Number of items at this level: 266.
Al Rahal, O., Majumder, M., Spillman, M. J., van de Streek, J. and Shankland, K.
Co-crystal structures of furosemide:urea and carbamazepine:indomethacin determined from powder x-ray diffraction data.
Crystals, 10 (1).
ISSN 2073-4352
AlOmeir, O., Patel, N.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
Adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy among breast cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-synthesis of the qualitative literature using grounded theory.
Supportive Care in Cancer, 28 (11).
pp. 5075-5084.
ISSN 0941-4355
AlOmeir, O., Patel, N.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
The development of schematics to illustrate women’s experiences with adjuvant hormone therapy in the treatment of breast cancer.
Patient Preference and Adherence, 16.
pp. 2639-2647.
ISSN 1177-889X
Alexander, A., Denicolo, P. and Donyai, P.
Purpose-Action-Results as a behavioural model: telling the story of pharmacy professionals’ continuing professional development.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 19 (S1).
p. 13.
ISSN 0961-7671
Alhamad, H. and Donyai, P.
Intentions to “reuse” medication in the future modelled and measured using the theory of planned behavior.
Pharmacy, 8 (4).
ISSN 2226-4787
Alhamad, H. and Donyai, P.
The validity of the theory of planned behaviour for understanding people’s beliefs and intentions toward reusing medicines.
Pharmacy, 9 (1).
ISSN 2226-4787
Alhamad, H., Patel, N.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
How do people conceptualise the reuse of medicines? An interview study.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 26 (3).
pp. 232-241.
ISSN 0961-7671
Alhamad, H., Patel, N.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
Towards medicines reuse: a narrative review of the different therapeutic classes and dosage forms of medication waste in different countries.
Pharmacy, 8 (4).
ISSN 2226-4787
Alkandari, M. and Hollywood, A.
People's experiences living with peripheral neuropathy: a qualitative study.
Frontiers in Pain Research, 4.
ISSN 2673-561X
Allman, S., Cordy, J., Hall, J.
ORCID:, Kleanthous, V. and Lander, L.
Exploring the perception of additional information content in 360° 3D VR video for teaching and learning.
Virtual Worlds, 1 (1).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 2813-2084
Almomani, H., Raza, A., Patel, N.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
Reasons that lead people to buy prescription medicines on the internet: a systematic review.
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14.
ISSN 1663-9812
Almomani, H., Patel, N.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
News media coverage of the problem of purchasing fake prescription medicines on the internet: thematic analysis.
JMIR Formative Research, 7.
ISSN 2561-326X
Almomani, H., Patel, N.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
Reasons that lead people to end up buying fake
medicines online: a qualitative interview study.
JMIR Formative Research, 7.
ISSN 2561-326X
Almutairi, S., Masters, K. and Donyai, P.
The health professional experience of using antipsychotic medication for dementia in care homes: a study using grounded theory and focussing on inappropriate prescribing.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 25 (5-6).
pp. 307-318.
ISSN 1365-2850
Alomeir, O., Patel, N.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
Hobson’s choice or a horned dilemma: a grounded theory on adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy verified with breast cancer survivors.
Supportive Care in Cancer, 30 (12).
pp. 10127-10136.
ISSN 0941-4355
Alsubaie, S., Grant, D. and Donyai, P.
An applied linguistics study of how students prevent embarrassments and impositions during interactive examination OSCEs.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 87 (8).
ISSN 1553-6467
Alsubaie, S., Grant, D. and Donyai, P.
The utility of conversation analysis versus Roter’s interaction analysis system for studying communication in pharmacy settings: a scoping review.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 30 (1).
pp. 17-27.
ISSN 0961-7671
Amir, L. H., Ryan, K. and Barnett, C.
Delphi survey of international pharmacology experts: an attempt to derive international recommendations for use of medicine in breastfeeding women.
Breastfeeding Medicine, 10 (3).
pp. 168-174.
ISSN 1556-8342
Anderson, J. E., Ross, A. J., Lim, R.
ORCID:, Kodate, N., Thompson, K., Jensen, H. and Cooney, K.
Nursing teamwork in the care of older people: a mixed methods study.
Applied Ergonomics, 80.
pp. 119-129.
ISSN 0003-6870
Andrews, N., Brooks, C., Board, M., Fraser, S., Latter, S., Aplin, K., McCausland, B., Radcliffe, E., Amin, J., Lim, R.
ORCID:, van Leeuwen, E. and Ibrahim, K.
Medicine optimisation and deprescribing intervention outcomes for older people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review.
Drugs & Aging.
ISSN 1179-1969
(In Press)
Arathisenthil, S. V., Senthilkumaran, S., Vijayakumar, P., Savania, R., Williams, H. F., Elangovan, N., Bicknell, A. B., Patel, K., Trim, S. A., Thirumalaikolundusubramanian, P. and Vaiyapuri, S.
Rapid development of a salivary calculus in submandibular gland and its potential causes in a young victim following Russell’s viper bite.
Toxicon, 206.
pp. 85-89.
ISSN 0041-0101
Arnold, R., van Teijlingen, E., Ryan, K. and Holloway, I.
Parallel worlds: an ethnography of care in an Afghan maternity hospital.
Social Science & Medicine, 216.
pp. 33-40.
ISSN 0277-9536
Arnold, R., van Teijlingen, E., Ryan, K. and Holloway, I.
Understanding Afghan healthcare providers: a qualitative study of the culture of care in a Kabul maternity hospital.
BJOG:An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 122 (2).
pp. 260-267.
ISSN 1470-0328
Arnold, R., van Teijlingen, E., Ryan, K. and Holloway, I.
Villains or victims? An ethnography of Afghan maternity staff and the challenge of high quality respectful care.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 19 (1).
ISSN 1471-2393
Assi, S., Khan, I., Edwards, A., Osselton, D. and Al-Obaidi, H.
On-spot quantification of modafinil in generic medicines purchased from the internet using handheld Fourier transform-infrared, near-infrared and Raman spectroscopy.
Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, 11 (1).
ISSN 2093-3371
Avery, A. A., Rodgers, S., Cantrill, J. A., Armstrong, S., Cresswell, K., Eden, M., Elliott, R. A., Howard, R., Kendick, D., Morris, C. J., Prescott, R. J., Swanwick, G., Franklin, M., Putman, K., Boyd, M. and Sheikh, A.
A pharmacist-led information technology intervention for
medication errors (PINCER): a multicentre, cluster
randomised, controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis.
The Lancet, 379 (9823).
pp. 1310-1319.
ISSN 0140-6736
Avery, A. J., Ghaleb, M., Barber, N., Franklin, B. D., Armstrong, S. J., Serumaga, B., Dhillon, S., Freyer, A., Howard, R., Talabi, O. and Mehta, R. L.
The prevalence and nature of prescribing and monitoring errors in English general practice – a retrospective case note review.
British Journal of General Practice, 63 (613).
ISSN 0960-1643
Axon, D. R., Lim, R. H. M.
ORCID:, Lewis, P. J., Sandher, S., Thondee, J., Edwards, K. and Howard, R. L.
Junior doctors’ communication with hospital pharmacists about prescribing: findings from a qualitative interview study.
European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 25.
pp. 257-261.
ISSN 2047-9956
Barber, N. D., Alldred, D. P., Raynor, D. K., Dickinson, R., Garfield, S., Jesson, B., Lim, R.
ORCID:, Savage, I., Standage, C., Buckle, P., Carpenter, J., Franklin, B., Woloshynowych, M. and Zermansky, A. G.
Care homes’ use of medicines study: prevalence, causes and potential harm of medication errors in care homes for older people.
Quality and Safety in Health Care, 18 (5).
pp. 341-346.
ISSN 1475-3898
Bateman, R. and Donyai, P.
Errors associated with the preparation of aseptic products in UK hospital pharmacies: lessons from the national aseptic error reporting scheme.
Quality and Safety in Health Care , 19 (5).
ISSN 1475-3898
Bissell, P., Ryan, K. and Morecroft, C.
Narratives about illness and medication: a neglected theme/new methodology within pharmacy practice research. part I: conceptual framework.
Pharmacy World & Science, 28 (2).
pp. 54-60.
ISSN 0928-1231
Black, R. J., Cross, M., Haile, L. M., Culbreth, G. T., Steinmetz, J. D., Hagins, H., Kopec, J. A., Brooks, P. M., Woolf, A. D., Ong, K. L., Kopansky-Giles, D. R., Dreinhoefer, K. E., Betteridge, N., Aali, A., Abbasifard, M., Abbasi-Kangevari, M., Abdurehman, A. M., Abedi, A., Abidi, H., Aboagye, R. G., Abolhassani, H., Abu-Gharbieh, E., Abu-Zaid, A., Adamu, K., Addo, I. Y., Adesina, M. A., Adnani, Q. E. S., Afzal, M. S., Ahmed, A., Aithala, J. P., Akhlaghdoust, M., Alemayehu, A., Alvand, S., Alvis-Zakzuk, N. J., Amu, H., Antony, B., Arabloo, J., Aravkin, A. Y., Arulappan, J., Ashraf, T., Athari, S. S., Azadnajafabad, S., Badawi, A., Baghcheghi, N., Baig, A. A., Balta, A. B., Banach, M., Banik, P. C., Barrow, A., Bashiri, A., Bearne, L. M., Bekele, A., Bensenor, I. M., Berhie, A. Y., Bhagavathula, A. S., Bhardwaj, P., Bhat, A. N., Bhojaraja, V. S., Bitaraf, S., Bodicha, B. B. A., Botelho, J. S., Briggs, A. M., Buchbinder, R., Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., Charalampous, P., Chattu, V. K., Coberly, K., Cruz-Martins, N., Dadras, O., Dai, X., de Luca, K., Dessalegn, F. N., Dessie, G., Dhimal, M., Digesa, L. E., Diress, M., Doku, P. N., Edinur, H. A., Ekholuenetale, M., Elhadi, M., El-Sherbiny, Y. M., Etaee, F., Ezzeddini, R., Faghani, S., Filip, I., Fischer, F., Fukumoto, T., Ganesan, B., Gebremichael, M. A., Gerema, U., Getachew, M. E., Ghashghaee, A., Gill, T. K., Gupta, B., Gupta, S., Gupta, V. B., Gupta, V. K., Halwani, R., Hannan, M. A., Haque, S., Harlianto, N. I., Harorani, M., Hasaballah, A. I., Hassen, M. B., Hay, S. I., Hayat, K., Heidari, G., Hezam, K., Hill, C. L., Hiraike, Y., Horita, N., Hoveidaei, A. H., Hsiao, A. K., Hsieh, E., Hussain, S., Iavicoli, I., Ilic, I. M., Islam, S. M. S., Ismail, N. E., Iwagami, M., Jakovljevic, M., Jani, C. T., Jeganathan, J., Joseph, N., Kadashetti, V., Kandel, H., Kanko, T. K., Karaye, I. M., Khajuria, H., Khan, M. J., Khan, M. A., Khanali, J., Khatatbeh, M. M., Khubchandani, J., Kim, Y. J., Kisa, A., Kolahi, A.-A., Kompani, F., Koohestani, H. R., Koyanagi, A., Krishan, K., Kuddus, M., Kumar, N., Kuttikkattu, A., Larijani, B., Lim, S. S., Lo, J., Machado, V. S., Mahajan, P. B., Majeed, A., Malakan Rad, E., Malik, A. A., Mansournia, M. A., Mathews, E., Mendes, J. J., Mentis, A.-F. A., Mesregah, M. K., Mestrovic, T., Mirghaderi, S. P., Mirrakhimov, E. M., Misganaw, A., Mohamadkhani, A., Mohammed, S., Mokdad, A. H., Moniruzzaman, M., Montasir, A. A., Mulu, G. B., Murillo-Zamora, E., Murray, C. J. L., Mustafa, G., Naghavi, M., Nair, T. S., Naqvi, A. A.
