doi:

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