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Number of items: 143.


Akyurek, E.G., Toffanin, P. and Hommel, B. (2008) Adaptive control of event integration. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Human Perception and Performance, 34 (3). pp. 569-577. ISSN 0096-1523 doi:

Athanasopoulos, P. (2008) Universal and language-specific patterns of categorisation. Glossa, 4 (1). pp. 51-72. ISSN 1931-7778

Athanasopoulos, P. and Kasai, C. (2008) Language and thought in bilinguals: the case of grammatical number and nonverbal classification preferences. Applied Psycholinguistics, 29 (1). pp. 105-123. ISSN 0142-7164 doi:


Baird, G., Charman, T., Pickles, A., Chandler, S., Loucas, T. ORCID:, Meldrum, D., Carcani-Rathwell, I., Serkana, D. and Simonoff, E. (2008) Regression, developmental trajectory and associated problems in disorders in the autism spectrum: the SNAP study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38 (10). pp. 1827-1836. ISSN 0162-3257 doi:

Baird, G., Pickles, A., Simonoff, E., Charman, T., Sullivan, P., Chandler, S., Loucas, T. ORCID:, Meldrum, D., Afzal, M., Thomas, B., Jin, L. and Brown, D. (2008) Measles vaccination and antibody response in autism spectrum disorders. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 93 (10). pp. 832-837. ISSN 0003-9888 doi:

Bandeira, D. R., Arteche, A. X. and Reppold, C. T. (2008) Escala de autopercepção de harter para adolescentes: um estudo de validação. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 24 (3). pp. 341-345. ISSN 1806-3446 doi:

Beaman, C. P. ORCID:, Neath, I. and Surprenant, A. M. (2008) Modeling distributions of immediate memory effects: No strategies needed? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 34 (1). pp. 219-229. ISSN 0278-7393 doi:

Beim Graben, P., Pinotsis, D., Saddy, D. ORCID: and Potthast, R. ORCID: (2008) Language processing with dynamic fields. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2 (2). pp. 79-88. ISSN 1871-4099 doi:

Belsky, J. and Fearon, R.M.P. (2008) Precursors of attachment security. In: Cassidy, J. and Shaver, P. (eds.) Handbook of attachment: theory, research, and clinical applications. 2nd edition. Guilford Press, New York. ISBN 9781593858742

Bose, A. ORCID: and van Lieshout, P. (2008) Effects of utterance length on lip kinematics in aphasia. Brain and Language, 106 (1). pp. 4-14. ISSN 0093-934x doi:

Box, H., Butynski, T. M., Chapman, C. A., Lwanga, J. S., Oates, J. F., Olupot, W., Rudran, R. and Waser, P. M. (2008) Thomas T. Struhsaker: recipient of the lifetime achievement award of the international primatological society 2006. International Journal of Primatology, 29 (1). pp. 13-18. ISSN 0164-0291 doi:

Brosan, L., Reynolds, S. and Moore, R. G. (2008) Self-Evaluation of Cognitive Therapy Performance: Do Therapists Know How Competent They Are? Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36 (05). p. 581. ISSN 1352-4658 doi:

beim Graben, P. (2008) Foundations of neurophysics. In: beim Graben, P., Zhou, C., Thiel, M. and Kurths, J. (eds.) Lectures in supercomputational neuroscience: dynamics in complex brain networks. Understanding Complex Systems. Springer, Berlin, pp. 3-46. ISBN 9783540731580 doi:

beim Graben, P. (2008) Quantum representation theory for nonlinear dynamical automata. In: Wang, R., Gu, F. and Shen, E. (eds.) Advances in cognitive neurodynamics, proceedings of the international conference on cognitive neurodynamics 2007. Springer, London, pp. 469-473. ISBN 9781402083860

beim Graben, P. and Kurths, J. (2008) Simulating global properties of electroencephalograms with minimal random neural networks. Neurocomputing, 71 (4-6). pp. 999-1007. ISSN 0925-2312 doi:

beim Graben, P., Gerth, S. and Vasishth, S. (2008) Towards dynamical system models of language-related brain potentials. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2 (3). pp. 229-255. ISSN 1871-4080 doi:

beim Graben, P., Liebscher, T. and Kurths, J. (2008) Neural and cognitive modeling with networks of leaky integrator units. In: beim Graben, P., Zhou, C., Thiel, M. and Kurths, J. (eds.) Lectures in supercomputational neuroscience: dynamics in complex brain networks. Understanding Complex Systems. Springer, Berlin, pp. 195-223. ISBN 9783540731580 doi:


Cabrelli, J., Iverson, M., Judy, T. and Rothman, J. (2008) What the start of L3 tells us about the end of L2: N-drop in L2 and L3 Portuguese. In: The 32nd Boston University Conference on Language Development.

Cartwright-Hatton, S., Field, A., Creswell, C. and Reynolds, S. (2008) Research into anxiety of childhood: playing catch-up (to Olympic standard). Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36 (4). pp. 377-378. ISSN 1352-4658 doi:

Chakrabarti, B. ORCID: and Baron-Cohen, S. (2008) Can the shared circuits model (SCM) explain joint attention or perception of discrete emotions? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31 (1). pp. 24-25. ISSN 0140-525X doi:

Chambers, S., Lobb, A.E., Butler, L. T. and Traill, W. B. (2008) The influence of age and gender on food choice: a focus group exploration. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 32 (4). pp. 356-365. ISSN 1470-6423 doi:

Charlesworth, G., Shepstone, L., Wilson, E., Reynolds, S., Mugford, M., Price, D., Harvey, I. and Poland, F. (2008) Befriending carers of people with dementia: randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal, 336 (7656). 1295. ISSN 1468-5833 doi:

Clarke, A.J.B. and Butler, L.T. (2008) Dissociating word stem completion and cued recall as a function of divided attention at retrieval. Memory, 16 (7). pp. 763-772. ISSN 0965-8211 doi:

Clements-Croome, D. J., Awbi, H. B., Bako-Biro, Z., Kochhar, N. and Williams, M. (2008) Ventilation rates in schools. Building and Environment, 43 (3). pp. 362-367. ISSN 0360-1323 doi:

Cooper, N. R., Puzzo, I. and Pawley , A. D. (2008) Contagious yawning: the mirror neuron system may be a candidate physiological mechanism. Medical Hypotheses, 71 (6). pp. 975-976. ISSN 0306-9877 doi:

Cooper, P. J., Gallop, C., Willetts, L. and Creswell, C. (2008) Treatment response in child anxiety is differentially related to the form of maternal anxiety disorder. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36 (1). pp. 41-48. ISSN 1352-4658 doi:

Cooper, Z. and Shafran, R. (2008) Cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36 (6). pp. 713-722. ISSN 1352-4658 doi:

Creswell, C., Jilletts, L., Murray, L., Singhal, M. and Cooper, P. (2008) Treatment of child anxiety. an exploratory study of the role of maternal anxiety and behaviours in treatment outcome. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 15 (1). pp. 38-44. ISSN 1063-3995 doi:

Creswell, C., O'Connor, T. G. and Brewin, C. R. (2008) The impact of parents' expectations on parenting behaviour: an experimental investigation. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36 (4). pp. 483-490. ISSN 1352-4658 doi:

Creswell, C., Woolgar, M., Cooper, P., Giannakakis, A., Schofield, E., Young, A. W. and Murray, L. (2008) Processing of faces and emotional expressions in infants at risk of social phobia. Cognition & Emotion, 22 (3). pp. 437-458. ISSN 0269-9931 doi:

Cronin, A., Halligan, S. L. and Murray, L. (2008) Maternal psychosocial adversity and the longitudinal development of infant sleep. Infancy, 13 (5). pp. 469-495. ISSN 1525-0008 doi:

Cunnings, I. ORCID: and Clahsen, H. (2008) The time-course of morphological constraints: a study of plurals inside derived words. The Mental Lexicon, 3 (2). pp. 149-175. ISSN 1871-1340 doi:


Edwards, S. (2008) Teaching language pathology. In: Higher Education Academy Workshop, University of Essex, UK.