ORCID:, Natto, Z. S., Nayak, B. P., Neupane, S., Nguyen, C. T., Niazi, R. K., Nzoputam, O. J., Oh, I.-H., Okati-Aliabad, H., Okonji, O. C., Olufadewa, I. I., Owolabi, M. O., Pacheco-Barrios, K., Padubidri, J. R., Patel, J., Pathan, A. R., Pawar, S., Pedersini, P., Perianayagam, A., Petcu, I.-R., Qattea, I., Radfar, A., Rafiei, A., Rahman, M. H. U., Rahmanian, V., Rashedi, V., Rashidi, M.-M., Ratan, Z. A., Rawaf, S., Razeghinia, M. S., Redwan, E. M. M., Renzaho, A. M. N., Rezaei, N., Rezaei, N., Riad, A., Saad, A. M. A., Saddik, B., Saeed, U., Safary, A., Sahebazzamani, M., Sahebkar, A., Sahoo, H., Salek Farrokhi, A., Saqib, M. A. N., Seylani, A., Shahabi, S., Shaikh, M. A., Shashamo, B. B., Shetty, A., Shetty, J. K., Shigematsu, M., Shivarov, V., Shobeiri, P., Sibhat, M. M., Sinaei, E., Singh, A., Singh, J. A., Singh, P., Singh, S., Siraj, M. S., Skryabina, A. A., Slater, H., Smith, A. E., Solomon, Y., Soltani-Zangbar, M. S., Tabish, M., Tan, K.-K., Tat, N. Y., Tehrani-Banihashemi, A., Tharwat, S., Tovani-Palone, M. R., Tusa, B. S., Valadan Tahbaz, S., Valdez, P. R., Valizadeh, R., Vaziri, S., Vollset, S. E., Wu, A.-M., Yada, D. Y., Yehualashet, S. S., Yonemoto, N., You, Y., Yunusa, I., Zangiabadian, M., Zare, I., Zarrintan, A., Zhang, Z.-J., Zhong, C., Zoladl, M., Vos, T. and March, L. M.
Global, regional, and national burden of rheumatoid arthritis, 1990–2020, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021.
The Lancet Rheumatology, 5 (10).
ISSN 2665-9913
Bosquillon, C., Madlova, M., Patel, N.
ORCID:, Clear, N. and Forbes, B.
A comparison of drug transport in pulmonary absorption
models: isolated perfused rat lungs, respiratory epithelial
cell lines and primary cell culture.
Pharmaceutical Research, 34 (12).
pp. 2532-2540.
ISSN 0724-8741
Cassidy, S., Mawdsley, A., Langran, C.
ORCID:, Hughes, L. and Willis, S. C.
A large-scale multicentre study of academic resilience and wellbeing in pharmacy education.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 86 (3).
ISSN 1553-6467
Chan, K., Shaw, D., Simmonds, M. S.J., Leon, C. J., Xu, Q., Lu, A., Sutherland, I., Ignatova, S., Zhu, Y.-P., Verpoorte, R., Williamson, E. M. and Duez, P.
Good practice in reviewing and publishing studies on herbal medicine, with special emphasis on traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese materia medica.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 140 (3).
pp. 469-475.
ISSN 0378-8741
Chan, K., Swinden, J. and Donyai, P.
Pilot study of the short-term physico-chemical stability of atenolol tablets stored in a multi-compartment compliance aid.
European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Science, 13 (3).
pp. 60-66.
Chater, A., Family, H., Lim, R.
ORCID: and Courtenay, M.
Influences on antibiotic prescribing by non-medical prescribers for respiratory tract infections: a systematic review using the Theoretical Domains Framework.
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 75 (12).
ISSN 0305-7453
Chauhan, M., Alhamad, H., McCrindle, R., Hui, T. K.L., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
Medicines as common commodities or powerful potions? What makes medicines reusable in people’s eyes.
Pharmacy, 9 (2).
ISSN 2226-4787
Cochran, G., Gordon, A. J., Field, C., Bacci, J., Dhital, R., Ylioja, T., Stitzer, M., Kelly, T. and Tarter, R.
Developing a framework of care for opioid medication
misuse in community pharmacy.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 12 (2).
pp. 293-301.
ISSN 1934-8150
Costa, B., Manzoni, C.
ORCID:, Bernal-Quiros, M., Kia, D. A., Aguilar, M., Alvarez, I., Alvarez, V., Andreassen, O.
ORCID:, Anfossi, M., Bagnoli, S., Benussi, L., Bernardi, L., Binetti, G., Blackburn, D., Boada, M., Borroni, B., Bowns, L., Bråthen, G.
ORCID:, Bruni, A. C., Chiang, H.-H., Clarimon, J., Colville, S., Conidi, M. E., Cope, T. E., Cruchaga, C., Cupidi, C., Di Battista, M. E., Diehl-Schmid, J., Diez-Fairen, M., Dols-Icardo, O., Durante, E., Flisar, D., Frangipane, F., Galimberti, D.
ORCID:, Gallo, M., Gallucci, M., Ghidoni, R.
ORCID:, Graff, C., Grafman, J. H., Grossman, M., Hardy, J., Hernández, I., Holloway, G. J. T., Huey, E. D., Illán-Gala, I.
ORCID:, Karydas, A., Khoshnood, B., Kramberger, M. G., Kristiansen, M., Lewis, P. A., Lleó, A., Madhan, G. K., Maletta, R., Maver, A., Menendez-Gonzalez, M., Milan, G., Miller, B., Mol, M. O.
ORCID:, Momeni, P., Moreno-Grau, S., Morris, C. M.
ORCID:, Nacmias, B.
ORCID:, Nilsson, C., Novelli, V., Öijerstedt, L., Padovani, A., Pal, S., Panchbhaya, Y., Pastor, P.
ORCID:, Peterlin, B., Piaceri, I., Pickering-Brown, S., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L.
ORCID:, Puca, A. A., Rainero, I., Rendina, A.
ORCID:, Richardson, A. M. T., Rogaeva, E., Rogelj, B.
ORCID:, Rollinson, S.
ORCID:, Rossi, G., Rossmeier, C., Rowe, J. B., Rubino, E.
ORCID:, Ruiz, A., Sanchez-Valle, R., Sando, S. B., Santillo, A. F., Saxon, J., Scarpini, E.
ORCID:, Serpente, M., Smirne, N., Sorbi, S., Suh, E., Tagliavini, F., Thompson, J. C., Trojanowski, J. Q., Van Deerlin, V. M., Van der Zee, J.
ORCID:, Van Broeckhoven, C.
ORCID:, van Rooij, J., Van Swieten, J. C., Veronesi, A., Vitale, E.
ORCID:, Waldö, M. L., Woodward, C., Yokoyama, J., Escott-Price, V., Polke, J. M. and Ferrari, R.
C9orf72, age at onset, and ancestry help discriminate behavioral from language variants in FTLD cohorts.
Neurology, 95 (24).
ISSN 0028-3878
Courtenay, M., Castro-Sanchez, E., Deslandes, R., Hodson, K., Lim, R.
ORCID:, Morris, G., Reeves, S. and Weiss, M.
Defining antimicrobial stewardship competencies for undergraduate health professional education in the United Kingdom: a study protocol.
Journal of Interprofessional Care, 32 (5).
pp. 638-640.
ISSN 1469-9567
Courtenay, M., Castro-Sanchez, E., Fitzpatrick, M., Gallagher, R., Lim, R.
ORCID: and Morris, G.
Tackling antimicrobial resistance 2019-2024 – the UK’s five-year national action plan.
The Journal of Hospital Infection, 101 (4).
pp. 426-427.
ISSN 0195-6701
Courtenay, M., Gillespie, D. and Lim, R.
Patterns of GP and nurse independent prescriber prescriptions for antibiotics dispensed in the community in England: a retrospective analysis.
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 78 (10).
pp. 2544-2553.
ISSN 0305-7453
Courtenay, M., Gillespie, D. and Lim, R.
Patterns of dispensed non-medical prescriber prescriptions for antibiotics in primary care across England: a retrospective analysis.
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 72 (10).
pp. 2915-2920.
ISSN 0305-7453
Courtenay, M., Lim, R.
ORCID:, Castro-Sanchez, E., Deslandes, R., Hodson, K., Morris, G., Reeves, S., Weiss, M., Ashiru-Oredope, D., Bain, H., Black, A., Bosanquet, J., Cockburn, A., Duggan, C., Fitzpatrick, M., Gallagher, R., Grant, D., McEwan, J., Reid, N., Sneddon, J., Stewart, D., Tonna, A. and White, P.
Development of consensus based national antimicrobial stewardship competencies for UK undergraduate healthcare professional education.
The Journal of Hospital Infection, 100 (3).
pp. 245-256.
ISSN 0195-6701
Courtenay, M., Lim, R.
ORCID:, Deslandes, R., Ferriday, R., Gillespie, D., Hodson, K., Reid, N., Thomas, N. and Chater, A.
A theory-based electronic learning intervention to support appropriate antibiotic prescribing by nurses and pharmacists: intervention development and feasibility study protocol.
BMJ Open, 9.
ISSN 2044-6055
Courtenay, M., Rowbotham, S., Lim, R.
ORCID:, Deslandes, R., Hodson, K., MacLure, K., Peters, S. and Stewart, D.
Antibiotics for acute respiratory tract infections: a mixed methods study of patient experiences of non-medical prescriber management.
BMJ Open, 7 (3).
ISSN 2044-6055
Courtenay, M., Rowbotham, S., Lim, R.
ORCID:, Peters, S., Yates, K. and Chater, A.
Examining influences on antibiotic prescribing by nurse and pharmacist prescribers: a qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework and COM-B.
BMJ Open, 9 (6).
ISSN 2044-6055
Crawford, C., Ryan, K. and Shipton, E. A.
Exploring general practitioner identification and management of psychosocial ‘Yellow Flags’ in acute low back pain.
New Zealand Medical Journal, 120 (1254).
pp. 27-39.
ISSN 1175-8716
Crilly, P., Patel, N.
ORCID:, Ogunrinde, A., Berko, D. and Kayyali, R.
Community pharmacists’ involvement in research in the United Kingdom.
Pharmacy, 5 (3).
ISSN 2226-4787
Dalby, M., Nabhani-Gebara, S., Dhital, R. and Norman, I.
Feasibility of a referral pathway
to community pharmacy for patients
taking oral anticancer medication.
Cancer Nursing Practice, 18 (4).
ISSN 2047-8933
Dhital, R.
Alcohol screening and brief intervention by community pharmacists: benefits and communication methods.
Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 1 (1).
pp. 20-31.
ISSN 1753-8068
Dhital, R., Norman, I., Whittlesea, C. and McCambridge, J.
Effectiveness of alcohol brief intervention delivered by community pharmacists: study protocol of a two-arm randomised controlled trial.
BMC Public Health, 13 (152).
ISSN 1471-2458
Dhital, R., Norman, I., Whittlesea, C., Murrells, T. and McCambridge, J.
The effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions delivered
by community pharmacists: randomized controlled trial.
Addiction, 110 (10).
pp. 1586-1594.
ISSN 0965-2140
Dhital, R., Whittlesea, C. M., Milligan, P., Khan, N. S. and Norman, I. J.
The impact of training and delivering alcohol brief intervention on the knowledge and attitudes of community pharmacists: a before and after study.
Drug and Alcohol Review, 32 (2).
pp. 147-156.
ISSN 1465-3362
Dhital, R., Whittlesea, C. M., Norman, I. J. and Milligan, P.
Community pharmacy service users’ views and perceptions of
alcohol screening and brief intervention.
Drug and Alcohol Review, 29 (6).
pp. 596-602.
ISSN 1465-3362
Dobia, A. M., Ryan, K. M., BaHammam, A. S., Abutaleb, M. H., Alwadani, R. Y. and Edwards, A. D.
The use of hypnotics for Insomnia Disorder in Saudi Arabia: a survey of patients’ experiences and perceptions.
Sleep and Vigilance, 5 (2).
pp. 235-244.
ISSN 2510-2265
Dobia, A., Ryan, K., Abutaleb, M. and Edwards, A.
Perceptions of physicians in Saudi Arabia on the use of international clinical guidelines for managing primary insomnia.
PLoS ONE, 14 (8).
ISSN 1932-6203
Dobia, A., Ryan, K., BaHammam, A. and Edwards, A.
Using benzodiazepines and Z-Drugs for managing primary insomnia in adults in Saudi Arabia: an e-Delphi study to aid the development of clinical guidelines.
Sleep and Breathing, 23 (4).
pp. 1133-1139.
ISSN 1520-9512
Dobia, A., Ryan, K., Grant, D. and BaHammam, A.
Current clinical practice for the use of hypnotics to manage primary insomnia in adults in a tertiary hospital in Saudi Arabia: an audit study.
Pharmacy, 7 (1).
ISSN 2226-4787
Donyai, P.
Identifying fallacious arguments in a qualitative study of antipsychotic prescribing in dementia.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 25 (5).
pp. 379-387.
ISSN 0961-7671
Donyai, P.
Keep on taking the medicine?
Psychologist, 32.
pp. 20-25.
Donyai, P.
Quality of medicines stored together in multi-compartment compliance aids.
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 35 (5).
pp. 533-543.
ISSN 1365-2710
Donyai, P.
Shielding from COVID-19 in community pharmacies.
Health Estate Journal, 74 (7).
pp. 45-47.
Donyai, P.
ORCID: and Alexander, A.
