Items where Division is "Department of Computer Science"
Number of items at this level: 1261. AAbbo, D. (2017) The analysis of cyber security: the extended Cartesian method approach with innovative study models. PhD thesis, University of Reading. Abbo, D. and Sun, L. (2009) Security analysis of information systems. In: IADIS International Conference e-Society, Barcelona, Spain. Abbo, D. and Sun, L. (2009) The patterns for information system security [poster]. In: 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2009), Milan, Italy. Abd Aziz, A. Z. B. (2017) Vision-based spoofing face detection using polarised light. PhD thesis, University of Reading.
AbdAziz, A., Wei, H.
AbdAziz, A., Wei, H.
Abdelwahab, S., Ojha, V.
Acosta, M. C. Adams, A. A., Murata, K., Orito, Y. and Parslow, P. (2011) Emerging social norms in the UK and Japan on privacy and revelation in SNS. IRIE: the International Review of Information Ethics, 16. pp. 20-26. ISSN 1614-1687 Adams, A. A. and Ferryman, J. (2013) The future of video analytics for surveillance and its ethical implications. Security Journal. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1743-4645 doi: Adams, S. V., Ford, R. W., Hambley, M., Hobson, J.M., Kavčič, I., Maynard, C. M., Melvin, T., Müller, E. H., Porter, A. R., Rezny, M., Shipway, B. J. and Wong, W. (2019) LFRic: meeting the challenges of scalability and performance portability in weather and climate models. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 132. pp. 383-396. ISSN 0743-7315 doi: Adderley, R., Badii, A. and Wu, C. (2008) The automatic identification and prioritisation of criminal networks from police crime data. In: OrtizArroyo, D., Larsen, H.L., Zeng, D.D., Hicks, D. and Wagner, G. (eds.) Intelligence and security informatics, proceedings. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 5–14. ISBN 9783540898993
Adedoyin-Olowe, M., Gaber, M. M. and Stahl, F.
Adedoyin-Olowe, M., Gaber, M. M. and Stahl, F.
Adedoyin-Olowe, M., Gaber, M. M., Dancausa, C. M. and Stahl, F.
Adedoyin-Olowe, M., Gaber, M. M., Dancausa, C., Stahl, F. Adetoye, A. O. and Badii, A. (2009) A policy model for secure information flow. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5511. pp. 1-17. ISSN 0302-9743 doi: Aguilera, J., Thirde, D., Kampel, M., Borg, M., Fernandez, G. and Ferryman, J. (2006) Visual surveillance for airport monitoring applications. In: 11th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2006, Telc, Czech Republic. Aitken, D.L.P., Bishop, J.M., Mitchell, R. J. and Pepper, S.E. (1989) Pattern separation in digital learning nets. Electronics Letters, 25 (11). pp. 685-686. ISSN 0013-5194 doi:
Akpu, C. H., Wei, H. Al Ghamdi, S. (2018) Efficient clustering techniques for big data. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: Al Ghamdi, S. and Di Fatta, G. (2019) Efficient clustering techniques on Hadoop and Spark. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, 6 (3/4). pp. 269-290. ISSN 2053-1389 doi:
Al Ghamdi, S., Di Fatta, G. and Stahl, F. Al-Azawei, A. H. S. (2017) Modelling e-learning adoption: the influence of learning style and universal learning theories. PhD thesis, University of Reading. Al-Azawei, A. and Badii, A. (2014) State of the art of learning styles-based adaptive educational hypermedia systems (Ls-Baehss). International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, 6 (3). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0975-3826 doi: Al-Azawei, A., Parslow, P. and Lundqvist, K. (2016) Barriers and opportunities of e-learning implementation in Iraq: a case of public universities. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 17 (5). pp. 126-146. ISSN 1492-3831 doi: Al-Azawei, A., Parslow, P. and Lundqvist, K. (2015) A psychometric analysis of reliability and validity of the index of learning styles (ILS). International Journal of Psychological Studies, 7 (3). pp. 46-57. ISSN 1918-722X doi: Al-Dabbagh, A. (2019) The distributed p-median problem in computer networks. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:
Al-Khafajiy, M.
Al-Khafajiy, M.
Al-Khafajiy, M.
Al-Khafajiy, M.
Al-Khafajiy, M.
Al-Khafajiy, M.
Al-Khafajiy, M.
Al-Khafajiy, M.
