Items where Division is "Languages and Cultures"
Number of items at this level: 802. 2025
La Penna, D.
Lazo-Gonzalez, D.
Leoussi, A.
Mckeane, J.
Schroeter, M. 2024Belahmar Louazani, A. (2024) The women’s hammam: a lived place of feminine culture & representation in Maghrebi literature & film. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:
Bosch, J. E., Olioumtsevits, K., Santarelli, S. A.A., Faloppa, F.
Elston, C.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Gehrhardt, M.
Heywood, S.
Heywood, S.
Karcher, K. and Pilsworth, E.
La Penna, D. Petruzzi, C. A. (2024) Carmelo Bene: un recupero della memoria scritta e orale. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Simo-Comas, M.
Simó-Comas, M.
Waldeck Villas Boas, M. Waters, J. (2024) Continuity or rupture?: remapping the end of empire in Marguerite Duras’s ‘Cycle Indien’. In: Arens, S., Frith, N., Lewis, J. and Vince, R. (eds.) Colonial Continuities and Decoloniality in the French-Speaking World: From Nostalgia to Resistance. Francophone Postcolonial Studies, 14. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. ISBN 9781802078862 2023
Elston, C.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Gehrhardt, M.
González Ortiz, C.
Heywood, S.
Heywood, S. Knapp, A. (2023) Stephen E. Ambrose, patriot and historian. Revue Francaise d'Etudes Americaines (177). pp. 27-47. ISSN 0397-7870 doi: (4e trimestre)
McKeane, J.
McKeane, J.
Mckeane, J.
Mckeane, J.
Mckeane, J.
Pilsworth, E.
Pilsworth, E.
Schroeter, M. Woelfel, U. (2023) Humanism in the face of national socialism: Friedrich Wolf’s 'Professor Mamlock' (1933). In: Dirscherl, M., Larcati, A. and Robertson, R. (eds.) The Heritage of Humanism and Enlightenment in Exile Literature. Schriftenreihe des Stefan Zweig Zentrum Salzburg. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, pp. 69-84. ISBN 9783826083969 2022
Elston, C.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Gonzalez Ortiz, C.
Heywood, S. Knapp, A. (2022) France's party system in 2022. Modern and Contemporary France, 30 (4). pp. 495-515. ISSN 1469-9869 doi: Knapp, A. (2022) La dernière ville normande libérée. Le Havre, dernière étape de la Bataille de Normandie. In: Le Cieux, L. (ed.) Le Havre 44: Nouveaux Regards. Editions Octopus, Paris, pp. 12-29. ISBN 9782900314371
La Penna, D.
McAllister, C.
Pilsworth, E. Rolland, N. (2022) 'Bigflo & Oli', 'Gims', 'La Fouine', 'Soprano'. In: Abecassis, M., Block, M. and Chaplin, F. (eds.) An Anthology of French and Francophone Singers from A to Z. Cambridge Scholars. ISBN 9781527581227 Rolland, N. (2022) 'Music and Gender Roles in Hector Berlioz’s Euphonia and George Sand’s Le Dernier Amour'. In: Durkin, R. (ed.) Routledge Companion to Music and Modern Literature. Routledge Music Companions. Routledge. ISBN 9780367237240
Schroeter, M.
Schröter, M.
Simo-Comas, M.
Simo-Comas, M. Tucker, G. H. (2022) Les Hymni sacri (Orationes XXIII. etc., Venise, Alde, 1575) de l’exil italien de Marc-Antoine Muret, poète-compositeur. In: Luce, A. and Mickaël, R. (eds.) Polémique en chanson: IVe-XVIe siècle. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, pp. 179-200. ISBN 9782753583573 2021Biasin, M. (2021) Dante nell’enciclica In Praeclara Summorum di papa Benedetto XV. The Italianist. ISSN 1748-619X doi:
Bogdani, M. P., Faloppa, F. Bolchi, E. (2021) Filling the void: Virginia Woolf and the feminism of difference in Italy. The Italianist, 41 (1). pp. 97-115. ISSN 1748-619X doi: Bolchi, E. (2021) Solid and living: the Italian Woolf renaissance. In: Dubino, J., Pająk, P., Hollis, C. W., Celiese, L. and Neverow, V. (eds.) The Edinburgh companion to Virginia Woolf and contemporary global literature. Edinburgh companions to literature and the humanities. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 183-198. ISBN 9781474448475 Buffo, J. (2021) Percezione degli ebrei e conoscenza della cultura ebraica in Dante e nell’Italia medievale. MPhil thesis, University of Reading. doi:
Defilippi, C. and Faloppa, F.
Elston, C.
Faloppa, F. Gadsden, C. (2021) Chwedleu Seith Doethon Rufein: A Single Manuscript Edition of the Middle Welsh Text of The Seven Sages of Rome, from Oxford, Jesus College Manuscript 20, Including Translation and Notes. MPhil thesis, University of Reading. doi: Jackson, E. V. (2021) The use of objects in the construction, expression and negotiation of identities: a case study of Maya dolls from Mexico and Guatemala. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: Knapp, A. (2021) L'urbicide comme dormages collatéraux: les bombardements alliés sur la France, 1940-1945. In: Chassaigne, P., Lastécouères, C. and Lemao, C. (eds.) Urbicides. Destructions et renaissances urbaines du XVIe siécle à nos jours. Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de l'Aquitaine, Pessac. ISBN 9872858926060
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D.
Lazo-González, D.
Lazo-González, D.
Lazo-González, D.
McAllister, C.
Mckeane, J.
Mckeane, J.
Mckeane, J.
Mckeane, J.
Pappert, S., Schlicht, C., Schroeter, M.
Pilsworth, E.
Pilsworth, E. Rolland, N. (2021) 'Charles Baudelaire en musique : analyse numérique des mélodies de Gabriel Fauré'. Comparatismes en Sorbonne, 12. ISSN 1962-8927 Rolland, N. (2021) '"Dans la rue et le bitume ne poussent que les fleurs du mal": jouer et déjouer Charles Baudelaire et sa poésie dans le rap français'. Itinéraires, 3. ISSN 2427-920X doi: Rolland, N. (2021) 'When the poet becomes the muse: Baudelaire and female composers'. Journal of Romance Studies, 21 (3). pp. 351-374. ISSN 1752-2331 doi:
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Schröter, M.
Simo, M. Simonetti, F. (2021) Encounters in wartime Italy: British soldiers and Italian civilians, 1943-1944. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: Tucker, G. H. (2021) ‘Compositions latines’ & ‘Invocation à Venus’. In: Cavallaro, A., Frémy, Y. and Vaillant, A. (eds.) Dictionnaire Rimbaud. Dictionnaires et synthèses, 394 (19). Classiques Garnier, Paris, pp. 167-171. Tucker, G. H. (2021) Henri II Estienne’s manuscript annotations (circa1570 ?) of Joachim Du Bellay’s French vernacular poetry. In: Champetier de Ribes, M., Dembruk, S., Fliege, D. and Oberliessen, V. (eds.) "Une honnête curiosité de s’enquérir de toutes choses". Mélanges en l’honneur d’Olivier Millet, de la part de ses élèves, collègues et amis. Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance (618). Droz, Geneva, pp. 119-133. (dir. Frank Lestringant) Tucker, G. H. (2021) Translation or imitation? Italianism and Italianisms in Joachim Du Bellay’s vernacular poetry. In: Gorris Camos, R. and Speziari, D. (eds.) 'Le Cygne': Du Bellay et l'Italie. Sidera (4). collana del Gruppo di Studio sul Cinquecento francese, 25pp. ISBN 9878894189070 Waters, J. (2021) Lieu de mémoire, lieu d’oubli, lieu de réparation?: the colonial house in contemporary Mauritian art and literature. Francosphères, 10 (1). pp. 43-62. ISSN 2046-3839 doi: Wӧlfel, U. (2021) The 'lost child' as figure of trauma and recovery in early post-war cinema: Fred Zinnemann's The Search (1948) and Natan Gross's Unzere Kinder (1948). Studies in European Cinema, 18 (2). pp. 159-175. ISSN 2040-0594 doi: 2020Bolchi, E. (2020) Incontri artistici in spazi estremi. Solar di Ian McEwan e il progretto Cape Farewell. In: Brazzelli, N. (ed.) Estremi confini. Spazi e narrazioni nella letteratura di lingua inglese. Di/Segni. Ledizioni, Milan, pp. 177-188. ISBN 9788855262187
Elston, C.
Elston, C.
Faloppa, F.
Gonzalez Ortiz, C.
Heywood, S.
Heywood, S.
Heywood, S.
Heywood, S. Knapp, A. F. (2020) Charles de Gaulle. Routledge Historical Biographies. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138839182
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D.
Lazo-González, D. Leavitt IV, C. L. (2020) Bitter Rice (Giuseppe De Santis, 1949). In: Luzzi, J. (ed.) The total art: Italian cinema from silent screen to digital image. Bloomsbury Continuum. ISBN 9781441174932
Leoussi, A.
Leoussi, A.
Leoussi, A. S.
Leoussi, A. S.
Mackenzie, J. L., Coffey-Glover, L., Payne, S.
Mcallister, C.
Mckeane, J.
Paulus, D. and Pilsworth, E.
Pilsworth, E. Purse, L. and Wölfel, U., eds. (2020) Mediating War and Identity: Figures of Transgression in 20th- and 21st-century War Representation. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 1-13. ISBN 9781474446266 Robert, P. (2020) The Heath-Pompidou Paris 20-21 May 1971 summit: Franco-British European honeymoon or marriage of convenience? An actor-centred study of the reasons for and success of the Heath-Pompidou meetings and of the impact of ‘personal diplomacy’ in the development of Franco-British and European summitry under their leadership. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:
Ross, C. A.