Training on the use of a bespoke continuing professional development framework improves the quality of CPD records.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 37 (6).
pp. 1250-1257.
ISSN 2210-7711
Donyai, P.
ORCID: and Denicolo, P.
Understanding and dealing with stress and pressure in the workplace.
The Pharmaceutical Journal, 282.
pp. 643-645.
Donyai, P.
ORCID: and Van den Berg, M.
Coronary heart disease risk screening: the community pharmacy Healthy Heart Assessment Service.
Pharmacy World & Science, 31 (6).
pp. 643-647.
ISSN 0928-1231
Donyai, P.
ORCID: and van den Berg, M.
A conceptual framework of patient satisfaction with a pharmacy adherence service.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 36 (1).
pp. 182-191.
ISSN 2210-7711
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Alexander, A. and Denicolo, P.
A framework for assessing continuing professional development activities for satisfying pharmacy revalidation requirements.
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 33 (2).
pp. 127-135.
ISSN 1554-558X
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Denicolo, P. and Alexander, A.
Continuing Professional Development for pharmacy professionals’ revalidation: results of an experimental study.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 19 (S1).
p. 37.
ISSN 0961-7671
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Denicolo, P. M., Herbert, R. Z. and Alexander, A. M.
Methodology for assessing the appropriateness of Continuing Professional Development for pharmacy professionals’ revalidation.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 18 (S1).
p. 11.
ISSN 0961-7671
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Herbert, R. Z., Denicolo, P. M. and Alexander, A. M.
British pharmacy professionals' beliefs and participation in continuing professional development: a review of the literature.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 19 (5).
pp. 290-317.
ISSN 0961-7671
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Herbert, R. Z., Denicolo, P. M. and Alexander, A. M.
British pharmacy professionals’ beliefs and participation in continuing professional development: a review of the literature.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 19 (5).
pp. 290-317.
ISSN 2042-7174
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, McCrindle, R., Hui, T. and Sherratt, S.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the government to allow medicines reuse: we must not waste this opportunity to counter our throwaway culture.
The Pharmaceutical Journal.
ISSN 0031-6873
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, McCrindle, R., Hui, T. K. L. and Sherratt, R. S.
Stakeholder views on the idea of medicines reuse in the UK.
Pharmacy, 9 (2).
ISSN 2226-4787
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, O'Grady, K., Jacklin, A., Barber, N. and Franklin, B. D.
The effects of electronic prescribing on the quality of prescribing.
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 65 (2).
pp. 230-237.
ISSN 0306-5251
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Okafor, S., Virgo, R., Amin, K. and Nasr, M.
Messages about antibiotic resistance in different newspaper genres.
Pharmacy, 1 (2).
pp. 181-192.
ISSN 2226-4787
Duke, D. C. and Denicolo, P. M.
What supervisors and universities can do to enhance doctoral student experience (and how they can help themselves).
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 364 (9).
ISSN 1574-6968
Eassey, D., Reddel, H. K., Foster, J. M., Kirkpatrick, S., Locock, L., Ryan, K. and Smith, L.
“…I’ve said I wish I was dead, you’d be better off without me”: a systematic review of people’s experiences of living with severe asthma.
Journal of Asthma, 56 (3).
pp. 311-322.
ISSN 0277-0903
Eassey, D., Reddel, H. K., Ryan, K. and Smith, L.
Living with severe asthma: the role of perceived competence and goal achievement.
Chronic Illness.
ISSN 1745-9206
Eassey, D., Reddel, H. K., Ryan, K. and Smith, L.
The impact of severe asthma on patients’ autonomy: a qualitative study.
Health Expectations, 22 (3).
pp. 528-536.
ISSN 1369-7625
Fannon, O. M., Bithell, A., Whalley, B. and Delivopoulos, E.
A fibre alginate co-culture platform for the differentiation of mESC and modelling of the neural tube.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14.
ISSN 1662-453X
Ferrari, A. J., Santomauro, D. F., Aali, A., Abate, Y. H., Abbafati, C., Abbastabar, H., Abd ElHafeez, S., Abdelmasseh, M., Abd-Elsalam, S., Abdollahi, A., Abdullahi, A., Abegaz, K. H., Abeldaño Zuñiga, R. A., Aboagye, R. G., Abolhassani, H., Abreu, L. G., Abualruz, H., Abu-Gharbieh, E., Abu-Rmeileh, N. M., Ackerman, I. N., Addo, I. Y., Addolorato, G., Adebiyi, A. O., Adepoju, A. V., Adewuyi, H. O., Afyouni, S., Afzal, S., Afzal, S., Agodi, A., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, D., Ahmad, F., Ahmad, S., Ahmed, A., Ahmed, L. A., Ahmed, M. B., Ajami, M., Akinosoglou, K., Akkaif, M. A., Al Hasan, S. M., Alalalmeh, S. O., Al-Aly, Z., Albashtawy, M., Aldridge, R. W., Alemu, M. D., Alemu, Y. M., Alene, K. A., Al-Gheethi, A. A. S., Alharrasi, M., Alhassan, R. K., Ali, M. U., Ali, R., Ali, S. S. S., Alif, S. M., Aljunid, S. M., Al-Marwani, S., Almazan, J. U., Alomari, M. A., Al-Omari, B., Altaany, Z., Alvis-Guzman, N., Alvis-Zakzuk, N. J., Alwafi, H., Al-Wardat, M. S., Al-Worafi, Y. M., Aly, S., Alzoubi, K. H., Amare, A. T., Amegbor, P. M., Ameyaw, E. K., Amin, T. T., Amindarolzarbi, A., Amiri, S., Amugsi, D. A., Ancuceanu, R., Anderlini, D., Anderson, D. B., Andrade, P. P., Andrei, C. L., Ansari, H., Antony, C. M., Anwar, S., Anwar, S. L., Anwer, R., Anyanwu, P. E., Arab, J. P., Arabloo, J., Arafat, M., Araki, D. T., Aravkin, A. Y., Arkew, M., Armocida, B., Arndt, M. B., Arooj, M., Artamonov, A. A., Aruleba, R. T., Arumugam, A., Ashbaugh, C. and Naqvi, A.
Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021.
The Lancet, 403 (10440).
pp. 2133-2161.
ISSN 1474-547X
Franklin, B. D., O'Grady, K., Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Jacklin, A. and Barber, N.
The impact of a closed-loop electronic prescribing and automated dispensing system on the ward pharmacist’s time and activities.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 15 (2).
pp. 133-139.
ISSN 0961-7671
GBD 2021 Europe Life Expectancy Collaborators, and Naqvi, A.
Changing life expectancy in European countries 1990-2021: a subanalysis of causes and risk factors from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021.
The Lancet Public Health, 10 (3).
ISSN 2468-2667
Gerrans, J., Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Finlay, K.
ORCID: and Sherratt, R. S.
An efficient smart pharmaceutical packaging technology framework to assess the quality of returned medication through non-intrusively recording storage conditions after dispensation.
Technologies, 11 (3).
ISSN 2227-7080
Ghouri, F. and Hollywood, A.
Antibiotic prescribing in primary care for urinary
tract infections (UTIs) in pregnancy: an audit study.
Medical Sciences, 8 (3).
ISSN 2076-3271
Ghouri, F., Hollywood, A.
ORCID: and Ryan, K.
‘There is no choice apart from antibiotics…’: qualitative analysis of views on urinary infections in pregnancy and antimicrobial resistance.
Health Expectations, 23 (3).
pp. 644-650.
ISSN 1369-7625
Ghouri, F., Hollywood, A.
ORCID: and Ryan, K.
Urinary tract infections and antibiotic use in pregnancy - qualitative analysis of online forum content.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 19 (1).
ISSN 1471-2393
Ghouri, F., Hollywood, A.
ORCID: and Ryan, K.
A systematic review of non-antibiotic measures for the prevention of urinary tract infections in pregnancy.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18 (1).
ISSN 1471-2393
Gill, D., Almutairi, S. and Donyai, P.
‘The lesser of two evils’ vs ‘medicines not Smarties’: constructing antipsychotics in dementia.
The Gerontologist, 59 (3).
pp. 570-579.
ISSN 0016-9013
Hall, K.
ORCID: and Picton, C.
Analysing the competency framework for all prescribers.
Journal of Prescribing Practice, 2 (3).
pp. 122-128.
ISSN 2631-8393
Hanna, L., Kawalek, T. J., Beall, C. and Ellacott, K. L. J.
Changes in neuronal activity across the mouse ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus in response to low glucose: evaluation using an extracellular multi‐electrode array approach.
Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 32 (3).
ISSN 1365-2826
Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Ryan, K. and Dean, S.
The silent, private exercise: experiences of pelvic floor muscle training in a sample of women with stress urinary incontinence.
Physiotherapy, 93 (1).
pp. 53-61.
ISSN 00319406
Hindi, A., Parkhurst, C., Rashidi, Y., Ho, S. Y., Patel, N.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
Development and utilization of the Medicines Use Review patient satisfaction questionnaire.
Patient Preference and Adherence, 11.
pp. 1797-1806.
ISSN 1177-889X
Hollywood, A.
ORCID: and Ogden, J.
Gaining weight after taking orlistat: a qualitative study of patients at 18-months follow-up.
Journal of Health Psychology, 21 (5).
pp. 590-598.
ISSN 1359-1053
Hollywood, A.
ORCID:, McCarthy, D., Spencely, C. and Winstone, N.
“Overwhelmed at first”: the experience of career development in Early Career Academics.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44 (7).
pp. 998-1012.
ISSN 0309-877X
Hollywood, A.
ORCID:, Ogden, J. and Hashemi, M.
A randomised control trial assessing the impact of
an investment based intervention on weight-loss,
beliefs and behaviour after bariatric surgery: study
BMC Obesity, 2.
ISSN 2052-9538
Hollywood, A.
ORCID:, Ogden, J. and Pring, C.
The impact of a bariatric rehabilitation service on
weight loss and psychological adjustment - study
BMC Public Health, 12.
ISSN 1471-2458
Hollywood, A.
ORCID:, Ogden, J. and Pring, C.
The impact of psychological support on psychological outcomes and patients’ experiences of the bariatric service 1 and 2 years after bariatric surgery.
Journal of Obesity and Bariatrics, 2 (1).
ISSN 2377-9284
Howard, P. and Howard, R.
Rapid-onset opioids and the management of episodic pain.
Prescriber, 24 (11).
pp. 10-18.
ISSN 1931-2253
Howard, R. and Howard, P.
GP guide to drugs used in palliative care: psychostimulants.
Prescriber, 23 (21).
pp. 47-51.
ISSN 0959-6682
Howard, R. and Howard, P.
What GPs need to know about palliative-care drugs : methadone.
Prescriber, 23 (18).
pp. 34-38.
ISSN 0959-6682
Howard, R., Avery, A.J., Howard, P. and Partridge, M.
Investigation into the reasons for preventable drug related admissions to a medical admissions unit: observational study.
Quality & Safety in Health Care, 12 (4).
pp. 280-285.
ISSN 2044-5423
Howard, R., Rodgers, S., Avery, A. J. and Sheikh, A.
Description and process evaluation of pharmacists’ interventions in a pharmacist-led information technology-enabled multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial for reducing medication errors in general practice (PINCER trial).
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 22 (1).
pp. 59-68.
ISSN 0961-7671
Howard, R. L. and Howard, P. D.
What GPs need to know about palliative-care drugs: ketamine.
Prescriber, 23 (12).
pp. 43-46.
ISSN 0959-6682
Hui, T. K. L., Donyai, P.
ORCID:, McCrindle, R. and Sherratt, R. S.
Enabling medicine reuse using a digital time temperature humidity sensor in an internet of pharmaceutical things concept.
Sensors, 20 (11).
ISSN 1424-8220
(Special Issue: Smart Sensors for eHealth Applications)
Hui, T. K. L., Mohammed, B., Donyai, P.
ORCID:, McCrindle, R. and Sherratt, R. S.
Enhancing pharmaceutical packaging through a technology ecosystem to facilitate the reuse of medicines and reduce medicinal waste.
Pharmacy, 8 (2).
ISSN 2226-4787
Hussainy, S. Y., Ghosh, A., Taft, A., Mazza, D., Black, K. I., Clifford, R., Gudka, S., Mc Namara, K. P., Ryan, K. and Jackson, J. K.
Protocol for ACCESS: a qualitative study exploring barriers and facilitators to accessing the emergency contraceptive pill from community pharmacies in Australia.
BMJ Open, 5 (12).
ISSN 2044-6055
Ibrahim, K., Randolph, G., Doran, O. and Donyai, P.
The construction and validation of child, adolescent and parental decision aids for considering methylphenidate drug holidays in ADHD.
