Items where Division is "Institute of Education" and Year is 2004
Number of items: 78. Attwood, G., Croll, P. and Hamilton, J. (2004) Challenging students in Further Education: themes arising from a study of innovative FE provision for excluded and disaffected young people. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 28 (1). pp. 107-119. ISSN 0309-877X doi: Bannan, N.J.C. (2004) A role for action research projects in developing new pedagogical approaches to aural and musicianship education. In: Davidson, J. (ed.) The music practitioner: exploring practices and research in the development of the expert music performer, teacher and listener. Ashgate, London, pp. 295-308. ISBN 9780754604655 Bannan, N.J.C. and Gohn, D. (2004) Career development for music teachers through international distance-learning media. Revista Em Pauta, 15 (24). pp. 141-153. ISSN 1414-8609 Benko, S.S., Spranger, H. and Parsons, M. (2004) The past must inform the future: war children… the trauma. Children in War: The International Journal of Evacuee and War Child Studies, 1 (1). pp. 67-70. ISSN 1745-7211 Berkley, R. (2004) Teaching composing as creative problem solving: conceptualising composing pedagogy. British Journal of Music Education, 21 (2). pp. 239-263. ISSN 0265-0517 doi: Bhatti, G. (2004) From learning by rote to teaching for meaning. In: Mansoor, S., Tahir, A. and Meraj, S. (eds.) Policy, planning and practice: a South Asian perspective. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 123-137. ISBN 9780195799651 Boorman, J. (2004) Banastre, Alard (fl. 1166-1175). In: Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, B. (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, Oxford. doi: Boorman, J. (2004) Belet, Michael (d. 1201). In: Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, B. (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, Oxford. doi: Boorman, J. (2004) Pantulf, Hugh (d. 1224). In: In Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, B. (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Boorman, J. (2004) Ralph fitz Stephen (d. 1202). In: Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, B. (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Chipere, N., Malvern, D.D. and Richards, B.J. (2004) Using a corpus of children's writing to test a solution to the sample size problem affecting Type-Token Ratios. In: Aston, G., Bernadini, S. and Stewart, D. (eds.) Corpora and language learners. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 139-147. ISBN 9027222886 Croll, P. (2004) Families, social capital and educational outcomes. British Journal of Educational Studies, 52 (4). pp. 390-416. ISSN 0007-1005 Croll, P. (2004) Observation schedules. In: Lewis-Beck, M., Bryman, A. and Futing Liao, T. (eds.) Encyclopedia of social science research methods. SAGE, London, pp. 751-752. ISBN 9780761923633 Croll, P. (2004) Structured Observation. In: Lewis-Beck, M., Bryman, A. and Futing Liao, T. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences. SAGE, London, pp. 1096-1098. ISBN 9780761923633 Denicolo, P. (2004) Doctoral supervision of colleagues: peeling off the veneer of satisfaction and competence. Studies in Higher Education, 29 (6). pp. 693-707. ISSN 0307-5079 doi:
Drakoularakou, A., McCartney, A., Rastall, R. and Gibson, G.R. Durán, P., Malvern, D., Richards, B. and Chipere, N. (2004) Developmental trends in lexical diversity. Applied Linguistics, 25 (2). pp. 220-242. ISSN 0142-6001 doi: Edwards, V., ed. (2004) Pupil mobility in Lambeth schools: implications for raising achievement and school management. Lambeth Education, London. ISBN 0954551915 Edwards, V. (2004) Multilingualism in the English-speaking world: pedigree of nations. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp264. ISBN 9780631236139 Edwards, V., (2004) Raising the achievement of mobile pupils in Lambeth schools: good practice guidance and recommendations for schools and other agencies. UNSPECIFIED, London. doi: 0954551923 Edwards, V., Lewis, K., McAndrew, E., Power, C. and Thompson, A. (2004) Strategies schools use to minimise the effects of mobility in achievement. In: Edwards, V. (ed.) Pupil mobility in Lambeth schools: implications for raising achievement and school management. Lambeth Education, London, pp. 91-132. ISBN 0954551915 Fidler, B. and Atton, T. (2004) The headship game: the challenges of contemporary school leadership. Routledge, London, pp248. ISBN 9780415277815 Gaston, V. and Simpson, C. (2004) A netball specific fitness test. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 4 (2). pp. 82-96. ISSN 1474-8185 Gilbert, J.K., ed. (2004) Reader in Science Education. RoutledgeFalmer, London, pp278. ISBN 9780415327787 Gilbert, J.K. (2004) Science education: global or national? In: Gilbert, J.K. (ed.) Reader in Science Education. RoutledgeFalmer, London, 1-12.. ISBN 9780415327787 Gilbert, J.K. and Newberry, M. (2004) The Cams Hill Science Consortium: an inter-institutional collaborative action research project in science education. In: Ralle, B. and Eilks, I. (eds.) Quality in practice-oriented research in science education. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, pp. 53-62. ISBN 9783832230760 Gilbert, J.K., Justi, R., Van Driel, J.H., De Jong, O. and Treagust, D. (2004) Securing a future for chemical education. Chemical Education: Research and Practice, 5 (1). pp. 5-14. ISSN 1109-4028 Goodwin, P., ed. (2004) Literacy through creativity. David Fulton Publishers, London, pp160. ISBN 9781843120872 Goodwin, P. (2004) Looking to be literate. In: Goodwin, P. (ed.) Literacy through creativity. David Fulton Publishers, London, pp. 124-133. ISBN 9781843120872 Goodwin, P. (2004) Introduction: Creativity and literacy learning. In: Goodwin, P. (ed.) Literacy through creativity. David Fulton Publishers, London, pp. 1-11. ISBN 9781843120872 Goodwyn, A. and Branson, J., eds. (2004) A handbook for the teaching of English. Kogan Page/Routledge, London, pp240. Goodwyn, A. (2004) English teaching and the moving image. Routledge Falmer, London, pp192. ISBN 9780415306614 Goodwyn, A. (2004) Literacy versus English?: a professional identity crisis. In: Goodwyn, A. and Stables, A. (eds.) Learning to read critically in language and literacy education. Learning to read critically. Sage, London, pp. 192-205. ISBN 9780761944744 Goodwyn, A. (2004) What's in a frame: the English framework three years on. English Drama Media, 2. pp. 122-131. Goodwyn, A. (2004) The professional identity of English teachers in England. English in Australia, 139. pp. 122-131. Goodwyn, A. (2004) The role of media education. In: Goodwyn, A. and Branson, J. (eds.) Teaching English: a handbook for Primary and Secondary school teachers. Kogan Page/Routledge, London, pp. 103-118. ISBN 9780415335270 Goodwyn, A. (2004) Professionalism and accountability. In: Goodwyn, A. and Branson, J. (eds.) Teaching English: a handbook for Primary and Secondary school teachers. Kogan Page/Routledge, London, pp. 163-175. ISBN 9780415335270 Goodwyn, A. (2004) A framework for English? Or a vehicle for literacy? English teaching in England in the age of the Strategy. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 3 (3). pp. 16-28. ISSN 1175-8708 Goodwyn, A. (2004) The subject of English: putting English in perspective. In: Goodwyn, A. and Branson, J. (eds.) Teaching English: a handbook for Primary and Secondary school teachers. Kogan Page / Routledge, London, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9780415335270 Goodwyn, A. and Stables, A. (2004) Learning to Read Critically in Language and Literacy Education. London: Sage, pp240. Goodwyn, A. and Stables, A., eds. (2004) Learning to read critically in language and literacy education. Sage, London, pp240. ISBN 9780761944744
Graham, S. J.
Harris, R.
Harris, R. Kempe, A. and Holroyd, J. (2004) Speaking, Listening and Drama. David Fulton Publishers, London, pp114. ISBN 9781843120414 Lacey, P. and Porter, J. (2004) What might be the future role of special schools? Eye Contact, Spring. pp. 24-26. Lewis, A. and Porter, J. (2004) Interviewing children and young people with learning disabilities: guidelines for researchers and multi-professional practice. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32 (4). pp. 191-197. ISSN 1354-4187 doi: Lockwood, M. and Nicholson, C. (2004) Reflections of war in contemporary British children's literature: the picture book comes of age. Children in War: The International Journal of Evacuee and War Child Studies, 1 (2). pp. 31-38. ISSN 1745-7211 Lockwood, M. (2004) Closely observed poems. In: Goodwin, P. (ed.) Literacy through creativity. David Fulton, London, pp. 83-90. ISBN 9781843120872 Malvern, D.D., Richards, B.J., Chipere, N. and Durán, P. (2004) Lexical diversity and language development: quantification and assessment. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp288. ISBN 9781403902313 Martin, C. M. and Farren, A. (2004) Working together. Native speaker assistants in the primary school. CILT, London, pp88. ISBN 9781904243311 Martin, C. M., Driscoll, P. and Jones, J., (2004) A systematic review of the characteristics of effective foreign language teaching to pupils between the ages 7 and 11. Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, EPPI-Centre, University of London, London. Newball, C. and Goodwin, P. (2004) Dance and the literacy curriculum. In: Goodwin, P. (ed.) Literacy through creativity. David Fulton Publishers, London, pp. 105-111. ISBN 9781843120872 Oversby, J. (2004) A teacher researcher group's exploration of chemical equations. In: Ralle, B. and Eilks, I. (eds.) Quality in practice-oriented research in science education. Shaker, Aachen, 73 - 82. ISBN 9783832230760 Oversby, J. (2004) Science knowledge: representing liquids. Primary Science Review, 83. p. 27. ISSN 0269-2465 Oversby, J. (2004) Science teachers as science education researchers. School Science Review, 85 (3). pp. 79-83. ISSN 0036-6811 Parsons, C. and Fidler, B. (2004) De-internationalisation in higher education: the case of UK plc. Higher Education Review, 36 (3). pp. 13-32. Parsons, M. (2004) The Manchester evacuation. the exception to the rule. DSM, Peterborough, pp80. ISBN 0954722906 Parsons, M. (2004) 'Kinderlandverschickung'. An introduction to the expanded German evacuation scheme. Children in War: The International Journal of Evacuee and War Child Studies, 1 (2). pp. 97-102. ISSN 1745-7211 Porter, J. and Lewis, A., eds. (2004) Editorial: eliciting the views of children and young people. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32 (4). Wiley. ISBN 1354-4187 Rassool, N. (2004) Countering globalization: linguistic diversity and the assertion of local voices in development. In: Fraurud, K. and Hyltenstam, K. (eds.) Multilingualism in global and local perspectives. Rinkeby Institute of Multilingual Research, Stockholm, pp. 31-46. ISBN 916315238X Rassool, N. (2004) Flexible identities: exploring 'race' and gender issues amongst a group of immigrant pupils in an inner-city comprehensive school, with author's commentary. OU Reader, Course EK310. In: Research with Children and Young People. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, pp. 233-253. Rassool, N. (2004) Exploring the construction of social class in educational discourse: the rational order of the nation state versus global uncertainties. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 12 (1 (Special). pp. 121-139. ISSN 1468-1366 doi: Rassool, N. (2004) Exploring the construction of social class in educational discourse: the rational order of the nation state vs. global uncertainties. Pedagogy Culture and Society, 12 (1). pp. 121-139. ISSN 1747-5104 doi: Rassool, N. (2004) Language and communicative competence in the 21st century: the role of education. In: Mansoor, S., Tahir, A. and Meraj, S. (eds.) Language Policy, Planning and Practice: a South Asian Perspective. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 3-22. ISBN 9780195799651 Rassool, N. (2004) Literacy in search of a paradigm. In: Soler, J., Wearmouth, J. and Reid, G. (eds.) Conceptualizing difficulties in literacy development: exploring politics, culture, ethnicity and ethics. Routledge, London, pp. 17-46. Rassool, N. (2004) Sustaining linguistic diversity within the global cultural economy: issues of language rights and linguistic possibilities. Comparative Education, Special Issue: Postcolonialism and Comparative Education, 40 (2). pp. 199-214. ISSN 0305-0068 doi:
Ratcliffe, M., Harris, R. Rayment, T. and Britton, B. (2004) The assessment of GCSE art: Criterion-referencing and cognitive abilities. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 23 (2). pp. 148-154. ISSN 1476-8062 Reiner, M. and Gilbert, J. K. (2004) The symbiotic roles of empirical experimentation and thought experimentation in the learning of physics. International Journal of Science Education, 26 (15). pp. 1819-1834. ISSN 0950-0693 doi: Richards, B.J. and Malvern, D.D. (2004) Investigating the validity of a new measure of lexical diversity for root and inflected forms. In: Trott, K., Dobbinson, S. and Griffiths, P. (eds.) The child language reader. Routledge, London, pp. 81-89. ISBN 9780415281010 Smith, F. (2004) The persistence of craft: the applied arts today. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 23 (1). pp. 106-107. ISSN 1476-8062 Stainthorp, R. (2004) W(h)ither phonological awareness? Literate trainee teachers’ lack of stable knowledge about the sound structure of words. Educational Psychology, 24 (6). pp. 753-766. ISSN 0144-3410 doi: Stainthorp, R. and Hughes, D. (2004) What happens to precocious readers’ performance by the age of 11 years? Journal of Research in Reading, 27 (4). pp. 357-372. ISSN 1467-9817 doi: Stainthorp, R. and Hughes, D. (2004) An illustrative case study of precocious reading ability. Gifted Child Quarterly, 48 (2). pp. 107-120. ISSN 0016-9862 doi: Stakelum, M. (2004) A song to sweeten Ireland's wrong: music education and the Celtic revival. In: Taylor-Fitzsimon, B. and Murphy, J. (eds.) The Irish Revival Reappraised. Four Courts Press. Taggart, G. (2004) Whitehead and Marcuse: teaching the “art of life". Process Papers, 8. pp. 53-67. Watson, K. and Kozma, T. (2004) Special issue - Education in transitional states. International Journal of Educational Development, 24 (5). pp. 463-465. ISSN 0738-0593 doi: |