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M. Tucker, G. H. (2020) “Lyre chrestienne” et “lyre prophane” chez Joachim Du Bellay. In: Heid, C., Deramaix, M. and Pedeflous, O. (eds.) Le Profane et le sacré dans l’Europe Latine (ve-xvie siècles). Colloques, Congrès et Conférences sur la Renaissance Européenne (105). Classiques Garnier, Paris, France, pp. 393-408. Tucker, G. H. (2020) “L’Vmbre de Salel”: l’épithète homérique et ses enjeux chez Hugues Salel (1545 ; 1554), Jacques Peletier du Mans (1547) et Joachim Du Bellay (1549-1559), traducteurs et imitateurs d’Homère. In: Pouey-Mounou, A.-P. and d’Amico, S. (eds.) Le Poète au mille tours. La traduction des épithètes homériques à la Renaissance. Cahiers d'Humanisme et Renaissance (167). Droz, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 333-359. ISBN 9782600060387 Tucker, G. H. (2020) L’appendice poétique profane et sacré des Orationes XXIII (Venise, Alde, 1575) de Muret Romain: un recueil de vers latins pour Guillaume de Gonzague. In: Bernard-Prédelle, L., de Buzon, C., Girot, J. E. and Mouren, R. (eds.) Marc Antoine Muret, un humaniste français en Italie. Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance (610). Droz, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 191-245. Tucker, G. H. (2020) Poétiques et esthétiques de l’humilité et de l’élégance chez Michel de l’Hospital et Joachim Du Bellay, imitateur d’Horace et de Tibulle. In: Galand-Willemen, P. and Petris, L. (eds.) Michel de l’Hospital, poète et orateur. Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance. Droz, Geneva, pp. 117-136. ISBN 9782600060479 Waters, J. (2020) La Case créole. In: Achille, E., Forsdick, C. and Moudileno, L. (eds.) Postcolonial Realms of Memory. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. ISBN 9781789620665 Wölfel, U. (2020) The end of transgression: Fritz Bauer as traitor on the German screen. In: Purse, L. and Wölfel, U. (eds.) Mediating War and Identity: Figures of Transgression in 20th- and 21st-Centuries War Representation. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 75-96. ISBN 9781474446266 2019Bolchi, E. (2019) No way back: war trauma in Richard Aldington and Virginia Woolf. In: Riede, A. (ed.) Transatlantic Shell Shock. British and American Literatures of World War I Trauma. University of North Georgia Press, Dahlonega, pp. 208-231. ISBN 9781940771656 Bolchi, E., Child, P., ed. (2019) Richard Aldington. Death of a Hero. The Literary Enciclopedia (Volume English Writing and Culture of the early Twentieth Century , 1900-1945.) Bolchi, E. (2019) A good European. Richard Aldington and Italy. In: Tortora, M. and Volpone, A. (eds.) Borders of Modernism. European Modernism (5). Morlacchi Editore, Perugia, pp. 237-258. ISBN 9788893921060
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F. Footitt, H. (2019) Archives and sources. In: Kelly, M., Footitt, H. and Salama-Carr, M. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Languages and Conflict. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 137-155. ISBN 9783030048259 Footitt, H. (2019) The British in the Second World War: translation, language policies, and language practices. In: Kelly, M., Footitt, H. and Salama-Carr, M. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Languages and Conflict. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 373-394. ISBN 9783030048259 Kelly, M., Footitt, H. and Myriam, S.-C. (2019) Introduction: the shock of war. In: Kelly, M., Footitt, H. and Salama-Carr, M. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Languages and Conflict. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-25. Kelly, M., Footitt, H. and Salama-Carr, M. (2019) Looking ahead: conclusions and reflections. In: Kelly, M., Footitt, H. and Salama-Carr, M. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Languages and Conflict. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 499-517. ISBN 9783030048259 Kelly, M., Footitt, H. and Salama-Carr, M., eds. (2019) The Palgrave handbook of languages and conflict. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030048259 Kujamäki, P. and Footitt, H. (2019) Military history and translation studies: shifting territories, uneasy borders. In: Kelly, M., Footitt, H. and Salama-Carr, M. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Languages and Conflict. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 113-136.
Lazo-González, D. Leavitt, C. (2019) The forbidden city: Tombolo between American occupation and Italian imagination. In: Bonsaver, G., Carlucci, A. and Reza, M. (eds.) Cultural Change Through Language and Narrative: Italy and the USA. Legenda, London, UK. ISBN 9781781888766 Leglu, C. (2019) The kings of Egypt in Paolino Veneto’s universal chronicles. In: Roberta, M. and Marcello, C. (eds.) Paolino Veneto: Storico, narratore e geografo. Venetia/Venezia: quaderni adriatici, 6 (6). l'Erma di Bretschneider, Venice. Leglu, C. (2019) Illicit speech, unsayable bodies, and eighteenth-century medievalism: "Nocrion: conte allobroge". Forum for Modern Language Studies, 55 (2). pp. 171-186. ISSN 1471-6860 doi:
Mckeane, J.
Mckeane, J. Pirro, A. (2019) Il “mito di Napoli” nell’epistolario di Michele Prisco (1939-1962). PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: Pozzolo, M. (2019) Luigi Meneghello e Carlo Dionisotti: una biografia intellettuale di due espatriati in Inghilterra. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Simo-Comas, M.
Simo-Comas, M. Tardelli, C. (2019) Prolegomena to the new edition of Francesco da Buti’s commentary on Dante’s Commedia. Purgatorio. Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (14). pp. 95-116. ISSN 1573-3084 (Unpublished) Tesseur, W. (2019) Communication is aid - but only if delivered in the right language: an interview with translators without borders on its work in danger zones. Journal of War & Culture Studies, 12 (3). pp. 285-294. ISSN 1752-6272 doi: Tesseur, W. and Footitt, H. (2019) Professionalisms at war? Interpreting in conflict and post-conflict situations. Journal of War & Culture Studies, 12 (3). pp. 268-284. ISSN 1752-6272 doi: Tucker, G. H. (2019) Espaces de l’exil, espace de l’écriture: présence, absence et desiderium dans deux élégies vénitiennes (de 1554 ?) de Marc-Antoine Muret expatrié. In: Ferrer, V., Millet, O. and Tarrête, A. (eds.) La Renaissance au Grand Large: Mélanges en l’honneur de Frank Lestringant. Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance. Droz, Geneva, pp. 719-729. ISBN 9782600058322 Tucker, G. H. (2019) The Villa d'Este at Tivoli and its gardens in Marc-Antoine Muret's Tivoli cycle of poems and Uberto Foglietta's Tyburtinum. In: Loffredo, F. and Vagenheim, G. (eds.) Pirro Ligorio’s Worlds: Antiquarianism, Classical Erudition and the Visual Arts in the Late Renaissance. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 293/34. Brill, Leiden and Boston, pp. 218-251. ISBN 9789004385634 doi: Waters, J. (2019) La vraie "géographie fausse" du Cycle Indien. In: Ammour-Mayeur, O., Chalonge, de, F., Mervel, Y. and Rodgers, C. (eds.) Marguerite Duras: passages, croisements, rencontres. Editions Garnier, Paris. Waters, J. (2019) C'est l'endroit qui nous a faits ainsi: place, gender and belonging in Nathacha Appanah's 'Blue Bay Palace' and Ananda Devi's 'Eve de ses décombres'. In: McIllvanney, S. and Ni Cheallaigh, G. (eds.) Women in the City: French Literature and Culture. French and Francophone Studies. University of Wales Press, Cardiff. ISBN 9781786834324 2018
Baumgarten, S. and Schroeter, M.
Brincker, B. and Leoussi, A. S. Calista, V. (2018) La salmodia di David Maria Turoldo: un approccio interdisciplinare. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: Camozzi Pistoja, A. and Tardelli Terry, C., eds. (2018) Vita di Alessandro Magno con figure secondo il manoscritto Cracovia, Biblioteca Jagellonica, Ital. Quart. 33 (olim Firenze, Bibl. Ricc. 1222). Brepols, pp328. ISBN 9782503576138 Delgado Luchner, C. and Kherbiche, L. (2018) Without fear or favour? The positionality of ICRC and UNHCR interpreters in the humanitarian field. Target International Journal of Translation Studies, 30 (3). pp. 408-429. ISSN 1569-9986 doi: Galli, T. and Tucker, G. H. (2018) I Capilupi letterati. La produzione in latino. Centoni virgiliani. In: Ferrari, D. (ed.) La Famiglia Capilupi di Mantova. Vicende Storiche di un Nobile Casato. Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana di Scienze Lettere e Arti. Publi Paolini Editore, Mantua, pp. 169-198. ISBN 9788885614116
Gehrhardt, M.
Gehrhardt, M.
Gehrhardt, M.
Gonzalez Ortiz, C. Hennessey, B., Hooper, L. E. and Leavitt IV, C. L. (2018) Realisms and idealisms in Italian culture, 1300-2017. The Italianist, 37 (3). pp. 281-288. ISSN 0261-4340 doi: Hennessey, B., Hooper, L. E. and Leavitt IV, C. L., eds. (2018) Realisms and idealisms in Italian culture, 1300-2017. The Italianist (special issue), 37 (3). Taylor & Francis. doi:
Heuser, B. and Leoussi, A.
Heywood, S.
Heywood, S.
Heywood, S.
Heywood, S.
Heywood, S.
Jaworska, S.
Jaworska, S. Knapp, A. (2018) Structure versus accident in the defeat of France’s mainstream Right, April–June 2017. Parliamentary Affairs, 71 (3). pp. 558-577. ISSN 1460-2482 doi:
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D. Leavitt, C. (2018) Repressed memory and traumatic history in Alberto Moravia’s 'The Woman of Rome'. In: Sambuco, P. (ed.) Transmissions of Memory: Echoes, Traumas and Nostalgia in Post-World War II Italian Culture. Rowman and LittleField, New Jersey, USA, pp. 39-54. ISBN 9781683931430 Leavitt, C. (2018) Notes on the end of 'Rome Open City'. Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies, 6 (3). pp. 359-372. ISSN 20477368 doi: Leavitt, C. (2018) Probing the limits of Crocean historicism. The Italianist, 37 (3). pp. 387-406. ISSN 1748-619X doi: Leglu, C. (2018) ‘Conpains, vois tu ce que je voi?’: gendered encounters in the Three Living and Three Dead. Reading Medieval Studies, XLIV. pp. 1-20. ISSN 0950-3129 (ISBN 9780704915824)
Leoussi, A.
Leoussi, A.
Leoussi, A. Léglu, C. (2018) Samson and Delilah in medieval insular French: translation and adaptation. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Pivot, Switzerland. ISBN 9783319906379 doi: Martin, A. (2018) Bloomsbury in Berlin: Vita Sackville-West’s 'Seducers in Ecuador' on the German literary marketplace. Modernist Cultures, 13 (1). pp. 77-95. ISSN 2041-1022 doi: Martin, A. and Jaillant, L., eds. (2018) Introduction: special issue "Global Modernism". Edinburgh University Press. doi:
Mckeane, J.
Mckeane, J.
Payne, S.
Pilsworth, E. Romo Simon, F. (2018) El significado de las preposiciones españolas a través de la gramática cognitiva: el caso de "a". Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 31 (1). pp. 257-281. ISSN 0213-2028 doi: Romo Simon, F. (2018) Un análisis cognitivista de las perífrasis modales de obligación: la alternancia entre «deber + infinitivo» y «tener que + infinitivo». Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 73. pp. 217-242. ISSN 1576-4737 doi:
Ross, C. A.