Pharmacy, 6 (4).
ISSN 2226-4787
Ibrahim, K. and Donyai, P.
Drug holidays from ADHD medication: international experience over the past four decades.
Journal of Attention Disorders, 19 (7).
pp. 551-568.
ISSN 1087-0547
Ibrahim, K. and Donyai, P.
What stops practitioners discussing medication breaks in children and adolescents with ADHD? Identifying barriers through theory-driven qualitative research.
ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, 10 (4).
pp. 273-283.
ISSN 1866-6647
Ibrahim, K., Vogt, C. and Donyai, P.
Caught in the eye of the storm: a qualitative study of views and experiences of planned drug holidays from methylphenidate in child and adolescent ADHD treatment.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 21 (4).
pp. 192-200.
ISSN 1475-3588
Iflaifel, M. H., Lim, R.
ORCID:, Ryan, K., Crowley, C. and Iedema, R.
Understanding safety differently: developing a model of resilience in the use of intravenous insulin infusions in hospital in-patients - a feasibility study protocol.
BMJ Open, 9 (7).
ISSN 2044-6055
Iflaifel, M., Lim, R.
ORCID:, Crowley, C., Greco, F. and Iedema, R.
Using video reflexive ethnography to explore the use of variable rate intravenous insulin infusions.
BMC Health Services Research, 22.
ISSN 1472-6963
Iflaifel, M., Lim, R.
ORCID:, Crowley, C., Ryan, K. and Greco, F.
A detailed analysis of ‘Work As Imagined’ in the use of intravenous insulin infusions in a hospital: a hierarchical task analysis.
BMJ Open, 11 (3).
ISSN 2044-6055
Iflaifel, M., Lim, R. H.
ORCID:, Crowley, C., Greco, F., Ryan, K. and Iedema, R.
Modelling the use of variable rate intravenous insulin infusions in hospitals by comparing Work as Done with Work as Imagined.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18 (5).
pp. 2786-2795.
ISSN 1934-8150
Iflaifel, M., Lim, R. H.
ORCID:, Ryan, K. and Crowley, C.
Resilient health care: a systematic review of conceptualisations, study methods and factors that develop resilience.
BMC Health Services Research, 20.
ISSN 1472-6963
Ikuta, K. S., Swetschinski, L. R., Robles Aguilar, G., Sharara, F., Mestrovic, T., Gray, A. P., Davis Weaver, N., Wool, E. E., Han, C., Gershberg Hayoon, A., Aali, A., Abate, S. M., Abbasi-Kangevari, M., Abbasi-Kangevari, Z., Abd-Elsalam, S., Abebe, G., Abedi, A., Abhari, A. P., Abidi, H., Aboagye, R. G., Absalan, A., Abubaker Ali, H., Acuna, J. M., Adane, T. D., Addo, I. Y., Adegboye, O. A., Adnan, M., Adnani, Q. E. S., Afzal, M. S., Afzal, S., Aghdam, Z. B., Ahinkorah, B. O., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, A. R., Ahmad, R., Ahmad, S., Ahmad, S., Ahmadi, S., Ahmed, A., Ahmed, H., Ahmed, J. Q., Ahmed Rashid, T., Ajami, M., Aji, B., Akbarzadeh-Khiavi, M., Akunna, C. J., Al Hamad, H., Alahdab, F., Al-Aly, Z., Aldeyab, M. A., Aleman, A. V., Alhalaiqa, F. A. N., Alhassan, R. K., Ali, B. A., Ali, L., Ali, S. S., Alimohamadi, Y., Alipour, V., Alizadeh, A., Aljunid, S. M., Allel, K., Almustanyir, S., Ameyaw, E. K., Amit, A. M. L., Anandavelane, N., Ancuceanu, R., Andrei, C. L., Andrei, T., Anggraini, D., Ansar, A., Anyasodor, A. E., Arabloo, J., Aravkin, A. Y., Areda, D., Aripov, T., Artamonov, A. A., Arulappan, J., Aruleba, R. T., Asaduzzaman, M., Ashraf, T., Athari, S. S., Atlaw, D., Attia, S., Ausloos, M., Awoke, T., Ayala Quintanilla, B. P., Ayana, T. M., Azadnajafabad, S., Azari Jafari, A., B, D. B., Badar, M., Badiye, A. D., Baghcheghi, N., Bagherieh, S., Baig, A. A., Banerjee, I., Barac, A., Bardhan, M., Barone-Adesi, F., Barqawi, H. J., Barrow, A., Baskaran, P., Basu, S., Batiha, A.-M. M., Bedi, N., Belete, M. A., Belgaumi, U. I., Bender, R. G., Bhandari, B., Bhandari, D., Bhardwaj, P., Bhaskar, S., Bhattacharyya, K., Bhattarai, S., Bitaraf, S., Buonsenso, D., Butt, Z. A., Caetano dos Santos, F. L., Cai, J., Calina, D., Camargos, P., Cámera, L. A., Cárdenas, R., Cevik, M., Chadwick, J., Charan, J., Chaurasia, A., Ching, P. R., Choudhari, S. G., Chowdhury, E. K., Chowdhury, F. R., Chu, D.-T., Chukwu, I. S., Dadras, O., Dagnaw, F. T., Dai, X., Das, S., Dastiridou, A., Debela, S. A., Demisse, F. W., Demissie, S., Dereje, D., Derese, M., Desai, H. D., Dessalegn, F. N., Dessalegni, S. A. A., Desye, B., Dhaduk, K., Dhimal, M., Dhingra, S., Diao, N., Diaz, D., Djalalinia, S., Dodangeh, M., Dongarwar, D., Dora, B. T., Dorostkar, F., Dsouza, H. L., Dubljanin, E., Dunachie, S. J., Durojaiye, O. C., Edinur, H. A., Ejigu, H. B., Ekholuenetale, M., Ekundayo, T. C., El-Abid, H., Elhadi, M., Elmonem, M. A., Emami, A., Engelbert Bain, L., Enyew, D. B., Erkhembayar, R., Eshrati, B., Etaee, F., Fagbamigbe, A. F., Falahi, S., Fallahzadeh, A., Faraon, E. J. A., Fatehizadeh, A., Fekadu, G., Fernandes, J. C., Ferrari, A., Fetensa, G., Filip, I., Fischer, F., Foroutan, M., Gaal, P. A., Gadanya, M. A., Gaidhane, A. M., Ganesan, B., Gebrehiwot, M., Ghanbari, R., Ghasemi Nour, M., Ghashghaee, A., Gholamrezanezhad, A., Gholizadeh, A., Golechha, M., Goleij, P., Golinelli, D., Goodridge, A., Gunawardane, D. A., Guo, Y., Gupta, R. D., Gupta, S., Gupta, V. B., Gupta, V. K., Guta, A., Habibzadeh, P., Haddadi Avval, A., Halwani, R., Hanif, A., Hannan, M. A., Harapan, H., Hassan, S., Hassankhani, H., Hayat, K., Heibati, B., Heidari, G., Heidari, M., Heidari-Soureshjani, R., Herteliu, C., Heyi, D. Z., Hezam, K., Hoogar, P., Horita, N., Hossain, M. M., Hosseinzadeh, M., Hostiuc, M., Hostiuc, S., Hoveidamanesh, S., Huang, J., Hussain, S., Hussein, N. R., Ibitoye, S. E., Ilesanmi, O. S., Ilic, I. M., Ilic, M. D., Imam, M. T., Immurana, M., Inbaraj, L. R., Iradukunda, A., Ismail, N. E., Iwu, C. C. D., Iwu, C. J., J, L. M., Jakovljevic, M., Jamshidi, E., Javaheri, T., Javanmardi, F., Javidnia, J., Jayapal, S. K., Jayarajah, U., Jebai, R., Jha, R. P., Joo, T., Joseph, N., Joukar, F., Jozwiak, J. J., Kacimi, S. E. O., Kadashetti, V., Kalankesh, L. R., Kalhor, R., Kamal, V. K., Kandel, H., Kapoor, N., Karkhah, S., Kassa, B. G., Kassebaum, N. J., Katoto, P. D., Keykhaei, M., Khajuria, H., Khan, A., Khan, I. 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Age–sex differences in the global burden of lower respiratory infections and risk factors, 1990–2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.
Lancet Infectious Disease, 22 (11).
pp. 1626-1647.
ISSN 1473-3099
Langran, C.
ORCID:, Alexander, A. and Donyai, P.
Longitudinal evaluation of the healthy living assessment as an experiential learning activity provided on-campus.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 84 (3).
ISSN 1553-6467
Langran, C.
ORCID:, Mantzourani, E., Hughes, L., Hall, K.
ORCID: and Willis, S.
“I'm at breaking point”; exploring pharmacists' resilience, coping and burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 5.
ISSN 2667-2766
Langran, T., Nanda, N., Bataveljic, A. and Gonzalez-Durio, J.
Supporting the management of type 2 diabetes with pharmacist-led reviews: an observational analysis.
BMJ Open, 7 (3).
ISSN 2044-6055
Lau, W. M. and Donyai, P.
Knowledge, attitude and advice-giving behaviour of community pharmacists regarding topical corticosteroids.
Pharmacy, 5 (3).
ISSN 2226-4787
Lewis, P. A., Plun‐Favreau, H., Rowley, M. and Spillane, J.
Pierre D. and the first photographs of Parkinson's disease.
Movement Disorders, 35 (3).
pp. 389-391.
ISSN 1531-8257
Lim, A. S., Stewart, K., Abramson, M. J., Ryan, K. and George, J.
Asthma during pregnancy: the experiences, concerns and views of pregnant women with asthma.
Journal of Asthma, 49 (5).
pp. 474-479.
ISSN 0277-0903
Lim, A., Stewart, K., Abramson, M. J., Ryan, K. and George, J.
Facilitators of and barriers to optimal asthma management during pregnancy.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 8 (6).
ISSN 1934-8150
Lim, R.
ORCID:, Anderson, J. E. and Buckle, P. W.
Work Domain Analysis for understanding medication safety in care homes in England: an exploratory study.
Ergonomics, 59 (1).
pp. 15-26.
ISSN 0014-0139
Lim, R.
ORCID:, Courtenay, M., Deslandes, R., Ferriday, R., Gillespie, D., Hodson, K., Reid, N., Thomas, N. and Chater, A.
Theory-based electronic learning intervention to support appropriate antibiotic prescribing by nurse and pharmacist independent prescribers: an acceptability and feasibility experimental study using mixed methods.
BMJ Open, 10 (6).
ISSN 2044-6055
Lim, R.
ORCID:, Courtenay, M. and Fleming, G.
Roles of the non-medical prescribing leads within organisations across a Strategic Health Authority: perceived functions and factors supporting the role.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 21 (2).
pp. 82-91.
ISSN 0961-7671
Lim, R.
ORCID:, Iflaifel, M., Qamariat, Z. A. L., Crowley, C. and Sharmeen, T.
Navigating complexity of the medication management system within the home setting - A Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) analysis of people with dementia and their carers’ experiences.
Age and Ageing, 53 (3).
ISSN 1468-2834
Lim, R.
ORCID:, Shalhoub, R. and Sridharan, B. K.
The experiences of the community pharmacy team in supporting people with dementia and family carers with medication management during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 17 (1).
pp. 1825-1831.
ISSN 1934-8150
Lim, R. H.
ORCID: and Sharmeen, T.
Medicines management issues in dementia and coping strategies used by people living with dementia and family carers: a systematic review.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33 (12).
pp. 1562-1581.
ISSN 0885-6230
Lim, R. H. M.
ORCID:, Sharmeen, T. and Donyai, P.
How do people with dementia make sense of their medications? An interpretative phenomenological analysis study.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 37 (2).
ISSN 0885-6230
Liu, X., Wang, Q., Song, G., Zhang, G., Ye, Z. and Williamson, E. M.
The classification and application of toxic Chinese Materia Medica.
Phytotherapy Research, 28 (3).
pp. 334-347.
ISSN 0951-418X
McGlen, S., Crowley, C., Lasserson, D., Qamariat, Z. A. L. and Lim, R. H. M.
Hospital at home: a systematic review of how
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study protocol.
PLoS ONE, 18 (1).