Egan, S.M., Frosch, C.A. and Hancock, E. (2008) Thinking counterfactually - how controllability affects the 'undoing' of causes and enablers. In: 30th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 1152-1157.

Elliot, A. J. and Murayama, K. (2008) On the measurement of achievement goals: critique, illustration, and application. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100 (3). pp. 613-628. ISSN 0022-0663 doi:

Ellis, J.A. (2008) Prospective memory: progress and future developments. In: 25th Anniversary British Psychological Society Cognitive Section Annual Conference, Southampton, UK.

Ellis, J.A. and Cohen, G. (2008) Memory for intentions, actions and plans. In: Cohen, G. and Conway, M.A. (eds.) Memory in the real world. 3rd edition. Psychology Press, Hove, pp. 141-172. ISBN 9781841696416

Ellis, J.A. and Freeman, J.E. ORCID: (2008) Ten years on: realizing delayed intentions. In: Kliegel, M., McDaniel, M.A. and Einstein, G.O. (eds.) Prospective memory: cognitive, neuroscience, developmental, and applied perspectives. Psychology Press, Hove, pp. 1-28. ISBN 9780805858587


Fan, Z. and Harris, J. (2008) Perceived spatial displacement of motion-defined contours in peripheral vision. Vision Research, 48 (28). pp. 2793-2804. ISSN 0042-6989 doi:

Farran, E.K. (2008) Strategies and biases in location memory in Williams syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 29 (5). pp. 385-397. ISSN 0891-4222 doi:

Farran, E.K. and Cole, V.L. (2008) Perceptual grouping and distance estimates in typical and atypical development: comparing performance across perception, drawing and construction tasks. Brain and Cognition, 68 (2). pp. 157-165. ISSN 0278-2626 doi:

Farran, E.K., Brown, J.H., Cole, V.L., Houston-Price, C. ORCID: and Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2008) A longitudinal study of perceptual grouping by proximity, luminance and shape in infants at two, four and six months. European Journal of Developmental Science, 2 (4). pp. 353-369. ISSN 1863-3811

Field, A.P., Cartwright-Hatton, S., Reynolds, S. and Creswell, C. (2008) Future directions for child anxiety theory and treatment. Cognition and Emotion, 22 (3). pp. 385-394. ISSN 0269-9931 doi:

Frosch, C.A. and M., C. (2008) An examination of causes and enablers in a legal context. In: 6th International Conference on Thinking., Venice, Italy.

Frosch, C.A., Egan, S.M. and Hancock, E.N. (2008) The role of controllability in counterfactual thinking about causes and enablers. In: 6th International Conference on Thinking, Venice, Italy.

Frosch, C.A., Johnson-Laird, P.N. and Cowley, M. (2008) It's not my fault, Your Honour, I'm only the enabler. In: London Meeting of the Experiemental Psychology Society, London, UK.


Gabriele, A., Maekawa, J. and Aleman Banon, J. (2008) Can we predict when “dying” will be difficult?: Progressive achievements in L2 English. In: 33rd Boston University Conference on Language Development, October 31st-November 2nd 2008, Boston University (Boston, MA), pp. 175-186.

Gifford, S., Reynolds, S., Bell, S. and Wilson, C. (2008) Threat interpretation bias in anxious children and their mothers. Cognition & Emotion, 22 (3). pp. 497-508. ISSN 0269-9931 doi:

Gilson, S. J., Fitzgibbon, A. W. and Glennerster, A. ORCID: (2008) Spatial calibration of an optical see-through head-mounted display. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 173 (1). pp. 140-146. ISSN 0165-0270 doi:

Gosney, M. (2008) Update on clinical geriatrics. Aging Health, 4 (1). pp. 29-31. ISSN 1745-509X