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M.
Simo-Comas, M.
Simo-Comas, M.
Simo-Comas, M. Tardelli Terry, C. (2018) Dante’s 'la bella figlia' as Circe: a Boethian echo in Buti’s unpublished gloss on 'Paradiso' XXVII, 137. Italian Studies, 73 (1). pp. 22-34. ISSN 1748-6181 doi: Tardelli, C. (2018) L'aspetto linguistico del codice jagellonico. In: Vita di Alessandro Magno con figure secondo il manoscritto Cracovia, Biblioteca Jagellonica, Ital. Quart. 33 (olim Firenze, Bibl. Ricc. 1222). Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 91-105. ISBN 9782503576138 Tardelli, C. (2018) Prolegomena to Francesco da Buti's commentary on Dante's Commedia. Paradiso (1396 version). Le Tre Corone, 5. pp. 137-166. ISSN 2421-0277 doi: Tesseur, W. (2018) Researching translation and interpreting in non-governmental organisations. Translation and Interpreting in Non-Governmental Organisations, 7 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2211-372X doi: Tomlinson, M. K. (2018) The female fertility cycle in cross-cultural perspective: representations of menstruation, childbirth, and the menopause in contemporary women’s writing in French. PhD thesis, University of Reading. Tucker, G. H. (2018) Horatian pyrotechnics in the Latin verse-cento. Rapid response to the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot, 5 November 1605. In: Schirg, B. and Gwynne, P. (eds.) The Economics of Poetry: Efficient Techniques of Producing Neo-Latin Verse, 1400-1720. Court Cultures of the Middle Ages, 6. Peter Lang, Bern & New York, pp. 277-320. Tucker, G. H. (2018) La description de la Villa d’Este à Tivoli chez M.-A. Muret (Poematia, 1575), dans la mouvance des Silves de Stace et de Politien. In: Galand, P. and Lerous, V. (eds.) La Reception de Politien en France au XVIe siècle, dir. Perrine Galand. Camenae. Tucker, G. H. (2018) Virgil reborn, reconfigured, reinvented in the Early Modern Verse-Cento. In: Houghton, L.B.T. and Sgarbi, M. (eds.) Virgil and Renaissance Culture. Brepols, pp. 181-201. ISBN 9782503581903 (Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (ASMAR 42)) Waters, J. (2018) Belonging nowhere: Shenaz Patel’s Le Silence des Chagos. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 110-138. ISBN 9781786941497 doi: Waters, J. (2018) Belonging to the island: Nathacha Appanah’s Blue Bay Palace and Ananda Devi’s Ève de ses décombres. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 77-108. ISBN 9781786941497 doi: Waters, J. (2018) Belonging to the moment: Carl de Souza's Les Jours Kaya. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 51-76. ISBN 9781786941497 doi: Waters, J. (2018) Everyday Belonging : Bertrand de Robillard’s L’Homme qui penche and Une interminable distraction au monde. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 139-167. ISBN 9781786941497 doi: Waters, J. (2018) Introduction. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 1-49. ISBN 9781786941497 doi: Waters, J. (2018) ‘Les années de braise’ reconsidered: literary representations of Mauritian independence, fifty years on. South Asian Diaspora, 10 (2). pp. 75-90. ISSN 1943-8192 doi: Waters, J. (2018) The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp224. ISBN 9781786941497 doi: Waters, J. (2018) Nomadic belonging: Amal Sewtohul’s Histoire d’Ashok et d’autres personnages de moindre importance and Made in Mauritius. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 168-199. ISBN 9781786941497 doi: Waters, J. (2018) Over the rainbow. In: The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, 56. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 202-218. ISBN 9781786941497 doi: Wolfel, U. (2018) Kinder Europas: kinderfiguren im nachkriegsfilm. In: Weil, F., Postert, A. and Kenkmann, A. (eds.) Kindheiten im Zweiten Weltkrieg. mitteldeutscher verlag, Halle (Saale), Germany, pp. 549-565. ISBN 9783954629763 ( 2017
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Jaworska, S. Knapp, A. (2013) Surviving without leading: Jacques Chirac. In: Bell, D. S. and Gaffney, J. (eds.) The Presidents of the French Fifth Republic. French politics society and culture . Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 159-180. ISBN 9780230285224 Knapp, A. (2013) The allied bombing offensive in the British media, 1942-45. In: Knapp, A. and Footitt, H. (eds.) Liberal democracies at war: conflict and representation. Bloomsbury, London, pp264. ISBN 9781441156051 Knapp, A. (2013) A paradoxical presidency: Nicolas Sarkozy, 2007-2012. Parliamentary Affairs, 66 (1). pp. 33-51. ISSN 1460-2482 doi: Knapp, A. and Footitt, H. (2013) Liberal democracies at war: conflict and representation. Bloomsbury, London, pp264. ISBN 9781441156051
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Jaworska, S. Knapp, A. (2012) La Francia sotto le bombe degli Alleati 1940-1945. In: Labanca, N. (ed.) I Bombardimenti Aerei Sull’Italia. Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 37-56. ISBN 9788815238160 Knapp, A. (2012) The President above parties: a founding illusion of the Fifth Republic. E-France (3). pp. 55-74. ISSN 1756-0535
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La Penna, D. Leavitt, C. (2012) Una seconda fase del realismo del dopoguerra: the innovative realism of Elsa Morante’s 'L’isola di Arturo'. The Italianist, 32 (1). pp. 32-52. ISSN 1748-619X doi: Leavitt, C. L. (2012) Weltliteratur as Anti-Fascism : philology and politics in Luigi Foscolo Benedetto's 'Letteratura mondiale'. Modern Language Notes, 127 (5). 1171-1205 . ISSN 0026-7910 doi: Leglu, C. (2012) Translating Lucretia: word, image and 'ethical non-indifference' in Simon de Hesdin's translation of Valerius Maximus's 'Facta et dicta memorabilia'. In: Campbell, E. and Mills, R. (eds.) Rethinking Medieval Translation. Ethics, Politics, Theory. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, Suffolk, pp. 61-83. ISBN 9781843843290 Martin, A. and Pickford, S., eds. (2012) Travel narratives in translation, 1750-1830 : nationalism, ideology, gender. Routledge Research in Travel Writing. Routledge, New York, pp232. ISBN 9780415539944 Martin, A. E. (2012) The picturesque abroad : William Gilpin’s travel writing in German translation. In: Bachleitner, N. and Hall, M. G. (eds.) Die Bienen fremder Literaturen: Der literarische Transfer zwischen Großbritannien, Frankreich und dem deutschsprachigen Raum im Zeitalter der Weltliteratur (1770-1850). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, pp. 125-139. ISBN 9783447067881 Martin, A. E. (2012) Natural effusions: Mrs J. Howorth’s English translation of Albrecht von Haller’s Die Alpen. Translation Studies, 5 (1). pp. 17-32. ISSN 1751-2921 doi:
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Nancy, J.-L. and Mckeane, J. Paraschas, S. (2012) 'La contrefaçon spirituelle': Balzac and the Unauthorized Stage Adaptations of Novels. In: Archer, N. and Weisl-Shaw, A. (eds.) Adaptation. Studies in French and Francophone Culture. Modern French Identities (99). Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 67-78. ISBN 9783034302227 Poole, S. (2012) “Ce n’est pas elle qu’on voit”: the photograph in the work of Annie Saumont. New Zealand Journal of French Studies, 33 (1). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0110-7380 Poole, S. E. (2012) ‘Souvenirs, souvenirs': the role of memory in the work of Annie Saumont. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 48 (1). pp. 46-58. ISSN 1471-6860 doi: Wagstaff, C. (2012) Il conformista. BFI Film Classics . BFI/Palgrave, Basingstoke, UK, pp96. ISBN 9781844573691 2011Baldoli, C., Overy, R. and Knapp, A., eds. (2011) Bombing, states and peoples in Western Europe, 1940-45. Continuum, London, pp376. ISBN 9781441185686 Bryden, M. (2011) Femmes. In: Hubert, M.-C. (ed.) Dictionnaire Beckett. Honore Champion, Paris, pp. 434-437. ISBN 9782745321442 Bryden, M. (2011) Musique. In: Hubert, M.-C. (ed.) Dictionnaire Beckett. Honore Champion, Paris, pp. 700-702. ISBN 9782745321442 Bryden, M. (2011) Quadrat. Tanz der Gender. In: Hartel, G. and Glasmeier, M. (eds.) The Eye of Prey. Essays zu Samuel Becketts Film und Fernseharbeiten. Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin, pp. 52-75. ISBN 9783518124604 Clarke, D. and Wolfel, U., eds. (2011) Remembering the German Democratic Republic: divided memory in a united Germany. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp308. ISBN 9780230275508 Duggan, C. (2011) Francesco Crispi's relationship with Britain: from admiration to disillusionment. Modern Italy, 16 (4). pp. 427-436. ISSN 1469-9877 doi: (special issue 'From Llberalism to fascism: a special issue in memory of CSW') Duggan, C. (2011) Il culto dell’Uno dal Risorgimento al fascismo. In: Soldani, S. (ed.) L’Italia alla prova dell’Unità. Franco Angeli, Milan, pp. 41-64. Duggan, C. (2011) Il culto dell’Uno dal Risorgimento al fascismo. Passato e presente, 83. pp. 76-97. ISSN 1120-0650 Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2011) Diviser, choisir et condenser: rubriques et illustrations du règne d'Uter et Pandragon dans le Merlin de Robert de Boron. In: Croizy-Naquet, C., Harf-Lancner, L. and Szkilnik, M. (eds.) Faire court : l'esthétique de la brièveté dans la littérature du Moyen Age. Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, pp. 301-322. ISBN 9782878545494
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Mckeane, J. Roe, I. F. (2010) Ferdinand Raimund. Wehrhahn Verlag, Hanover, Germany. ISBN 9783865251749 Roe, I. F. (2010) Strategies of comedy in Raimund's Der Alpenkönig und der Menschenfeind: tradition and innovation. Modern Language Review, 105 (3). pp. 761-776. ISSN 0026-7937 Sampson, L. (2010) The dramatic text/paratext: Barbara Torelli’s 'Partenia, favola boschereccia' (MS, c. 1587). In: Bossier, P. and Scheffer , R. (eds.) Soglie testuali. Funzioni del paratesto nel secondo Cinquecento e oltre. Atti della Giornata di studi (Università di Groningen, 13 Dicembre 2007) [Textual thresholds. Functions of paratexts in the late sixteenth century and beyond]. Cinquecento. Testi e studi di letteratura Italiana. Vecchiarelli, Manziana, Italy, pp. 103-137. ISBN 9788882472887