ISSN 1932-6203
Micah, A. E., Bhangdia, K., Cogswell, I. E., Lasher, D., Lidral-Porter, B., Maddison, E. R., Nguyen, T. N. N., Patel, N., Pedroza, P., Solorio, J., Stutzman, H., Tsakalos, G., Wang, Y., Warriner, W., Zhao, Y., Zlavog, B. S., Abbafati, C., Abbas, J., Abbasi-Kangevari, M., Abbasi-Kangevari, Z., Abdelmasseh, M., Abdulah, D. M., Abedi, A., Abegaz, K. H., Abhilash, E. S., Aboagye, R. G., Abolhassani, H., Abrigo, M. R. M., Abubaker Ali, H., Abu-Gharbieh, E., Adem, M. H., Afzal, M. S., Ahmadi, A., Ahmed, H., Ahmed Rashid, T., Aji, B., Akbarialiabad, H., Akelew, Y., Al Hamad, H., Alam, K., Alanezi, F. M., Alanzi, T. M., Al-Hanawi, M. K., Alhassan, R. K., Aljunid, S. M., Almustanyir, S., Al-Raddadi, R. M., Alvis-Guzman, N., Alvis-Zakzuk, N. J., Amare, A. T., Ameyaw, E. K., Amini-Rarani, M., Amu, H., Ancuceanu, R., Andrei, T., Anwar, S. L., Appiah, F., Aqeel, M., Arabloo, J., Arab-Zozani, M., Aravkin, A. Y., Aremu, O., Aruleba, R. T., Athari, S. S., Avila-Burgos, L., Ayanore, M. A., Azari, S., Baig, A. A., Bantie, A. T., Barrow, A., Baskaran, P., Basu, S., Batiha, A.-M. M., Baune, B. T., Berezvai, Z., Bhardwaj, N., Bhardwaj, P., Bhaskar, S., Boachie, M. K., Bodolica, V., Botelho, J. S. B., Braithwaite, D., Breitborde, N. J. K., Busse, R., Cahuana-Hurtado, L., Catalá-López, F., Chansa, C., Charan, J., Chattu, V. K., Chen, S., Chukwu, I. S., Dadras, O., Dandona, L., Dandona, R., Dargahi, A., Debela, S. A., Denova-Gutiérrez, E., Desye, B., Dharmaratne, S. D., Diao, N., Doan, L. P., Dodangeh, M., dos Santos, W. M., Doshmangir, L., Dube, J., Eini, E., El Sayed Zaki, M., El Tantawi, M., Enyew, D. B., Eskandarieh, S., Ezati Asar, M., Fagbamigbe, A. F., Faraon, E. J. A., Fatehizadeh, A., Fattahi, H., Fekadu, G., Fischer, F., Foigt, N. A., Fowobaje, K. R., Freitas, A., Fukumoto, T., Fullman, N., Gaal, P. A., Gamkrelidze, A., Garcia-Gordillo, M. A., Gebrehiwot, M., Gerema, U., Ghafourifard, M., Ghamari, S.-H., Ghanbari, R., Ghashghaee, A., Gholamrezanezhad, A., Golechha, M., Golinelli, D., Goshu, Y. A., Goyomsa, G. G., Guha, A., Gunawardane, D. A., Gupta, B., Hamidi, S., Harapan, H., Hashempour, R., Hayat, K., Heidari, G., Heredia-Pi, I., Herteliu, C., Heyi, D. Z., Hezam, K., Hiraike, Y., Hlongwa, M. M., Holla, R., Hoque, M. E., Hosseinzadeh, M., Hostiuc, S., Hussain, S., Ilesanmi, O. S., Immurana, M., Iradukunda, A., Ismail, N. E., Isola, G., J, L. M., Jakovljevic, M., Jalili, M., Janodia, M. D., Javaheri, T., Jayapal, S. K., Jemere, D. M., Joo, T., Joseph, N., Jozwiak, J. J., Jürisson, M., Kaambwa, B., Kadashetti, V., Kadel, R., Kadir, D. H., Kalankesh, L. R., Kamath, R., Kandel, H., Kantar, R. S., Karanth, S. D., Karaye, I. M., Karimi, S. E., Kassa, B. G., Kayode, G. A., Keikavoosi-Arani, L., Keshri, V. R., Keskin, C., Khader, Y. S., Khafaie, M. A., Khajuria, H., Khayat Kashani, H. R., Kifle, Z. D., Kim, H., Kim, J., Kim, M. S., Kim, Y. J., Kisa, A., Kohler, S., Kompani, F., Kosen, S., Koulmane Laxminarayana, S. L., Koyanagi, A., Krishan, K., Kusuma, D., Lám, J., Lamnisos, D., Larsson, A. O., Lee, S.-w., Lee, S. W. H., Lee, W.-C., Lee, Y. H., Lenzi, J., Lim, L.-L., Lorenzovici, L., Lozano, R., Machado, V. S. M., Madadizadeh, F., Magdy Abd El Razek, M., Mahmoudi, R., Majeed, A., Malekpour, M.-R., Manda, A. L., Mansouri, B., Mansournia, M. A., Mantovani, L. G., Marrugo Arnedo, C. A., Martorell, M., Masoud, A., Mathews, E., Maude, R. J., Mechili, E. A., Mehrabi Nasab, E., Mendes, J. J. J. M., Meretoja, A., Meretoja, T. J., Mesregah, M. K., Mestrovic, T., Mirica, A., Mirrakhimov, E. M., Mirutse, M. K., Mirza, M., Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari, M., Misganaw, A., Moccia, M., Moghadasi, J., Mohammadi, E., Mohammadi, M., Mohammadian-Hafshejani, A., Mohammadshahi, M., Mohammed, S., Mohseni, M., Mokdad, A. H., Monasta, L., Mossialos, E., Mostafavi, E., Mousavi Isfahani, H., Mpundu-Kaambwa, C., Murthy, S., Muthupandian, S., Nagarajan, A. J., Naidoo, K. S., Naimzada, M. D., Nangia, V., Naqvi, A. A.
ORCID:, Nayak, B. P., Ndejjo, R., Nguyen, T. H., Noroozi, N., Noubiap, J. J., Nuruzzaman, K. M., Nzoputam, C. I., Nzoputam, O. J., Oancea, B., Obi, F. C. A., Ogunkoya, A., Oh, I.-H., Okonji, O. C., Olagunju, A. T., Olagunju, T. O., Olakunde, B. O., Omar Bali, A., Onwujekwe, O. E., Opio, J. N., Otoiu, A., Otstavnov, N., Otstavnov, S. S., Owolabi, M. O., Palicz, T., Palladino, R., Pana, A., Parekh, T., Pasupula, D. K., Patel, J., Patton, G. C., Paudel, U., Paun, M., Pawar, S., Perna, S., Perumalsamy, N., Petcu, I.-R., Piracha, Z. Z., Poursadeqiyan, M., Pourtaheri, N., Prada, S. I., Rafiei, S., Raghav, P. R., Rahim, F., Rahman, M. H. U., Rahman, M., Rahmani, A. M., Ranabhat, C. L., Raru, T. B., Rashedi, S., Rashidi, M.-M., Ravangard, R., Rawaf, S., Rawassizadeh, R., Redwan, E. M. M., Reiner, R. C., Renzaho, A. M. N., Rezaei, M., Rezaei, N., Riaz, M. A., Rodriguez, J. A. B., Saad, A. M. A., Saddik, B., Sadeghian, S., Saeb, M. R., Saeed, U., Sahu, M., Saki, M., Salamati, P., Salari, H., Salehi, S., Samy, A. M., Sanabria, J., Sanmarchi, F., Santos, J. V., Santric-Milicevic, M. M., Sao Jose, B. P., Sarikhani, Y., Sathian, B., Satpathy, M., Savic, M., Sayadi, Y., Schwendicke, F., Senthilkumaran, S., Sepanlou, S. G., Serván-Mori, E., Setshegetso, N., Seylani, A., Shahabi, S., Shaikh, M. A., Shakhmardanov, M. Z., Shanawaz, M., Sharew, M. M. S., Sharew, N. T., Sharma, R., Shayan, M., Sheikh, A., Shenoy, S. M., Shetty, A., Shetty, P. H., Shivakumar, K. M., Silva, L. M. L. R., Simegn, W., Singh, J. A., Singh, K., Skhvitaridze, N., Skryabin, V. Y., Skryabina, A. A., Socea, B., Solomon, Y., Song, S., Ștefan, S. C., Suleman, M., Tabarés-Seisdedos, R., Tat, N. Y., Tat, V. Y., Tefera, B. N., Tichopad, A., Tobe-Gai, R., Tovani-Palone, M. R., Tudor Car, L., Tufa, D. G., Vasankari, T. J., Vasic, M., Vervoort, D., Vlassov, V., Vo, B., Vu, L. G., Waheed, Y., Wamai, R. G., Wang, C., Wassie, G. T., Wickramasinghe, N. D., Yaya, S., Yigit, A., Yiğit, V., Yonemoto, N., Younis, M. Z., Yu, C., Yunusa, I., Zaki, L., Zaman, B. A., Zangeneh, A., Zare Dehnavi, A., Zastrozhin, M. S., Zeng, W., Zhang, Z.-J., Zuhlke, L. J., Zuniga, Y. M. H., Hay, S. I., Murray, C. J. L. and Dieleman, J. L.
Global investments in pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: development assistance and domestic spending on health between 1990 and 2026.
The Lancet Global Health, 11.
pp. 385-413.
ISSN 2214109X
Mills, T., Patel, N.
ORCID: and Ryan, K.
Pharmacist non-medical prescribing in primary care. A systematic review of views, opinions and attitudes.
International journal of clinical practice, 75 (3).