Al-Khafajiy, M. AlDabbagh, A., Di Fatta, G. and Liotta, A. (2019) The distributed p-median problem in computer networks. In: ICCSA 2019 Conference, 1-4 Jul 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia, pp. 541-556. doi:
Alamoudi, S., Hong, X. Alforov, Y., Novikova, A., Kuhn, M., Kunkel, J. and Ludwig, T. (2018) Towards green scientific data compression through high-level I/O interfaces. In: SBAC-PAD 2018, 24-27 September, Lyon, France, pp. 209-216. Alghamdi, H. A. (2018) A service driven method for evaluating business and IT alignment. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:
Aljaidi, M., Aslam, N., Chen, X.
Aljaidi, M., Aslam, N., Kaiwartya, O., Chen, X. Allan, A. and Di Fatta, G. (2010) Effectiveness of landmark analysis for establishing locality in p2p networks. In: The Second International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems (AP2PS 2010), 25-30 October 2010, Florence, Italy, pp. 88-92. (ISBN: 9781612081021) Allan, A., Bradbury, J. and Di Fatta, G. (2011) Virtual landmarking for locality aware peer IDs. In: ThinkMind // AP2PS 2011, The Third International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems , November 20, 2011 to November 25, 2011 , Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 7-12. Almutairi, M. K. (2022) Expressive and explainable rule-based classification. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:
Almutairi, M., Stahl, F.
Almutairi, M., Stahl, F.
Almutairi, M., Stahl, F.
Almutairi, M., Stahl, F. Alowayr, A. S. (2018) Effectiveness of avatars representing teachers in M-learning in Saudi Arabia higher education. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: Alowayr, A. and Badii, A. (2014) Review of monitoring tools for e-learning platforms. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, 6 (3). pp. 79-86. ISSN 0975-3826 doi: Alsaffar, E., Sun, L. and Kabeil, M.M. (2009) E-governments' role activation in arab countries. In: International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME 2009) , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. doi: Alsaffar, E., Sun, L. and Kabeil, M. (2010) Impact of e-procurement systems on UAE government services. Systemics and Informatics World Network (SIWN), 8. pp. 102-107. ISSN 2044-7272 Alsaffar, E., Sun, L. and Kabeil, M.M. (2009) Effective e-procurement systems to support UAE government service provision. International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications. ISSN 1751-1461 Alsaffar, E., Sun, L. and Kabeil, M.M. (2007) Impact of e-procurement systems on UAE government services. In: International Conference on Adaptive Business Systems (ICABS 2007), Chengdu, China. Alsaffar, E., Sun, L. and Kabeil, M.M. (2009) A design of e-procurement infrastructure model for public service sector. In: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT 2009) , Beijing, China. doi:
Alsultan, A., Warwick, K. and Wei, H.
Alsultan, A., Warwick, K. and Wei, H.
Alsultan, A., Warwick, K. and Wei, H.
Alyami, R. and Wei, H. Alzubi, S. M. Y. (2022) Network intrusion detection system for detecting unknown network attacks using machine learning methods. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi:
Alzubi, S., Stahl, F.
Amaradio, M. N., Ojha, V.
Amoudi, S. A., Hong, X. Anderson, J. (2011) Evolutionary and revolutionary effects of transcomputation. In: 2nd IMA Conference on Mathematics in Defence 2011, October 2011, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, England.. Anderson, J. (2015) Transmathematical basis of infinitely scalable pipeline machines. In: ICCS 2015 Computational Science at the Gates of Nature, pp. 1828-1837. Anderson, J. A. D. W., ed. (1989) POP-11 comes of age: the advancement of an AI programming language. Ellis-Horwood, Chichester, pp592. ISBN 9780136505990 Anderson, J. A. D. W. (2002) Robot free will. In: ECAI 2002: 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 21-26 Jun 2002, Lyon, France, pp. 559-563. Anderson, J. A. D. W. (1989) Visual conviction. In: The Fifth Alvey Vision Conference, 1989, UK, pp. 301-303. Anderson, J. A. D. W., Sullivan, G.D. and Baker, K. (1988) Constrained constructive solid geometry: a unique representation of scenes. In: The Fourth Alvey Vision Conference, 1988, UK, pp. 91-96. Anderson, J. A. D. W. (1993) Canonical description of the perspective projections. In: Melter, R. A. and Wu, A. Y. (eds.) Vision Geometry. SPIE Proceedings (1832). SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, pp. 300-311. ISBN 9780819410337 doi: Anderson, J. A. D. W. (2002) Exact numerical computation of the rational general linear transformations. In: SPIE Vision Geometry XI, 7 July 2002, Seattle, USA, pp. 22-28. doi: Anderson, J. A. D. W. (2019) Foundations of transmathematics. Transmathematica. ISSN 2632-9212 doi: Anderson, J. A. D. W. (2002) Perspex machine. In: SPIE Vision Geometry XI, 7 July 2002, Seattle, USA, pp. 10-21. doi: The University of Reading (2010) Processors. GB2462770. doi: GB2462770 Anderson, J. A. D. W. (1997) Representing geometrical knowledge. Philsophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 352 (1358). pp. 1129-1139. ISSN 1471-2970 doi: Anderson, J. A. D. W. (1994) The programming language standards scene, ten years on paper 19: Pop. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 16 (5-6). pp. 547-553. ISSN 0920-5489 doi:
Anderson, J. A. D. W. and Sweby, P. K. Anderson, J. A. D. W., Baker, K.D. and Sullivan, G.D. (1986) ‘Model’: a POPLOG package to support model-based vision. Image and Vision Computing, 4 (2). pp. 115-119. ISSN 0262-8856 doi: Anderson, J. A.D.W. and Gomide, W. (2014) Transreal arithmetic as a consistent basis for paraconsistent logics. In: International Conference on Computer Science and Applications (WCECS 2014), 22-24 October 2014, San Francisco, USA,, pp. 103-108. Anderson, J. A.D.W. and dos Reis, T. S. (2014) Transreal limits expose category errors in IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic and in mathematics. In: International Conference on Computer Science and Applications (WCECS 2014), 22-24 October 2014, San Francisco, USA,, pp. 86-91. Anderson, J. A.D.W. (2014) Trans-floating-point arithmetic removes nine quadrillion redundancies from 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic. In: International Conference on Computer Science and Applications (WCECS 2014), 22-24 October, 2014, San Francisco, USA, pp. 80-85. Anderson, J.A.D.W. (2008) Perspex machine XI: topology of the transreal numbers. In: IMECS 2008: international multiconference of engineers and computer scientists. International Association of Engineers, Hong Kong, pp. 330-338. ISBN 9789889867188 Anderson, J.A.D.W. (2005) Perspex Machine II: Visualisation. In: Vision Geometry XIII. Proceedings of SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA. Anderson, J.A.D.W. (2005) Perspex Machine III: Continuity Over the Turing Operations. In: Vision Geometry XIII. Proceedings of SPIE , San Jose, CA, USA. Anderson, J.A.D.W. (2005) Perspex Machine IV: Spatial Properties of Computation. AISB Quarterly (121). p. 7. Anderson, J.A.D.W. (2006) Perspex machine VII: The universal perspex machine. In: Conference on Vision Geometry 14, San Jose, USA. Anderson, J.A.D.W. (2007) Perspex machine IX: transreal analysis. In: SPIE. doi: Anderson, J.A.D.W., Volker, N. and Adams, A.A. (2007) Perspex machine VIII: axioms of transreal arithmetic. In: SPIE. doi:
Andersson, M., Johansson, R., Stenborg, K.-G., Forsgren, R., Cane, T., Taberski, G., Patino, L. Anwer, M. S. (2017) Improving TCP behaviour to non-invasively share spectrum with safety messages in VANET. PhD thesis, University of Reading. Aplin, K. L., Bennett, A. J., Harrison, R. G. and Houghton, I. M. P. (2016) Electrostatics and in situ sampling of volcanic plumes. In: Mackie, S., Cashman, K., Ricketts, H., Rust, A. and Watson, M. (eds.) Volcanic Ash. Elsevier, pp. 99-113. ISBN 9780081004050 doi: Aquilera, J., Wildernauer, H., Kampel, M., Borg, M., Thirde, D. and Ferryman, J. (2005) Evaluation of Motion Segmentation Quality for Aircraft Activity Surveillance. In: The Second Joint IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (VS-PETS 2005), Beijing, China. Ashdown, I. D. and Mitchell, R. J. (2005) Dynamic automata for mobile robot learning. In: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Calgary. Ashlam, A. (2024) Multi-phase algorithmic framework to prevent SQL injection attacks using improved machine learning and deep learning to enhance database security in real time. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: Ashlam, A. A., Badii, A. and Stahl, F. (2023) Data-mining and hashing to prevent application-layer DDoS and SQL injection attacks. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies, 29 Apr 2023 - 01 May 2023, Hammamet, Tunisia. doi:
Ashlam, A. A., Badii, A. and Stahl, F.
Ashlam, A. A., Badii, A. and Stahl, F.