Schroeter, M. Tardelli, C. (2010) Per una nuova edizione del commento di Francesco da Buti all’Inferno: note sulla lezione del MS Napoletano XIII C 1 e su alcune interpretazioni di passi danteschi nella tradizione manoscritta. The Italianist, 30 (1). pp. 18-37. ISSN 1748-619X doi: Tobia, S. (2010) Crime and judgement: interpreters/translators in British war crimes trials, 1945-1949. The Translator, 16 (2). pp. 275-293. ISSN 1757-0409 Tobia, S. (2010) Questioning the Nazis: language and effectiveness in British war crime investigations and trials in Germany, 1945-1948. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 3 (1). pp. 123-136. ISSN 1752-6280 doi: Tucker, G. H. (2010) De Ferrare à Raguse: chemins et espaces de l’exil, chemins et espaces de l’identité religieuse (juive et chrétienne). In: Balsamo, J. and Lastraioli, C. (eds.) Chemins de l’exil, havres de paix. Migrations d’hommes et d’idées au XVIe siècle. Honoré Champion, Paris, France. ISBN 9782745320230 Tucker, G. H. (2010) Justus Lipsius and the 'Cento' Form. In: De Bom, E., Janssens, M., Papy, J. and Van Houdt, T. (eds.) (Un)masking the Realities of Power: Justus Lipsius and the Dynamics of Political Writing in Early Modern Europe. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History (193). Brill, Leiden/Boston, pp. 163-192. ISBN 9789004191280 Waters, J. (2010) Packaging the Francophone "African" novel: a new exoticism? In: Daramola, A. and Makokha , J.K.S. (eds.) Tales, Tellers and Talesmanship: Aspects of Literary Stylistics and Narratology in Contemporary African Literature. VDM Verlag, Berlin, pp. 25-35. Waters, J. (2010) Un monde d’objets et de gestes : la représentation du corps féminin dans La Jalousie d’Alain Robbe-Grillet. Roman 20-50: revue d'étude du roman du XXe siècle, 6. pp. 151-163. ISSN 0295-5024 2009Bryden, M. (2009) Beckett's Proust/Deleuze's Proust. Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, pp272. ISBN 9780230239470 Bryden, M. (2009) The embarrassment of meeting: Burroughs, Beckett, Proust (and Deleuze). In: Bryden, M. and Topping, M. (eds.) Beckett's Proust/Deleuze's Proust. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 13-25. ISBN 9780230201415 Everson, J. E., Gianfrancesco, L. M. R., Reidy, D. V., Sampson, L. and Testa, S., (2009) The Italian Academies, 1525-1700: a themed collection database, London, British Library. British Library, Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2009) Construction impossible et défense improbable : la tour du roi Vertigier dans l'Historia Brittonum de Nennius, l'Historia Regum Britanniae de Geoffroy de Monmouth, le Brut de Wace et le Merlin de Robert de Boron. In: Imaginer la construction au Moyen Age. Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne, pp. 93-112. Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2009) Le livre de messire Lancelot du Lac" : présentation matérielle et composition des manuscrits arthuriens de Jacques d'Armagnac (BNF fr. 117-120 et 113-116). In: Actes du 22e congrès de la Société Internationale Arthurienne, Rennes, 15-20 juillet 2008. International Arthurian Society, pp. 1-38.
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Schroeter, M. Tobia, S. (2009) Advertising America: the United States information service in Italy (1945-1956). Il Filarete. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, 255. LED Edizioni, Milan, pp324. ISBN 9788879164009 Tobia, S. (2009) La verità e il benessere: l'Usis in Italia tra 1945 e 1956. I sentieri della ricerca. Rivista di storia contemporanea., 9-10. pp. 133-170. Tobia, S. (2009) Questioning the enemy: interpreters/interrogators in British war-crimes investigations and trials, 1945-1946. In: Mediation and Conflict: Translation and Culture in a Global Context Logo of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies 3rd Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS) , 8-10 July 2009, Monash University, Melbourne. (Unpublished) Tucker, G. H. (2009) A Roman dialogue with Virgil and Homer: Capilupi, the 'Cento' and Rome. In: Caruso, C. and Laird , A. (eds.) Italy and the Classical Tradition: Language, Thought and Poetry 1300-1600. Duckworth, London, pp. 204-238. ISBN 9780715637371 Tucker, G. H. (2009) The language of grief and the poetics of conjugal mourning, from Euripides ('Alcestis', transl. Buchanan) to Joachim Du Bellay ('Tumuli' [Poematum libri quatuor], 1558). In: Maes, Y., Papy, J. and Verbaal, W. (eds.) Latinitas Perennis Volume II: Appropriation and Latin Literature. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History (178 ). Brill, Leiden/Boston, 65-94 . ISBN 9789004176836 Tucker, G. H. (2009) Érotisme, parodie, et l’art du centon dans le 'Gallus' (1543 ; 'Centones ex Virgilio', 1555) de Lelio Capilupi. In: Sacré, D. and Papy, J. (eds.) Syntagmatia : Essays on Neo-Latin Literature in Honour of Monique Mund-Dopchie & Gilbert Tournoy. Humanistica Lovaniensia Supplementa (26). Leuven UP, Leuven, pp. 329-343. ISBN 9789058677501 Tucker, G. H. (2009) The witty art of the Neo-Latin 'Cento': the textual "Patchworks” of Lelio Capilupi of Mantua(1497-1560). In: Alyn-Stacey , S. (ed.) Court and Humour in the French Renaissance: Essays in Honour of Professor Pauline Smith. Peter Lang, Oxford/Bern/Berlin/Bruxelles/Frankfurt am Main/New York/Wien, pp. 147-164. ISBN 9783039105595 Vinall, S. (2009) The early reception of Francis Jammes in Italy. Modern Language Review, 104 (3). pp. 712-729. ISSN 0026-7937 Wolfel, U. (2009) Paradise regained: topographies of the self in the prose fiction of Angela Krauß. In: Clarke, D. and Rechtien, R. (eds.) The politics of place in post-war Germany: essays in literary criticism. Mellen Press, Lampeter, pp. 149-170. ISBN 9780773447363 2008Bryden, M. (2008) Graley Herren, Samuel Beckett’s plays on film and television. In: Constantinidis, S. (ed.) Text and presentation. McFarland, Jefferson, NC, pp. 211-213. ISBN 9780786443666 Bryden, M. (2008) "The Snowball Act": Beckett's literary pathfinding. Rose des vents/Suiseisha, 22. pp. 68-80. Bryden, M. (2008) Beckett, Böll, and clowns. Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui, 19. pp. 157-171. ISSN 0927-3131 Bryden, M. (2008) The mid-century Godot: Beckett and Saroyan. In: Ben-Zvi, L. and Moorjani, A. (eds.) Beckett at 100: revolving it all. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 259-270. ISBN 9780195325485 Dodd, L. A. and Knapp, A. (2008) How many Frenchmen did you kill? British bombing policy towards France (1940-1945). French History, 22 (4). pp. 469-492. ISSN 1477-4542 doi: Duggan, C. (2008) From Namier to narrative: reflections on fifty years of British historiography. In: Cools, H., Espados Burgos, M., Gras, M., Matheus, M. and Miglio, M. (eds.) La storiografia tra passato e futuro. Il X Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Storiche (Roma 1955) cinquant'anni dopo. Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma 21-24 settembre 2005. Union Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia Storia e Storia dell'Arte in Roma, Roma, pp. 213-225. Duggan, C. (2008) Giuseppe Mazzini in Britain and Italy: divergent legacies, 1837-1915. In: Bayly, C.A. and Biagini, E.F. (eds.) Giuseppe Mazzini and the globalization of democratic nationalism, 1830-1920. Proceedings of the British Academy. Oxford University Press, Oxford , pp. 187-207. ISBN 9780197264317 Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2008) Composition cyclique et programme d’illustrations. L’épisode de Grisandole dans le manuscrit enluminé de la Suite Vulgate du Merlin, B. L. Add. 10292. In: Cycle et collection. Itinéraires et contacts de Cultures, 41. L'Harmattan, pp. 213-233. Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2008) Introduction. In: Fabry-Tehranchi, I. and Le Cornec, C. (eds.) Les activités quotidiennes au Moyen Âge, Questes, 15. Université Paris IV, pp. 7-18.
Felix, J. Footitt, H. (2008) France: a people's history: 1944-46. In: Riera, M. and Schaffer, G. (eds.) The lasting war: society and identity in Britain, France and Germany after 1945. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 120-132. ISBN 9780230506718 Footitt, H. (2008) Language and culture in mass evacuations: the Basque children of 1937. In: Parsons, M. (ed.) Children: the invisible victims of war: an interdisciplinary study. DSM , Peterborough, pp. 151-166. ISBN 9780954722944
Félix, J. M. Goretti, L. (2008) I “neri bianchi": mezzadri di Greve in Chianti tra lotte sindicali e fuga dalle campagne (1945-1960). Odradek, Rome, pp233. ISBN 9788886973939 Knapp, A. and Sawicki, F. (2008) Political parties and the party system. In: Cole, A., le Galès, P. and Levy, J. (eds.) Developments in French Politics 4. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 42-59. ISBN 9780230537002 Knapp, A. (2008) La présidence au-dessus des partis: chronique d’une illusion. In: Dargent, R. (ed.) Vie et mort de la Ve République: 1958-2008. Libres (5). François-Xavier de Guibert, Paris, pp. 48-60. ISBN 9782755402858 Knapp, A. (2008) Le président au-dessus des partis: chronique d'une illusion. In: Vie et mort de la Ve république. François-Xavier de Guibert, Paris, pp. 47-60. ISBN 9782755402858
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D. Le Saux, F. (2008) "Gloser La Lettre": identity and power in the poetry of Marie de France. In: Kennedy, R. and Meecham-Jones, S. (eds.) Writers of the reign of Henry II: twelve essays. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 205-219. ISBN 9781403966445 Le Saux, F. (2008) Guillaume l'illegitime? La batardise de Guillaume de Conquerant dans le Roman de Rou de Wace. In: Legros, H. (ed.) Guillaume le Conquérant face aux défis. Paradigme, Orleans, pp. 149-163. ISBN 9782868782731 Le Saux, F. (2008) "La geste des trois fils Guillaume?" Henry I in Wace's Roman de Rou. Reading Medieval Studies, XXXIV. pp. 191-207. ISSN 0950-3129 Leglu, C. (2008) Languages in conflict in Toulouse: las leys d'amors. Modern Language Review, 103 (2). pp. 383-396. ISSN 0026-7937 Leglu, C. (2008) Maternal consolatio in Antoine de La Sale's reconfort de Madame de Fresne. In: Leglu, C. and Milner, S. (eds.) The erotics of consolation: desire and distance in the late middle ages. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 185-203. ISBN 9781403976192
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Rebuilding the tower of Babel in Girart de Roussillon.