ISSN 1368-5031
Naghavi, M., Ong, K. L., Aali, A., Ababneh, H. S., Abate, Y. H., Abbafati, C., Abbasgholizadeh, R., Abbasian, M., Abbasi-Kangevari, M., Abbastabar, H., Abd ElHafeez, S., Abdelmasseh, M., Abd-Elsalam, S., Abdelwahab, A., Abdollahi, M., Abdollahifar, M.-A., Abdoun, M., Abdulah, D. M., Abdullahi, A., Abebe, M., Abebe, S. S., Abedi, A., Abegaz, K. H., Abhilash, E. S., Abidi, H., Abiodun, O., Aboagye, R. G., Abolhassani, H., Abolmaali, M., Abouzid, M., Aboye, G. B., Abreu, L. G., Abrha, W. A., Abtahi, D., Abu Rumeileh, S., Abualruz, H., Abubakar, B., Abu-Gharbieh, E., Abu-Rmeileh, N. M., Aburuz, S., Abu-Zaid, A., Accrombessi, M. M. K., Adal, T. G., Adamu, A. A., Addo, I. Y., Addolorato, G., Adebiyi, A. O., Adekanmbi, V., Adepoju, A. V., Adetunji, C. O., Adetunji, J. B., Adeyeoluwa, T. E., Adeyinka, D. A., Adeyomoye, O. I., Admass, B. A. A., Adnani, Q. E. S., Adra, S., Afolabi, A. A., Afzal, M. S., Afzal, S., Agampodi, S. B., Agasthi, P., Aggarwal, M., Aghamiri, S., Agide, F. 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Y., Areda, D., Aremu, A., Aremu, O., Ariffin, H., Arkew, M., Armocida, B., Arndt, M. B., Ärnlöv, J., Arooj, M., Artamonov, A. A., Arulappan, J., Aruleba, R. T., Arumugam, A., Asaad, M., Asadi-Lari, M., Asgedom, A. A., Asghariahmadabad, M., Asghari-Jafarabadi, M., Ashraf, M., Aslani, A., Astell-Burt, T., Athar, M., Athari, S. S., Atinafu, B. T. T., Atlaw, H. W., Atorkey, P., Atout, M. M.'d. W., Atreya, A., Aujayeb, A., Ausloos, M., Avan, A., Awedew, A. F., Aweke, A. M., Ayala Quintanilla, B. P., Ayatollahi, H., Ayuso-Mateos, J. L., Ayyoubzadeh, S. M., Azadnajafabad, S., Azevedo, R. M. S., Azzam, A. Y., B, D. B., Babu, A. S., Badar, M., Badiye, A. D., Baghdadi, S., Bagheri, N., Bagherieh, S., Bah, S., Bahadorikhalili, S., Bahmanziari, N., Bai, R., Baig, A. A., Baker, J. L., Bako, A. T., Bakshi, R. K., Balakrishnan, S., Balasubramanian, M., Baltatu, O. C., Bam, K., Banach, M., Bandyopadhyay, S., Banik, P. C., Bansal, H., Bansal, K., Barbic, F., Barchitta, M., Bardhan, M., Bardideh, E., Barker-Collo, S. L., Bärnighausen, T. W., Barone-Adesi, F., Barqawi, H. J., Barrero, L. H., Barrow, A., Barteit, S., Barua, L., Basharat, Z., Bashiri, A., Basiru, A., Baskaran, P., Basnyat, B., Bassat, Q., Basso, J. D., Basting, A. V. L., Basu, S., Batra, K., Baune, B. T., Bayati, M., Bayileyegn, N. S., Beaney, T., Bedi, N., Beghi, M., Behboudi, E., Behera, P., Behnoush, A. H., Behzadifar, M., Beiranvand, M., Bejarano Ramirez, D. F., Béjot, Y., Belay, S. A., Belete, C. M., Bell, M. L., Bello, M. B., Bello, O. O., Belo, L., Beloukas, A., Bender, R. G., Bensenor, I. M., Beran, A., Berezvai, Z., Berhie, A. Y., Berice, B. N., Bernstein, R. S., Bertolacci, G. J., Bettencourt, P. J. G., Beyene, K. A., Bhagat, D. S., Bhagavathula, A. S., Bhala, N., Bhalla, A., Bhandari, D., Bhangdia, K., Bhardwaj, N., Bhardwaj, P., Bhardwaj, P. V., Bhargava, A., Bhaskar, S., Bhat, V., Bhatti, G. K., Bhatti, J. S., Bhatti, M. S., Bhatti, R., Bhutta, Z. A., Bikbov, B., Bishai, J. D., Bisignano, C., Bisulli, F., Biswas, A., Biswas, B., Bitaraf, S., Bitew, B. D., Bitra, V. R., Bjørge, T., Boachie, M. K., Boampong, M. S., Bobirca, A. V., Bodolica, V., Bodunrin, A. O., Bogale, E. K., Bogale, K. A., Bohlouli, S., Bolarinwa, O. A., Boloor, A., Bonakdar Hashemi, M., Bonny, A., Bora, K., Bora Basara, B., Borhany, H., Borzutzky, A., Bouaoud, S., Boustany, A., Boxe, C., Boyko, E. J., Brady, O. J., Braithwaite, D., Brant, L. C., Brauer, M., Brazinova, A., Brazo-Sayavera, J., Breitborde, N. J. K., Breitner, S., Brenner, H., Briko, A. N., Briko, N. I., Britton, G., Brown, J., Brugha, T., Bulamu, N. B., Bulto, L. N., Buonsenso, D., Burns, R. A., Busse, R., Bustanji, Y., Butt, N. S., Butt, Z. A., Caetano dos Santos, F. L., Calina, D., Cámera, L. A., Campos, L. A., Campos-Nonato, I. R., Cao, C., Cao, Y., Capodici, A., Cárdenas, R., Carr, S., Carreras, G., Carrero, J. J., Carugno, A., Carvalheiro, C. G., Carvalho, F., Carvalho, M., Castaldelli-Maia, J. M., Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., Castelpietra, G., Catalá-López, F., Catapano, A. L., Cattaruzza, M. S., Cederroth, C. R., Cegolon, L., Cembranel, F., Cenderadewi, M., Cercy, K. M., Cerin, E., Cevik, M., Chadwick, J., Chahine, Y., Chakraborty, C., Chakraborty, P. A., Chan, J. S. K., Chan, R. N. C., Chandika, R. M., Chandrasekar, E. K., Chang, C.-K., Chang, J.-C., Chanie, G. S., Charalampous, P., Chattu, V. K., Chaturvedi, P., Chatzimavridou-Grigoriadou, V., Chaurasia, A., Chen, A. W., Chen, A.-T., Chen, C. S., Chen, H., Chen, M. X., Chen, S., Cheng, C.-Y., Cheng, E. T. W., Cherbuin, N., Cheru, W. A., Chien, J.-H., Chimed-Ochir, O., Chimoriya, R., Ching, P. R., Chirinos-Caceres, J. L., Chitheer, A., Cho, W. C. S., Chong, B., Chopra, H., Choudhari, S. G., Chowdhury, R., Christopher, D. J., Chukwu, I. S., Chung, E., Chung, E., Chung, E., Chung, S.-C., Chutiyami, M., Cindi, Z., Cioffi, I., Claassens, M. M., Claro, R. M., Coberly, K., Cogen, R. M., Columbus, A., Comfort, H., Conde, J., Cortese, S., Cortesi, P. A., Costa, V. M., Costanzo, S., Cousin, E., Couto, R. A. S., Cowden, R. G., Cramer, K. M., Criqui, M. H., Cruz-Martins, N., Cuadra-Hernández, S. M., Culbreth, G. T., Cullen, P., Cunningham, M., Curado, M. p., Dadana, S., Dadras, O., Dai, S., Dai, X., Dai, Z., Dalli, L. L., Damiani, G., Darega Gela, J., Das, J. K., Das, S., Das, S., Dascalu, A. M., Dash, N. R., Dashti, M., Dastiridou, A., Davey, G., Dávila-Cervantes, C. A., Davis Weaver, N., Davletov, K., De Leo, D., de Luca, K., Debele, A. T., Debopadhaya, S., Degenhardt, L., Dehghan, A., Deitesfeld, L., Del Bo', C., Delgado-Enciso, I., Demessa, B. H., Demetriades, A. K., Deng, K., Deng, X., Denova-Gutiérrez, E., Deravi, N., Dereje, N., Dervenis, N., Dervišević, E., Des Jarlais, D. C., Desai, H. D., Desai, R., Devanbu, V. G. C., Dewan, S. M. R., Dhali, A., Dhama, K., Dhimal, M., Dhingra, S., Dhulipala, V. R., Dias da Silva, D., Diaz, D., Diaz, M. J., Dima, A., Ding, D. D., Ding, H., Dinis-Oliveira, R. J., Dirac, M. A., Djalalinia, S., Do, T. H. P., do Prado, C. B., Doaei, S., Dodangeh, M., Dodangeh, M., Dohare, S., Dokova, K. G., Dolecek, C., Dominguez, R.-M. V., Dong, W., Dongarwar, D., D'Oria, M., Dorostkar, F., Dorsey, E. R., dos Santos, W. M., Doshi, R., Doshmangir, L., Dowou, R. K., Driscoll, T. R., Dsouza, H. L., Dsouza, V., Du, M., Dube, J., Duncan, B. B., Duraes, A. R., Duraisamy, S., Durojaiye, O. C., Dwyer-Lindgren, L., Dzianach, P. A., Dziedzic, A. M., E'mar, A. R., Eboreime, E., Ebrahimi, A., Echieh, C. P., Edinur, H. A., Edvardsson, D., Edvardsson, K., Efendi, D., Efendi, F., Effendi, D. E., Eikemo, T. A., Eini, E., Ekholuenetale, M., Ekundayo, T. C., El Sayed, I., Elbarazi, I., Elema, T. B., Elemam, N. M., Elgar, F. J., Elgendy, I. Y., ElGohary, G. M. T., Elhabashy, H. R., Elhadi, M., El-Huneidi, W., Elilo, L. T., Elmeligy, O. A. A., Elmonem, M. A., Elshaer, M., Elsohaby, I., Emeto, T. I., Engelbert Bain, L., Erkhembayar, R., Esezobor, C. I., Eshrati, B., Eskandarieh, S., Espinosa-Montero, J., Esubalew, H., Etaee, F., Fabin, N., Fadaka, A. O., Fagbamigbe, A. F., Fahim, A., Fahimi, S., Fakhri-Demeshghieh, A., Falzone, L., Fareed, M., Farinha, C. S. e. S., Faris, M. E. M., Faris, P. S., Faro, A., Fasanmi, A. O., Fatehizadeh, A., Fattahi, H., Fauk, N. K., Fazeli, P., Feigin, V. L., Feizkhah, A., Fekadu, G., Feng, X., Fereshtehnejad, S.-M., Feroze, A. H., Ferrante, D., Ferrari, A. J., Ferreira, N., Fetensa, G., Feyisa, B. R., Filip, I., Fischer, F., Flavel, J., Flood, D., Florin, B. T., Foigt, N. A., Folayan, M. O., Fomenkov, A. A., Foroutan, B., Foroutan, M., Forthun, I., Fortuna, D., Foschi, M., Fowobaje, K. R., Francis, K. L., Franklin, R. C., Freitas, A., Friedman, J., Friedman, S. D., Fukumoto, T., Fuller, J. E., Fux, B., Gaal, P. A., Gadanya, M. A., Gaidhane, A. M., Gaihre, S., Gakidou, E., Galali, Y., Galles, N. C., Gallus, S., Ganbat, M., Gandhi, A. P., Ganesan, B., Ganiyani, M. A., Garcia-Gordillo, M., Gardner, W. M., Garg, J., Garg, N., Gautam, R. K., Gbadamosi, S. O., Gebi, T. G., Gebregergis, M. W., Gebrehiwot, M., Gebremeskel, T. G., Georgescu, S. R., Getachew, T., Gething, P. W., Getie, M., Ghadiri, K., Ghahramani, S., Ghailan, K. Y., Ghasemi, M.-R., Ghasempour Dabaghi, G., Ghasemzadeh, A., Ghashghaee, A., Ghassemi, F., Ghazy, R. M., Ghimire, A., Ghoba, S., Gholamalizadeh, M., Gholamian, A., Gholamrezanezhad, A., Gholizadeh, N., Ghorbani, M., Ghorbani Vajargah, P., Ghoshal, A. G., Gill, P. S., Gill, T. K., Gillum, R. F., Ginindza, T. G., Girmay, A., Glasbey, J. C., Gnedovskaya, E. V., Göbölös, L., Godinho, M. A., Goel, A., Golchin, A., Goldust, M., Golechha, M., Goleij, P., Gomes, N. G. M., Gona, P. N., Gopalani, S. V., Gorini, G., Goudarzi, H., Goulart, A. C., Goulart, B. N. G., Goyal, A., Grada, A., Graham, S. M., Grivna, M., Grosso, G., Guan, S.-Y., Guarducci, G., Gubari, M. I. M., Gudeta, M. D., Guha, A., Guicciardi, S., Guimarães, R. A., Gulati, S., Gunawardane, D. A., Gunturu, S., Guo, C., Gupta, A. K., Gupta, B., Gupta, M. K., Gupta, M., Gupta, R. D., Gupta, R., Gupta, S., Gupta, V. B., Gupta, V. K., Gupta, V. K., Gurmessa, L., Gutiérrez, R. A., Habibzadeh, F., Habibzadeh, P., Haddadi, R., Hadei, M., Hadi, N. R., Haep, N., Hafezi-Nejad, N., Hailu, A., Haj-Mirzaian, A., Halboub, E. S., Hall, B. J., Haller, S., Halwani, R., Hamadeh, R. R., Hameed, S., Hamidi, S., Hamilton, E. B., Han, C., Han, Q., Hanif, A., Hanifi, N., Hankey, G. J., Hanna, F., Hannan, M. A., Haque, M. N., Harapan, H., Hargono, A., Haro, J. M., Hasaballah, A. I., Hasan, I., Hasan, M. T., Hasani, H., Hasanian, M., Hashi, A., Hasnain, M. S., Hassan, I., Hassanipour, S., Hassankhani, H., Haubold, J., Havmoeller, R. J., Hay, S. I., He, J., Hebert, J. J., Hegazi, O. E., Heidari, G., Heidari, M., Heidari-Foroozan, M., Helfer, B., Hendrie, D., Herrera-Serna, B. Y., Herteliu, C., Hesami, H., Hezam, K., Hill, C. L., Hiraike, Y., Holla, R., Horita, N., Hossain, M. M., Hossain, S., Hosseini, M.-S., Hosseinzadeh, H., Hosseinzadeh, M., Hosseinzadeh Adli, A., Hostiuc, M., Hostiuc, S., Hsairi, M., Hsieh, V. C.-r., Hsu, R. L., Hu, C., Huang, J., Hultström, M., Humayun, A., Hundie, T. G., Hussain, J., Hussain, M. A., Hussein, N. R., Hussien, F. M., Huynh, H.-H., Hwang, B.