Ashlam, A. A., Badii, A. and Stahl, F. Assaf, O. (2024) Multivariate and multi-task deep learning architectures for improved stock market prediction and risk management. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: Assaf, O., Di Fatta, G. and Nicosia, G. (2022) Multivariate LSTM for stock market volatility prediction. In: Nicosia, G., Ojha, V., La Malfa, E., La Malfa, G., Jansen, G., Pardalos, P. M., Giuffrida, G. and Umeton, R. (eds.) Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science: 7th International Conference, LOD 2021, Grasmere, UK, October 4–8, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (13164). Springer, pp. 531-544. ISBN 978303954697 doi: Atmakuru, A., Di Fatta, G., Nicosia, G. and Badii, A. (2024) Improved filter-based feature selection using correlation and clustering techniques. In: Nicosia, G., Ojha, V., La Malfa, E., La Malfa, G., Pardalos, P. M. and Umeton, R. (eds.) Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science: 9th International Conference, LOD 2023, Grasmere, UK, September 22–26, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14505. Springer, pp. 379-389. ISBN 9783031539688 doi:
Atmakuru, A., Di Fatta, G., Nicosia, G., Varzandian, A. and Badii, A.
Sensitivity analysis for feature importance in predicting Alzheimer’s Disease.
In: Nicosia, G., Ojha, V.
Atmakuru, A., Badii, A. and Di Fatta, G.
Transfer learning for the cognitive staging prediction in Alzheimer's Disease.
In: Nicosia, G., Ojha, V.
Ausoni, J. T., Mitchell, R. and Holderbaum, W.
Ayers, D. Ayiad, M. (2020) Asynchronous epidemic algorithms for consistency in large-scale systems. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: Ayiad, M. M. and Di Fatta, G. (2019) An adaptive restart mechanism for continuous epidemic systems. In: International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems, 10-12 October, Naples, Italy, pp. 57-68. doi: Ayiad, M. M. and Di Fatta, G. (2018) Agreement in epidemic data aggregation. In: The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Dec. 15-17, 2017, Shenzhen, China. Ayiad, M. M. and Di Fatta, G. (2018) Robust epidemic aggregation under churn. In: The 10th International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing System 2017 (IDCS 2017), 11 -13 December 2017, Mana Island Resort & Spa, Fiji, pp. 173-185. Ayiad, M., Katti, A. and Di Fatta, G. (2016) Agreement in epidemic information dissemination. In: International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems, 28-30 Sept 2016, Wuhan, China, pp. 95-106. doi: BBabtie, A. C., Stumpf, M. P. H. and Thorne, T. (2019) Gene regulatory network inference. In: Voit, E. (ed.) Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences. Elsevier. doi: Badii, A. (2008) Research agenda in context-specific semantic resolution of security and QoS for ambient intelligence. In: The internet of things and services 1st international research workshop, Sophia-Antipolis, France. Badii, A. (2008) User-intimate requirements hierarchy resolution framework (UI-REF). In: AmI-08: Second European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Nuremberg, Germany. Badii, A. (2008) Virtual user systems: the rationale and practice. In: Ambient assisted living: virtual user platforms, Lyon, France. Badii, A. (2008) The challenges in intimate-assistive-rehabilitative systems design: from requirements to design and evaluation. In: 1st CompanionAble Workshop at the AbleTech08 , Bilbao, Spain. Badii, A. (2008) The internet of things and services: a research agenda. In: Internet of Things & Services (IoTS) Network Session at the European ICT Conference (ICT 2008), Lyon, France. Badii, A. and Fuschi, D.L. (2008) User-intimate requirements hierarchy resolution framework (UI-REF) in work-flow design for 3D media production and distribution. In: 4th international conference on automated solutions for cross media content and multi-channel distribution, Florence, Italy. Badii, A. and Patel, D. (2008) Evolving features-algorithms knowledge map to support NIDS data intelligence and learning loop architecting – a generalised approach to NIDS pattern feature space knowledge processing. In: European and Mediterranean conference on information systems 2008 (EMCIS 2008), Al Bostan Rotana, Dubai, UAE. Badii, A. and Thiemert, D. (2009) The CompanionAble Project. In: CIB W098 international workshop, Belgium . Badii, A. and Thiemert, D. (2009) UI-REF for AAL in the context of IoPTS. In: 3rd International Workshop on Trustworthy Internet of People, Things and Services (IoPTS) , Brussels, Belgium. Badii, A. and Thiemert, D. (2009) The future of human