Gough, B., Weyman, N., Alderson, J., Butler, G. and Stoner, M. (2008) 'They did not have a word': the parental quest to locate a 'true sex' for their intersex children. Psychology & Health, 23 (4). pp. 493-507. ISSN 0887-0446 doi:


Hall, N. R. and Crisp, R. J. (2008) Assimilation and contrast to group primes: the moderating role of ingroup identification. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44 (2). pp. 344-353. ISSN 0022-1031 doi:

Hamill, M., Ried, M. and Reynolds, S. (2008) Letters in cognitive analytic therapy: The patient's experience. Psychotherapy Research, 18 (5). pp. 573-583. ISSN 1050-3307 doi:

Harris, J., Sullivan, D. and Oakley, M. (2008) Spatial offset of test field elements from surround elements affects the strength of motion aftereffects. Perception, 37 (7). pp. 1010-1021. ISSN 0301-0066 doi:

Harvey, K. ORCID:, Catty, J., Langman, A., Winfield, H., Clement, S., Burns, E., White, S. and Burns, T. (2008) A review of instruments developed to measure outcomes for carers of people with mental health problems. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 117 (3). pp. 164-176. ISSN 0001-690X doi:

Hill, J. and Nathan, R. (2008) Childhood antecedents of serious violence in adult male offenders. Aggressive Behaviour.

Hill, J., Pilkonis, P., Morse, J., Feske, U., Reynolds, S., Hope, H., Charest, C. and Broyden, N. (2008) Social domain dysfunction and disorganisation in borderline personality disorder. Psychological Medicine.

Hill, J., Murray, L., Leidecker, V. and Sharp, H. (2008) The dynamics of threat, fear and intentionality in the conduct disorders: longitudinal findings in the children of women with post-natal depression. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 363 (1503). pp. 2529-2541. ISSN 0962-8436 doi:

Ho, A. K. ORCID:, Bradshaw, J. L. and Iansek, R. (2008) For better or worse: the effect of levodopa on speech in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 23 (4). pp. 574-580. ISSN 0885-3185 doi:

Holmboe, K., Fearon, R.M.P., Csibra, G., Tucker, L.A. and Jonhson, M.H. (2008) Freeze-frame: a new infant inhibition task and its relation to frontal cortex tasks during infancy and early childhood. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 100 (2). pp. 89-114. ISSN 0022-0965 doi:

Holmes, N. P., Spence, C., Hansen, P. C., Mackay, C. E. and Calvert, G. A. (2008) The multisensory attentional consequences of tool use: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. PLoS ONE, 3 (10). e3502. ISSN 1932-6203 doi:

Holsen, L.M., Dalton, K.M., Johnstone, T. and Davidson, R.J. (2008) Prefrontal social cognition network dysfunction underlying face encoding and social anxiety in fragile X syndrome. Neuroimage, 43 (3). pp. 592-604. ISSN 1053-8119 doi:

Horwood, A. M. ORCID: and Riddell, P. M. ORCID: (2008) Gender differences in early accommodation and vergence development. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 28 (2). pp. 115-126. ISSN 0275-5408 doi:

Horwood, A. M. ORCID: and Riddell, P. M. ORCID: (2008) The use of cues to convergence and accommodation in naive, uninstructed participants. Vision Research, 48 (15). pp. 1613-1624. ISSN 0042-6989 doi:


Iverson, M. and Rothman, J. (2008) Adverbial quantification and perfective/imperfective interpretive nuances in L2 Portuguese. In: Proceedings of the 9th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition Conference. Cascadilla Press, Sommerville, MA, pp. 70-80. ISBN 9781574734225

Iverson, M. and Rothman, J. (2008) The Syntax-Semantics Interface in L2 Acquisition: Genericity and Inflected Infinitive Complements in Non-Native Portuguese. In: Bruhn de Garavito, J. and Valenzuela, E. (eds.) Selected Proceedings of the 10th Hispanic Linguistic Symposium. Cascadilla Press, pp. 78-92.