-F., Ibitoye, S. E., Ibrahim, K. S., Iftikhar, P. M., Ijo, D., Ikiroma, A. I., Ikuta, K. S., Ikwegbue, P. C., Ilesanmi, O. S., Ilic, I. M., Ilic, M. D., Imam, M. T., Immurana, M., Inamdar, S., Indriasih, E., Iqhrammullah, M., Iradukunda, A., Iregbu, K. C., Islam, M. R., Islam, S. M. S., Islami, F., Ismail, F., Ismail, N. E., Iso, H., Isola, G., Iwagami, M., Iwu, C. C. D., Iyamu, I. O., Iyer, M., J, L. M., Jaafari, J., Jacob, L., Jacobsen, K. H., Jadidi-Niaragh, F., Jafarinia, M., Jafarzadeh, A., Jaggi, K., Jahankhani, K., Jahanmehr, N., Jahrami, H., Jain, N., Jairoun, A. A., Jaiswal, A., Jamshidi, E., Janko, M. M., Jatau, A. I., Javadov, S., Javaheri, T., Jayapal, S. K., Jayaram, S., Jebai, R., Jee, S. H., Jeganathan, J., Jha, A. K., Jha, R. P., Jiang, H., Jin, Y., Johnson, O., Jokar, M., Jonas, J. B., Joo, T., Joseph, A., Joseph, N., Joshua, C. E., Joshy, G., Jozwiak, J. J., Jürisson, M., K, V., Kaambwa, B., Kabir, A., Kabir, Z., Kadashetti, V., Kadir, D. H., Kalani, R., Kalankesh, L. R., Kalankesh, L. R., Kaliyadan, F., Kalra, S., Kamal, V. K., Kamarajah, S. K., Kamath, R., Kamiab, Z., Kamyari, N., Kanagasabai, T., Kanchan, T., Kandel, H., Kanmanthareddy, A. R., Kanmiki, E. W., Kanmodi, K. K., Kannan S, S., Kansal, S. K., Kantar, R. S., Kapoor, N., Karajizadeh, M., Karanth, S. D., Karasneh, R. A., Karaye, I. M., Karch, A., Karim, A., Karimi, S. E., Karimi Behnagh, A., Kashoo, F. Z., Kasnazani, Q. H. A., Kasraei, H., Kassebaum, N. J., Kassel, M. B., Kauppila, J. H., Kaur, N., Kawakami, N., Kayode, G. A., Kazemi, F., Kazemian, S., Kazmi, T. H., Kebebew, G. M., Kebede, A. D., Kebede, F., Keflie, T. S., Keiyoro, P. N., Keller, C., Kelly, J. T., Kempen, J. H., Kerr, J. A., Kesse-Guyot, E., Khajuria, H., Khalaji, A., Khalid, N., Khalil, A. A., Khalilian, A., Khamesipour, F., Khan, A., Khan, A., Khan, G., Khan, I., Khan, I. A., Khan, M. N., Khan, M., Khan, M. J., Khan, M. A., Khan, Z. A., Khan suheb, M. Z., Khanmohammadi, S., Khatab, K., Khatami, F., Khatatbeh, H., Khatatbeh, M. M., Khavandegar, A., Khayat Kashani, H. R., Khidri, F. F., Khodadoust, E., Khorgamphar, M., Khormali, M., Khorrami, Z., Khosravi, A., Khosravi, M. A., Kifle, Z. D., Kim, G., Kim, J., Kim, K., Kim, M. S., Kim, Y. J., Kimokoti, R. W., Kinzel, K. E., Kisa, A., Kisa, S., Klu, D., Knudsen, A. K. S., Kocarnik, J. M., Kochhar, S., Kocsis, T., Koh, D. S. Q., Kolahi, A.-A., Kolves, K., Kompani, F., Koren, G., Kosen, S., Kostev, K., Koul, P. A., Koulmane Laxminarayana, S. L., Krishan, K., Krishna, H., Krishna, V., Krishnamoorthy, V., Krishnamoorthy, Y., Krohn, K. J., Kuate Defo, B., Kucuk Bicer, B., Kuddus, M. A., Kuddus, M., Kuitunen, I., Kulimbet, M., Kulkarni, V., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., Kumar, H., Kumar, M., Kumar, R., Kumari, M., Kumie, F. T., Kundu, S., Kurmi, O. P., Kusnali, A., Kusuma, D., Kwarteng, A., Kyriopoulos, I., Kyu, H. H., La Vecchia, C., Lacey, B., Ladan, M. A., Laflamme, L., Lagat, A. K., Lager, A. C. J., Lahmar, A., Lai, D. T. C., Lal, D. K., Lalloo, R., Lallukka, T., Lam, H., Lám, J., Landrum, K. R., Lanfranchi, F., Lang, J. J., Langguth, B., Lansingh, V. C., Laplante-Lévesque, A., Larijani, B., Larsson, A. O., Lasrado, S., Lassi, Z. S., Latief, K., Latifinaibin, K., Lauriola, P., Le, N. H. H., Le, T. T. T., Le, T. D. T., Ledda, C., Ledesma, J. R., Lee, M., Lee, P. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, S. W. H., Lee, W.-C., Lee, Y. H., LeGrand, K. E., Leigh, J., Leong, E., Lerango, T. L., Li, M.-C., Li, W., Li, X., Li, Y., Li, Z., Ligade, V. S., Likaka, A. T. M., Lim, L.-L., Lim, S. S., Lindstrom, M., Linehan, C., Liu, C., Liu, G., Liu, J., Liu, R., Liu, S., Liu, X., Liu, X., Llanaj, E., Loftus, M. J., López-Bueno, R., Lopukhov, P. D., Loreche, A. M., Lorkowski, S., Lotufo, P. A., Lozano, R., Lubinda, J., Lucchetti, G., Lugo, A., Lunevicius, R., Ma, Z. F., Maass, K. L., Machairas, N., Machoy, M., Madadizadeh, F., Madsen, C., Madureira-Carvalho, Á. M., Maghazachi, A. A., Maharaj, S. B., Mahjoub, S., Mahmoud, M. A., Mahmoudi, A., Mahmoudi, E., Mahmoudi, R., Majeed, A., Makhdoom, I. F., Malakan Rad, E., Maled, V., Malekzadeh, R., Malhotra, A. K., Malhotra, K., Malik, A. A., Malik, I., Malta, D. C., Mamun, A. A., Mansouri, P., Mansournia, M. A., Mantovani, L. G., Maqsood, S., Marasini, B. P., Marateb, H. R., Maravilla, J. C., Marconi, A. M., Mardi, P., Marino, M., Marjani, A., Martinez, G., Martinez-Guerra, B. A., Martinez-Piedra, R., Martini, D., Martini, S., Martins-Melo, F. R., Martorell, M., Marx, W., Maryam, S., Marzo, R. R., Masaka, A., Masrie, A., Mathieson, S., Mathioudakis, A. G., Mathur, M. R., Mattumpuram, J., Matzopoulos, R., Maude, R. J., Maugeri, A., Maulik, P. K., Mayeli, M., Mazaheri, M., Mazidi, M., McGrath, J. J., McKee, M., McKowen, A. L. W., McLaughlin, S. A., McPhail, S. M., Mechili, E. A., Medina, J. R. C., Mediratta, R. P., Meena, J. K., Mehra, R., Mehrabani-Zeinabad, K., Mehrabi Nasab, E., Mekene Meto, T., Meles, G. G., Mendez-Lopez, M. A. M., Mendoza, W., Menezes, R. G., Mengist, B., Mentis, A.-F. A., Meo, S. A., Meresa, H. A., Meretoja, A., Meretoja, T. J., Mersha, A. M., Mesfin, B. A., Mestrovic, T., Mettananda, K. C. D., Mettananda, S., Meylakhs, P., Mhlanga, A., Mhlanga, L., Mi, T., Miazgowski, T., Micha, G., Michalek, I. M., Miller, T. R., Mills, E. J., Minh, L. H. N., Mini, G., Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, P., Mirica, A., Mirijello, A., Mirrakhimov, E. M., Mirutse, M. K., Mirzaei, M., Misganaw, A., Mishra, A., Misra, S., Mitchell, P. B., Mithra, P., Mittal, C., Mobayen, M., Moberg, M. E., Mohamadkhani, A., Mohamed, J., Mohamed, M. F. H., Mohamed, N. S., Mohammad-Alizadeh-Charandabi, S., Mohammadi, S., Mohammadian-Hafshejani, A., Mohammadifard, N., Mohammed, H., Mohammed, H., Mohammed, M., Mohammed, S., Mohammed, S., Mohan, V., Mojiri-Forushani, H., Mokari, A., Mokdad, A. H., Molinaro, S., Molokhia, M., Momtazmanesh, S., Monasta, L., Mondello, S., Moni, M. A., Moodi Ghalibaf, A., Moradi, M., Moradi, Y., Moradi-Lakeh, M., Moradzadeh, M., Moraga, P., Morawska, L., Moreira, R. S., Morovatdar, N., Morrison, S. D., Morze, J., Mosser, J. F., Motappa, R., Mougin, V., Mouodi, S., Mousavi, P., Mousavi, S. E., Mousavi Khaneghah, A., Mpolya, E. A., Mrejen, M., Mubarik, S., Muccioli, L., Mueller, U. O., Mughal, F., Mukherjee, S., Mulita, F., Munjal, K., Murillo-Zamora, E., Musaigwa, F., Musallam, K. M., Mustafa, A., Mustafa, G., Muthupandian, S., Muthusamy, R., Muzaffar, M., Myung, W., Nagarajan, A. J., Nagel, G., Naghavi, P., Naheed, A., Naik, G. R., Naik, G., Nainu, F., Nair, S., Najmuldeen, H. H. R., Nakhostin Ansari, N., Nangia, V., Naqvi, A. A.
ORCID:, Narasimha Swamy, S., Narayana, A. I., Nargus, S., Nascimento, B. R., Nascimento, G. G., Nasehi, S., Nashwan, A. J., Natto, Z. S., Nauman, J., Naveed, M., Nayak, B. P., Nayak, V. C., Nazri-Panjaki, A., Ndejjo, R., Nduaguba, S. O., Negash, H., Negoi, I., Negoi, R. I., Negru, S. M., Nejadghaderi, S. A., Nejjari, C., Nena, E., Nepal, S., Ng, M., Nggada, H. A., Nguefack-Tsague, G., Ngunjiri, J. W., Nguyen, A. H., Nguyen, D. H., Nguyen, H. T. H., Nguyen, P. T., Nguyen, V. T., Niazi, R. K., Nielsen, K. R., Nigatu, Y. T., Nikolouzakis, T. K., Nikoobar, A., Nikoomanesh, F., Nikpoor, A. R., Ningrum, D. N. A., Nnaji, C. A., Nnyanzi, L. A., Noman, E. A., Nomura, S., Noreen, M., Noroozi, N., Norrving, B., Noubiap, J. J., Novotney, A., Nri-Ezedi, C. A., Ntaios, G., Ntsekhe, M., Nuñez-Samudio, V., Nurrika, D., Nutor, J. J., Oancea, B., Obamiro, K. O., Oboh, M. A., Odetokun, I. A., Odogwu, N. M., O'Donnell, M. J., Oduro, M. S., Ofakunrin, A. O. D., Ogunkoya, A., Oguntade, A. 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Oriakhi, O. J., Almomani, H., Patel, N.
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Rizvi, M., Islam, M. A., Aftab, M. T., Naqvi, A. A.
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Ryan, K. and Denz-Penhey, H.
Qualitative research in medical practice.
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Ryan, K., Bissell, P. and Alexander, J.
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Ryan, K., Brown, S., Wilkins, C., Taylor, A., Arnold, R., Angell, C. and van Teijlingen, E.
Which hat am I wearing today? Practising midwives doing research.
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Ryan, K., Norris, P. and Becket, G.
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Ryan, K., Patel, N.
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Pharmacists in general practice: a qualitative interview case study of stakeholders’ experiences in a West London GP Federation.
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Ryan, K., Smith, L. and Alexander, J.
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Ryan, K., Team, V. and Alexander, J.
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Ryan, K., Todres, L. and Alexander, J.
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Ryan, K. M. and Grace, V. M.
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Sadler, S., Rodgers, S., Howard, R., Morris, C. J. and Avery, A. J.
Training pharmacists to deliver a complex information technology intervention (PINCER) using the principles of educational outreach and root cause analysis.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 22 (1).
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Saha, M. R., Ryan, K. and Amir, L. H.
Postpartum women’s use of medicines and breastfeeding practices: a systematic review.
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H., Thapar, R., Thavamani, A., Thoguluva Chandrasekar, V., Thomas, N., Thomas, N. K., Ticoalu, J. H. V., Tiyuri, A., Tollosa, D. N., Topor-Madry, R., Touvier, M., Tovani-Palone, M. R., Traini, E., Tran, M. T. N., Tripathy, J. P., Ukke, G. G., Ullah, I., Ullah, S., Ullah, S., Unnikrishnan, B., Vacante, M., Vaezi, M., Valadan Tahbaz, S., Valdez, P. R., Vardavas, C., Varthya, S. B., Vaziri, S., Velazquez, D. Z., Veroux, M., Villeneuve, P. J., Violante, F. S., Vladimirov, S. K., Vlassov, V., Vo, B., Vu, L. G., Wadood, A. W., Waheed, Y., Walde, M. T., Wamai, R. G., Wang, C., Wang, F., Wang, N., Wang, Y., Ward, P., Waris, A., Westerman, R., Wickramasinghe, N. D., Woldemariam, M., Woldu, B., Xiao, H., Xu, S., Xu, X., Yadav, L., Yahyazadeh Jabbari, S. H., Yang, L., Yazdanpanah, F., Yeshaw, Y., Yismaw, Y., Yonemoto, N., Younis, M. Z., Yousefi, Z., Yousefian, F., Yu, C., Yu, Y., Yunusa, I., Zahir, M., Zaki, N., Zaman, B. A., Zangiabadian, M., Zare, F., Zare, I., Zareshahrabadi, Z., Zarrintan, A., Zastrozhin, M. S., Zeineddine, M. A., Zhang, D., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z.-J., Zhou, L., Zodpey, S., Zoladl, M., Vos, T., Hay, S. I., Force, L. M. and Murray, C. J. L.