In: Ailes, M., Le Saux, F. and Lawrence, A. Leglu, C. and Milner, S. (2008) The erotics of consolation: desire and distance in the late middle ages. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp252. ISBN 9781403976192 Mancinelli, T. (2008) Quando l'informatica incontra un testo letterario, in Giuseppe Gigliozzi, saggi di informatica umanistica. In: Trevisan, M. (ed.) La Libellula e Impromptu: due poemetti a confronto. Unicopli, Milan. Martin, A. (2008) Rerouting the self : Georg Forster and the art of self-translation. In: Nikalaou, P. and Kyritsi, M.-V. (eds.) Translating selves : experiences between languages and literatures. Continuum, London, pp. 155-168. ISBN 9780826499264 Martin, A. (2008) Moving scenes : the aesthetics of German travel writing on England, 1783-1830. Studies in Comparative Literature, 13. Legenda, Oxford, pp200. ISBN 9781906540081
Pappert, S. and Schroeter, M.
Pappert, S., Schroeter, M. Pesatori, S. (2008) Riscrivere parole d'Oro: Amelia Rosselli ed Emily Dickinson. Letteratura e letterature, 2. ISSN 1973-2600 Poole, S. (2008) Le Texte, autrement: opening the (language classroom) door to slam. The French Review, 82 (2). pp. 294-307. ISSN 0016-111X Poole, S. (2008) “Nous, au village, aussi …”; the recent and rapid rise of the polar à racines. Modern & Contemporary France, 16 (1). pp. 23-35. ISSN 1469-9869 doi:
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Schroeter, M. Tucker, G. H. (2008) 'Cygnes' du 'secret' et 'vers secretaires' chez Joachim Du Bellay. In: Gorris Camos, R. (ed.) “Il segretario è come un angelo”: trattati, raccolte, epistolari, vite, paradigmatiche, ovvero come essere un buon segretario nel Rinascimento. Gruppo di Studio sul Cinquecento Francese (14). Schena Editore, Fasano, pp. 293-323. ISBN 8882298067 Tucker, G. H. (2008) Jeux de refus et d’opposition, jeux de ténèbres et de lumière, dans 'L’Olive' (1549 ; 1550) de Du Bellay. In: Vinestock, E. and Forster, D. (eds.) Writers in Conflict in Sixteenth-Century France: Essays in honour of Malcom Quainton. Durham Modern Languages series. Durham University Press, Durham, pp. 323-243. ISBN 9780907310693 Tucker, G. H. (2008) Poétique et rhétorique de l’exclamation chez Rimbaud latiniste. Parade Sauvage: revue d’études rimbaldiennes. pp. 209-230. (Occasional Special Issue) Tucker, G. H. (2008) Sum Bellaius, et poëta : biographie, autobiographie et poétique de Joachim Du Bellay. In: Desan, P. (ed.) Cahiers parisiens/Parisian Notebooks. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 563--574. Waters, J. (2008) From continents noirs to collection blanche: from other to same? The case of Ananda Devi. e-france, 2. pp. 55-74. (special issue: ‘L’ici et l’ailleurs’: postcolonial literatures of the Francophone Indian Ocean) Waters, J. (2008) Introduction:‘L’ici et l’ailleurs’: postcolonial literatures of the Francophone Indian Ocean. e-france, 2. pp. 3-8. (special issue: ‘L’ici et l’ailleurs’: postcolonial literatures of the Francophone Indian Ocean) 2007Bryden, M. (2007) Gilles Deleuze: travels in literature. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp200. ISBN 9780230517530 Duggan, C. (2007) Gran Bretagna e Italia nel Risorgimento. In: Banti, A.M. and Ginsborg, P. (eds.) Storia d'Italia annali 22: il Risorgimento. Giulio Einaudi editore, Torino, pp. 777-796. ISBN 9788806167295 Duggan, C. (2007) La politica coloniale di Crispi. In: Ballini, P.L. and Pecorari, P. (eds.) Alla ricerca delle colonie (1876-1896). Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice, pp. 43-65. ISBN 9788888143866 Duggan, C. (2007) The force of destiny: a history of Italy since 1796. Penguin, London, pp688. ISBN 9780713997095 Duggan, C. (2007) Giuseppe Mazzini in Britain and Italy: divergent legacies, 1837-1915. The Italianist, 27 (2). pp. 263-281. ISSN 1748-619X doi: Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2007) "De rappels en prédictions, savoir convaincre et savoir agir : le rôle ambigu de Merlin, de la naissance d'Arthur à son accès au trône de Bretagne (dans le Merlin en prose et la Suite Vulgate)". L'Esplumoir, 6. pp. 15-23. Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2007) Le festin de l'homme sauvage dans la 'Suite Vulgate du Merlin' et le 'Roman de Silence': l'attrait de la nourriture et la mise en scène paradoxale du personnage de Merlin. In: La faim et l'appétit.
Felix, J. Footitt, H. (2007) The politics of political women: reassessing the first DEPUTEES. In: Knapp, A. (ed.) The uncertain foundation: France at the liberation 1944-47. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 87-102. ISBN 9780230521216
Heywood, S. Knapp, A. (2007) Introduction: France's "long" liberation, 1944-1947. In: Knapp, A. (ed.) The uncertain foundation: France at the liberation 1944-47. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9780230521216 Knapp, A. (2007) The destruction and liberation of Le Havre in modern memory. War in History, 14 (4). pp. 476-498. ISSN 1477-0385 doi: Knapp, A. (2007) The half-open window: France and Britain, 1944-1947. In: Knapp, A. (ed.) The uncertain foundation: France at the liberation 1944-47. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 207-233. ISBN 9780230521216 Knapp, A. and Cogan, C. (2007) Washington at the liberation, 1944-1947. In: Knapp, A. (ed.) The uncertain foundation: France at the liberation 1944-47. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 183-206. ISBN 9780230521216
La Penna, D. Leglu, C. (2007) L'art roman et la poésie occitane: une question de traduction. In: de Goustine, L. (ed.) Le Troubadour Marcabru et ses contemporains. Cahiers de Carrefour Ventadour, Moutiers-Ventadour, pp. 113-129. ISBN 9782916622002 Leglu, C. (2007) Nourishing lineage in Coudrette's Roman de Mélusine ou Histoire de Lusignan (1401). In: McNeill, I. and Stephens, B. (eds.) Transmissions: essays in French literature, thought and cinema. Modern French identities. Volume 51.. Peter Lang , Oxford, pp. 25-43. ISBN 9783039107346 Leglu, C. (2007) Between hell and a fiery mountain: Antoine de La Sale's ascent of Vulcano. Studies in Travel Writing, 11 (2). pp. 109-126. ISSN 1755-7550 doi: Leglu, C. (2007) Place and movement in the old French Chanson de Toile. Parergon, 24 (1). pp. 21-39. ISSN 1832-8334 doi: Nasti, P. (2007) Favole d'amore e "saver profondo": la tradizione salomonica in Dante. Angelo Longo Editore, Ravenna, pp272. ISBN 9788880635390 Nasti, P. (2007) Of this world and the other: Caritas-ecclesiology in Dante's Paradiso. The Italianist, 27 (2). pp. 206-232. ISSN 1748-619X doi: Noble, P. (2007) Baldwin of Flanders and Henry of Hainault as military commanders in the Latin empire of Constantinople. In: Housley, N. (ed.) Knighthoods of Christ: essays on the history of the Crusades and the Knights Templar presented to Malcolm Barber. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 65-76. ISBN 9780754655275 Poole, S. (2007) ‘Slambiguité’? Youth culture and the positioning of ‘Le Slam’ in France. Modern & Contemporary France, 15 (3). pp. 339-350. ISSN 1469-9869 doi: Robey, D., (2007) Sound and metre in Italian narrative. University of Reading, Reading. (Unpublished) Roe, I. (2007) Valency and the errors of learners of English and German. In: Herbst, T. and Glotz-Votteler, K. (eds.) Valency: theoretical, descriptive and cognitive issues. Trends in linguistics: studies & monographs. de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 217-228. ISBN 9783110195736 Rossi, M. (2007) Io come filosofo era stato dubbio: la retorica dei "Dialoghi" di Tasso. Le edizioni del Mulino, Bologna, pp280. ISBN 9788815121776
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Simó, M. Tucker, G. H. (2007) Compositions de Rimbaud latiniste, édition, notes, et traduction. In: Murphy, S., Bandelier, D., Claisse, B., Hüe, D. and Tucker, H. (eds.) Arthur Rimbaud: oeuvres completes T.II. Oeuvres diverses et lettres 1864/1865-1870. Textes de litterature moderne et contemporaine. Editions Honoré Champion, Paris, pp. 175-344. ISBN 9782745316882 Tucker, G. H. (2007) Jean Dorat et Giovanni Matteo (Giovam-matteo) Toscano, lecteurs des Pythiques de Pindare en 1566: le double témoignage des ouvrages publiés (1575-1580) de Toscano et d’un livre annoté par lui (1564-1566/7 [?]). In: Buzon, C. and Girot, J.-E. (eds.) Jean Dorat, poète humaniste de la Renaissance: actes du colloque international, Limoges, 6-8 juin 2001. Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance. Droz, Genève, pp. 199-236. ISBN 9782600009270 Tucker, G. H. (2007) Roma instaurata en dialogue avec Roma Prisca: la représentation néo-latine de Rome sous Jules III chez Vitalis, Du Bellay et Capilupi – de l’ekphrasis à la prosopopée. In: Lévy, C. and Galand-Hallyn, P. (eds.) Roma aeterna: voir, dire et penser Rome dans l’Antiquité et à la Renaissance. Camenae (2). l’Univ. Paris IV-Sorbonne, Paris, pp. 1-34. (journée d’études de l’équipe Traditions Romaines / Rome et ses renaissances, EPHE, Ve section, Paris IV-Sorbonne, 28 janv. 2006) Tucker, G.H. (2007) "Ce tenebreux voyle" de l'Olive (1549; 1550): formes et significations du recueil augmenté de 1550 (par rapport au recueil de 1549) vers un lecture textuelle, métatextuelle et intertextuelle. In: Soncini, A., Campagnoli, R. and Lysoe, E. (eds.) L'Olive de Joachim Du Bellay. CLUEB, Bologna, pp. 47-102. ISBN 9788849129168 Wagstaff, C. (2007) Dante in the cinema or Dante and the cinema? In: Braida, A. and Calè, L. (eds.) Dante on view: the reception of Dante in the visual and performing arts. Ashgate Publishing, Abingdon, pp. 163-176. ISBN 9780754658962 Wagstaff, C. (2007) Italian neorealist cinema: an aesthetic approach. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, pp514. ISBN 9780802095206 Waters, J. (2007) Writing Indochina: Marguerite Duras and Pascale Roze. In: Waters, J. and Giorgio, A. (eds.) Women's writing in western Europe: gender, generation and legacy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 85-101. ISBN 9781847181657 Waters, J. and Giorgio, A. (2007) Introduction: gender, generation and legacy. In: Waters, J. and Giorgio, A. (eds.) Women's Writing in Western Europe: Gender, Generation and Legacy. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, pp. 1-21. ISBN 9781847181657 Waters, J. and Giorgio, A. (2007) Women's writing in western Europe: gender, generation and legacy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp460. ISBN 9781847181657 Wolfel, U. (2007) Karl Mickel. In: Heukenkamp, U. and Geist, P. (eds.) Deutschsprachige Lyriker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, pp. 529-539. ISBN 9783503079995 Wolfel, U. (2007) Rede-Welten: zur Erzählung von Geschlecht und Sozialismus in der Prosa Irmtraud Morgners. Schriftenreihe Literaturwissenschaft, 77. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Trier, pp289. ISBN 9783884769348 2006Barker, P. J. (2006) Kirchenpolitik und ethnische Identität. Das Beispiel des sorbischen evangelischen Superintendenten in Sachsen. Lětopis, 53 (1). pp. 52-65. ISSN 0943-2787 Barker, P. J. (2006) “The Pain of a Dying Species” or the “New Waters” of a bicultural literature: Sorbian literature since 1990. Neohelicon, 33 (2). pp. 91-103. ISSN 1588-2810 doi: Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2006) La Suite Vulgate, 'Suite historique' du Merlin? Histoire et roman dans un récit arthurien en prose. Tracés, 10. pp. 75-94. Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2006) Continuity and discontinuity: illuminating and interlacing the adventures of Viviane and Merlin in the 'Prose Merlin'. Marginalia, 3. ISSN 1750-4953
Felix, J. Kallendorf, C., Tucker, G. H., Galland-Hallyn, P., Wiegand, H., Iurilli, A. and Pascual Barea, J. (2006) Acta conventus neo-Latini Bonnensis: proceedings of the twelfth international congress of neo-Latin studies (Bonn 2003). Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe, AZ, pp906. ISBN 9780866983600 Knapp, A. (2006) France: recent history. In: Western Europe 2007. 9th ed. The Europa regional surveys of the world. Routledge, London, pp. 210-216. ISBN 9781857433975 Knapp, A. and Wright, V., eds. (2006) The government and politcs of France. 5th edition. Routledge, London, pp535. ISBN 9780415357326
La Penna, D. Le Saux, F. (2006) Wace as hagiographer. In: Burgess, G.S. and Weiss, J. (eds.) Maistre Wace - a celebration. Jersiase, St. Helier, pp. 139-148. ISBN 090189740 x Nasti, P. (2006) Nozze e vedovanza: dinamiche dell'appropriazione biblica in Dante e Cavalcanti. Tenzone: revista de la Asociación Complutense de Dantología, 7. pp. 71-110. ISSN 1576-9216 Noble, P. (2006) 1204: the crusade without epic heroes. In: Bennett, P., Cobby, A. and Everson, J. (eds.) Epic and crusade: proceedings of the colloquium of the Société Rencesvals British Branch held at Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, 27 - 28 March 2004. British Rencesvals Publications (4). Société Rencesvals Brit ish Branch, Edinburgh, pp. 89-104. ISBN 0951979159 Robey, D. (2006) Rhythm and metre from the Liberata to the Conquistata. The Italianist, 26 (2). pp. 247-273. ISSN 1748-619X doi: Roe, I. (2006) Grillparzer: Weh dem, der lügt! In: Hutchinson, P. (ed.) Landmarks in German comedy. Britische und Irische Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur (35). Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 71-86. ISBN 9783039101856 Sampson, L. (2006) Pastoral drama. In: Farrell, J. and Puppa, P. (eds.) A history of Italian theatre. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 91-101. ISBN 9780521802659 Sampson, L. (2006) Pastoral drama in early modern Italy: the making of a new genre. Italian Perspectives, 15. Legenda, Oxford, pp282. ISBN 9781904713067
Schröter, M.
Schröter, M.
Schröter, M. Tucker, G.H. (2006) Homo viator: exil, plaisir et écriture. In: Galand-Hallyn, P. and Lévy, C. (eds.) Vivre pour soi, vivre dans la cité. Rome et ses renaissances. Presses de l'Université de Paris Sorbonne, Paris, pp. 201-219. ISBN 9782840504467 Tucker, G.H. (2006) Neo-Latin literary monuments to Renaissance Rome and the papacy 1553-1557: Janus Vitalis, Joachim du Bellay and Lelio Capilupi. In: Kallendorf, C., Tucker, H., Galand-Hallyn, P., Wiegand, H., Iurilli, A. and Pascual Barea, P. (eds.) Acta conventus neo-Latini Bonnensis: proceedings of the twelfth international congress of neo-Latin studies (Bonn 2003). Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe, pp. 81-20. ISBN 9780866983600 Vinall, S. (2006) In the footsteps of D'Annunzio: Anthologie-Revue de France et d'Italie and the promotion of Italian culture in France. The Italianist, 26 (2). pp. 274-310. ISSN 1748-619X doi: Vinall, S. (2006) Symbolism and Latinity: Anthologie-Revue de France et d'Italie and its diffusion of French literature in Italy. The Italianist, 26 (1). pp. 32-91. ISSN 1748-619X doi: Waters, J. (2006) Duras and Indochina: postcolonial perspectives. S.F.P.S. critical studies in postcolonial literature and culture. Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies, pp117. ISBN 9780954166212 2005Barker, P. J. (2005) The Sorbs of Lusatia, the Socialist Unity Party and the Soviet Union (1945-1953). In: Breuning, E., Lewis, J. and Pritchard, G. (eds.) Power and the people: a social history of central European politics, 1945–56. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 96-109. ISBN 9780719070693
Felix, J. Knapp, A. (2005) Prometheus (re)bound? The fifth republic and checks on executive power. In: Cole, A., le Galès , P. and Levy, J. (eds.) Developments in French politics 3. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 88-104. ISBN 9781403941800
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D. Le Saux, F. (2005) A companion to Wace. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, pp314. ISBN 9781843840435 Le Saux, F. (2005) The reception of the matter of Britain in thirteenth-century England: a study of some Anglo-Norman manuscripts of Wace's Roman de Brut. In: Prestwich, M., Britnell, R. and Frame, R. (eds.) Thirteenth century England X: proceedings of the Durham conference, 2003. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 131-146. ISBN 9781843831228 Robey, D. (2005) Humanist views on the study of poetry in the early Italian Renaissance. In: Minnis, A. and Johnson, I. (eds.) The Cambridge history of literary criticism. The Cambridge history of literary criticism , 2: the Mid (2). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 626-647. ISBN 9780521300070 Robey, D. (2005) Patterns of language in Dante: some computer-generated statistics. In: Ó Cuilleanáin, C. and Petrie, J. (eds.) Patterns in Dante: nine literary essays. Four Courts Press, Dublin, pp. 85-105. ISBN 9781851825424
Schröter, M. Tucker, G.H. (2005) L'Oiseau et l'enfant: ce "doux battement des ailes" chez Rimbaud latiniste (et dans ses débuts français). In: Murphy, S. (ed.) Vies et poétiques de Rimbaud. Parade Sauvage (5). Musée Bibliothèque Rimbaud, Charleville-Mézières, pp. 38-57. ISBN 9782904704116 Tucker, G.H. (2005) Montaigne et les néo-latins: 'Capilupus' et l'art du centon dans les Essais. Montaigne Studies, XVII (1-2). pp. 165-176. (Montaigne et les Anciens) Tucker, G.H. (2005) Philologus Exsulans: Petrus Alcyonius (1487-1528?), a Ciceronian translator of Aristotle and an exile in the republic of letters. In: Galand-Hallyn, P., Hallyn, F. and Tournoy, G. (eds.) La Philologie humaniste et ses représentations dans la théorie et la fiction. Romanica Gandensia. Université de Gand, Paris, pp. 157-199. ISBN 9782600046343 (Actes du colloque international de l'université de Gand (6 au 9 novembre 2002)) Waters, J. (2005) "Cholen, la capitale chinoise de l'Indochine francaise": rereading Marguerite Duras's (Indo)Chinese space. In: Robson , K. and Yee, J. (eds.) France and 'Indochina': Cultural Representations. After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France. Lexington Books, Lanham and New York, pp. 179-191. ISBN 9780739108390 Wolfel, U. (2005) Die autonome Produktion: Arbeitswelt in der Literatur um Beispiel von Angela Krauß' Das Vergnügen. In: Wolfel, U. (ed.) Literarisches Feld DDR: Bedingungen und Formen literarischer Produktion in der DDR. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzberg, pp. 31-51. ISBN 9783826031038 Wolfel, U. (2005) Literarisches Feld DDR: Bedingungen und Formen literarischer Produktion in der DDR. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzberg, pp232. ISBN 9783826031038 2004Barker, P. J. (2004) The party of Democratic Socialism as political voice of East Germany. In: Dennis, M. and Kolinsky, E. (eds.) United and divided: Germany since 1990. Berghahn Books, New York/Oxford, pp. 55-67. ISBN 9781571815132 Barker, R., E. (2004) Refugees, expellees and the language situation in Lusatia (1945–7). German Life and Letters, 57 (4). pp. 391-400. ISSN 1468-0483 doi: Cox, V. and Sampson, L. (2004) Flori, a pastoral drama: Maddalena Campiglia. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp360. ISBN 9780226092232 Duggan, C. (2004) Ideas of war and peace. In: Claeys, G. (ed.) Encyclopedia of nineteenth century thought. Routledge, London, pp. 207-212. ISBN 9780415244190 Duggan, C. (2004) The nation, nationalism and the national principle. In: Claeys, G. (ed.) Encyclopedia of nineteenth century thought. Routledge, London, pp. 350-354. ISBN 9780415244190