Iverson, M., Kempchinsky, P. and Rothman, J. (2008) Interface vulnerability and knowledge of the subjunctive/indicative distinction with negated epistemic predicates in L2 Spanish. EuroSLA Yearbook, 8 (1). pp. 135-163. ISSN 1569-9749 doi:


Jahanshahi, M., Saleem, T., Ho, A.K. ORCID:, Fuller, R. and Dirnberger, G. (2008) A preliminary investigation of the running digit span as a test of working memory. Behavioural Neurology, 20 (1-2). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0953-4180 doi:

Johnstone, T., Kolden, G.P., Heller, A.S., Peterson, M.J., Tierney, S., Polis, S., Davidson, R.J. and Kalin, N.H. (2008) Altered prefrontal-amygdala functional connectivity in depression. In: Neuroscience 2008: the 38th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, USA.

Johnstone, T., Kolden, G.P., Polis, S., Peterson, M.J., Tierney, S., Kalin, N.H. and Davidson, R.J. (2008) Prefrontal regulation of the emotional brain: findings in depressed and healthy subjects from neuroimaging and psychophysiology. Biological Psychiatry, 63 (7 Suppleme). 52S-52S. ISSN 0006-3223

Judy, T., Guijarro-Fuentes, P. and Rothman, J. (2008) Adult Accessibility to L2 Representational Features: Evidence from the Spanish DP. In: Bowles, M., Foote, R., Perpiñán, S. and Bhatt, R. (eds.) Selected Proceedings of Second Language Research Forum 2007. Cascadilla Press, pp. 1-21.


Langaas, T., Riddell, P. M. ORCID:, Svarverud, E., Ystenaes, A. E., Langeggen, I. and Bruenech, J. R. (2008) Variability of the accommodation response in early onset myopia. Optometry and Vision Science, 85 (1). pp. 37-48. ISSN 1040-5488 doi:

Lee, M. and Shafran, R. (2008) Processing biases in eating disorders: the impact of temporal factors. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 41 (4). pp. 372-375. ISSN 0276-3478 doi:

Loucas, T. ORCID: (2008) Language abilities in ASD: evidence from an epidemiological sample. In: XI International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Edinburgh, UK.

Loucas, T. ORCID:, Charman, T., Pickles, A., Simonoff, E., Chandler, S., Meldrum, D. and Baird, G. (2008) Autistic symptomatology and language ability in autism spectrum disorder and specific language impairment. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49 (11). pp. 1184-1192. ISSN 0021-9630 doi:

Lutz, A., Brefczynski-Lewis, J., Johnstone, T. and Davidson, R.J. (2008) Regulation of the neural circuitry of emotion by compassion meditation: effects of meditative expertise. PLoS ONE, 3 (3). e1897. ISSN 1932-6203 doi:


Marinis, T. (2008) On-line processing of sentences involving reflexive and non-reflexive pronouns in L1 and L2 children. In: Gavarro, A. and Freitas, M.J. (eds.) Language acquisition and development: proceedings of GALA 2007. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, pp. 348-358. ISBN 9781847186188

Marinis, T. (2008) Syntactic processing in developmental and acquired language disorders. In: Ball, M.J., Perkins, M.R., Muller, N. and Howard, S. (eds.) The handbook of clinical linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 198-211. ISBN 9781405135221

Marinis, T. (2008) The development of syntax and morphology in typically developing children and children with language impairment. In: Nikolopoulos, D.S. (ed.) Language development and disorders. Topos Books, Athens, Greece, pp. 277-314. ISBN 9789606760662

Marwick, H. and Murray, L. (2008) The effects of maternal depression on the 'musicality' of infant-directed speech and conversational engagement. In: Malloch, S. and Trevarthen, C. (eds.) Communicative musicality: exploring the basis of human companionship. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198566281

McCabe, C. ORCID:, Rolls, E. T., Bilderbeck, A. and McGlone, F. (2008) Cognitive influences on the affective representation of touch and the sight of touch in the human brain. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 3 (2). pp. 97-108. ISSN 1749-5024 doi:

McCloy, R. ORCID:, Beaman, C. P. ORCID: and Smith, P. T. (2008) The relative success of recognition-based inference in multichoice decisions. Cognitive Science, 32 (6). pp. 1037-1048. ISSN 0364-0213 doi:

McLeod, P., Reed, N., Gilson, S. and Glennerster, A. ORCID: (2008) How soccer players head the ball: a test of optic acceleration cancellation theory with virtual reality. Vision Research, 48 (13). pp. 1479-1487. ISSN 0042-6989 doi:

McManus, F., Grey, N. and Shafran, R. (2008) Cognitive therapy for anxiety disorders: current status and future directions. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36 (6). pp. 695-704. doi:

Meteyard, L., Zokaei, N., Bahrami, B. and Vigliocco, G. (2008) Visual motion interferes with lexical decision on motion words. Current Biology, 18 (17). R732-R733. ISSN 0960-9822 doi:

Miller, N., Johnson, J. and Ho, A.K. ORCID: (2008) Speech intervention research in Parkinson's disease. In: British Geriatrics Society: Parkinson's Disease Special Interest Group, Birmingham, UK.

Murray, L., Hentges, F., Hill, J., Karpf, J., Mistry, B., Kreutz, M., Woodall, P., Moss, T. and Goodacre, T. (2008) The effect of cleft lip and palate, and the timing of lip repair on mother-infant interactions and infant development. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49 (2). pp. 115-123. ISSN 0021-9630 doi:

Murray, L., de Rosnay, M., Pearson, J., Bergeron, C., Schofield, E., Royal-Lawson, M. and Cooper, P. J. (2008) Intergenerational transmission of social anxiety: the role of social referencing processes in infancy. Child Development, 79 (4). pp. 1049-1064. ISSN 0009-3920 doi:


Niño-Murcia, M. and Rothman, J. (2008) Spanish-Contact bilingualism and identity. In: Niño-Murcia, M. and Rothman, J. (eds.) Bilingualism and identity: Spanish at the crossroads with other languages. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 11-32. doi:

Niño-Murcia, M., Godenzzi, J. C. and Rothman, J. (2008) Spanish as a World Language: The Interplay of Globalized Localization and Localized Globalization. International Multilingual Research Journal, 2 (1-2). pp. 48-66. ISSN 1931-3152 doi:


O'Connor, T. G. and Creswell, C. (2008) Cognitive–behavioural therapy for children and adolescents. Psychiatry, 7 (9). pp. 363-366. ISSN 1476-1793 doi:

O'Connor, T.G. and Creswell, C. (2008) Social cognition and genetics. In: Sharp, C., Fonagy, P. and Goodyer, I.M. (eds.) Social cognition and developmental psychopathology. Oxford University Press, Oxford , pp. 387-410. ISBN 9780198569183


Press, C. and Heyes, C. (2008) Stimulus-driven selection of routes to imitation. Experimental Brain Research, 188 (1). pp. 147-152. ISSN 0014-4819 doi:

Press, C., Bird, G., Walsh, E. and Heyes, C. (2008) Automatic imitation of intransitive actions. Brain and Cognition, 67 (1). pp. 44-50. ISSN 0278-2626 doi:

Press, C., Heyes, C., Haggard, P. and Eimer, M. (2008) Visuotactile learning and body representation: an ERP study with rubber hands and rubber objects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20 (2). pp. 312-323. ISSN 0898-929X doi:


Rachman, S., Radomsky, A. S. and Shafran, R. (2008) Safety behaviour: a reconsideration. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 46 (2). pp. 163-173. ISSN 0005-7967 doi:

Ramchandani, P.G., O'Connor, T.G., Evans, J., Heron, J., Murray, L. and Stein, A. (2008) The effects of pre- and postnatal depression in fathers: a natural experiment comparing the effects of exposure to depression on offspring. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49 (10). pp. 1069-1078. ISSN 0021-9630 doi:

Ramchandani, P.G., Stein, A., T.G., O.'C., Heron, J., Murray, L. and Evans, J. (2008) Depression in men in the postnatal period and later child psychopathology: a population cohort study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 47 (4). pp. 390-398. ISSN 0890-8567 doi:

Rathbone, C. J., Moulin, C. J. A. and Conway, M. A. (2008) Self-centred memories: the reminiscence bump and the self. Memory & Cognition, 36 (8). pp. 1403-1414. ISSN 1532-5946 doi:

Reynolds, S. and Reeves, J. (2008) Do Cognitive Models of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Apply to Children and Adolescents? Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36 (04). ISSN 1352-4658 doi:

Rollinson, R., Smith, B., Steel, C., Jolley, S., Onwumere, J., Garety, P. A., Kuipers, E., Freeman, D., Bebbington, P. E., Dunn, G., Startup, M. and Fowler, D. (2008) Measuring adherence in CBT for psychosis: a psychometric analysis of an adherence scale. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36 (2). pp. 163-178. ISSN 1352-4658 doi:

Rolls, E. T., McCabe, C. ORCID: and Redoute, J. (2008) Expected value, reward outcome, and temporal difference error representations in a probabilistic decision task. Cerebral Cortex, 18 (3). pp. 652-663. ISSN 1460-2199 doi:

Rothman, J. and Niño-Murcia, M. (2008) Multilingualism and Identity: All in the Family. In: Niño-Murcia, M. and Rothman, J. (eds.) Bilingualism and identity: Spanish at the crossroads with other languages. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 301-329. doi:

Rothman, J. (2008) Aspect selection in adult L2 Spanish and the competing systems hypothesis: when pedagogical and linguistic rules conflict. Languages in Contrast, 8 (1). pp. 74-106. ISSN 1569-9897 doi:

Rothman, J. (2008) How Pragmatically Odd! Interface Delays and Pronominal Subject Distribution in the L2 Spanish of English Natives. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 1 (2). pp. 317-339. ISSN 1939-0238 doi:

Rothman, J. (2008) Linguistic epistemology and the notion of monolingualism. Sociolinguistic Studies, 2 (3). pp. 441-458. ISSN 1750-8649

Rothman, J. (2008) Why all counter-evidence to the critical period hypothesis in second language acquisition is not equal or problematic. Language and Linguistic Compass, 2 (6). pp. 1063-1088. ISSN 1749-818X doi:

Rothman, J. and Iverson, M. (2008) Poverty-of-the-stimulus and SLA epistemology: considering L2 knowledge of aspectual phrasal semantics. Language Acquisition, 15 (4). pp. 270-314. ISSN 1532-7817 doi:


Salis, C. and Edwards, S. (2008) Comprehension of wh-questions and declarative sentences in agrammatic aphasia: the set partition hypothesis. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 21 (5). pp. 375-399. ISSN 0911-6044 doi:

Salomons, T. V., Coan, J. A., Hunt, S. M., Backonja, M.-M. and Davidson, R. J. (2008) Voluntary facial displays of pain increase suffering in response to nociceptive stimulation. The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society, 9 (5). pp. 443-448. ISSN 1526-5900 doi:

Santesso, D. L., Meuret, A. E., Hofmann, S. G., Mueller, E. M., Ratner, K. G., Roesch, E. B. ORCID: and Pizzagalli, D. A. (2008) Electrophysiological correlates of spatial orienting towards angry faces: a source localization study. Neuropsychologia, 45 (6). pp. 1338-1348. ISSN 0028-3932 doi:

Setter, J. ORCID:, Stojanovik, V. ORCID: and Martinez-Castilla, P. (2008) Using PEPS-C as a tool to evaluate the intonation of learners of English. In: British Association of Academic Phoneticians Colloquium, Sheffield, UK.

Shafran, R., Lee, M., Cooper, Z., Palmer, R. L. and Fairburn, C. G. (2008) Effect of psychological treatment on attentional bias in eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 41 (4). pp. 348-354. ISSN 0276-3478 doi:

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