The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010–19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.
The Lancet, 400 (10352).
pp. 563-591.
ISSN 1474-547X
Tudball, J., Ryan, K., Manias, E. and Smith, L.
Travelling with multiple medicines: a source of medication error and non-adherent ‘forgetting’.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 10 (5).
ISSN 1934-8150
Tudball, J., Smith, L., Ryan, K., Williamson, M. and Manias, E.
Challenges to consumers travelling with multiple medicines.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 6 (3).
pp. 127-132.
ISSN 1759-8893
Uzuner, H., Bauer, R., Fan, T.-P., Guo, D.-a., Dias, A., El-Nezami, H., Efferth, T., Williamson, E. M., Heinrich, M., Robinson, N., Hylands, P. J., Hendry, B. M., Cheng, Y.-C. and Xu, Q.
Traditional Chinese medicine research in the post-genomic era: good practice, priorities, challenges and opportunities.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 140 (3).
pp. 458-468.
ISSN 0378-8741
Van den Berg, M. and Donyai, P.
How was patient empowerment portrayed in information leaflets describing the community pharmacy Medicines Use Review service in the UK?
Patient Education and Counseling, 80 (2).
pp. 274-276.
ISSN 0738-3991
Visiolo, F., Bordereau, V., van der Kamp, M., Clegg, M., Guo, J., Dolores del Castillo, M., Gilcrease, W., Hollywood, A.
ORCID:, Iriondo-DeHond, A., Mills, C.
ORCID:, Sciascia, S., van Zutphen, T., Visser, E. and Willett, W. C.
Educating health care professionals on the importance of proper diets. An online course on nutrition, health and sustainability.
International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 73 (8).
pp. 1091-1095.
ISSN 1465-3478
Whitfield, K., Arya, V.
ORCID:, Austin, Z., Bajis, D.
ORCID:, Bradley, C.
ORCID:, Clark, B., Exintaris, B., Galbraith, K.
ORCID:, El Hajj, M. S., Hall, K.
ORCID:, Hughes, L., Kirsa, S., Langran, C.
ORCID:, Mantzourani, E.
ORCID:, Wilby, K. J.
ORCID: and Willis, S.
Developing a global community of practice for pharmacy workforce resilience— meet GRiT.
Pharmacy, 9 (2).
ISSN 2226-4787
Wilkins, C., Ryan, K., Green, J. and Thomas, P.
Infant feeding attitudes of women in the United Kingdom during pregnancy and after birth.
Journal of Human Lactation, 28 (4).
pp. 547-555.
ISSN 0890-3344
Wilkinson, J. N. and Donyai, P.
Participation of future pharmacists in a professional development certificate scheme; the paradox of personal identity.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 17 (S1).
ISSN 0961-7671
Wilkinson, J., Cairns, C. and Donyai, P.
The professional development certificate scheme for undergraduates.
The Pharmaceutical Journal, 281.
393 .
ISSN 0031-6873
Williams, H. F., Moejes, K., Williams, J., Almeida, J. R.
ORCID:, Savania, R., Senthilkumaran, S., Patel, K. and Vaiyapuri, S.
Ashes to eye: a skilled snake handler’s experience with ophthalmic envenomation.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17 (4).
ISSN 1935-2735
Williamson, E. M., Lorenc, A., Booker, A. and Robinson, N.
The rise of Traditional Chinese Medicine and its materia medica: a comparison of frequency and safety of materials and species used in Europe and China.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 149 (2).
pp. 453-462.
ISSN 0378-8741
Worswick, L., Little, C., Ryan, K. and Carr, E.
Interprofessional learning in primary care: an exploration of the service user experience leads to a new model for co-learning.
Nurse Education Today, 35 (1).
pp. 283-287.
ISSN 0260-6917
van den Berg, M. and Donyai, P.
Uptake of a free coronary heart disease risk screening programme in community pharmacy: the Healthy Heart Assessment service.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 15 (Supplement).
ISSN 0961-7671
van den Berg, M. and Donyai, P.
What is the new medicines use review ‘patient survey’ attempting to capture in the context of existing patient
satisfaction with pharmacy questionnaires and a new conceptual framework?
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 18 (S1).
pp. 40-41.
ISSN 0961-7671
van den Berg, M. and Donyai, P.
A retrospective audit of medicines use review forms.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 18 (S1).
pp. 33-34.
ISSN 0961-7671
Book or Report Section
Donyai, P.
Information retrieval in pharmacy practice.
In: Watson, J. and Cogan, L. S. (eds.)
Pharmacy Practice.
ISBN 9780702074301
Hall, K.
ORCID: and Cossey, M.
Applied pharmacology.
In: Courtenay, M. and Griffiths, M. (eds.)
Independent and Supplementary Prescribing: An Essential Guide. Third edition.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 87-121.
ISBN 9781108928519
Howard, R. L. and Avery, A. J.
Medicines management.
In: Hurwitz, B. and Sheikh, A. (eds.)
Health care errors and patient safety.
Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 150-165.
ISBN 9781405146432
Kinloch, K.
ORCID: and Jaworska, S.
Using a comparative corpus-assisted approach to study health and illness discourses across domains: the case of postnatal depression (PND) in lay, medical and media texts.
In: Demjen, Z. (ed.)
Applying linguistics in Illness and Healthcare Contexts.
ISBN 9781350057661
Lim, R. H. M.
ORCID:, Gohil, K. and Courtenay, M.
Education and training to become a prescriber.
In: Courtenay, M. and Griffiths, M. (eds.)
Independent and Supplementary Prescribing: An Essential Guide. Third edition.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 292-307.
ISBN 9781108928519
Morrison, P. W. J. and Khutoryanskiy, V. V.
Controlled Drug Delivery via the Ocular Route.
In: Benson, H. A. E., Roberts, M. S., Williams, A. C.
ORCID: and Liang, X. (eds.)
Fundamentals of Drug Delivery.
Wiley, pp. 349-375.
ISBN 9781119769644
Reis, N. M., Alves, I., Pereira, F., Jegouic, S. and Edwards, A. D.
Point-of-need detection with smartphone.
In: Hussain, C. (ed.)
Smartphone-Based Detection Devices.
Elsevier, pp. 311-362.
ISBN 9780128236963
Team, V. and Ryan, K.
Expressed breast milk as commodity.
In: Nash, M. (ed.)
Reframing reproduction: Sociological Perspectives on the Intersection between Gender, Sexuality and Reproduction in Late Modernity.
Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences Series..
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 221-235.
ISBN 9781137267139
Williams, A.
Controlled Drug Delivery into and Through Skin.
In: Benson, H. A. E., Roberts, M. S., Williams, A. C.
ORCID: and Liang, X. (eds.)
Fundamentals of Drug Delivery.
Wiley, pp. 507-534.
ISBN 9781119769644
Williams, A.
Drug Delivery of the Future (?).
In: Benson, H. A. E., Roberts, M. S., Williams, A. C.
ORCID: and Liang, X. (eds.)
Fundamentals of Drug Delivery.
Wiley, pp. 39-51.
ISBN 9781119769644
Avery, A. A., Barber, N., Ghaleb, M., Dean Franklin, B., Armstrong, S., Crowe, S., Dhillon, S., Freyer, A., Howard, R., Pezzolesi, C., Serumaga, B., Swanwick, G. and Olanrewaju, T.,
Investigating the prevalence and causes of prescribing errors in general practice: the PRACtICe Study.
Project Report.
General Medical Council
Avery, A. J., Rodgers, S., Cantrill, J. A., Armstrong, S., Boyd, M., Cresswell, K., Eden, M., Elliott, R., Franklin, M., Hippisley-Cox, J., Howard, R., Kendrick, D., Morris, C. J., Murray, S. A., Prescott, R. J., Puttman, K., Swanwick, G., Tuersley, L., Turner, T., Vinogradova, Y. and Sheikh, A.,
PINCER trial: a cluster randomised trial comparing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a pharmacist-led IT-based intervention with simple feedback in reducing rates of clinically important errors in medicines management in general practices.
Project Report.
Patient Safety Research Portfolio, Birmingham.
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Alexander, A. and Denicolo, P.,
CPD records for revalidation: assessing fitness-to-practise using ‘revalidation standards’ and an Outcomes Framework.
Project Report.
The General Pharmaceutical Council, London.
Howard, R. L.,
A qualitative exploration of the underlying causes of preventable drug-related morbidity in primary care, resulting in hospitalisation.
Pharmacy Practice Research Trust , London.
ISBN 9780955696947
Conference or Workshop Item
Donyai, P.
ORCID: and Bateman, R.
Errors associated with preparation of adult and paediatric parenteral nutrition in UK hospital pharmacies.
In: The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 2007, September 8-11, Prague, Czech Republic.
Donyai, P.
ORCID: and Hasan, S. I.
The imminent availability of a potent weight-loss medicine in pharmacies: public perception of effectiveness.
In: The British Psychological Society Annual Conference, 2009, April 1-3, Brighton, UK.
Lau, W.-M., White, A. W., Donaldson, M. and Heard, C. M.
Hydrolysis of an Ester Co-drug by Porcine Liver Esterase and Homogenised Skin.
In: Perspectives in Percutaneous Penetration 11th International Conference, March 25-29, 2008, La Grande-Motte, France.
Lau, W.-M., White, A., Donaldson, M. and Heard, C.
Histochemical visualisation of esterase activity in ex vivo porcine ear skin.
In: Perspectives in Percutaneous Penetration 12th International Conference, April 7-10, 2010, La Grande-Motte, France.
Walker, S.
ORCID:, Hignett, S., Lim, R.
ORCID:, Parkhurst, C., Samuel, F. and Mole, M. C.
Design, architecture, pharmacy: making a difference to understanding anti-microbial resistance (AMR).
In: Design4Health2018, 4-6 September 2018, Sheffield.
(ISBN: 9781843874218)
Benson, H. A. E., Roberts, M. S. and Williams, A. C.
ORCID:, eds.
Fundamentals of Drug Delivery.
Wiley, pp576.
ISBN 9781119769675
Donyai, P.
Social and cognitive pharmacy: theory and case studies.
Pharmaceutical Press, London, pp. 1-248.
ISBN 9780853698999
Donyai, P.
ORCID: and Alomeir, O.
Determining how to complete a grounded theory meta-synthesis of research examining patient views on adjuvant hormonal therapy for breast cancer.
SAGE Research Methods.
SAGE Publishing.
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Grant, D. and Patel, N.
Successful learning in pharmacy: developing communication and study skills.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-220.
ISBN 9780199642113
Heinrich, M., Barnes, J., Gibbons, S. and Williamson, E. M.
Fundamentals of pharmacognosy and phytotherapy. 2nd edition.
Elsevier, Edinburgh, pp326.
ISBN 9780702033889
Upton, R., Graff, A., Jolliffe, G., Laenger, R. and Williamson, E., eds.
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia: botanical pharmacognosy - microscopic characterization of botanical medicines.
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia/CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp773.
ISBN 9781420073263
Williamson, E., Driver, S. and Baxter, K., eds.
Stockley’s herbal medicines interactions : a guide to the interactions of herbal medicines, dietary supplements, and nutraceuticals with conventional medicines.
Pharmaceutical Press, London, pp431.
ISBN 9780853697602
Williamson, E. M., Driver, S. and Baxter, K., eds.
Stockley's herbal medicines interactions 2nd edition.
Pharmaceutical Press, London, pp423.
ISBN 9780853697602
Abduldaeem, H. A.
Medication administration errors studied through the
mixed-methods lens.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Ghouri, F.
Behavioural Insights into Tackling
Antimicrobial Resistance and Urinary
Tract Infections during Pregnancy.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Web Resource
Dhital, R., Robert, G., Vasilikou, C.
ORCID:, Gheerawo, R. and Sin, J.,
Systematic review on the effects of the physical and social aspects of the community pharmacy environment on pharmacy patients' and staffs' engagement with pharmacy
health services.
Gerrans, J., Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Finlay, K.
ORCID: and Sherratt, R. S.
Smart packaging and returns assessment system.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 18:07:50 2025 UTC.