Faloppa, F. Feuille-Kendal, P. and Trouille, H. (2004) French prisons: une humiliation pour la République? Modern & Contemporary France, 12 (2). pp. 159-175. ISSN 1469-9869 doi: Feuillee-Kendal, P. (2004) Justice en France: un état des lieux. In: Feuillee-Kendal, P. and Trouille, H. (eds.) Justice on trial: the French 'juge' in question (Justice en question: le juge mis en examen). Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 29-60. ISBN 9783039101849 Feuillee-Kendal, P. and Trouille, H. (2004) Justice on trial: the French 'juge' in question (Justice en question: le juge mis en examen). Peter Lang, Oxford, pp295. ISBN 9783039101849 Feuillee-Kendall, P. (2004) Entretiens avec Pierre Lumbroso. In: Feuillee-Kendall, P. and Trouille, H. (eds.) Justice on trial: the French 'juge' in question (Justice en question: le juge mis en examen). Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 229-247. ISBN 9783039101849 Hainsworth, P. and Robey, D. (2004) Enciclopedia della Letteratura Italiana Oxford-Zanichelli. Zanichelli, Bologna, pp896. ISBN 9788808324047 (Edizione italiana a cura di Pasquale Stoppelli) Herbst, T., Heath, D., Roe, I. and Götz, D. (2004) A valency dictionary of English: a corpus-based analysis of the complementation patterns of English verbs, nouns and adjectives. Topics in English Linguistics, 40. de Gruyter, Amsterdam. ISBN 9783110171945 Jackman, G.M. (2004) ‘Gebranntes Kind’? W.G. Sebald's ‘Metaphysik Der Geschichte’. German Life and Letters, 57 (4). pp. 456-471. ISSN 1468-0483 doi: Jackman, G.M. (2004) Introduction. German Life and Letters, 57 (4). pp. 343-353. ISSN 1468-0483 doi: Knapp, A. (2004) Ephemeral victories? France's governing parties, the ecologists, and the far right. In: Mair, P., Müller , W. and Plasser, F. (eds.) Political parties and electoral change: party responses to electoral markets. Sage, London, pp. 49-85. ISBN 9780761947196 Knapp, A. (2004) Parties and the party system in France: a disconnected democracy? French politics, society and culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp440. ISBN 9780333920831
La Penna, D. Le Saux, F. (2004) On capitalization in some early manuscripts of Wace's Roman de Brut. In: Wheeler, B. (ed.) Arthurian studies in honour of P.J.C. Field. Arthurian Studies. D.S. Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 29-47. ISBN 9781843840138 Le Saux, F. (2004) War and knighthood in Christine de Pizan's 'Livre des fait d'armes et de chevallerie'. In: Le Saux, F., Saunders, C. and Thomas, N. (eds.) Writing war: medieval literary responses to warfare. D.S. Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 93-105. ISBN 9780859918435 Le Saux, F., Saunders, C. and Thomas, N. (2004) Writing war: medieval literary responses to warfare. D.S. Brewer, Woodbridge, pp246. ISBN 9780859918435 Medioli, F. (2004) I Balcani: un'esspressione geografica meramente immaginaria. In: Portolano adriatico: I giochi dello sguardo. L'Albania, i Balcani e l'Occidente. La Biblioteca, pp. 91-92. ISBN 9788888514581 Nobes, C. W. (2004) Régine Robin: "La Québécoite". In: Howells, C. A. (ed.) Where are the voices coming from? Canadian culture and the legacies of history. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 95-106. ISBN 9789042016231 Noble, P. (2004) Lanval, Sir Landevale et Sir Launfal: texte, traduction et adaptation. In: Beaulieu, J.-P. (ed.) D'une écriture à l'autre: les femmes et la traduction sous l'Ancien Régime. Perspectives on translation. University of Ottawa Press, Ottawa, pp. 73-80. ISBN 9782760305823 Noble, P. (2004) Anne Hébert: "Kamouraska and Les Fous de Bassan". In: Howells, C. A. (ed.) Where are the voices coming from? Canadian culture and the legacies of history. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 39-52. ISBN 9789042016231 Noble, P. (2004) Antonine Maillet: "Crache à pic and Mariaagélas". In: Howells, C. A. (ed.) Where are the voices coming from? Canadian culture and the legacies of history. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 61-72. ISBN 9789042016231 Noble, P. (2004) Bernard Assiniwi: "Le Bras-Coupé". In: Howells, C. A. (ed.) Where are the voices coming from? Canadian culture and the legacies of history. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 73-82. ISBN 9789042016231 Noble, P. (2004) Gabrielle Roy: "La petite Poule d'Eau". In: Howells, C. A. (ed.) Where are the voices coming from? Canadian culture and the legacies of history. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 15-28. ISBN 9789042016231 Noble, P. S. (2004) Women in the Vulgate Cycle: from saints to sorceresses. Reading Medieval Studies, XXX. pp. 57-74. ISSN 0950-3129 Poole, S. (2004) Brel and Chanson. University Press of America, Lanham, MD, pp136. ISBN 9780761829195 Robey, D. (2004) Introduction: interpretation and uncertainty. In: Sibley, R. and Ross, C. (eds.) Illuminating Eco: on the boundaries of interpretation. Warwick studies in the humanities . Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9780754636809 Roe, I. (2004) 'Die Dichterin im Bordell': the poetry of Ada Christen. Austrian Studies, 12 (1). pp. 44-64. ISSN 1350-7532 Sampson, L. (2004) 'Drammatica secreta': Barbara Torelli's 'Partenia' (c. 1587) and women in late sixteenth century theatre. In: Keen, C., Richardson, B. and Gilson, S. (eds.) Theatre, opera, and performance in Italy from the fifteenth century to the present. Society for Italian Studies Occasional Papers (6). The Society for Italian Studies/Maney, Leeds, pp. 99-115. ISBN 9780952590163 Siebenpfeiffer, H. and Wolfel, U., eds. (2004) Krieg und Nachkrieg: Konfigurationen der deutschsprachigen Literatur (1940-65). Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, pp227. ISBN 9783503079018 Simons, T. (2004) Alanis Obomsawin: "Kanehsatake". In: Howells, C. A. (ed.) Where are the voices coming from? Canadian culture and the legacies of history. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 205-216. ISBN 9789042016231 Simons, T. (2004) Denys Arcand: "Jésus de Montréal". In: Howells, C. A. (ed.) Where are the voices coming from? Canadian culture and the legacies of history. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 151-165. ISBN 9789042016231 Simons, T. (2004) Gilles Carle: "Maria Chapdelaine". In: Howells, C. A. (ed.) Where are the voices coming from? Canadian culture and the legacies of history. Amsterdam, Rodopi, pp. 123-136. ISBN 9789042016231 Simons, T. (2004) Jacques Savoie: "Massabielle". In: Howells, C. A. (ed.) Where are the voices coming from? Canadian culture and the legacies of history. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 191-202. ISBN 9789042016231 Simons, T. (2004) Léa Pool: "Anne Trister". In: Howells, C. A. (ed.) Where are the voices coming from? Canadian culture and the legacies of history. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 231-245. ISBN 9789042016231
Simó Comas, M. Tucker, G.H. (2004) Rimbaud latiniste: la formation d'un poète et d'un orateur. In: Murphy, S. (ed.) levRimbaud: textes et contextes d'une révolution poétique: Charille-Mézières, 13 - 15 septembre 2002, colloque. Musée-Bibliothèque Rimbaud, Charille-Mézières, pp. 5-28. ISBN 9782904704093 Wagstaff, C. (2004) Lo stilnovismo di Fellini: estetica e retorica piuttosto che interpretazione. In: Gli attori di Fellini: Giulietta, 50 anni dopo La Strada: atti del convegno di studi e testimonianze, Rimini, 29-31 ottobre 2004. Fondazione Federico Fellini, Rimini. Waters, J. (2004) Contextualising Métissage in Duras's Indochinese novels. Francophone Postcolonial Studies, 2 (1). pp. 79-82. Waters, J. (2004) Continents apart: intertextual subversion in Justine Mintsa's 'Histoire d'Awu'. Francophone Postcolonial Studies, 2 (2). pp. 34-50. Waters, J. (2004) Marguerite ou l'enchantement: l'angoisse de l'influence chez Alain Robbe-Grillet. In: Saemmer, A. and Patrice, S. (eds.) Les Lectures de Marguerite Duras. Presses Universitaires de Lyon, Lyon and Paris, pp. 269-277. ISBN 9782729707453 Waters, J. (2004) 'Ton continent est noir': rethinking feminist metaphors in Ananda Devi's 'Pagli'. Dalhousie French Studies, 68. pp. 45-55. Wieczorek, J. (2004) Johannes Bobrowski und Judith Kuckarts Lenas Liebe. In: Albrecht, D., Degen, A., Peitsch, H. and Völker, K. (eds.) Unverschmerzt Johannes Bobrowski: Leben und Werk. Martin Meidenbauer, Munich. ISBN 9783899755114 Wieczorek, J. (2004) Lebensentwurf und Gegenentwurf: Monika Maron und Judith Kuckart. In: Gilson, E. (ed.) Monika Maron in Perspective: ‘Dialogische’ Einblicke in zeitgeschichtliche, intertextuelle und rezeptionsbezogene Aspekte ihres Werkes. German Monitor (55). Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 205-224. ISBN 9789042013407 Wolfel, U. (2004) Berlin - Bilder keiner Großstadt: zur Darstellung und Funktion der Stadt in der Nachkriegsprosa Elisabeth Langässers. In: Siebenpfeiffer, H. and Wolfel, U. (eds.) Krieg und Nachkrieg: Konfigurationen der deutschsprachigen Literatur (1940-1965). Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, pp. 123-148. ISBN 9783503079018 2003De Sola, A. (2003) A critical edition of Penelope Aubin’s translation of Mme Gillot de Beaucour’s the adventures of the prince of Clermont, and Madam de Ravezan (1722). Studies in French Literature, 70. Edwin Mellen Press, Lampeter, pp203. ISBN 9780773466104
Felix, J. Hardman, P., Le Saux, F., Noble, P. and Thomas, N. (2003) The growth of the Tristan and Iseut legend in Wales, England, France and Germany. Studies in medieval literature (24). Edwin Mellen Press, Lampeter, pp214. ISBN 9780773468351 Knapp, A. (2003) From the Gaullist movement to the president's party. In: Evans, J. (ed.) The French party system. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 121-136. ISBN 9780719061202
La Penna, D.