machine interaction – integrated robots and smart homes. In: International Conference ICT that makes the Difference, Brussels, Belgium. Badii, A. and Thiemert, D. (2009) The integrated framework architecture of the companionAble robot and smart home. In: 2nd CompanionAble Workshop co-located with the AmI2009 , Salzburg, Austria. Badii, A., Adetoye, A., Patel, D. and Hameed, K. (2008) Efficient FPGA-based regular expression pattern matching. In: European and Mediterranean conference on information systems 2008 (EMCIS 2008), Al Bostan Rotana, Dubai, UAE. Badii, A., Adetoye, A., Thiemert, D. and Hoffmann, M. (2008) A framework architecture for semantic resolution of security for AMI. In: The internet of things and services 1st international research workshop, Sophia-Antipolis, France. Badii, A., Adetoye, A.O., Thiemert, D. and M., H. (2009) Hydra semantic security resolution framework to support ambient intelligent environments. In: 1st International Workshop on Distributed Computing in Ambient Environments (DiComAe) at 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Paderborn, Germany. Badii, A., Bagnoli, F., Balazs, B., Castellani, T., D'Orazio, D., Ferri, F., Grifoni, P., Pacini, G., Serban, O. and Valente, A. (2016) Collective awareness platforms and digital social innovation mediating consensus seeking in problem situations. In: International Conference on Internet Science, 12-14 Sep 2016, Florence, Italy, pp. 55-65. doi: Badii, A., Carter, A., Handzlik, A., Bojanic, S., Englert, T., Patel, D., Pejovic, V., Chorazyczewski, A., Hameed, K. and Bankovic, Z. (2009) Real-time context-aware network security policy enforcement system (RC-NSPES). In: 5th International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS), Valencia, Spain. Badii, A., D., F. and Zhu, M. (2009) Integrative workflow-embedded support for process automation and management. In: European and Mediterranean conference on information systems 2009 (EMCIS2009), Izmir, Turkey . Badii, A., Einig, M., Tiemann, M., Thiemert, D. and Lallah, C. (2012) Visual context identification for privacy-respecting video analytics. In: IEEE 14th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2012), 17-19 Sep 2012, Banff, Canada, pp. 366-371. Badii, A., Etxeberria, I., Huijnen, C., Maseda, M., Dittenberger, S., Hochgatterer, A., Thiemert, D. and Rigaud, A.-S. (2009) CompanionAble- graceful integration of mobile robot companion with a smart home environment. Gerontechnology, 8 (3). p. 185. doi: Badii, A., Etxeberria, I., Huijnen, C., Maseda, M., Dittenberger, S., Hochgatterer, A., Thiemert, D. and Rigaud, A.-S. (2009) CompanionAble- mobile robot companion and smart home system for people with mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 13 (Supplement). S113. doi: Badii, A., Faulkner, R., Raval, R., Glackin, C. and Chollet, G. (2017) Accelerated encryption algorithms for secure storage and processing in the cloud. In: 2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), 22-24 May 2017, Fez, Morocco, pp. 1-6. doi: Badii, A., Fuschi, D., Khan, A. and Adetoye, A. (2009) Accessibility-by-design: a framework for delivery-context-aware personalised media content re-purposing. In: Holzinger, A. and Miesenberger, K. (eds.) HCI and usability for e-inclusion, proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science, 5889. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 209-226. ISBN 9783642103070 Badii, A., Khan, A. and D., F. (2009) One’s own soundtrack: affective music synthesis. In: European and Mediterranean conference on information systems 2009 (EMCIS2009), Izmir, Turkey. Badii, A., Khan, A. and Fuschi, D. (2009) One’s own soundtrack: music affectivisation. CALLAS Newsletter, 2 (2). pp. 3-7. Badii, A., Khan, A., Adetoye, A. and Fuschi, D. (2008) High resolution digital media personalisation for all delivery context device agents. In: 14th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS 2008), Boston, USA. Badii, A., Kolomiyets, O., Lallah, C., Khan, A., Zhu, M. and Gardiner-Jones, B. (2007) State-of-the-art for entity-centric repository and authoring environment for multimedia. In: Lang, C., Li, X., Han, Z. and Gay, R. K. L. (eds.) Lecture Notes in Signal Science, Internet and Education. Electrical and Computer Engineering. World Scientific and Engineering Acad and Soc, Athens, pp. 226-232. ISBN 9789606766060 Badii, A., Lallah, C., Kolomiyets, O., Zhu, M. and Crouch, M. (2008) Semi-automatic annotation and retrieval of visual content using the topic map technology. In: Proceedings of the 1st Wseas International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Simulation. Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering. World Scientific and Engineering Acad and Soc, Athens, pp. 77-82. ISBN 9789604740222 Badii, A., Lallah, C., Zhu, M. and Crouch, M. (2009) The DREAM Framework: using a network of scalable ontologies for intelligent indexing and retrieval of visual content. In: BaezaYates, R., Berendt, B., Bertino, E., Lim, E. P. and Pasi, G. (eds.) 2009 IEEE/Wic/Acm International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence. IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, pp. 551-554. ISBN 9781424453313 Badii, A., Patel, D. and Bragg, H. (2008) Design and evaluation of intelligent classifier based intrusion detection system. In: European and Mediterranean conference on information systems 2008 (EMCIS 2008), Al Bostan Rotana, Dubai, UAE. Badii, A., Sailor, M. and Nair, R. R. (2006) Profiling management for personalised multimedia delivery on-demand within the AXMEDIS framework. In: Ng, K., Badii, A. and Bellini, P. (eds.) AXMEDIS 2006: Second International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-Channel Distribution, Proceedings. IEEE, Los Alamitos, pp. 35-42. ISBN 9780769526256 Badii, A., Zhu, M., Lallah, C. and Crouch, M. (2009) Semantic-driven context-aware visual information indexing and retrieval: applied in the film post-production domain. In: Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Visual Intelligence (CIVI), Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Badii, A. and Boudy, J. (2009) CompanionAble: integrated cognitive assistive and domotic companion robotic systems for ability and security. In: 1st Congres of the Société Française des Technologies pour l’Autonomie et de Gérontechno- logie (SFTAG’09), Troyes, France. Badii, A. and Khan, W. (2019) Pathological gait abnormality detection and segmentation by processing the hip joints motion data to support mobile gait rehabilitation. Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences, 7 (3). pp. 754-762. ISSN 2576-8816 Badii, A. and Thiemert, D. (2008) A framework towards multi-modal fingerprinting scheme for multimedia assets. In: European and Mediterranean conference on information systems 2008 (EMCIS 2008), Al Bostan Rotana, Dubai, UAE. Badii, A. and Thiemert, D. (2009) CompanionAble: integrated cognitive assistive and domotic companion robotic systems for ability and security. In: Workshop on Human-Machine-Interaction at KI 2009, Paderborn, Germany. Badii, A. and Thiemert, D. (2010) A framework towards a multi-modal fingerprinting scheme for multimedia assets. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 6 (1). pp. 133-149. doi: Badii, A., Al-Obaidi, A., Einig, M. and Ducournau, A. (2013) Holistic privacy impact assessment framework for video privacy filtering technologies. Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal, 4 (6). pp. 13-32. ISSN 2229 - 3922 doi: Badii, A., Khan, A., Raval, R., Oudi, H., Ayora, R., Khan, W., Jaidi, A. and Viswanathan, N. (2014) Situation assessment through multi-modal sensing of dynamic environments to support cognitive robot control. Factas Universitatis: Mechanical Engineering, 12 (3). pp. 251-260. ISSN 2335-0164 Badii, A., Lallah, C., Kolomiyets, O., Zhu, M. and Crouch, M. (2008) KAIFIA: Knowledge assisted intelligent framework for information access. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4999. pp. 226-236. ISSN 0302-9743 978-3-540-70873-5 Badii, A., Lallah, C., Zhu, M. and Crouch, M. (2009) Semi-automatic knowledge extraction, representation and context-sensitive intelligent retrieval of video content using collateral context modelling with scalable ontological networks. Signal Processing-Image Communication, 24 (9). pp. 759-773. ISSN 0923-5965 doi: Badii, A., Sailor, M., Marangoni, C., Neglia, A. and Pearce, L. (2005) Object life cycles & interaction environments for cross media production & distribution. In: Nesi, P., Ng, K. and Delgado, J. (eds.) First International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, pp. 279-286. ISBN 076952348X Badii, A., Sailor, M., Marangoni, C., Neglia, A. and Pearce, L. (2005) Workflow data exchange semantics, object discovery & integration architecture for cross media production & distribution. In: Nesi, P., Ng, K. and Delgado, J. (eds.) First International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution, Proceedings. IEEE , Los Alamitos, pp. 101-108. ISBN 076952348X Badrul, N. A. B. (2016) Analysis of obligatory disclosure regarding individual’s privacy. PhD thesis, University of Reading.
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