La Penna, D. Le Saux, F. (2003) Un monde sans fenêtres? De l’Historia Regum Britanniae au Brut de Layamon. In: Connohie-Bourgne, C. (ed.) Par la fenestre: études de littérature et de civilisation médiévales. Publications de l'Université de Provence, Provence, pp. 295-305. ISBN 9782853995291 Medioli, F. (2003) Arcangela Tarabotti's reliability about herself: publication and self-representation (together with a small collection of previously unpublished letters). The Italianist, 23 (1). pp. 54-101. ISSN 1748-619X Poole, S. (2003) “Ce n'est qu'en chantant que vivent les enfants”: children and childhoods in the Chansons of Jacques Brel. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 39 (3). pp. 278-289. ISSN 1471-6860 doi: Robey, D. (2003) Introduction: new directions in humanities computing. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 18 (1). pp. 3-9. ISSN 0268-1145 doi: Sampson, L. (2003) The Mantuan performance of Guarini's Pastor fido and representations of courtly identity. Modern Language Review, 98 (1). pp. 65-83. ISSN 0026-7937 Tucker, G. H. (2003) "Homo Viator": itineraries of exile, displacement and writing in Renaissance Europe. Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 376. Droz, Geneva, pp396. ISBN 9782600008570 Tucker, G. H. (2003) Préface et collaboration. In: Markowicz, A. (ed.) William Shakespeare: La Tempête. Les Solitaires Intempestifs, Besançon, pp. 7-21. ISBN 9782846810807 Vinall, S. (2003) Princes and pierrots: Palazzeschi's early writing and La Forgue. Italian Studies, 58 (1). pp. 104-132. ISSN 0075-1634 Waters, J. (2003) Colonial undercurrents: the motif of the Mekong in Marguerite Duras's "Indochinese" texts. In: Forsdick, C. and Murphy, D. (eds.) Francophone Postcolonial Studies: A Critical Introduction. Arnold, London and New York, pp. 253-262. ISBN 9780340808023 Waters, J. (2003) Marguerite Duras and colonialist discourse: an intertextual reading of 'L'Empire français' and 'Un barrage contre le Pacifique'. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 39 (3). pp. 254-266. ISSN 1471-6860 doi: 2002
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La Penna, D. Noble, P. (2002) Le rire dans Vivien de Montbranc. In: L’épopée médiévale: Actes du XVe Congrès international de la Société Rencesvals (Poitiers, 21-27 août 2000). Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale, Poitiers, pp. 327-333.
Schroeter, M. Tucker, G. H. (2002) Déchets, déchéance et recyclage — corps, corps du monde et corps-texte — chez J. Du Bellay et M. de Montaigne. In: Rubin , D. L. (ed.) Strategic Rewriting. EMF: Studies in Early Modern France (8). Rookwood Press, Charlottesville, Virginia, pp. 1-24. 2001
Felix, J. Tucker, G. H., ed. (2001) Forms of the ‘Medieval’ in the ‘Renaissance’: a multidisciplinary exploration of a cultural continuum. EMF Critiques, 2. Rookwood Press, Charlottesville, Virginia, pp237. Tucker, G. H. (2001) Introduction: Petrarch’s curious mountain of virtue. In: Tucker, G. H. (ed.) Forms of the ‘Medieval’ in the ‘Renaissance’: a multidisciplinary exploration of a cultural continuum. EMF Critiques (2). Rookwood Press, Charlottesville, Virginia, pp. 1-26. 2000Tucker, G. H. (2000) 'Les Regrets' et autres œuvres poëtiques de Joachim Du Bellay. Collection Foliothèque, 84. Le Editions Gallimard, Paris, pp209. ISBN 207040515X Waters, J. (2000) Intersexual rivalry: a 'Reading in Pairs' of Marguerite Duras and Alain Robbe-Grillet. Modern French Indentities, 2. Peter Lang, Bern and New York, pp228. ISBN 9783906763743 1999
La Penna, D. Tucker, G. H. (1999) Desperans spero: le 'triste hyver' de J. Du Bellay. Caleidoscopio, 9. pp. 253-272. Tucker, G. H. (1999) Oubli et écriture chez Joachim Du Bellay. Revue des Sciences Humaines, 256. pp. 35-48. 1998Tucker, G. H. (1998) Invitation to love, invitation to poetry: Ronsard’s multi-layered text. In: Ford , P. J. and Jondorf, G. (eds.) The Art of Reading: Essays in Memory of Dorothy Gabe Coleman. Cambridge French Colloquia . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 45-55. Tucker, G. H. (1998) To Louvain and Antwerp, and beyond: the contrasting itineraries of Diogo Pires (Didacus Pyrrhus Lusitanus 1517-99) & João Rodrigues de Castelo Branco (Amatus Lusitanus 1511-68). In: Dequeker , L. and Verbeke, W. (eds.) The Expulsion of the Jews & their Emigration to the Southern Low Countries (15th-16th C.). Medievalia Lovaniensia Series I / Studia (26). Leuven University Press, Leuven, pp. 83-113. ISBN 9789061868644 1997
Leoussi, A. S. Tucker, G. H. (1997) Le 'cry non entendu' du poète: relecture intertextuelle de 'L'Olive' XLV [XLI, 1549] de Du Bellay. In: Le Calvez , E. and Canova-Green, M.-C. (eds.) Texte(s) et Intertexte(s). Faux Titre: Etudes de langue et litterature françaises (139). Rodopi, Amsterdam / Atlanta, pp. 55-70. Tucker, G. H. (1997) Mantua’s 'Second Virgil': Du Bellay, Montaigne and the curious fortune of Lelio Capilupi’s 'Centones ex Virgilio' (Romae, 1555). In: Tournoy , G. and Sacré, D. (eds.) Ut Granum Sinapis: Essays on Neo-Latin Literature in Honour of Jozef IJsewijn. Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia (12). Leuven University Press, Leuven, 264-291 . ISBN 9789061868163 Tucker, G. H. (1997) Rimbaud's (un)Holy Family? Metrics and obscenity in 'Tempus erat'... re-visited. In: De Smet, I. A. R. and Ford, P. J. (eds.) Eros et Priapus: érotisme et obscénité dans la littérature néo-latine. Cahiers d’Humanisme et Renaissance (51). Droz, Genève, pp. 157-181. ISBN 9782600002417 Tucker, G. H. (1997) Voix d’exil, voies divergentes chez deux marranes portugais: Diogo Pires 1517-99 et João Rodrigues de Castelo Branco 1511-68. Revue des Sciences Humaines, 245. pp. 33-49. 1996Tucker, G. H. (1996) Clement Marot, Ferrara, and the paradoxes of exile. In: Ford , P. J. and Jondorf , G. (eds.) Humanism & Letters in the Age of François Ier: Proceedings of the Fourth Cambridge French Renaissance Colloquium 19-21 September 1994. Cambridge French Colloquia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 171-193. ISBN 9780951164549 Tucker, G. H. (1996) Homo viator and the liberty of exile. In: Rubin , D. L. (ed.) Signs of the Early Modern 1: 15th and 16th Centuries. EMF: Studies in Early Modern France (2). Rookwood Press, Charlottesville, Virginia, pp. 29-66. Tucker, G. H. (1996) Beyond beauty: the aesthetics of the unsightly in the poetry of Joachim Du Bellay. Compar(a)ison: an International Journal of Comparative Literature (2). pp. 73-109. ISSN 0942-8917 1995Tucker, G. H. (1995) Les Allégories du silence, allégories de la réécriture, chez Joachim Du Bellay. In: O’Brien, J. (ed.) (Ré)interprétations: études sur le seizième siècle. Michigan Romance Studies (15). University of Mitchegan, pp. 33-54. ISBN 9780939730148 1994
Felix, J. Tucker, G. H. (1994) Joachim Du Bellay, poète français et néo-latin, entre l'exil et la patrie. Op cit: Revue de littératures française et comparée, 3. pp. 57-63. Tucker, G. H. (1994) Writing in exile: Joachim Du Bellay, Rome and Renaissance France. In: von Martels, Z.W.R.M. (ed.) Travel Fact and Travel Fiction: Studies on Fiction, Literary Tradition, Scholarly Discovery and Observation in Travel Writing. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History (55). Brill, Leiden, pp. 120-139. 1993Tucker, G. H. (1993) Exile exiled: Petrus Alcyonius (1487-1527?) in a travelling-chest. Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies, 2. pp. 83-103. Tucker, G. H. (1993) States of exile and displacement in neo-Latin writings of the Renaissance. Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies, 2. pp. 83-190. 1992Tucker, G. H. (1992) Didacus Pyrrhus Lusitanus (1517-99), poet of exile. Humanistica Lovaniensia, 41. pp. 175-198. Tucker, G. H. (1992) 'Roma Rediviva': André de Resende, Joachim Du Bellay, and the continuing legacy of Janus Vitalis’s Roman diptych. Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 54 (3). pp. 731-736. 1990Medioli, F. (1990) L'"Inferno monacale" di Arcangela Tarabotti. In: L'"Infenromonacale" di Arcangela Tarabotti. Rosenberg&Sellier, Turin, pp. 1-150. Murphy, S. and Tucker, G. H., eds. (1990) Rimbaud 'à la loupe' :hommage à C.A. Hackett. Parade Sauvage, Colloque N. Charleville-Mézières: Musée-Bibliothèque Rimbaud, pp245. ISBN 9892904704031 Noble, P. S. (1990) Saints in the Tristan Legend. Reading Medieval Studies, XVI. pp. 119-125. ISSN 0950-3129 Tucker, G. H. (1990) Du Bellay, Janus Vitalis et Lucain: la trame des mots dans les 'Antiquitez... plus un Songe' et dans quelques vers analogues des 'Poemata'. In: Cesbron, G. (ed.) Du Bellay: Actes du Colloque International d’Angers du 26 au 29 mai 1989. Presses de l’Universite d’Angers, pp. 149-160. Tucker, G. H. (1990) Joachim Du Bellay and the 'Antiquitez de Rome'. Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp318. ISBN 9780198158653 1988Tucker, G. H. (1988) Jésus à Nazareth (et Rimbaud à Charleville). Parade Sauvage: revue d’études rimbaldiennes, 5. pp. 28-37. 1986Tucker, G. H. (1986) Le Portrait de Rome chez Pannonius et Vitalis: une mise au point. Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 48 (3). pp. 751-756. 1985Tucker, G. H. (1985) Liturgie, Stryx et Cariatides dans 'L’Orgie parisienne ou Paris se repeuple'. Parade Sauvage: revue d’études rimbaldiennes, 2. pp. 21-27. Tucker, G. H. (1985) Sur les 'Elogia' (1553) de Janus Vitalis et les 'Antiquitez de Rome' de Joachim Du Bellay. Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 48 (1). pp. 103-112. 1983Noble, P. S. (1983) Filling a gap. Reading Medieval Studies, IX. pp. 95-97. ISSN 0950-3129 1982Tucker, G. H. (1982) Ulysses and Jason: a problem of allusion in Sonnet XXXI of 'Les Regrets'. French Studies, 36 (4). pp. 385-396. ISSN 1468-2931 doi: 1975Noble, P. (1975) Kay the seneschal in Chretien de Troyes and his predecessors. Reading Medieval Studies, I. pp. 55-70. ISSN 0950-3129 |